• Published 6th Jan 2018
  • 15,758 Views, 648 Comments

Break the Walls Down - Super Saiyan D

In an effort to rid himself of his mortal enemy, Dr. Eggman flings Sonic into another dimension. Stranded, alone, and with no apparent way home, can he survive this strange new world? What adventures await him? Come along and find out.

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Chapter 11 - Second First Impressions

Dozens of intrigued eyes hung on the center of Mane Street. A steadily growing group of ponies filtered out onto the adjacent sidewalk from the tunnel entrances. There was almost no sound; not since the enigmatic blue alien had proudly declared his name. The only noises were the ponies’ low, mystified whispers to one another, and the deliberately soft clops of their hooves on the pavement. Some cautiously stayed back near the tunnel entrances, others shuffled slowly along the sidewalks, angling for a better view.

The other six residents of Ponyville carefully paced over to stand behind Celestia, watching with varying levels of anxiety as their pegasus friend bore down on Sonic.

Rainbow Dash frowned. “Hedgehog?” She glanced Sonic up and down again. “What kind of hedgehog is blue, stands on two legs and talks?”

Sonic’s smile slipped, an eyebrow lifting. “Said the talking, rainbow-haired horse with wings?”

Rainbow drew her head back, clearly not expecting his sassy wit. Surprise turned to anger as she growled, ready to lay into him.

“Well, Sonic the Hedgehog,” Celestia interrupted, her voice deepening a few octaves as she paced another step towards the Mobian, “I’ve heard a considerable amount about you since today began.” Rainbow Dash correctly chose to float off to the side. Celestia’s wings spread out in a wide display. “All across Equestria, my subjects speak of the wicked Blue Demon. A mysterious creature that came as if from nowhere. An elusive, dangerous being that can’t be caught no matter who is sent to apprehend it. A menace that strikes fear into the hearts of ponies throughout my kingdom.”

Sonic swallowed, wondering if he was in trouble after all.

Then a teasing smile came to the alicorn’s face. “You’re a bit shorter than I expected.”

Sonic’s mouth briefly fell open, and then his expression turned flat. “Oh, she’s got jokes…” There were sounds of muffled laughter from the crowd.

Celestia closed her wings, sweeping the emotion off her face. “Nevertheless, there are some pressing questions to be answered. Chiefly, how and why you came to be in Canterlot Castle last night.”

Sonic sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “For the absolute last time, everything about me ending up here was a complete accident. If you want someone to blame, try looking at the crazy doctor who tried to wipe this place off the map.”

Celestia blinked. “You mean this is all Dr. Eggman’s doing?”

“He tried to get rid of me by sucking me into a wormhole,” Sonic elaborated. “If it were up to me, I would never even know that this place exists, let alone be here. You ever been twisted like a pretzel while flying through a seizure-inducing subspace tunnel at a mile per second?” A visible shiver went up his spine. “Trust me, not a pleasant experience.”

‘That would explain the warp Luna and Gatekeeper spoke of,’ Celestia mused to herself.

Sonic went on. “Next thing I know, I’m falling through the air and crash landing here. I barely had a chance to pull my head out of the dirt before tall, dark and moody over there and her goons were all over me,” he said, jabbing his thumb to the right where Luna stood. “I tried to talk things out, but no one seemed in the mood to listen.”

Celestia glanced over to her sister. Luna’s ears drooped against her head, and she looked away. Celestia shifted her gaze back to Sonic, looking at him silently for several moments. “Hmm, shame.” The playful smirk reappeared. “I was about to complement you for your boldness. It’s been an age since anyone attempted to pay me a nightly visit, and never in such a brazen manner.”

A few guffaws were heard from the bystanders; more than a few looked mortified. Twilight and Rarity’s bottom jaws hung open.

Sonic looked about 110% done. ‘She’s totally enjoying this…’

“Still,” Celestia continued, her voice regaining its decorum, “if you had truly done nothing wrong, why not just come quietly and wait for a chance to explain yourself?”

Sonic crossed his arms over his chest. “I’ve already been chased around and locked up for a crime I didn’t commit. It wasn’t fun the first time, and I wasn’t about to stick around for a repeat. Besides, by time your Blue Angel ponies showed up, it didn’t seem like anyone would have believed me if I had told you the sky was blue.”

“Actually,” Twilight abruptly cut in, “the sky isn't really blue. It only looks that way due to the scattering of light by air molecules in the—”

It took her a bit to notice everyone giving her a look. A flush crept along her cheeks and she smiled sheepishly. “Ehehe… Wrong time and place, got it.”

Some movement of familiar colors in Sonic’s periphery drew his eye. He caught a glimpse of more armored ponies coming onto the scene: Night Guard thestrals led by Umbra and Night Flare. The young captain’s hard gaze was fixed on him. A hint of regret passed over his face, and he sighed. “Look, I’m sorry for hurting your guys, but things escalated way too fast. I only wanted to get away long enough to get my bearings.”

Celestia eyed him for a moment longer before asking the question on many a ponies’ minds: “Then why did you come back? After all that effort to evade us, why return to Canterlot at all?”

“Because I found out Eggman was coming.” There was a new, emphatic weight in his tone. “I know what the creep is capable of. Compared to him, you guys’ beef with me was a moot point. Nothing you could do to me would compare to what you’d suffer at his hands. I had to come back and stop him.”

Celestia’s head tilted to the side. “Even at the risk to yourself? From either of us?”

“I’m not the type to sit by and let innocent creatures get hurt,” Sonic said plainly. “That’s just not my style.”

Collective murmurs issued from the crowd, and a soft smile briefly crossed Celestia’s face. “You’ve answered the why, but not yet the how. So, tell me, how exactly did you come to be in Equestria?”

Sonic started to answer, then hesitated. He glanced around at all the ponies watching. “Think we could have that conversation somewhere more private?”

The murmurs grew louder. Celestia studied Sonic with a scrutinizing gaze. After a long moment, she nodded and turned, ushering him with a gesture of her wing. “This way.”

Sonic gave a nod of his own and followed her, maintaining two paces from the end of her long, glistening tail. The guards of Sentinel Company parted to make way for their princess. She stopped after a few more feet to regard their captain. “Captain Armor, please escort the citizens back to the catacombs for the time being. We’ll assess the full scope of damage before returning anypony to their homes.”

Shining Armor looked sharply at the hedgehog behind her. “What about him?”

“I will be entertaining our guest at the palace.”

“Your Majesty, I have to advise against that,” Shining started in reflexive protest. “That thing might still be dangerous. It could—”

He is no longer your concern,” Celestia said, her tone making it clear that the discussion was over. “Now, go. We’ll begin cleanup after the citizens are secure.”

Looking suitably chastened, Shining Armor aimed one more spiteful glance at Sonic before inclining his head. “Yes, Your Majesty…”

As the captain dispersed with his unit, Celestia continued onwards. Sonic followed close behind. As they went by, he could hear the hushed chatter of ponies watching from the sidelines.

“What’s so important he can’t say in front of us?”

“What’s that freak trying to pull?”

“He’s up to something, I know it!”

“Bet he thinks he’s so cool, getting special attention from the princess…”

Sonic ignored them. Sighting Umbra and Night Flare coming up on his right, he broke from following Celestia and paced over to where they stood.

“Quite the turnabout, eh rodent boy?” Night Flare said by way of greeting,

Sonic smiled with some effort. “Hedgehogs aren’t actually rodents. Common mistake.” He looked at Umbra. “Never got to thank you for before.”

