• Published 29th Dec 2017
  • 3,916 Views, 374 Comments

Iron Mountain - computerneek

An ancient war machine is awakened by an enemy strike- but can it figure out what's going on?

  • ...



“Ack!” Rarity yelps again as her teapot smashes on her table, spraying boiling tea everywhere. Fortunately, Twilight reacts fast enough to control the errant liquid before it hurts anypony, but the tablecloth is already stained. Good thing she made it herself, Rarity considers- she knows exactly what it is… And how to safely remove any stain from it. “Sorry about that!”

“Don’t worry about it,” Applejack answers, while Twilight concentrates on the teapot repairs. “We know you’re still recovering from that, uh, thing.”

Rainbow nods. They’d all found out about each other’s injuries, past and ongoing, during their stay in Zeus’ hull. “Better to use it than not, as Zeus is so fond of saying,” she says.

Fluttershy lets out a soft yelp, leaping backwards into the air. She likes using Zeus’ massive processing power to help her keep track of everything- and is the only pony to regularly have her com’s neural link active. As a side effect, she’s no longer quite so shy- nor nearly so skittish. Especially with no discernible cause. So of course, Pinkie- whose famous Pinkie Sense is a so-far-unreturned casualty from last week- stares at her, trying to figure out exactly what tidbit of information Zeus just sent her. The other three are also distracted, looking towards their shy friend.

Woe unto those who let themselves become distracted. It happens too fast for Twilight to warn anypony- but since her eyes are on the still unrepaired teapot when her spell falls apart, she is able to dodge the steaming tide herself. She’d noticed Fluttershy’s motion- at the same time as she had noticed the pending collapse of the spell. Zeus must have picked up on the fluctuation in her horn and warned their golden friend- but not had time for the others. That reminds her, while Pinkie, Applejack, and Rainbow all get doused in the scalding liquid, he often doesn’t bother to deliver a warning he considers useless- or too late.

Fluttershy clears her throat, hovering gently over the table to cool the liquid before it can soak further into everypony’s fur. “Careful, it’s hot,” she mutters, her face contorted into a snicker.

That, Twilight decides, is a less fortunate side effect. Zeus’ sense of humor seems to have no trouble manifesting itself through their shy friend, when linked. He’s shown a willingness to deliberately withhold a warning, and to give it right after they run afoul of it, apparently for a laugh. Honestly, she’d been glad Pinkie had been the first to try that ‘flavorful curry’ of his- it’d been too spicy even for HER! Suffice it to say, nopony else had touched it.

Rarity winces as a few stray drops strike her hooves, staring open-mouthed at the new lake forming under her table. “Everypony okay?” she asks.

“Yeppers,” Pinkie replies, splashing hot liquid everywhere with her characteristic bounce.

Applejack uses one sodden hoof to shield her eyes from Pinkie’s splashing. “Mostly,” she agrees.

Rainbow wrenches her head free of the ceiling, where it had ended up when she jumped with surprise. “Ow. Am I, Zeus?” She runs a hoof across the top of her head, as if feeling for damage.

He sends his response to everypony’s links. “Mostly. You’ve managed to crush your left earlobe, scratch your right eyeball, and bruise your rump, all well within immediate repair capability.”

Everypony laughs as Rainbow drops back to the ground, checking for the aforementioned bruise. Of course Rainbow would ask the one with control over the fancy self-replicating medical nanites he gave them.

Twilight turns back towards the teapot, her horn flickering briefly before it goes out again. “Any clue why I haven’t been recharging?”

“Easy- your magic gland has shut down for remodeling.”

“Remodeling?” Applejack asks. “What in the hay is that supposed to mean?”

“Exactly what it means in the dictionary.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “So it’s changing?”


“How is it changing?”


Her other eyebrow goes up as she dons her skeptical expression. “What is it doing to change?”

“Apoptosis and cellular division.”

Twilight’s hoof meets her face. No, not going to ask. Not going to ask, no. It’s a trap…. Ah, hay with it. “What are a-pop-toast-ice and cell-U-lar division?”

Called it.

Almost a full hour later, Zeus finishes explaining apoptosis, thankfully to Twilight only.

By this point, the spilled tea, tablecloth, and teapot have been cleaned up, and Rarity has procured new tea in a new pot, which she manages to settle safely on the fresh tablecloth with her unstable magic. “I really do wish that thing hadn’t attacked us,” she mutters.

“We still don’t know why it left the Tree when Zeus erased the reviving Plunderseeds,” Rainbow chimed in.

“Or why our trip was quite so quiet,” Rarity states. “I know, six monsters. But absolutely nothing else even made a peep, aside from those nasty things!”

“Nasty they may be, but they were extremely vulnerable to defoliants,” Zeus inserts. The moment a single molecule of the light weedkiller-strength defoliant he had used touched any given plundervine, the entire plant had shriveled and died off, disintegrating into dust. He hadn’t told anypony, but he had traced them back to their original sprouting locations- and each of those had acquired a formation of six deep penetrator warheads- estimated salvo yield, 9.2 ktons of magically focused, rocket-propelled destruction- immediately after it had withdrawn. Not a single particle of plunderseed had survived.

Author's Note:

Yes, I skipped the scene... But it was so boring. Also, yes, a VSC- Very Short Chapter. Sorry, this seemed like an excellent place to cliffhang before I go waltzing off into more SoL; Rarity's shaky magic can't be the only interesting thing going on in their lives, aside from monster attacks and plot points, can it?