• Published 25th Dec 2017
  • 600 Views, 12 Comments

Asterisk - QuartzScale

Long ago two immortals sealed away power in the form of small star shaped emblems known as an Asterisk. That power has fallen on Equus and corrupted the ponies there. Heroes will rise to face the evil from beyond the cosmos.

  • ...

II. Partnership

Author's Note:

Finally done with things. This chapter was a Herculean effort just to get done. I'll try to be faster but it is a crossover so that is to be determined. Here you go I give you the second chapter of this story.

Discord sat down with his two guests waiting for them to also take their seats. Both reluctantly did so though carried themselves with that certain air of nobility they seemed to carry. It didn't escape his notice but now was the time for stories not pranks… probably.

“We could be here for days if we recount our entire story. Is there something specific that you would like to know, Sir…?” The taller man held out a hand towards the chimeric entity.

“Ah sorry bout that. I am the Master of Chaos, the Grand Puba of Entropic Madness, and the Delicatessen of Cotton Candy clouds. I am Discord, Spirit of Chaos and (formerly) Disharmony.” Discord announced talking great sweeping waves to increase his ego stroking even more.

“This truly is another world to have someone who controls chaos then. As for me… well I have forgotten my name long ago but those who are around call me Sage Yulyana. I am a humble tailor who is immortal and possesses grand magical power. Though I am decent with a needle and thread and my garments have been the talk of the world for over a century.” Yulyana boasted glossing over the immortality clause he mentioned.

“Neat. And you over there?” Discord chuckled before pointing towards the other.

“Lester DeRosso, heir to the DeRosso family and sole survivor. Also immortal as my… friend over here.” DeRosso answered sweeping his cape back to punctuate his presence.

“Well, I must simply do something special.” Discord cried out as with a snap of his talons each had a gift basket each with the small banner of ‘Welcome to Eternity’ draped across the handles.

The two placed them to the side and worked on the small meals before them. Discord could tell why they were doing so. The furrowed brow on Yulyana and the tapping fingers of DeRosso meant that they were lost in trying to articulate their stories.

“Where do we begin… I suppose we could bore you with our rivalry and what led us to becoming immortal but I think your interest is more on the star that you have held in your hand… though it is more commonly known to those on our world as an Asterisk.” Yulyana started as Discord started to flip said item in his hands playing with it as a toy. Neither of the immortals were worried about it being dropped but the importance of said object needed to be explained.

“An asterisk, eh?” Discord muttered as he stopped flipping the item in the air and took a closer look. Sure enough on the center was the marking of an asterisk and a faint magical glow he couldn't put his talon on shining from within the edges of the mark. “So much magic in such a tiny object. Why is it that the smaller an item is the more powerful it seems to be.”

“Something that has eluded even my best guesses. I assure you that they as powerful as they are do not have any sapience behind them. They are merely conduits for powers that were more rampant in our world long ago.” DeRosso mentioned as he took a sip of tea. It was a strange orange and what he thought was mango blend though he enjoyed the sweetness for what it was.

“You don't say and now several handfuls of these things have struck all around Equestria. I can feel the chaos from them already and it is wonderful. Though what do they do?” Discord poked the small star feeling a lot of magic pulsing beneath the surface and the small subtle feeling of darkness as well. Though even that portion felt muted in that particular asterisk.

“Think of them as training emblems. Each emblem holds a specific job allowing someone to use the abilities that were cultivated over the years for their own purposes. Each holds a century of experience from multiple sources including the two of us.” Yulyana explained as he tossed a small morsel into his mouth catching it with his tongue and chuckling as he was privy to do.

“And the darkness?” Discord broached the subject causing the two to sigh in contemplation.

“An oversight in our design unfortunately. While we were fleeing to hide them… something took the opportunity to corrupt them. It was only for a moment but I could feel that thing reach out to grab them.” DeRosso mentioned causing Yulyana to shudder while Discord watched the display confused.

“Something wrong there?” Discord hardened his stare noticing all the little ticks.

“The darkness corrupted them but not in the way you think. In our world we know that there are two beings who seem to be trying to lead Luxendarc down the path to destruction. One of those beings controls space while the other controls time. Unfortunately, we don't have much information on those two. The only thing we know for certain is that there are two beings out there looking especially towards its destruction.” Yulyana briskly stated with a small chuckle. It sounded harsh and actually frightened.

“They control those two domains in particular? Sounds familiar.” Discord muttered into his food as he took a bite. He looked particularly annoyed for some reason.

“Yes. From our findings we have found names for the two beasts. Ouroboros, the one who controls space and feeds on the vanquished for his own amusement. He has had a hand in ripping apart dimensional barriers just to facilitate his feeding. The monster enjoys his derision of reality in any way possible.” DeRosso answered glaring to no one in particular.

“My… that is quite terrifying isn't it? And the other?” Discord slurped up some of his tea though he didn't seem all that worried before dispelling the darkness that was trying to seep into the asterisk.

“From what I could actually learn from very elusive sources… it is the manifestation of time known only as Providence. At least I think that is the name. When we were tossed into the portal several memories were jammed into my head facilitating this conversation. I'll admit… had I been a weaker mind I wouldn't be able to speak of this topic at this point.” Yulyana grimaced as he rubbed his temple seemingly trying to ease the pain.