Umbra’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t bother. Nothing I did was for you,” she said sharply before swinging away, calling for the other bat ponies to follow as she marched up the road.

Sonic was slightly taken aback, but Night Flare was quick to respond. “Try not to take it personally. My sister’s not too good at the whole ‘healthy social interaction’ thing.”

Sonic snorted. “Reminds me of someone I know.” He noticed the bandage Night Flare had across his head. “Hey… sorry about last night.”

Night Flare shrugged. “You saved us all from getting blown to bits. We’ll call it even. Now if you don’t mind, I need some painkiller and some lunch.” He gave a saluting gesture with his feathers. “Be seeing ya, ‘hog.”

Sonic’s gaze lingered on the departing archer. It was good to know there were at least some ponies around here than didn’t hate his guts. He turned to see Celestia waiting for him, and jogged to catch up.

It took a short while to reach the castle grounds. Sonic didn’t mind the wait. After all the intense chaos from every other time he’d been here, it was gratifying just to be able to walk around freely. Barring the damage done in Eggman’s attack, the rows of colored buildings was still pretty nice to look at; even if the city was bit cramped for his liking.

The splendor of the palace was even more striking. With its ornate towers, polished walls, and lavish embroideries, it was the quintessential picture of royal luxury. Sonic figured it must have taken ages to build and design everything with this kind of splendor. Continuing behind Celestia, he was soon brought to the towering doors of the throne room. They swung inward with a twitch of Celestia’s magic, and the two entered.

Sonic cast his eyes about the spacious room that opened up in front of him. He gave a low whistle. “Shmancy.”

Smiling to herself, Celestia turned around to face him when they reached the room’s center, just as Luna and the seven Ponyville residents came across the threshold. “I hope this will be enough space for us to talk.”

“I appreciate it.” Sonic noticed the guards flanking the slope of her throne. “Could we maybe get a little more privacy? This is kind of sensitive information.”

Celestia regarded him from beneath a raised eyebrow. But she ultimately complied, motioning to her guards. They gave swift salutes before departing from their posts. Luna closed behind them as they exited, leaving the eight ponies, the hedgehog and the dragon alone in the room.

Becoming aware of the Ponyvillians, Sonic turned his head to Celestia, lifting an index finger in their direction “Any reason for all the extras?”

Rainbow flared her nose. “Got something to hide, freak show?”

“Rainbow Dash!” scolded Twilight.

“These six mares are among the greatest heroes ponykind has ever known,” Celestia. “They’ve saved this kingdom from certain doom on more than one occasion. If what you have to say involves Equestria’s future, they should certainly be here to hear it.”

Sonic’s brows lifted, looking back over the Ponyville crew with new eyes. His attention went first to the lone standout—the small, purple dragon that had went noticeably unmentioned.

“I help out too!” Spike said, as if reading Sonic’s mind. He bounded up to the hedgehog. “And you were incredible out there!” he gushed. “The way you smashed those big metal golems was awesome!”

Sonic grinned down at him. “Thanks, it’s what I do. What’s your name, kid?”

“It’s Spike!” he answered, softly bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet. He gestured back to the girls. “And these are my best friends, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity.”

Sonic slowly swept brought his gaze to each of the mares one by one, getting a read on them.

Twilight’s smile grew as he met her gaze, the corners of her lip curling up further. Her eyebrows were lifted, her body leaning in his direction. She seemed amicable; above all else, interested. Curious.

Applejack tipped her hat as he glanced her way. Her face was neutral, but her posture was rigid; more guarded. And she watched him closely.

Pinkie Pie wore a wide grin; her hooves wiggled in place, her poofy mane lightly bouncing up and down. She seemed barely able to contain her excitement. ‘How much sugar is in that one’s diet?’ Sonic wondered.

Fluttershy’s head turned slightly to the right, avoiding eye contact. Half her face hid behind her flowing pink mane. Sonic inwardly thought that she certainly lived up to her name.

‘Bluebird’, who he now knew as Rainbow Dash, all but sneered at him. Her face was tight; eyes narrow, forehead wrinkled. ‘Eesh… who spit in her oats this morning?’ Sonic thought, looking bemused.

Finally was Rarity. She appeared friendly enough, but Sonic could see her eyes looking him over as stealthily as possible. Then she appeared to fixate on something. Her eyes widened, distress showing in her face, and she pointed. “Darling, you’re bleeding!”

Sonic blinked, frowning. He looked down at himself and sure enough, partially-dried blood stained the peach fur of his forearms; traces of damage from when the Egg Gila’s power laser had burned through his Light Speed Attack’s aura. But that wasn’t what he reacted to. “Aw, man!” He raised his hands and opened his palms. “My gloves!” His pristine white gloves were in ruin. Several fingers from each hand had been burned away, the palm of the right and back of both were torn, and the cuffs were completely shredded.

Celestia found it a little curious he was more concerned about that than his wounds. She made to approach, but Luna beat her to it. “Let me,” Celestia heard her whisper as she passed by.

Sonic tensed as Luna came towards him. But Luna, with a look of penitence, bowed her head and cast a silver light from her horn. Within moments, the shallow wounds and dried blood on Sonic’s arms disappeared. Even the red stains on his gloves cleared away completely.

Sonic blinked and turned his hands about, peering them over. He then offered Luna a grateful look. “Wow, didn’t know we had a doctor in the house. Thanks.”

“Tis the least I can offer, stranger.” Her eyes met the floor, regret flooding her face. “My haste to protect my subjects has caused a terrible injustice. You have been maligned and persecuted… wrongfully so. All because of my choices. And in spite of that, you still returned to aid us in our hour of need… I have terribly misjudged you.” Luna dropped her head so low her nose almost touched the marble floor. “Words cannot convey how sorry I am… Please accept my deepest apologies, on behalf of myself and Equestria.”

Sonic looked almost as surprised as the Ponyville spectators. Both the powerful rulers showing him such deference in the span of ten minutes… it was just a little disconcerting. “Ah, don’t worry about it, Your Majesty. It all turned out find in the end. Let’s just call it water under the bridge.”

Luna’s head lifted. She seemed genuinely surprised he could forgive her so quickly. A small, touched smile played across her lips. “You are truly gracious, Sir Sonic.”

Sonic looked at his hands “But I am kind of bummed about my gloves…”

“Not to worry, darling!” came Rarity’s chipper voice as she trotted up to him. “I can take care of that for you.”

Sonic regarded her quizzically. “You… can?”

“Certainly! You happen to be looking at one of Equestria’s prime rising fashonistas. I more than know my way around a sewing needle. I can have those gloves of yours in tip-top shape within two shakes of a lambs tail.” She peered closer at his hands, a hoof to her chin in thought. “In fact… why don’t I make you a brand new pair?”

Sonic seemed doubly surprised. “Really? You’d do that?”

“But of course! I’ve never had the chance to design for an entirely different species before. This is an excellent chance to expand my repertoire!”

Sonic chuckled. “How generous. Well, I really appreciate it.” Suddenly feeling attention on him, Sonic turned to see Luna peering closely. “Uh… personal space, moon lady?”

Luna seemed to come back to herself, straightening up. “Oh, forgive me. I merely meant to observe. I daresay I’ve never seen a being so... strikingly odd before. As if the body structure of a minotaur was haphazardly combined with something else.”

Sonic’s brow arched at Luna’s unthinking choice of phrase. His fist rose to rest on his hip. “Well, excuuuuse me, princess, no need to get personal. Ponies don’t have wings or horns where I come from, but you don’t see me implying that your mother was a flying rhino.”

