• Published 24th Dec 2017
  • 833 Views, 4 Comments

Why? Because it's Hearth's Warming - Talon and Thorn

It's Hearth's Warming and Dash is preparing for fun. However a chance meeting with a pony from her past shows her that not everypony is as fortunate. She sets out to lend a hoof, even if her target doesn't seem to appreciate it.

  • ...

Why? Because it's Hearth's Warming

Rainbow Dash despaired at the job ahead of her. The Wonderbolts barracks would have looked better if a hurricane had swept through it; almost every possible surface was covered by empty bottles, discarded wrapping paper and uneaten food. In fact, the idea of running a hurricane through the room to clean it out was tempting, but when she’d last cleaned the compound via storm Spitfire had threatened her with suspension. That had been totally unfair. It wasn’t like it was her fault one of the cadets got blown away. Besides, Angel Wings had found her way back in a few hours.

The Wonderbolts were almost as skilled at partying as they were at flying but after those epic parties came the cleaning up, and according to Spitfire the responsibility for tidying up after the annual Hearth's Warming shindig always fell to the newbie. The Wonderbolts seemed to have a lot of traditions which resulted in Dash having to do unpleasant jobs. She sometimes wondered just how traditional some of the traditions were, but not for very often because she was still too busy thinking about how awesome it was to be a Wonderbolt!

Opening her saddlebags, Dash pulled out a long roll of plastic bags and started to fill the first one with the rubbish in her immediate vicinity. She had to admit last night had been an amazing party, maybe not the very best she’d ever had - Pinkie set that bar high - but it had been close. The entire current squad had been there, even a few of the more fortunate cadets had been invited, but what had made the night really special was the veteran flyers from previous lineups who had made it. She’d gotten the chance to meet for real many of the heroes whose images had lined her bedroom walls as a filly, and even gotten to swap stories of their escapades.

Her first bag full, Dash tied it off before tossing it out the door to be collected later and started on the next. She hadn’t even made a dent in the overall mess. Pushing aside a fallen chair next to the turntable revealed a white coated leg sticking out of a small mountain of beer cans. She frowned for a moment, wondering how drunk you’d have to be before you didn’t notice leaving a limb behind. Then she cleared off more debris to reveal the leg was attached to a white coated unicorn, with a messy two-tone blue mane covering much of her face.

So that was where Vinyl had gotten to.

Giving an evil chuckle, Dash rubbed her hooves together in glee. This was the perfect chance for a prank. Careful not to wake the slumbering DJ, she positioned one of the speakers next to Vinyl’s head and swooped over towards the turntables. For a moment she considered cranking the volume all the way up to eleven, but given how hung over Vinyl must be that was far too cruel, even for her. She settled on a less brain-melting seven before jabbing the ‘on’ button.

The thumping beat pounding from the speakers caused Vinyl to leap into the air with her horn sparking randomly. She landed heavily, one leg slipped on a discarded slice of pizza, and she went tumbling. Trash flew everywhere in her wake until her path ended at one of the partially filled rubbish bags, which split under the impact and buried her under even more trash.

It was hilarious.

Dash doubled over in laughter, then laughed even harder when Vinyl's head popped up out of the rubbish. The DJ looked back and forth in surprise before her face screwed up as the pain of her hangover hit her. She rubbed a hoof against her head for a moment before throwing Dash a look easily translatable as ‘seriously dude!’

Dash turn the music down to a reasonable level, considering her own head was pounding something fierce too. “Yeah, sorry,” she said wiping the tears from her eyes. “I just couldn’t resist. No harm done right?” She flew over to Vinyl and helped her stand.

Vinyl shrugged and nodded before clutching at her head again.

“Feeling the pain right? Last night was off the scale!” cried Dash causing Vinyl to wince again. “Sorry,” she said more quietly. “If you want to tidy up, the showers in the guest quarters should be free.” She pointed in the relevant direction. “There should be pain killers there as well.”

That certainly put a spring in the unicorn’s step as she started to stagger that way.

“Hey, you need a hoof getting back to the ground when you’re done?” offered Dash. There was a fairly frequent sky chariot service between Cloudsdale and any nearby ground communities but it might be tricky to get back to Ponyville with the holidays so close.

Vinyl seemed to consider for a moment before shaking her head and gesturing towards the sound system.

“You got somepony to help you pack up later?”

Vinyl nodded.

“Fair enough, then. See you in a bit.”

Vinyl nodded again and waved before leaving Dash to her duties. The pegasus did a quick search for any other ponies who might still be around, but Vinyl seemed to be the only one in the immediate vicinity. She’d seen Sky Stinger and Vapour Trail sneaking off hoof in hoof towards Spitfire’s office last night and hadn’t seen them leave again, although things had gotten a bit hazy after her drinking contest with Surprise and Clipper. If the lovebirds had fallen asleep in there then she certainly didn’t want to be the one to disturb them, since she had no idea where her camera had gone. She’d leave that to Spitfire when she made it in to do the last of her paperwork in a few hours.