“Hm… that wormhole does look dangerous. So what did you want me to do with this thing? I shunted all the darkness that was building up in it already.” Discord casually stated showing off the bright asterisk.

“Did you now? Hm… if you are not going to stop the asterisks from causing chaos I would suggest finding heroes to do so. The chaos from their battles should be delightfully entertaining for someone such as you.” DeRosso answered peering at the now purified star.

“You think that wise without at least some instruction of some sort?” Yulyana chided his old friend.

“That does sound like fun. Though why not you two?” Discord giggled with glee.

“We have fought long and hard not to transform into a quadrupedal form. Should we get any closer then we would have to relearn our skills from scratch without the use of hands. Besides… this wormhole has me worried more than I want to admit.” Yulyana frowned as he looked back at the portal. It was slowly widening throughout their conversation.

“Hm… I think I have just the pony for the job. She got off a bit too easy for my tastes and needs to pull her weight in making amends.” Discord sadistically grinned as he tossed the asterisk up and with a quick whip of his tail slapped it back down to Equus… more specifically near Klugetown where that particular mare was trying to make a new life for herself.

“Now that that is taken care of… what of this?” DeRosso pointed at the portal unsheathing his sword and taking position.

“We handle whatever tries coming through.” Yulyana stated.

“Ooh I'll help out. Something this exciting can do with a little more… randomness.” Discord mentioned giggling the entire time.

A giant laser shot straight for the planet forcing Discord to conjure a mirror to reflect it. Gulping, he nervously turned to the portal noting a large insect like appendage breaking it further. Then a second portal opened allowing two large stone hands to widen it further.

“Well… I seemed to have spoken too soon, didn't I.” Discord sneered at the two beings trying to break through.

“Discord… allow us to remain at the forefront. Your magic can stop them from annihilating your planet. We shall be the vanguard and halt these foes in their place.” Yulyana stated as he lifted his staff with the spinning wheel high aloft his head facing Ouroboros.

“It is for the best. We can’t stop their widespread assaults but the two of us can act as shields provided that you are willing?” DeRosso asked the draconequus as he faced Providence.

“Who do you think you’re talking to? I’d never let them hurt my dear friend Fluttershy.” Discord proudly stated as he stayed in the back and enhanced the two for every swing with his chaos magic.

With a quick with of his claw Discord segregated their combat area wrapping the five beings within the confines of his magic. Ouroboros attempted to break through the chaos only to be smacked into Providence. While pissed Providence attempted to use its mastery of time to shunt the three into a stopped timeline. Discord would snap his claws before it got too bad and broke the attempts.

While strong, Discord’s attacks did nothing to the two beings who tanked the chaos magic with their bodies. It was a stalemate of sorts as the chaos magic broke the fatal attacks or escape maneuvers that the two were trying to pull off. Yulyana and DeRosso managed to cause the fatal wounds… then Ouroboros would pull in one of his other selves from a different dimension to continue fighting while Providence would restore its time back to the beginning of battle.

“I hope your champion is skilled Discord.” Yulyana growled out as he knocked another limb off of the current Ouroboros he was facing.

“As do I.” DeRosso mentioned disabling one of Providence’s hand.

“I hope so.” Discord grimaced as he sent another world annihilating laser away from the planet.

Klugetown. A hive of villainy and scum far outside the Equestrian border and still part of the Storm King’s dominion. After the fated Canterlot Invasion several areas within his control fell to anarchy and in fighting… except for Klugetown.

As the main causeway for trade and business the local militia made certain to get rid of the more… violent opposition. There were several new bone piles that covered the Bone Dry Desert until the sands could cover them back up. Slowly, the town had called back on their older currency before the rise of the Storm King.

Several gold coins called gil were slowly placed into a bag and tied off. It was the start of her… new life back in a place that held so many memories. Tempest Shadow was back in Klugetown.

Known by her real name, Fizzlepop Berrytwist, had been fully sentenced a few days prior to a sort of community service. Though to assuage her own guilt she chose the most out of the way venue in order not to be stared at by the ponies around her. She already got enough staring due to her broken horn. She didn't need more stares after she assisted in the capture of four out of the five princesses of Equestria as well.

It didn't help that the draconequus wanted to be her jailer. It was one meeting and she'd rather have been placed in the dungeons and left to rot. Instead she got one of the guards who had fought to save ponies during the occupation. The sudden clink of his crystal leg always tapped across the ground as he came to check on her.

Unfortunately, he had been forced to move his entire life over to Klugetown. Luckily, he wasn't as mad about the leg since he punted the one who did it a while back.

“Welcome back Fizzlepop. Ready for your community service?” The thestral guard asked through his hardened stare which made her slightly uncomfortable.

He never smiled. Dusk Orchid, as he was called, was one of the night guards who had fought during the invasion in a brutal night ops mission which had left him without his front right leg which was now made of crystal courtesy of Princess Luna and Princess Cadence.

“Yeah… just lead the way.” Tempest answered completely unperturbed by his demeanor. Ironically, his no nonsense tone made it easier to work together as professionals. He was doing a job and she was following through with it.

“Today we’re fixing one of the windmills that was destroyed during your chase of Princess Twilight and the other Elements of Harmony. Grubber has been getting several of your former soldiers ready to go and we shall be fixing up everything we can. Afterwards we'll work on the report to Princess Celestia and knock another day off of your community service.” Dusk mentioned keeping his wings folded as the two walked down the Main Street past several of the people in town.

