• Member Since 4th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Monday

Pensive Wright

I write clop. Mostly femdom, but some other stuff, too.

Comments ( 28 )

So I was nearing the end of this chapter when I heard fireworks outside, and realized it was 2018 all of a sudden. First time I've had a boner from one year into the next.

The kidnapping scene made me a little sick; would've played out better with female batponies. The femdom, on the other hand, was quite nice. Though really I'm just waiting for Spike's chapters.

Sexy, and very worthy of Caroo-based art. I do hope you'll continue.

Why haven't you finished the second chapter yet?

Applejack and Rarity raping Spike. I must've died and gone to heaven.

Comment posted by Swashbucklist deleted Aug 12th, 2018

Dusk needs to be dominated by maniac

Had no idea one of my sketches was adapted into such a fantastic work. :D That's amazing. Thank you for the fun story. :D

Sorry, but that'll be Spike's chapter (it's in one of the pictures above)

And as she humped, the rainbow pegasus ... continued to assault his neck, licking, kissing, nibbling. The alicorn instinctively turned his head to try to shield himself, but she just saw that as a challenge, and kept trying to get at whichever parts he left vulnerable until his head was writhing around furiously on the mattress. Dash ... was enjoying chasing him down as he struggled..."

That's insanely hot. Love that kind of aggressive intimacy when it's the woman being predatory.

This what I'm talking about this chapter has a satisfying ending with the will being broken and total submission

oh I was expecting a chapter with spike in the world of eg and some fun with your dog shape with the girls of eg

I love what Shim did with the ice cream. Yes, that's all I have to say about this chapter, other than it's still my favorite kind of femdom.

And since it is my favorite kind, it's a shame this is on hiatus. I was looking forward to the Maneiac-on-Spike chapter more than anything (it's a fair trade, though, since I got my Top Two favorite ships: Rarity and Applejack dominating Spike, and Spike under the rule of a Trixiearchy).

Whether or not you're taking suggestions (probably not), I feel compelled to share my own concept for a Mane-iac chapter:
Spike buys a special adult publication of a Power Ponies comic, and finds what he expects to see inside: Mane-iac using her hair to tenta-rape a helpess Humdrum. Then something funny starts to happen: whenever his field of vision travels away from the comic, he feels something physical molesting him. The touching becomes increasingly aggressive, but the hair-tentacle disappears too quickly for him to confirm. When he finally finishes the book and sets it down on his lap, something firmly clamps down on his groin and sucks him into the Power Ponies world. He finds himself in a comfortable Evil Lair in the clutches of an extra-horny, batshit-crazy Mane-iac. The instructions stated that completing the story and escaping the comic requires him to dominate Mane-iac in bed. But the Deranged Dominatrix has anticipated this and taken redundant steps against her own world to make certain her new victim will never get a single chance to be in control. And in her [fun] insanity, she has convinced herself that he doesn't want to escape, ever.

I do be liking dom Sunset alot.

Spike couldn’t believe the lunacy he was hearing, but that only made the reality and direness of the situation sink in for him. This crazed mare had drugged him, stripped him and tied him up, and was now going to have her way with his body (and hoped to do the same with his brother) because they’d rightfully exposed her as a fraud.

Shes a showswoman to be fair, its their job and livelihood to make up falsehoods.

I am so happy this is back!! are we going to get a continuation to this chapter or is it still a Standalone?

They're all standalones. It's an anthrology.

Oh well, still I am happy the stories back! The latest chapter does give out some interesting ideas!

great to see your back.

How about day six of these three. want to see some sex for sure.

Noice! I'd like to see something done with a R63 Pharynx, before he is 'changed'.

Wait, did Dusk win or did he lose? or this was a twist ending?

There's a time skip. The first part takes place during the events of the movie, the ending takes place after.

It was a nice journey.

My head Canon is that after the last chapter dusk and sci-dusk managed to get their hands on the element back however with all of the negative things that happened it led sci-dusk to have a demon transformation on which he used all of that power to get revenge on these people who hurt him after this medicine of display of magic would also give his location to his friends which have been looking for him this whole time and using the power of the elements managed to bring him back to human form that's what I think happened after the last chapter

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