Chucking at the idea of the look on the newbie’s faces when they were busted by the captain, Dash returned to picking up the pile of wrapping paper left behind when the various bolts had shared their gifts. She frowned when she picked up something that felt a lot heavier than wrappings. Had somepony forgotten a present?

Clearing away the clutter, she pulled out a framed photograph still half covered in colourful paper. It showed the Wonderbolts lineup from maybe twenty years ago. She examined the tag, then felt her heart drop into her hooves and her ears drooped.

Oh. Of course it was for him.

One of the older members mustn’t have heard the news. Carefully, she peeled off the rest of the wrapping and looked at the happy group of pegasi, making some small measure of her depression lift.

There they were, every one of them in that year. Firefly, still a rookie. Wind Whistler when she was still wearing her mane long. Gusty, Heart Throb, all the greats from the previous generation...

... and him.

Wind Rider looked so different from the last time they met, so young, hardly more than a colt. He seemed so happy, his face split by a wide grin, how had that grown into the bitter stallion she’d seem a few months ago? She glanced up at the picture of the current team on the wall with her own smiling face amongst them. For a moment, she wanted to toss the picture aside or throw it away but something made her stop and carefully rewrap it as best she could.

Sighing, she picked up a nearby brush. She still had a lot of cleaning to do.

Dash had always thought there was something special about Cloudsdale at Hearth's Warming. Sure, Canterlot had the spectacle of twelve-foot candy canes and the palace itself fully decorated, and Ponyville had the intimate feel of the whole population putting their whole into the holiday, but Cloudsdale was special. Maybe it was because she’d grown up there, but the sight of snow on top of clouds, of enchanted flames of friendship shining over every house, of the population swooping from place to place with a greeting on every tongue just made Dash feel so warm inside.

The only thing that could make her feel down was the parcel which now stuck out of her bags. She didn’t understand why she had it with her, why she’d snuck into the records room and looked up a certain address, why she was flying towards that address now. Surely there were so many better things she could be doing? Hearth’s Warming eve was tomorrow, there was last minute shopping to do, she was due to help Fluttershy with the decorating, and try to stop her dad from scaring the neighbours with his singing, but instead she found herself making her way through the middle class part of the city looking for a certain house.

She knew her target when she saw it. At first glance, it didn’t look all that much different from the others around it. A middle sized house in a good neighbourhood, nothing over the top, but nice enough. In some way she’d expected a mansion, or maybe a cardboard box in some ally, not this slice of normality. Except it wasn’t, the house stood out from all the others not because of what it was, but because of what it didn’t have. The other houses on the block all had decorations up, some contained so many wreaths and lights and statues that even Pinkie would consider things a bit over the top. Others were more restrained, the odd bow here and there, Hearth's Warming dolls in the window, but every place had something - even in some cases the tacky Windy the Wendigo merchandise which had popped up this year - except for the one she was looking for.

With a sigh, she alighted in front of the door. For a moment, she considered turning and just flying away again. She didn’t have any reason to be here, she didn’t owe Wind Rider anything, in fact quite the opposite. But when she’d last seen him he’d seemed so broken, and the things he’d said, in some way it was the same things she’d thought to herself during some of her darker nights when her destiny seemed too far away. She hefted the picture from her bag. Somepony had cared enough to buy it, so the least she could do was to deliver it. Then she could be off and forget about the whole thing.

Raising a hoof, she pressed the part of the door which triggered a bolt of lightning to ring a bell within. She waited, there was no reply, no sign of any life within the house. Maybe he was out? Maybe he’d moved, the records could easily be out of date. She tried the buzzer again, this time her ears pricked up as she heard movement from within, but the door remained stubbornly closed. Dash considered, the door was cloud, like everything else in Cloudsdale, it wouldn’t be all that difficult to break through but that would hardly result in the best impression. Once again she pressed the buzzer, this time leaning against it for a full minute. She heard further movement along with what could be muffled shouting. She’d at least gotten his attention.

Suddenly the door dissolved to reveal a middle aged stallion, his coat was blue and his somewhat thinning mane grey. He glared at her for a moment, his eyes bloodshot and glazed, before they brightened with a look of pure hatred. “Rainbow Dash!” he growled.

“Wind Rider,” she replied immediately regretting what she’d just done. She was actually a bit shocked at how he looked, nothing like the smooth stallion she’d met at the palace months ago. His eyes were bloodshot and his coat looked like it hadn’t had a good brush in weeks. He might have lost weight as well, his jacket - still with the hole torn in it where his Wonderbolt pin had used to be - hung loosely on his frame.