Fishmen, Turtle Beings, and other creatures stared at the two ponies. Clearly everyone was on edge because of Tempest walking freely through town. Several more were uncertain of the other pony with the bat like wings. Nobody messed with him after he had almost caved in a hapless passerby who had tried to steal his bit pouch. A reinforced crystal leg could do that to anyone when it was aimed for a head.

As the two made way for the wrecked industrial section of the town it was clear that everyone was on edge for something far different than the two ponies. The sky had darkened but it clearly wasn't rain. Something was going on and there was little either could do about. So they ignored it.

“When we get there check in with Grubber to see what we need to accomplish today. You'll be taking charge of Beta company. Any questions Fizzlepop?” Dusk spoke over his shoulder making certain he looked the mare in the eye.

“No. Everything is clear as crystal.” Tempest agreed not wanting to get into another argument. Those eventually devolved to semantics and circular logic because neither side wanted to lose. She really didn't feel it was the best day for such a thing.

“I'll be taking Alpha in to clear the interior. We'll meet up around three or so. I've already informed Grubber so he'll make certain we keep on track. I'm… trusting you to keep everyone on task Fizzlepop. Good luck.” Dusk hesitated slightly but eventually mentioned his plan before flapping his wings for Alpha company.

“Yeah… thanks boss stallion.” Tempest whispered out. It had been a long time since she was trusted to do something on her own initiative since Princess Twilight had asked her to provide fireworks for a few of the festivities.

She slowly got to work watching the sky turn ominously darker. Beta company was in rare form for the day and the small factory they worked on was refurbished at a brisk pace. It would take a bit longer to fix but visible progress had been made and the mill wheel had been replaced and made to move once again.

It had been a productive morning.

The Serpent’s Gate was one of the more intricate looking bars that actually existed within the town’s limits. Owned by one of the largest crime families that worked with Verko, a known slave trader, it stood the testament of time. Selling the most exquisite liquors and spirits this side of the Bone Dry Desert.

“Arsene? What are you still doing here?” Selene, a lizardfolk woman, peered over at the large cat before her.

“What? I’m just here to have a couple drinks, and to chat up one of the loveliest bartenders in Klugetown.” Arsene smirked, downing another drink.

“Your money’s no good around here. Remember storm bucks don’t work anymore and you still don’t have any gil. Only reason you got those drinks are cause you know beauty when you see it.” Selene muttered as she put away several more glasses while some of the fish people at the end of the bar tried to get her attention.

“Well it wasn’t my money purr-say.” He muttered to himself. “Ah, such a fate to befall an innocent nomad. Where the economy changes suddenly, leaving him broke.” He announced dramatically.

“Mm-hm… Like they all say. Charm only goes so far, Arsene. How about you actually get a job you bum. At least then we wouldn’t be having these conversations over and over again.” Selene grumbled as she poured out some dragon ale for the patrons as the end of the bar sliding them down as smoothly as possible.

Arsene sighed, “You know how hard odd jobs are to come by nowadays. Plus, I’m never in one place for very long. So currency changes wherever I go. Such as the life of a nomad. But seeing as my charm had got me this far, I feel at least a little content.”

“Better than being a pickpocket, isn’t it?” Selene hissed under her breath stabbing a knife between his fingers.

“Whoa! Hey, simmer down honey. Besides, you can tell alot about a guy by their wallet.” Arsene pulled out a brown wallet from his pocket. “I mean look at this guy. He’s got a picture with his lady, and oooh! A picture of him and another girl behind it. Scandalous, huh?”

Selene dragged Arsene by his collar forcing him nearly cheek to cheek. “You stole from one of Verko’s men. They put a hit on you and the only reason they aren’t doing anything yet is cause I actually like you around. You actually pay your tab.” Selene whispered in a growling tone.

The Felician chuckled nervously. “And that’s why I like you. So…” He reached into the wallet and pulled out some gil. “Here’s for my drinks, and a big tip for you to say I just found the wallet on the streets.”

“God damn it Arsene… Head upstairs and tap on the red pipe five times. When it does travel down the path and take your first right… then left, then right and right again. You’ll probably be able to dodge the worst of them.” Selene glared at the mangy cat before tilting her head towards the stairs.

“Thanks for the tip Selene.” He got up, hung his satchel over his shoulders and followed her instructions. “Next time we see each other. I’ll treat you to a purr-fect night.”

“Sure you will, you hopeless flirt.” Selene grumbled as the sound of shouting came from outside the bar. “Go!”

“Thanks!” Arsene rushed up the stairs and followed Selene’s exact directions. All while avoiding being seen by Verko’s lackies.

While still on the chase, he used his feline agility to make his way to the roof of a tall building. Several of the pipes were useful as footholds. The sound of the metal ringing out was drowned out by the shouts of the thugs rushing through the alleyways. Avoiding another group of lackeys, Arsene managed to reach the rooftops.

“Hmph, I guess what they say is true. People seldom look up.” He said, looking up at the sky.

“Alpha! Get those girders in place already!” A female voice called out. “Where’s the blacksmiths we called in to get things done?”

The voice caught his attention as he looked for its source. There he saw a mare ordering around a group of former Storm Guards.