Eight out of nine Equestrian’s jaws fell open. The Ponyville residents couldn’t believe he’d dare to show such cheek to one of the princesses. As for Luna herself, when her mouth remembered how to work, she drew herself up indignantly. “I beg your pardon?!”

“My sister speaks crudely,” Celestia interjected, cuing a scrunch-faced pout from Luna, “but she makes a point. We have both lived long lives, and seen many different creatures from as many lands. Never have we encountered anything quite like you.”

“I don’t doubt it,” said Sonic. “This might come as a shock, but I’m not from anywhere you’ve been before. I come from another world called Mobius.”

Twilight gasped, scuttling closer. “So you are an alien?!”

Sweatdropping, Sonic cleared his throat. “Well… technically, yes. But less ‘another planet’ kind, and more ‘different dimension’ kind.”

The two royal sisters exchanged looks.

Twilight was beside herself, her nerd DNA going into overdrive. “This is amazing… It’s unheard of! An actual living creature… not from another planet, but an entirely different plane of existence? Why, it may even validate Dr. Steinhoof’s Bubble Universe theory! This could change our entire understanding of the cosmos as we know it!”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Hoo boy, now you’ve worked her into a tizzy.”

Rainbow huffed. “Bet the whole place is chock full of more violent psychos.”

Sonic aimed a chiding look at her. “Hey, that’s not true! Mobius is a great place. It’s lush and beautiful, with all sorts of natural wonders.” His eyes closed, a more peaceful look settling over him. “I’d spend most of my time roaming around, seeing new places, or hanging out with friends I’d make along the way. It was about as carefree a lifestyle as you can get.” His eyes opened back up, his face hardening. “That is, until Dr. Eggman showed up.”

Amused chortles came from Pinkie Pie. “Eggman! What a funny name!”

Sonic couldn’t help his mouth from quirking up into a smile. “His real name is Ivo Robotnik. I just called him Eggman back in the day to make fun of him for being fat. Eventually he ended up liking the name and decided to keep it. But trust me, he’s no laughing matter.”

“Who exactly is this Dr. Eggman?” Celestia asked.

“My archnemesis. A mad genius with an ego bigger than his BMI count.”

Pinkie and Spike both snickered. Applejack raised a hoof. “Mad as in angry, or mad as in crazy?”


The farm pony gulped.

“He first showed up years ago on a place called South Island back when I was a kid,” Sonic went on. “Ever since then he’s hatched one evil scheme after another, using robot armies and other things you couldn’t imagine for a single goal: to conquer all of Mobius and rule it as his own personal empire.” A fist clenched at his side. “So I took it upon myself to stop him, time and time again.”

Hushed sounds of awe issued from his audience. “That’s so cool!” Spike bubbled, bobbing up and down.

Rarity drifted to Sonic’s side and batted her eyes at him, clearly impressed. “My, my. Quite the hero, aren’t you?”

From overhead, Rainbow floated closer, her face made up in a way that looked skeptical. “So, you fought armies of those… ‘robot’ things… when you were just a kid?”

“Pretty much,” Sonic answered casually. “Not as awesomely as I do now, mind you, but even back then I was scootin’ and rootin’.”

Celestia stepped over to his left. “Quite the fascinating tale you have, Sonic the Hedgehog.”

The hero flashed his pearly whites. “It’s a hobby. And just ‘Sonic’, please. I’m not one for all the formal stuff.”

Celestia quirked an amused smile. “As you wish, Sonic. But you still haven’t answered one pressing question: how did you and the doctor come to be here?”

In response, Sonic reached back into his quills. “Because of this.” He held out the cyan Emerald for everyone in the room to see.

The Equestrians marveled at the luminous gem. Spike licked his chops. Pinkie sprang over to Sonic, leaning in so close her nose almost touched the Emerald. “Ooooh… shiny.”

A sudden blur of purple and white knocked her out of the way. “My stars! It’s absolutely gorgeous!” Rarity remarked joyously, holding a hoof to her cheek. Her eyes seemed to glitter even more than the gemstone. “What is it?”

“Something from my home dimension,” Sonic said. “What most of my adventures have revolved around. It’s called a Chaos Emerald.”

The expressions of the Equestrians instantly changed. Marvel turned to sudden alarm. There were a few gasps, and those closer to Sonic retreated a few steps. Sonic looked back and forth across their faces, confused. “Uh… something wrong?”

Rainbow Dash’s hooves hit the floor. Head lowered, wings spread, she pawed the ground as she glared at Sonic. “I knew this guy was bad news! He’s another chaos freak!”

Sonic looked utterly perplexed at the outburst.

“Calm yourself, Rainbow Dash,” came Celestia’s commanding tone. “Forgive us, Sonic. Chaos is… not a subject that has been well received in Equestria’s history.”

Luna put in a further explanation. “Once, there was a powerful being that walked among us. A living embodiment of chaos, even more in form than in magical abilities.” She paused gravely. “He created no small amount of suffering for ponies before my sister and I overthrew him.”

Sonic scarcely knew how to respond. He touched his hand to the back of his neck. “Well, I don’t know much about what you’ve got in Equestria… but I can at least tell you this isn’t that.”

An awkward silence hung in the room.

“Perhaps you could explain more about this gem?” Celestia prompted.

“Uh, sure.” Eager to move on, Sonic held the gem aloft, looking across its glistening surface. “The Chaos Emeralds are seven mystical relics that have existed long before recorded history. No one really knows their point of origin or who created them, but many have speculated that they were forged by the gods themselves. They’re capable of all kinds of amazing things, including unlocking special abilities for those who can harness their power.”

Most of the Ponyvillians ‘ooh’d, looking intrigued. Rainbow Dash snorted to herself from where she hovered. “I don’t see what’s so special about it. Looks like any old gem to me.” That prompted Rarity to whip around and start laying into Rainbow for her ‘crudely basic sensibilities.’

Twilight shifted closer. “What kind of power?”

A smirk grew across Sonic’s face. “Allow me to demonstrate.” He closed his eyes, focusing. Twilight frowned and was about to ask what he was doing when the Chaos Emerald started to glow.

Rainbow’s largely-ignored scolding came to an abrupt end, both her and Rarity spinning their gazes back to what was happening. The Emerald shone brighter and brighter. It levitated up out of Sonic’s hand and rotated slowly, casting cyan shadows around the room.

Rainbow Dash found herself suddenly breathless, her eyes stretching wide. Her doubts were swept completely away—least of all because of the light show. Even as a pegasus, with no real aptitude for anything magically oriented, she could feel the energy radiating off the gemstone. The air itself seemed denser, heavy under the weight of the alien gem’s power. It was vast, and despite its odd warmth, made tingles run up her spine.

The rest of the Equestrians watched in fascination, their attention rapt as Sonic recited something: “The servers are the seven Chaos. Chaos is power, enriched by the heart. The controller serves to unify the Chaos.”

Luna found her tongue first. “An incantation?”

“A prayer,” Sonic clarified. “Used by one of the many ancient races that have been linked to the Emeralds over their long existence.”

Even Celestia couldn’t disguise her awe. “It’s beautiful…”

“It’s fascinating!” Twilight beamed. She slid closer, inundating Sonic with a barrage of questions, and invading more of the hedgehog’s personal space with each one. “What is it made of? How does it work? Are they all the same species of stone? What environment was it discovered in? You have to let me study it!”