“Well look at that. Looks like the Storm Guards are cleaning up their act. Never thought I’d see the day. Especially when taking orders from that doll.” Arsene muttered to himself.

“How’s progress!” A thestral flapped down near the mare looking over the group working over things.

“We got the outside cleared out and are ready to fix everything up.” The mare replied before trotting off too far out of range of his hearing.

Arsene whistled impressed, “And a royal guard? Didn’t think the almighty princesses influence reached this hell hole.”

“There he is!” A voice called out as the sound of scaled pipes and torn wood coming from below.

“Ah, looks like it’s time for my exit.” The Felician jumped from his spot towards another rooftop, continuing the chase.

“Don’t let him get away!” Another voice yelled out as the group started to fire crossbow bolts in his direction.

“C’mon man! It was just a couple of gil. I didn’t even tell anyone about the photo’s.” Arsene yelled, dodging another bolt. After a few more bolts were fired Arsene got tired of the chase and decided to hide somewhere. ‘And I know just the cat to go to.’ He thought to himself.

The chase continued until he was finally able to shake of his pursuers. He quickly made his way towards one of the many towers in Klugetown. He knocked on the door, and another Felician answered. Although his fur was more of a burnt orange, green eyes, and a red jacket over his shoulders.

The moment they saw each other, they both smiled.

“Nice to see you again bro.” The orange Felician greeted.

“Same to you Capper.” The two of them bro hugged and laughed. “Listen, I gotta hide out here for a bit. I tipped off a ‘big boss’ and he’s got his goons snooping around.”

“Been there.” Capper laughed. “Stay as long as you need, us Felicians gotta stick together.”

“Okay…” Iron muttered, walking around town and just looking at the town. “What to do…”

“Hey, you! Griffon! Have you seen a mangy felician running around here?” A large lizard man dressed in a suit with several metal plates attached to him asked.

“And why do you ask?” The griffon asked curiously.

“He stole from a friend of mine just as he was about to take his mate out for the first time this week. Jerk even stole the photos they took together of their six month anniversary.” The lizard man explained gasping for breath as he held his claws on his knees. “I’m getting too old for this.”

“Maybe retire to somewhere that doesn't look like it's been hit by one too many powerful storms.” Iron pointed out. “But what did he steal besides photos? Got to be pretty important if you’re exhausting yourself like that.”

“I don’t know. All my buddy said was that it was important and between him and her. Most likely something saucy. Now have you seen them or not?” The lizard man finally caught his breath standing back up and getting ready to move on.

“Sadly no, I just started looking around town after I arrived.” The griffon said. “But what does the Felician look like if I may ask? Maybe I can keep an eye out to help.”

“Black fur, wears a brown coat, and red gloves. There’s only two Felicians in town and the other one hasn’t seen him as far as we know. Talk to Riptooth over at the Serpent’s Gate if you do and you’ll get a cut of the bounty that they put on him.” The lizard man explained before rushing off through another alley.

Iron was going to ask where Serpent’s Gate was but was too late when the lizard man rushed off. “Oh well…” Iron Wing sighed out before flying up and taking a look around town for said person. “I've heard this isn't a pleasant town… hmm… ” He muttered to himself, wondering if he should learn the thief’s side before everything. “First visit here and already looking for a thief… well better than walking around aimlessly.” He told himself quietly as he searched the town for the thief.

“Have you found him yet!” Another voice rang out.

“Not over here!” Another voice answered.

“Keep looking! There’s no justice out here and someone has to stand up for the ones who get robbed!” A much deeper voice calls out from one of the largest lizard man ever.

“But Ragnar, we haven’t seen hide nor hair of him since he went to the rooftops. We’ve been looking for the past two hours.” One of the lizard men replied to Ragnar.

“Then get on the roofs!” Ragnar shouted as he grabbed the lizard man who talked back and threw him up into the air and onto the roof. “All of you widen your search!”

“Well… someone's pissed.” Iron frowned. “Must be pretty important to find that thief.” He muttered, looking down to see all the lizard men and wondering what he would find. “I wonder what Ragnar looks like?” He muttered, having clear sight on all of them with his griffon sight.

There was a large lizard man with several cyan scales standing with a large anchor in his claw. He wore a very inspired formal wear alongside a tricorn hat. He tossed a few more lizardmen onto the roof as they spread out throughout the town.

“That's a pirate if I've ever seen one… ” Iron muttered, never actually seeing a pirate but knowing full well of a general theme of pirates. “Okay… might as well find the thief before they do.” He muttered before flying faster to find the thief before the anchor wielding lizard got to him.

Unbeknownst to all around Klugetown a small meteor was hurtling down to the planet below courtesy of the chaos spirit was had thrown the asterisk of the freelancer down to the earth below. Unknown to all parties something else followed along trying desperately to bite at the star missing thanks to how it was thrown. It was as if it had a mind of its own.

The two headed dog, known only as Orthrus, the harbinger of doom, followed along chomping at the bit only to falter as it reached the outer atmosphere of the planet with both falling straight towards Klugetown ready to strike planetside with a large bang.

“Hey! Do you see that up there?” Dusk Orchid muttered as he looked up to the sky ready to see whether it was time to stop or not.

“What is it?” Tempest growled out after finishing another part of the waterwheel and the building it was attached to.

A large meteor struck further from their area striking a portion of the city far outside the work area the two were set to clean up.

“Luna damn it all… come on. Let's cut more of your community service out by checking whether there were any injured.” Dusk sighed as the clinking of his crystal leg lead the way.

“Fine.” Tempest looked back at her former soldiers but quickly changed her mind. “All of you get some rest. I'll take care of things with him from here.”

The Storm Guards all nodded and a few wished her well on her hunt. It wasn't exactly a hunt but she accepted the well wishes without too much problem. There was something going on.

Iron Wing hovered in the air as he looked to where the meteor landed. “Should I keep looking for the thief or look into that crash?” Iron muttered to himself. “Maybe the thief will look to see what crashed…”

He wondered, thinking this was some comic book and either an alien appeared or some special metal from space landed here. “Eh screw it.” He shrugged before flying off to investigate the crash. Iron flew around, looking down at the ground just in case anyone else was moving towards the crash site . “Wonder if anyone else is heading there?”

“Hurry up and get over there! Let's secure that thing whatever it is before anyone else gets to it!” A loud booming voice called out revealing the same large lizard man from earlier was ordering several other lizardmen to race towards the impact site. That was Ragnar, the large lizard man captain.

“Well looks like he wants the thing…” Iron muttered, grabbing his steel lance just in case and readying it. Iron looked at all his new targets, seeing several start to separate a bit too much. “First blood…” He growled to himself, seeing one go down an alleyway thinking it was a shortcut as he dove down silently and swiftly, driving the spear head straight through the lizard man's head.

“Hey head out for the position already! We don't got all day!” Ragnar shouted out roaring almost. The lizardmen all rushed ahead with a few stragglers trying to get their gear together. Ragnar led the charge leaving nothing to chance and clearly wanting to handle things himself.

Iron took his spear out of the dead lizard man’s head and took to the sky, looking at the stragglers, he noted that they were all in a rush and not entirely paying attention to their surroundings. The griffon dove down again, this time grabbing one by the throat when the others weren't looking and flew up fast, the force of the grab crushing his windpipe as he stabbed the Lizard in the heart, diving down into an alley and dumping the body as he swiftly went back up.

Iron’s third target got up and tried to get back with the group. He got up only to be tackled into an alleyway by him. Then Iron proceeded to rip his throat out brutally, breaking one of his legs before flying away quickly.

The fourth and fifth lizard got all their gear together, only for the forth one to have a spear pierce through his skull and the fifth one having razor sharp talons rip through the fifth one before he had a chance to call for backup.

Iron grabbed his spear out of the fourth lizards head and found his sixth target running, the griffon taking to the sky with his bloodied spear and diving again, this time he slashed into the back of the lizards neck, the blade sinking in half way through his neck before hitting the lizards spine, the sound of it breaking under the force was heard to the griffon, pulling the spear head out of the dead lizards neck. “Six down...seven to go…” He growled, taking off into the sky in search for the rest of the pirates.

Arsene was sleeping on the hammock in Capper’s house. Nodding the afternoon away. His peaceful nap would have continued, were it not for the rumbling he heard through the air.

“What’s that racket?” He yawned as he sat up. “Is the water wheel off its bearings again?”

He looked out the window to see something falling from the sky. He watched it as it abruptly hit the ground, making the earth shake beneath him.

“Whoa! Capper, did you see that?” He asked, only to not receive an answer. “Oh, he must have left.”

Her turned his attention back towards where the object had landed. Smirking, he grabbed his coat, strapped on his gloves, and jumped out the window. Landing on a nearby roof.

“Meteorite huh? Pretty curious, especially for a cat. Might even fetch a nice price.” He said to himself, before parkouring his way towards the meteor.

“Have you found him yet!? The Tartarus is wrong with you all and where are the other idiots!?” A large colossal Lizard man screamed out. “I don't care anymore. I'll secure the thing that fell and you find that fucking cat and skin him. He'll pay for stealing from us!”

“Yes Ragnar!” The lizardmen all saluted before racing off from him as Ragnar ran off for where the meteorite fell.

Arsene watched the whole exchange from a roof high enough above them for them to not notice him. “Man, that’s some determination for a cheating scumbag. That girl of his must be good in the sack.” Arsene mused. “But if he’s on his way to the meteorite, then I’ll probably meet him sooner than later.”

His attention shifted to Ragnar’s goons. “Those are probably his lackies, and probably the only ones who know who I am. Might miss out on the meteor, but taking care of them first will make it easier for me to walk around this town. Might as well take them out and pry the meteor from Ragnar later.”

With Ragnar’s six underlings, they continued to scour the city for any sign of Arsene. After moments of finding absolutely nothing, a stone landed right in front of them.

“Yo!” They looked up and saw Arsene standing on a roof of a one story building. “You looking for me? Your cheating boss must really want that gil back. Or maybe it’s the photos of him and the other girl, whoever she is.” he mocked them as he turned to run.

“Get him!” One of the grunts yelled as they gave chase.

The goons chased the Felician for what felt like a marathon. All the while, Arsene kept running with a knowing smirk on his face. Almost as if leading them somewhere.

After another moment of chasing, Arsene ducked down in what looks like an abandoned building. When the goons entered, all they saw was a large warehouse filled to the brim with scrapes of wood, metal, and whatever was left of scrap that was left over material from all over Klugetown.