Now leaning backwards to the point of almost falling over, Sonic turned a somewhat disturbed look to Celestia as he pointed at Twilight. “Is she always like this? ‘Cause I’m getting that kind of feeling.”

Celestia—along with Luna, Spike, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie—all laughed softly. Twilight blushed, pouting and retreating a few steps.

The cyan gem dimmed and slowly floated back down into Sonic’s hand. “The Emeralds’ power is… well, chaotic, and what they do can depend on the situation or intent. They turn thoughts themselves into power, and can create miracles. I can’t tell you how many times they’ve been our trump card to save the day.”

Glances were shared around the room. Spike leaned his head over to Applejack and said, “Doesn’t that sound weirdly familiar.”

Sonic glanced in their direction. “Come again?”

“Funny story,” Applejack said, “We’ve got something like that too.” She tapped her hoof to her bejewled golden necklace.

As Sonic studied it, a long-winded gasp suddenly came from Twilight. “That reminds me!” She was up in Sonic’s face again in an instant. “How in the wide world were you able to use the Elements of Harmony’s power?!”

Sonic only looked more confused. He glimpsed to Celestia for help. “The Elements of what now?”

For a moment, Celestia gazed thoughtfully at him. “Here in Equestria, we have what are known as the Elements of Harmony,” she said, instinctively addressing Sonic like a teacher giving a lesson. “Six artifacts that contain the most powerful magic known to our kind. Luna and I discovered them centuries ago and used them to liberate ponykind from the chaotic tyrant that lorded over us. Since then, they have helped to maintain peace in Equestria for a millennium. Each of the Elements represents a fundamental aspect of harmony: laughter, honesty, generosity, loyalty, kindness, and magic.” She gestured to each of the corresponding Ponyville mares in turn. “In the past, their magic was linked to the two of us. Now, these six embody each aspect of their power.”

“We used ‘em during your big, flashy clash with that metal monster,” Applejack added.

Sonic’s eyes softened, nodding his head to her. “Guess I owe you one, then. Without your help, I would have been toast.”

“Never in all of Equestrian history has a non-pony been able to wield their power,” Luna said, befuddlement contorting her brow. “For you, a creature not even of this world to be capable of such… it’s unprecedented. It should be impossible.”

Sonic thought back, remembering the odd energy that had empowered him. It was unlike anything he’d ever felt before. Even his memory of the events was oddly opaque. “I’m not really sure what to tell you. Though, I have always been pretty good at channeling energy. I’ve done it a couple times with things other than the Chaos Emeralds.”

“But that still doesn’t explain what you did!” Twilight exclaimed. “I was trying to make a shield to protect you, but the next thing I knew you were all… glowy! And the things you could do? How you moved? Nopony, not even Princess Celestia or Princess Luna have ever done anything even remotely similar with their magic!”

Sonic could only shrug. “Heck if I know.”

Twilight’s mouth worked uselessly. “But it doesn’t—! It’s just—! You don’t—!”

“Ah, don’t let Twilight get to you,” said Spike. “Some of us are actually glad you went glowy.” He punched and kicked at the air, mimicking the hedgehog’s moves. “The way you smacked around those fake hedgehogs and flew right through that giant beam and out the big one's mouth? Totally cool!”

Everyone save Twilight and Rainbow chuckled. Sonic decided he liked this little guy. He held out a fist, which Spike returned with a friendly bump.

“Well, excuse me for appreciating the gravity of something this earth-shaking!” Twilight shrilled, throwing a hoof into the air. “It was like the power we were directing, that had always done what we wanted, chose to do something else… as if it had a mind of its own. This could have serious ramifications in the future!”

“What was it like?” Celestia’s question, directed at Sonic, drew the others out of their thoughts. “Using the Elements’ magic?”

Sonic didn’t reply immediately. He thought back, looking down at his palm. “It was… weird. But soothing at the same time. Kind of an out-of-body experience. It was like I could see with more than my eyes. Hear things I couldn’t before. Feel movements and attacks before they even began. And… something more, I think.”

“Something like what?” Luna pressed.

The Mobian seemed to consider his thoughts carefully. “It was almost like… there was something else there. Something that guided me as much as it obeyed me.”

“The Elements of Harmony are ancient and powerful,” Celestia said into the ensuing silence. “Perhaps there are higher mysteries to them we don’t yet fully understand.”

“Well, we shouldn’t be too critical about something that saved the day, should we?” Spike offered.

Sonic cracked a grin. “You mean, don’t look a gift horse in the mouth?” The pun was met with more than a few groans. “Oh, come on, it was low-hanging fruit.”

“On the subject of these Emeralds,” said Luna, “how is Dr. Eggman connected to them?”

Sonic pursed his lip. “Tale as old as time. With great power comes great power-hungry bad guys. Ol’ Egg-breath is just one of many who’ve tried to use them for their own selfish reasons. In his case, powering his endless amount of machines. For one example, there’s the new gadget he used to open up the rift that sent me here. For another, there’s his usual go-to of supercharging weapons.” He turned a solemn eye on Celestia. “You’ve seen the results.”

Celestia’s jaw firmed in understanding.

“So that’s what he used...” Twilight deduced out loud, fear evident in her voice. “To stop Princess Celestia’s attack… and to blow up the forest!”

Applejack again swallowed hard. “Whoa, Nelly…”

Luna approached, leaning her head down to inspect the Emerald. “To think such frightening power could be contained in one small gem…”

“And that’s just the tip of the iceberg,” Sonic added. “Alone, each Emerald can provide a near limitless supply of energy. But if someone manages to collect all seven Emeralds, the user will gain ultimate power, and will be undeniably, unquestionably, unstoppable.”

Every Equestrian face went to stone.

“If that vile doctor… or even the wrong pony were to get a hold of them…!” Luna could scarcely finish the thought, cold dread strangling the words.

“It’ll be the end of the world as we know it!” Pinkie Pie blared. “The skies will burn! The earth will split apart! The heavens themselves will fall! Equestria is doooooooooomed!”

“Pinkie!” Applejack chided. “Keep it together, girl!”

“It’s not all bad,” Sonic said in his most reassuring tone, the hand that held the Emerald falling to his side. “Eggman won’t be so fast in searching for them. Not with most of his Badniks destroyed. He’ll have to set up shop somewhere and rebuild his forces. So, we’ve bought ourselves some time.”

Rarity, in a fearful tone, asked, “And… you’re sure that the rest of these Emeralds he’s looking for are here? In Equestria?”

“Eggman used all seven of them to warp me here.” Sonic lifted the cyan gem in her direction. “I took this straight from his pod. If one is here, you can bet the rest are too.” He paused to tuck it back into his quills. “So, priority one will be me getting them back as fast as I can. The longer they’re here in this world, the greater the risk of them ending up in the wrong hands, or innocent ponies getting caught in the crosshairs of Badniks sent out to search. Besides, they might be my only hope of getting back home.”

Luna made her lips a thin line. “Perhaps we could best expedite this ordeal by pursuing this Eggman directly.”

Sonic immediately held up an open palm to her. “I wouldn’t recommend that.”

“Oh, come on,” Rainbow snarked. “He’s one loser who just got his butt kicked. We can take him easy.”

Sonic turned a look on her. “That ‘loser’ put together an army that almost steamrolled your capital in less than an hour. If I hadn’t been here, all of you would have motor oil and steel where flesh and blood used to be. Do not underestimate Eggman. Never mind all the close calls I’ve had fighting him, he can threaten entire planets at a time. Even when he seems beaten, he always manages to have a trick or two left up his sleeve. Don’t let his looks or the fact he’s down an army fool you—he’s dangerous.”