“We got him cornered boys.” The lead goon told his fellow underlings. “This place only has one exit, let’s split up and bring that cat down.” The others nodded and they split up.

Through the whole warehouse, the only thing that could be heard was eerie silence. One of goons found themselves surrounded by large shards of mirrors all around him. Somewhere small, some were larger than a traditional mirror, and all were very sharp.

“Hey.” Arsene’s voice rung through the air. The goon looked around for the source, and found Arsene standing in the open. “I’m right here lizard lips. I’m guessing you get a bonus if you take me down, so this is the best chance you’ll probably get.”

The goon charged towards Arsene, sword raised and ready to cleave him in half. He swung his sword down upon Arsene.


Only to reveal it was only a mirror, and on the other side was a pit full of more mirror shards. The goon thought fast, and grabbed the ledge he fell from. He hung there for dear life, until he heard the soft patter of footsteps walk up to the ledge. Above him was a Arsene, looking down on him with his glowing amber eyes.

“Hey there, I’m here to deliver some bad luck.” Was all the Felician said, before he stomped on the lizards talons. The goons eyes only widened as he fell, and was silently impaled by the multiple shards below ending his life.

Two more goons were searching together for the Felician. Turning over every scrap of junk, and turning every corner to find him.

The two of them were searching on opposite sides of each other, solely focused on finding the cat.

“This is gonna take forever.” The first goon groaned.

“Well we can’t stop looking. Boss will be mad if we don’t get that cat’s hide and his wallet.” The second goon retorted.

The first goon sighed, “I know. Just really bunk that the boss gives us a hard time when he’s the one cheating.” he continued to ramble on.

During his rambling, the second goon continued to search through the junk. Until glowing amber eyes suddenly appeared, as two arms wrapped around his mouth and neck. He was pulled into the junk, without his partner noticing.

“... And we don't even get nothing out of it. You know what I mean?” The second goon finished his rambling. He turned around, to see that he was alone. “Dude? Where’d you go?” He looked around the area for his partner, without noticing the shadowy figure dropping behind him.

Arsene grabbed ahold of the lizard goons throat to stop him from screaming. “Sorry scales, out of luck.” He raised his paw, and retracted his very sharp claws. Arsene plunged the claws into the lizards neck. The goons body spazzed until it fell lifelessy on the ground.

The last three goons were slowly making their way further and further into the warehouse. Cautiously and slowly searching for Arsene.

The leader walked farther ahead as the other two stuck closer together. “He must be here somewhere. He couldn’t have moved so far without us noticing.”

The two other underlings continued to search, until they felt a tap on their shoulders. Making one look to the left and the other to the right. They looked confused, until two hands grabbed their faces and smashed the back of their heads together, effectively knocking them out.

“You’re right. Probably cause I’m not trying to run.” Arsene’s voice called out.

The leader quickly turned around to see Arsene standing above his two comrades. “There you are you fleabag!” He said as he pulled out his blade. “You may have taken out these two, but when the others get here we’ll have you outnumbered.”

“I wouldn’t count on it. I took care of those idiots already. Ain’t it hard to find good help nowadays?” Arsene taunted.

“Bastard!” The leader charged directly towards Arsene and swung his blade do slice hime up. Only to have Arsene slide between his legs to avoid the attack. Before he was fully through though, Arsene sliced both his legs with his claws to incapacitate him.

“All you goons are the same. I’d say you’re more bronze than brains, but bronze would have been harder to pierce.” Arsene smirked.

“Damn you! When the boss hears about this, you’re dead!” The leader clutched his legs in pain.

“By boss, you mean Ragnar right? Not this Verko fellow?” The Felician asked.

The leader raised his brow in confusion. “Of course Ragnar. A stolen wallet ain’t worth telling the big boss, especially if it’s some Felician trash like you.”

“That’s all I needed to hear.” Was all Arsene said before turning around and walked off.

“Where are you goin? This ain’t over!” the leader yelled, trying to get back to his feet.

Arsene stopped before turning around and picked up one of the goons swords. “Yeah it is. Not quit your lucky day is it?” He threw the sword towards the lead goon, only to have it wiff past him.

“You gotta work on your aim.” The leader taunted, before he heard a rumble.

“Wasn’t aiming at you.” Arsene booked out of of the Warehouse.

The leader slowly turned around to see a very large and unstable pile of junk starting to fall towards him.

“Damn.” Were the last words he uttered before he and his comrades were buried by the avalanche of sharp and heavy scrap.

Arsene exited the Warehouse, leaving behind all the chaos in his wake.

“Well that’s taken care of. Now to find that meteor.” He dusted himself off, before booking it towards where the meteorite landed.

“Well here it is… weird.” Dusk flapped down into the crater as Tempest stood at the edge.

“What is it then?” Tempest shouted out and not receiving an answer. With an eye roll she slid down into the crater and smacked him on the shoulder. “Didn't you hear me? What is it?”

“It looks like a star but its hexagonal. See? I'm gonna pick it up.” Dusk answered and immediately lifted his crystal leg.

“Well at least you're not stupid enough to use your good leg. But just give me a sec.” Tempest stopped him and quietly shuffled behind him. “Okay go ahead.”

“You are a wealth of faith in my ability to be a meat shield.” Dusk deadpanned giving the crazy mare a glare to go along.

“Lost a horn already. Don't need to lose anything else, thank you very much.” Tempest shot back giving him a equal harsh glare.