Rainbow Dash drew back, looking chastised, if only for a moment. Her teeth grit in the next, a heated retort on her tongue.

“Don’t get me wrong,” Sonic continued before she could fire back, “you guys did a lot better than I expected. But what you saw today barely scratches the surface of what Eggman’s capable of. This is one fight you won’t be able to win on your own.”

Rainbow kept her stink eye going on Sonic, but for once, seemed to have nothing to say. The rest of the group appeared to weigh on his words.

“What then do you suggest?” Celestia asked.

“You focus on keeping the rest of your kingdom safe.” He put a fist on his hip, leaning casually. “Build up and get ready for when Fat-man makes his next move. In the mean time, I’ll handle getting the Emeralds, and any new robot factories I find along the way.”

“Hold on a minute there,” said Applejack. “You’re gonna go look all across Equestria for them gems all by yourself?”

“No need to worry, it’s far from my first rodeo. …No pun intended.” He held in a snicker while Applejack rolled her eyes. Then he cocked his head, as if realizing something for the first time. “Then again… finding the rest might be a little bit of a problem.”

“What's the problem?” Spike asked.

Sonic looked down, touching his chin in a thoughtful way. “Back home, we had a couple different ways of tracking them. A buddy of mine—kind of a genius—built a radar that could detect and lead us to them. Sadly, I didn’t have that or any other gear on me when I got sucked over.”

The eager response came from Twilight. “Let us help!”

Sonic turned a questioning eye on her. “You sure you can?”

“If the Emeralds can be tracked as you say, they must give of some type of energy signature,” Twilight pointed out. “In theory, tracing something of the sort wouldn't be too far removed from what we can manage with certain spells.” She puffed herself up with pride. “I’m something of an expert on Equestrian magic and its various manifestations. If I study it, I’m sure I can find a way to replicate your method of detecting them.”

Rarity suddenly perked up. “Ideeeaaaaa! As it just so happens, I know a doctor of our own who’s well versed in all types of unusual gizmos and doodads. It could be worth letting him give it a gander as well!” She caught herself, clearing her throat. “Of course, if our dear Sonic wouldn’t be opposed to letting one more pony be in the know about these…” a swoon left her lips, “wondrous little things.”

Another comedic bead of sweat formed on Sonic’s head. ‘And I thought Rouge was jewel-crazy.’ Thinking on it for a moment, he nodded. “Why not? Guess I need all the help I can get.”

Spike stuck his hand up for a question. “You said that Eggman jerk was trying to get rid of you. How did he end up here too?”

That was a thought that had already crossed Sonic’s mind. “Something probably went wrong, got him stuck here just like me.” He grew a petty smirk. “Serves him right.”

“Why here?” Applejack asked. “What’d he pick Equestria for?”

Sonic shook his head. “He didn’t. He had no clue where I’d end up, and I don’t think he really cared. All he wanted was me gone so he could conquer Mobius in peace.” His fists tightened at his sides. “Now that you guys stood up to him, he’ll have you in his sights, too.”

Rainbow knocked her hooves together. “Let him try! We’ll whoop his sorry butt right back to where he came from!”

Sonic regarded her with a smile. He had to admit, he liked this one’s spirit.

“Whoa there, RD,” Applejack warned. “Don’t get too excited. This is some serious business.”

Rainbow made a dismissive sound. “Aw, you worry too much, Applejack. We’ve beaten disaster-causing bad guys before. Besides, how often do we get to go on epic adventures to save Equestria?”

Pinkie flipped through a pamphlet she’d suddenly acquired from who-knows-where. “According to the schedule, about twice per season.”

While the others looked strangely at Pinkie, Celestia said, “Another thing, Sonic. There have been reports of strange gold rings appearing across several regions throughout the day. Might you know anything about them?”

Recognition showed in Sonic’s face. “Power Rings.” Seeing Celestia’s questioning expression, he elaborated. “See, energy from the Chaos Emeralds radiates out over time. Power Rings are that excess energy taking on physical form.”

“Which proves they are indeed here,” Luna murmured.

Sonic considered. “Weird, though… seems faster than usual.”

Celestia adopted a thoughtful look. “Even so, that may yet aid us. If these rings spawn from them, their presence may more easily lead to the Emeralds themselves.” She lifted herself erect. “As for Dr. Eggman, Equestria has stood united against all who have sought to do it harm for more than a thousand years. It will be no different now. Should you need anything during your stay with us, you need only ask. It’s the least we can do for your trouble.”

Sonic humored her with a short, exaggerated bow, imitating Luna’s earlier words. “You are truly gracious, Your Majesty.”

“Oh, you stop that,” she grinned, batting him with her wing. “And please, call me Celestia. …Oh, there is one other thing I wanted to ask.”

As Celestia was speaking, Sonic noticed a bright red dot moving along the side of her face. Alarm flashed in his mind. “Look out!” Leaping off his feet, he dove and tackled Celestia out of the way right as a pink beam sizzled through where her head had just been.

Gasps and screams were followed instantaneously by a powerful beam fired by Luna. It burned through the top of the window on the throne’s left side. The singed hole in the glass shattered into a even larger one as the steel body of a floating Badnik crashed through. It’s torso was wide, coming together with it’s head and non-existent neck into almost an ellipsoid shape, with dual guns in place of hands. It was colored red with a white stripe down its middle, a smoking hole a foot thick melted through it’s wide chest from Luna’s attack. Sputtering and sparking, it swerved erratically through the air before crashing unceremoniously to the marble floor. Two more twitches, the death gaspings of a fatally damaged electronic brain, and the Badnik lay still.

The rest of the room was too stunned to immediately react. Twilight recovered first, shouting Celestia’s name. But just as she began to move, the throne room door flew open, shouts of “Your Majesty” issuing from the half-a-dozen guards that poured inside. Sonic was barely getting to one knee before four armed guardstallions surrounded him.

“Step away from the princess!” one of them barked, his longsword pointed at Sonic’s back.

Celestia’s frame and voice both rose up in his defense. “Put your swords away this instant! I am unharmed.” She pointed to the wreckage of the Badnik by the wall. “That thing is the one responsible.”

Looking at least a little admonished, the guards obeyed and sheathed their blades. Twilight bolted past them to embrace her mentor. A pop of sparks from the smoking robot drew the full attention of the room. A few of the braver guards dared to creep closer.

“What the hay is that thing?!” Rainbow almost screeched.

“An E-1000,” Sonic answered, standing and walking over to the ruined mech. “A mass-produced sharpshooter.” He gave it a soft kick to make sure it was offline. “I told you: Eggman always has one more dirty trick up his sleeve.”

The Ponyvillians balked, the gravity of what they’d just witnessed setting in. An assassination attempt of Equestria’s ruler—right in front of their eyes. Luna raised her head and spread her wings in anger. “That madman’s barbarism will not be repeated on royal grounds!” She swung to two of the guards. “You, gather the Mystics! They’re to begin fortifying every solitary inch of the palace, immediately!” The pair nodded swiftly exiting through the door. The sergeant stated that everyone would have to remain in the throne room while they searched the area for more hostiles.

Spike collapsed back on his backside, a long groan deflating his lungs. “I don’t know how much more of this I can take today...”

Rarity touched the back a hoof to her forehead. “Agreed...”

You? The princesses have been the ones catching most of the heat!” Applejack commented.

Rainbow made a face of revulsion. It was like these weird monsters and that hedgehog were never far apart. Speaking of whom, her eyes were drawn to the blue hero, who was reaching his arm into the beam-sized hole in the E-1000’s front. Her brain went hot with suspicion. “What are you doing?”

“Getting this little guy out of there,” Sonic replied.

Before Rainbow could question what he meant, Sonic pulled his arm out of the remains of the Badnik. In it, he held something that surprised everyone: a small, brown-feathered dove.

Twilight let her bafflement show. “A… bird?”

“And not the first I’ve seen inside these monstrosities today,” Celestia added, approaching Sonic from the left. “Another mystery I’d hoped you could answer.”

“How in the blazes did it get inside that thing?” Applejack asked.

“Eggman put it there,” Sonic answered heavily. “Kidnapping little critters like this is how he powers most of his army.”


A room of startled faces swung to the source of the scream: Fluttershy. Eyes bugged, mouth slack, face stricken with horrified disbelief.

Sonic, vaguely noting that this was the first thing he’d heard this particular pony say, continued his explanation. “Uh… yeah. It’s the doc’s oldest invention. He found a way to siphon energy from captured animals. Uses them as living batteries for his robots.”

Disbelief ebbed, morphing into a look no one had ever imagined possible to see on Fluttershy’s face: fury. Her teeth bared, grinding together. Her entire face turned from yellow to red, a firestorm blazing inside her, her namesake no longer applying. “That awful… black-hearted… sludge-souled… SCUM-SUCKING SON OF A LEPROUS DONKEY! I’LL GET HIM, AND I’LL EAT HIM ALIVE!” She panted and trembled with rage, a room full of terrified creatures staring like deer caught in headlights; not one dared to make any sudden moves.

At some point, the inferno in Fluttershy’s heart cooled. Blinking back to her senses, her cheeks now turned pink with embarrassment. She fell back on her haunches and hid her face behind her hooves with a squeak.

Celestia regarded the E-1000 with look of disgust. “Such imaginative genius, wasted on tools of misery and destruction.” She turned towards Sonic. “That's the third time today you’ve saved my life.”

Sonic showed her a carefree smile. “Maybe we can get together some time without all the mortal peril.”

A curious expression passed across the alicorn’s face. “I think I’d like that.”

Twilight then noticed something that made her gasp. “Look!” She pointed the room’s attention to a spot on the floor a few paces from the where Sonic had been standing. A neat hole in the marble leaked smoke. “That thing was aiming for Sonic too!”

Sonic snorted to himself, brushing off his shoulder. “Yeah, that figures.”

Rainbow looked at him, looking completely non-plussed that the Mobian could sound so unbothered. ‘The guy almost gets shot and acts like it’s no big deal... Does he does this every day?’

“With such an able protector on our side, surely Equestria can weather any storm Dr. Eggman may bring,” Celestia said to Sonic in a warm tone.

Sonic cracked a smile, rubbing a finger on his nose. “Oh, Celestia, you flatter me.”

“I speak only the truth.” At that moment, the sergeant returned, reporting to Celestia that the area was clear. Addressing Sonic again, she said, “Perhaps now you could afford the rest of my subjects some clarity. I’m certain they’re eager to know of all that's occurred. It would do much to allay their fears.” She turned to her student. “Twilight, would you and your friends be so kind as to accompany our guest? Luna and I will join you shortly.”

Twilight’s head perked. She turned to Sonic, traded pleasant looks with him, and then turned back to Celestia. “Of course, Princess.” Sonic let her reach his side before turning and heading for the door, the rest of the Ponyville residents following along.

With the group gone, Celestia took a measured breath. It was time for a conversation. Lighting her horn, she summoned a translucent cone of blue light around herself and Luna. Zone of Silence—a useful spell in keeping private conversations from prying ears. She looked at her sister; she’d have to handle this one delicately. “Luna…”

“I know.” Luna cut her off, her voice wistful. Her ears lay flat, her head hanging. “I know… My actions were woefully impulsive. I believed I was doing the right thing, when in truth I needlessly escalated an easily-resolved dilemma… I see that now.”

Celestia stepped her sister’s side. “I’m not saying I wouldn’t have acted similarly,” she said carefully. “Even so, it never occurred to approach the situation a bit more diplomatically?”

“I couldn't take the risk!” Luna exclaimed a bit too quickly. She hesitated, her eyes becoming unfocused. “I have already endangered you once. Had something happened to you because I failed to act, I… I…”

A white wing laid gently across the younger alicorn’s back. “Nightmare Moon is long gone, Lulu. Don’t let that old guilt poison you any further. Your past mistakes have already been forgiven. Now you must learn to forgive yourself.”

‘How can I?’ Luna almost said—almost.

Celestia withdrew her wing. “In any case, it’s done now. That chapter is closed.”

Luna’s tone dropped in depth. “And another has barely begun…”

At that instant, a flustered-looking Raven Inkwell came barreling into the room. Celestia dispelled the cone of magic as the unicorn came to an abrupt stop in front of her, her head down as she sucked in gulps of air. “Steady breaths, Raven.”

Raven’s face snapped up with a heated look. “Your Majesty... with all due respect, I would appreciate it if you were the first one to inform me when a hostile enemy makes an attempt on your life!”

Celestia’s smile was warm and apologetic. “Forgive me for worrying you.” She noticed the scroll her top aide carried. “A response from the council?”

Raven shook her head, it out to Celestia. “No, Your Highness. It’s something else.”

Luna loosed an exasperated breath. “What now?”

Celestia kept the similar comment forming in her mind to herself. She took the scroll and unfurled it. As she read, her brows screwed in disturbance. “The Inquisitors of Hunter Squad...”

“No response,” Raven acknowledged. “Not so much as a word in over a month.”

“Quite unusual for our most judicious division,” Luna mused out loud, perturbed puzzlement showing in her face.

Celestia closed her eyes, her lips pressing together. As if this day wasn’t eventful enough, now some of her finest Royal Guards had gone AWOL? What could this mean? Her eyes opened back up to fix on Raven’s. “Make the arrangements. We’ll be having more meetings today than I thought.”

Sonic had to admit… he was not prepared for what awaited him outside. A veritable mod of ponies met him at the bottom of the palace steps. Cameras flashed; fevered questions and shouts of ‘Mr. Hedgehog’ mixed in a cacophony of noise.

“‘Eager’ she says,” Sonic commented mostly to himself. “Understatement of the year.”

“Scared of a little attention?” The catty comment came from Rainbow.

Sonic barely paid it any mind. “Pfft, as if. I’ve been told the camera loves me.” He ran a hand through his quills, prompting Rainbow to roll her eyes and the others to laugh. He took a step forward to address the crowd, lifting his hands. “Now, now, ease up a little. I understand we’ve all had a crazy day. But let’s be cool and it slow down a little. And please, one question at a time.”

From the barrage of voices that followed, Sonic pointed to a faint-purple mare wearing a brown beret. “Mr. Hedgehog! Please confirm, are you or are you not a demon?”

“Only if you count speed demon,” he answered casually to the mild amusement of some. He pointed at somepony else. “Next?”

“Can you categorically state that you did not try to kidnap Princess Celestia?”

Sonic rolled his eyes. “If I had a dime for every time I answered no to that question today, I could buy my way back home. Kidnapping princesses is a spiky-shelled reptile thing, not a hedgehog thing.”