Rolling his eyes, he reached for the star as it attached magically to the end of his hoof. Lifting it up, Tempest decided it was safe enough to get out of cover and look over the star. It pulses with pure magic as the two were suddenly shaken off their hoods as another impact went off behind them.

“I knew I should have expected something to happen the moment I touched it. I had this feeling that something would happen.” Dusk sighed as he flapped his way out of the crater with Tempest easily bounding out of it with a few careful jumps.

“Ah there is a glorious treasure at the end of this rainbow. Now be good ponies and hand that over.” A deep booming voice calmly stated as it came closer to the two of them.

“Who are you?” Dusk called out keeping the star beneath his wing.

“That's Ragnar… he used to be one of Storm King’s shipping associate. Though I see he decided to get a raise.” Tempest sneered as she felt her eyes half lid from the sheer anger she felt at the moment.

“Ah Commander Tempest. Sorry to hear you decided to crawl back on your knees back here. I won't be following you ever again as it goes.” Ragnar darkly chuckled as he pulled out his giant anchor axe and held it against his shoulder.

The impact crater behind him also started to rumble as a large two headed dog climbed out of it. It slowly ambled over to Ragnar and carefully took his side.

“Looks like I have help on my side for this.” Ragnar slyly grinned as it growled out releasing flames from the left side and ice from the right side.

Ragnar readied his anchor axe and threw it out at Dusk who took off into to air dodging the blow and the chain that followed while Tempest jumped over the chain weaving into the alleys. The two headed dog fired off a large wave of ice which hit surrounding debris and froze it on impact.

“Ha! Look at this dog. It's great! Come on, let's deal with these two idiots who are keeping us from our destiny. Our destiny of being rich!” Ragnar cried out laughing the entire way.

Dusk dove down as Ragnar reeled in the chain quickly striking him back into one of the impact craters causing the anchor fall on his gut knocking the wind out of him. Orthrus looked back and blew flames out of its left maw causing him to dive under him dodging the flames as he flew under the beast.

As he was distracted Tempest rushed in using her magic to fire off several fireworks into the ice blowing face. With a quick sharp turn she spin kicked the beast’s right face and used her magic to explode underneath him before rushing off with Dusk for another alley.

“You won't get away from me!” Ragnar shouted out as he jumped out of the crater holding his anchor up as he rushed after them. The dog went beneath him picking him up and chased after them.

The two rushed off and while Dusk could have flown off he didn't leave Tempest behind. He would do his duty regardless of what would happen and that required her reformation. Ragnar actually threw his anchor wildly using the momentum to continually bring it back to his hand without much trouble.

“I will have that treasure!” Ragnar screamed out as the dog breathed out a large cloud of ice and fire which chased after the pair.

Dusk took off grabbing Tempest as she held onto the small star dodging the cloud before it could freeze or burn them alive.

“You can go buck yourself Ragnar!” Tempest shouted out as Ragnar screamed out.

“Gotta land… arm hurts… “ Dusk groaned as he landed on one of the nearby roofs.

Orthrus took the chance to grab onto the walls and climb up with Ragnar, who held on as he continued his pursuit. He wasn't paying attention to all his surroundings though as he was tunnelvisoned upon getting the treasure.

Iron saw the pirate captain and his new two headed dog friend chasing two ponies. “Well...might as well be a hero.” He said before dive bombing towards the Lizard and dog, thrusting his spear into the dog's side and using the force from the dive bomb to do more damage.

Without waiting for the griffon to shift positions Ragnar grabbed one of the wings of the griffon and used the broadside of his anchor to knock him over towards the ponies. The sudden thunk sound caused Tempest to turn around and attempt to catch him. Her magic was too wild and instead caused him to fall back on his talons and paws.

“Sorry about that. Still learning my strength.” Tempest idly spoke as she kept her eyes on Ragnar. Orthrus looked harmed but kept strong as he turned towards the griffon.

“Note to self...go for the guy with the big weapon first.” Iron said while shaking his head. “Ow. But thanks for at least catching me.” He said while readying himself for the dog and lizardman.

“Oh look, the big chicken who was supposed to be helping me out. What happened to finding that thief?” Ragnar growled out as he held his axe at the ready and Orthrus went into a very aggressive pose.

“Do I chase a thief that stole from a pirate, or do I fight the pirates that have probably helped bad guys?” Iron asked bluntly. “Gee I wonder.” He deadpanned.

“And my men? Those who did nothing to you?” Ragnar growled out as Orthrus barked menacingly.

“And the people that did nothing to you or your men that you probably killed get a free pass because I'm fighting back?” Iron asked.

“Ha! The justification of a sociopath. A murderer after my own heart.” Ragnar praised as he turned to the ponies. “Give me the star or else things get ugly.”

“You can go to Tartarus for all I care. You won't have this!” Dusk roared out grabbing the star back from Tempest and keeping it under his wing as he pulled out his wing blades and prepared for the fight.

“Less talking more hitting!” Tempest shouted as she knelt low into her usual battle stance.

Orthrus roared out and immediately charged forward while Ragnar wielded his anchor axe spinning it around like a turbine. Dusk flapped up and back while Tempest backed up to the edge, Iron taking to the sky along with Dusk.

In the distance, Arsene leaped over another rooftop to see the fight happening.