A blue-coated, bearded stallion spoke next. “Mr. Hedgehog, I’m with the Canterlot Gazette. In your own words then, what exactly happened here today?”

“You’ve got a working set of eyes, don’t you?” Sonic joked. “A fat psycho with delusions of grandeur came to wreck the place, I kicked his butt and sent him packing. Not much else to explain.”

“So you know this ‘fat psycho,’” the Gazette stallion followed up. “Dr. Bregman?”

Eggman,” Sonic corrected. “And yeah, I know him all too well. Back home, I put a stop to his global takeover plans all the time.”

“And where is home for you?” a mare with frizzy orange hair inquired.

“Really far away from here,” Sonic replied with a dismissive wave. “You wouldn’t have heard of it before, no need to get into it.”

“Why did Dr. Eggman come here?” a deep brown pegasus stallion asked. “Why did he do this? Tear about our homes, destroy our city… we didn’t do anything to him!”

“That’s just the kind of guy he is,” Sonic said with disdain. “I’ve fought the creep for years as he’s terrorized countless lives, from my home and beyond. He’s a bully, plain and simple.”

“Any comment as to how he followed you to Canterlot?”

Sonic’s head turned to the source of that question. He found a glasses-wearing unicorn mare, her coat pale brown, and a black mane in a well-kept bun. She wore a passive-looking smile, but her eyes were fixed on him intently. “Correction,” he said, raising an index finger, “he didn’t ‘follow’ me. I was long gone from this place way before he showed up. I didn’t even know he was here until I saw one of his ships flying by earlier today.”

“But it’s still possible that he knew your whereabouts, even if you didn’t know his, correct?”

It was subtle, but Sonic could detect a pointed tone in her voice. “Did you hear any ‘Where’s the hedgehog?’ in the evil gloating? A subtle guy the doc is not. If he even suspected that was the case, you guys would have been the first to know about it.”

“I see.” The mare’s eyes narrowed as she used her blue-hued magic to scribble things down on a notepad. “Do you take any responsibility for the damage you and this doctor have done to our fair city?”

Sonic’s eyebrow lifted. “Run that by me again?”

“Well, some ponies might wonder if your presence here was the direct cause of the violence visited upon our fair city. How would you respond to them?”

“As far as I can tell, the only jerk making wild accusations like that is you.”

The mare appeared not to blink. “It’s only a question.”

“A loaded question where you’re acting like I’m the one who held your princesses at gunpoint less than an hour ago.”

The mare’s smile grew slightly, taking on a hint of smugness. “I’m sensing some combativeness. Are you always so quick to pick fights, or does it just come naturally to your… type?”

Sonic squinted, crossing his arms over his chest. “Only with jerks that deserve it. Which in my experience, have never been species-exclusive.”

The newsmare’s tail jerked back and forth, her smile appearing increasingly forced. Other ponies looked back and forth between the two as the painfully-slow seconds ticked by.

Then the unicorn flipped some pages in her notebook and began to read from it. “‘I hadn’t originally planned to waste my army’s ammo or energy. I was simply going to cow them with a show of force.’” Her eyes swiveled back to Sonic. “Those were the doctor’s exact words. That is, until you got here. Yet you take no responsibility for the destruction your war caused? The ponies who’ve been injured? The children who’ve been emotionally scarred? The businesses and livelihoods that will be impacted for months due to the loss of income you all brought about?”

Sonic’s hardened eyes rested on the mare’s for several more tense seconds. “Listen… uh, I didn’t get your name.”

“Nosey News, Canterlot Chronicle.”

The serious atmosphere was undercut by Sonic suddenly averting his gaze and covering his mouth, trying to hold back laughter. “O-One sec… Oh man, they’re killing me.”

The look on Nosey News’ face could have wilted flowers.

He cleared his throat, regaining his composure. “Alright… Nosey News. First, do me a favor and take a quick look over there.” With his right hand the hero pointed out over the edge of Canterlot to the wilderness in the distance. Columns of smoke from the direction of the still-burning forest smeared the sky. “See those charred remains that used to be some nice green hills? That’s what this place would look like if Eggman had his way. And worse would have happened to anyone who was left alive. Second, you heard the part about our beef, but not where he wanted to turn this place into a landfill? And how about the army waiting in the wings? That’s the guy you’re gonna put your trust in? Or maybe you would have liked to tag in for me against the killer hedgehog replicas and metal kaiju?”

Nosey News neck and shoulders grew ever stiffer.

“Point being, you’re all alive and your home is still in one piece.”

At that exact moment, there was a sudden, loud crunch. The top of a nearby castle spires, damaged from the previous shockwaves, broke off and plummeted towards the ground. It hit the corner of the main purple building, caving in an edge of it.

The ponies went from staring at it, to back at Sonic. He scratched the back of his head. “Okay, okay…so, maybe a slightly smaller piece.”

At that point another mare stepped up; a peagsus with indigo-gray fur, and a mane stripped with various shades of purple. “Sonic the Hedgehog, Spotlight Splash with Equestria Daily.” The new mare appeared to measure him for a moment. “There’ve been all kinds of reports coming in today about something blue and two-legged coasting across the map. Baltimare. Manehatten. Neighagra Falls. Tall Tale. I assume that’s you?”

“You’d assume right,” Sonic conceded.

Looking as if she was sizing him up, Spotlight allowed herself a tiny smile. “You sure keep yourself busy.”

Relaxing a little, Sonic shrugged his shoulders. “Eh, what’s life without a little excitement?”

“Indeed. Racing across Equestria? Waging a personal war against an army of metal monsters? Tangling with the Wonderbolts, the Royal Guard, and even the princess herself? Quite exciting.”

Sonic had the decency to look a little sheepish, scratching a finger on his cheek. “Well… sometimes you find the excitement, sometimes the excitement finds you.” He adopted an earnest expression. “But really, I was never trying to hurt or scare anyone. That’s the honest truth.”

The pegasus seemed to scan his face. “Perhaps. But Dr. Eggman is clearly of a different opinion. On the subject, he said he was looking for something here. Any idea what that is?”

Sonic’s posture grew rigid; he looked away from her eyes. “I… have a thought or two. But I’m not completely sure.” Lying didn’t sit all that well with him. But if word of the Chaos Emeralds and what they could do were to get out now…

“Whatever it is,” Spotlight said, “should we take that to mean he’ll be back?”

Sonic returned a serious gaze to her. “You can count on it.”

The looks of apprehension from the other ponies weren’t lost on him. Even Spotlight’s posture held fresh tension. “And what will you do?”

That trademark smirk lit the Mobian’s face. “What I always do. Save the world and look cool doing it.” The crowd’s spirits were lifted almost immediately. He even heard a few laughs.

“If I might interject?” Heads turned as a new voice rose up from the back of the crowd. There were excited whispers as the ponies parted. A sharply-dressed unicorn stallion with a white coat, blue hair and a monocle made his way forward. “Mr. Sonic, was it?”

The hedgehog lifted a palm. “Just call me Sonic.”

The stallion smiled broadly. “Sonic, then. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Fancy Pants.” Again, Sonic had to strain himself to hold back snickers. “I understand there’s been quite the hullabaloo surrounding you. But from what we faced today from that cruel Dr. Eggman, I’d say the rest is irrelevant. You have done us all great service today, including myself.” He looked down at his side with a smile. “Quite personally so.”

Sonic followed Fancy Pants’ gaze to a rather adorable splash of color tucked against his side; a small unicorn filly with a coat of amber, and billowy, orange and white hair. She avoided looking at Sonic despite her giddy expression.