“Dang, Ragnar got here first.” Arsene said to himself. But while surveying the area, he saw a bat pony holding his objective. “But they got the treasure.” He thought for a moment, before sighing reluctantly. “Losing one treasure better be worth it.” Was all he said before he leaped towards the fight.

Ragnar tossed out his anchor upward following the two flyers as it hooked around Dusk pulling him down towards Orthrus.

Iron dove down and thrust his spear into Orthrus again, trying to distract the thing before it could hit Dusk.

Ragnar continued his struggle to force down the bat pony, but he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see no one, and suddenly he felt a sharp pain coursing through his arm that’s holding the chain. Ragnar screamed in pain while his leaving him completely distracted. Taking that chance Arsene snuck up behind Ragnar and kicked his dominant arm causing the anchor axe’s chain to lose its tautness giving enough slack for the bat pony to escape.

Tempest charged in sparking her horn as cascading magic flowed off from her as she rolled underneath Orthrus’s fire and ice breath which joined together and saturated the field. With a quick burst of magic sending Orthrus up into the air jostling Ragnar. It didn't care and reorientated itself back to face the prey it had found.

Iron moved to the side and stabbed at the things heads, thinking if body shots didn't faze it much he might as well go for the head. The spear went through the jaw and through where the brain would be. Instead of disorienting it, the large beast twisted that head and slammed the griffin into the ground before tossing him into the thestral who had tried to charge in sending the two sprawling onto the floor.

“That’s one tough pet you got there lizard breath.” Arsene retorted, still clinging to Ragnar’s arm with his claws. “Your lady friend give him to you? Or was it the other one?”

“The hell!?” Iron squawked, not understanding how the thing was even alive when it was stabbed through its brain.

“Get off of me!” Disco growled out as he kicked the griffon of his body. There was a moment where he had to reattach his arm.

Tempest was doing her best out of the group managing to stay out of range of the constant breath attacks while Ragnar attempted to squash the mangy cat that was bothering him with his weapon less arm.

“Can’t get rid of me that easy! Can’t say the same for your goons.” Arsene tried to endure the rough throws of the lizard only to finally be flung away a great distance. Orthrus then grabbed Arsene by the tail and tossed him over to the side flinging him towards the ponies and griffon.

Iron moved over and caught Arsene, putting him down. “Hi.” Iron says to the feline simply. “Friend or just want this pirate dead?”

“Little bit of both.” Arsene got back to his feet. “We can talk about it later. I’m feeling frisky and ready for a fight.”

“Ladies less talking for fighting. I feel like I'm repeating myself now!” Dusk yelled out charging for Orthrus using his wings to push through the flames and ice breath before burying his wing blades into the ice head’s eyes. It shook around wildly before the flame head turned to burn him.

Iron moved towards the fire head and drove his spear into that heads eye while it was distracted.

From the opposite side, Arsene swiftly slid below the Ice head. Quickly slashing its neck with his claws.

Tempest took the opportunity and jumped into the fray using her magic to explode in their face causing the two head to darken falling to the floor dead as Ragnar jumped off before it could dissolve into shadows.

“You worthless bastards. Getting in my way. I will have that star!” Ragnar growled out readying his axe. Before he could charge in the shadows of Orthrus raced into Ragnar forcing itself down his throat. Within seconds his right arm turned to fire and his left turned to ice.

“Excuse me but what the hell just happened?” Iron asked, his eyes wide at seeing the strange actions being taken here and how Ragnar suddenly gained fire and ice arms.

“Does it matter!? Take him down!” Dusk called out as he flew around the lizardman taking stock of his movement.

“Easier said than done Bats!” Arsene yelled, dodging a flurry of fire being shot towards him.

“I agree with the Felician, this is a lot more than just fighting a lizard with a giant anchor.” Iron said while dodging a swing from the lizards anchor, trying to find a good time to strike when ice shards weren't being flung at him as well.

“If any one of us has a plan it would be really welcome!” The Felician dove towards the lizardman, slashing at his ice arm. Only for it to have little effect, and to be smacked away.

“Try to go for the legs and cripple him.” Iron said, trying to bring up something as he tried using his spears reach and his speed to try and stab his legs, but having to mostly dodge because of the fire being shot at him.

“The star will be mine!” Ragnar kept firing off his fire and ice attacks.

While distracted, behind him Tempest and Dusk charged to attack. Tempest shot her magic at his unprotected back and Dusk swiped his wing blades at his left leg.

The griffon noticed Ragnar buckle to having his leg cut, dashing forward and thrusting his spear into the lizards chest, hoping to hit before he could react.

With a shuddering growl Ragnar fell to his knees before falling onto his back. The dread pirate died of blood loss and the star was safe from his grasp. Before the four could fully introduce themselves the star immediately blasted with a pulse of magic striking all four involved sending them unconscious as the four were now bound by fate to the Asterisks.

Comments ( 2 )

I am intrigued with this. Admittedly, I haven't gotten very far into Bravely Default before I got sidetracked. And now my 3DS is packed somewhere in the pile of boxes used during a move. I eagerly await more chapters.:twilightsmile:

It's a good RPG and has a decent if somewhat padded story but the first game makes complete sense for why it is like that. This story is one I want to work on more but I need to work based on the efforts of the other authors as well. We try to write but life always seems to come in the way. Especially work.

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