“My niece,” Fancy Pants said. “Gilded Lily.”

Sonic smiled softly at her. He lowered down on one knee and leaned closer. “Hey there, kiddo.” Lily hid her face into her uncle’s side, too bashful to meet Sonic’s eyes.

“She wanted to thank you in person,” Fancy Pants chuckled, stroking the filly’s mane. “The poor thing was trapped with some others beneath a flattened complex. Told me how you stood between her and certain annihilation from that metal monstrosity. She owes you her life.” Fancy Pants placed a hoof to his chest and inclined his head to Sonic. “And I, my everlasting gratitude. You will forever have a friend in my family and I. Consider us at your service for however long you shall be here.”

Sonic was genuinely touched. “Wow… You’re too kind.” He aimed another grin at Gilded Lily. “And your little smiling face is all the thanks I need.” When Lily’s head peeked out, he playfully booped her on the nose, making the tiny unicorn giggle and fidget.

“Speaking of which,” Spotlight Splash commented, “where exactly do you plan on staying while you’re in Equestria? Surely not in Canterlot? Not to discount what you’ve done for us today, but after everything that’s happened, some ponies might be a little… on edge with you being here.”

Sonic thought about it, briefly aiming a look at Nosey News. “Got a point there.” Then he gave a nonchalant shrug. “But it’s whatever. I’m sure there’s a nice, shaded tree out there to crash under.”

Fancy Pants had to adjust his monocle. “I’m sorry… Did you say that you would sleep under a tree?”

“I like the outdoors just fine. It’s cool.” Sonic rolled out his legs and shoulders, looking well like he was about to dash off to go look for said appropriate tree.

“Perhaps I could offer an alternative?” Sonic and the Ponyvillians turned around to see Celestia descending the staircase, flanked by her sister. “I think you’ve gone long enough without a suitable place to rest your head. As thanks, I offer you a place in Ponyville alongside the heroes of Equestria.” Her proclamation was met by another round of excited whispers. “You will enjoy the same rights as any other, and may come and go as you please.” A saucy smile touched her lips. “Just as long as you can avoid scaring any more of my subjects.”

Sonic closed his eyes and grinned. “Who, me? Wouldn’t dream of it.”

“Wait, your Majesty!” From the other direction came a shout. Vainglory, flanked by a pair of Inquisitors, made his way onto the scene. “Please, let us not be too hasty.” He briefly fixed Sonic with a look of contempt. “Are you sure you want this… creature fraternizing with the Elements of Harmony?”

Celestia blinked. “I take it you object, Captain Vainglory?”

“I most certainly do!” Vainglory stamped his hoof hard on the ground. “Let me remind you that not twenty-four hours ago, this alien was the most wanted being in all Equestria. He has invaded royal grounds, destroyed public and private property, and assaulted multiple members of our military personnel! Even if we were to give some little credit for his role in today’s victory, he is still very much a suspected criminal. Not to mention an outsider. Having someone of such ill repute in the company of ponyfolk, let alone our national heroes, would undoubtedly have deleterious effects on public perception. We could only begin to imagine the long-term consequences.”

Sonic’s expression grew sour. Butt-chin here really knew how to make a bad first impression.

Celestia touched a hoof to her chin, appearing to think on it. “Hmm… Yes, I suppose that could present a problem.” She next extended her hoof a few inches in Sonic’s direction. “Step forward, young hedgehog.”

Suddenly on edge, Sonic carefully stepped to within a few feet of the princess.

Celestia drew herself to full height and spread out her wings in a prominent display. “I, Celestia the Undimmed, Princess of the Solar Orb, First Ruler of Equestria, and the Rising and Setting Sun, decree thus: Sonic the Hedgehog, for your heroism and noble deeds this day, I hereby pardon you of all past and present crimes of which you would stand accused.” Surprise showed in the ponies around her. “On the blood of my ancestors, you shall walk my kingdom free from risk of harm, equal to any other under the light of my sun. And you will have the full backing of Equestria until Dr. Eggman is defeated.” Her wings folded shut and her eyes softened. “With as brave and mighty a soul as yourself on our side, I have full confidence his evil will be driven from our fair kingdom before long.”

Sonic gave her a thumbs up and a wink. “You can count on me, princess!”

A drawn-out sigh came from Rarity, her hoof placed to her forehead in dramatic fashion. “Well, I don’t know about anypony else, but today has been downright dreadful. I’ve run myself ragged and my mane and tail are just a complete mess! Shall we make for home so I might revitalize myself with a lovely trip to the spa?”

Applejack said to Rainbow, “What’s that, the third one this week?” prompting a snicker.

Pinkie Pie bounced in front of Sonic. “Ooh, I can’t wait to introduce you to everypony back in Ponyville! There’s Cheerilee, and DaisyJo, and Roseluck, and Cranky, and Matilda, and—”

Sonic leaned back, a little unsettled. A nudge in hip brought his attention to Spike, who’d walked up beside him. The dragon whispered behind his claw, “Let’s get moving, or we’re gonna be here all day.” Chuckling, Sonic set off down the road, the seven Ponyvillians in tow.

As they departed, Celestia swiveled back to Vainglory, smiling sweetly. “I believe that should settle that problem. Do you agree, Captain?”

Vainglory, mouth open and blinking rapidly, just stood there for several seconds. His expression transformed to one of consummate displeasure. “Yes, Your Majesty…” he grumbled, about-facing and barking for his Inquisitors to follow.

Luna came to her sister’s side. Uncertainty colored her face. “Are you sure this is wise? Allowing him to just roam free?”

“It will be safer overall to give him a place to return to,” Celestia replied. “It should tamp down at least a bit on his escapades. And there will be more eyes to keep watch in Ponyville than Twilight and her friends.”

Luna’s eyes quickly flicked to Celestia. She sometimes forgot her older sister could be quite shrewd. “But will that be enough?”

Celestia glanced at her. “You still fear him?”

Luna was quiet for a few seconds. “We can’t yet be sure of his intentions.”

“Can’t we? He returned to the place that suspected the worst of him. Fought valiantly on our behalf. Rescued our ponies and even us from certain doom several times over. Even the Elements of Harmony themselves have deemed him worthy of their power. How now can we deny his sincerity?”

Luna firmed her lip. “Even so… does that truly guarantee our ponies’ safety? Surely there are hidden parts of his character we’ve yet to see.”

“Such is true of us all, little sister,” Celestia intoned. “But I believe that we can trust him. He sounds genuine.”

Luna turned to Celestia with a snort. “And you sound enamored.”

Celestia’s head jerked to Luna, staring at her with a frown. Their eyes stayed locked for a long moment before Luna relented, sighing. “Forgive me. I was… I merely want to be sure we’re making the right choice.”

“I know.” Celesita gazed out to into the distance, the young Equestrian heroes and their Mobian guest now only visible as dots on the horizon. “But I think I agree with the general. I’ll choose the Blue Demon over Dr. Eggman any day.”


Spotlight Splash

Gilded Lily

Author's Note:

At last... done! Took longer than I thought, but the first major chapter of this saga is finally brought to a close. Now we get to slow things down and give our favorite hedgehog a second to catch his breath.

Now, with this arc of the adventure wrapped up, I'm gonna be opening up another Q&A session. Anything you want to ask about themes, future plans, current character ideas, or even issues you had a problem with, I encourage you to PM me. I do enjoy the feedback. Sorry to keep you waiting, and I hope you've enjoyed!