“Here to torment me now you’re a full Wonderbolt? Enjoy it while it lasts. Now get lost!” he moved to reform the door, but Rainbow stuck out a wing to stop it.

“Wait, I have something for you!”

“A Hearth’s Warming gift!” he exclaimed his eyes widening before narrowing again in suspicion. “Why? Is this some sort of trick?”

“It’s not from me,” she looked down and scuffed at the cloud below with a hoof. “Surprise left it at the party last night.”

“I guess my invitation must have gotten lost in the mail. Or maybe they’re just all too embarrassed to be around a washed-up has-been like me.”

“What did you expect after what you—” yelled Dash before getting herself under control. “No it’s just a present. Surprise would want you to have it.”

“Yeah, well her heart always was too big.” His face lightened for a moment. “That’s why she dropped out after only two seasons, couldn’t keep up.”

Dash ground her teeth. “You know she dropped out of the main squad to teach full time at the academy.”

“Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach! And she couldn’t, so!” He paused. “How is she?”

“She, well, she’s good,” muttered Dash. “She talked all night about her grandfoal. He’s really into hoof painting apparently.” She had to admit she hadn’t entirely been listening, there had been a lot of photographs involved. “Look, I just want to give you this, then I’ll leave and we can just forget about each other.”

Wind Rider huffed for a moment. “I guess you better come in, then.”

Dash frowned. Why couldn’t she just give the thing to him out here? But he’d already started to shuffle into the house and she felt drawn to follow him. Wind Rider’s house was in just as poor state as its owner. Although the clouds used to build pegasus homes didn’t pick up dust easily, these were wispy and in need of maintenance. Wind Rider led her into a living room which reminded her of the barracks, before she’d spent all morning cleaning. Every surface in the sparsely furnished room was covered in bottles and cans. Here and there were half eaten meals. She sniffed and gagged because most of them were rotting. The only things that seemed cared for were the various trophies lining the walls, and there were many gaps amongst them.

“Mind the mess,” growled Rider shoving a pile of rubbish aside to clear a chair. “I wasn’t expecting visitors. Since you humiliated me, no one comes to see me anymore.”

“I humiliated you? You tried to frame me and get me thrown out of the Wonderbolts!” cried Dash her wings spreading in anger.

“Yeah, well you were stealing my records...” He looked aside.

Dash bit her tongue, she wasn’t here to get into a fight. “You live here?”

“For the moment. You didn’t manage to take everything from me, yet. I earned quite a bit back in the day, and it’s not like I have much to spend it on.”

“Apart from booze,” she said examining a nearby bottle. It was the worst kind of rotgut. If he was drinking this, then maybe his financial situation was worse than he claimed.

“Come here to lecture me about the demon drink? Give it a year or two and I’m sure you’ll need something to let you relax after training, if you don’t already. Unless you have some other pick me up?”

“That’s not funny,” she growled. She liked the odd cider now and then, but nothing stronger.

“We’ll see,” he said taking a swig from a nearby bottle. “Now what is that Barely got for me?”


“Surprise, we called her Barely Flies back in the day. When she first joined the squad she was so scared her wings locked up, she had to gallop up and down the runway for half an hour before she got into the air.” To Dash’s surprise Wind Rider actually smiled for a moment. “You get a nickname yet Dash?”

“Yeah, they call me Crash,” she said with pride.

He whistled. “Bet that hurt when you first got it. Just the team playing around.”

“Yeah, I know.” Why was he suddenly being almost nice? “What did they call you back in the day?”

It was like a steel shutter slammed shut over his face. “None of your business!” he snarled.

“Fine, whatever!” she exclaimed taking the parcel from her bags and tossing it over towards him.

He caught it, noting the damage to the wrapping. “I seem you already nosed around in it.” He pulled the rest of the paper off and gazed at it his face going slack. “My first year on the squad,” he breathed.

“You looked so young,” she commented.

“I was, younger than you.” He closed his eyes for a moment resting his head against the picture. “I was so cocky, I didn’t think anything would ever stop me. That the good times would carry on forever. Every show was another record broken.”

“Yeah, you’ve still got your trophies.” She nodded towards the walls.

“Really?” he snarled, suddenly angry again. “Look at them!”

Frowning Dash turned to a nearby award. “Two mile flight, foals under ten, 2nd place?” she read from the plaque.

“They stripped me of my Wonderbolt records. All I’ve got left are my awards before I joined.” He tossed aside the picture, and Dash flinched at the sound of breaking glass. “They! Took! It! All! From! Me!” he screamed suddenly, on his hooves and approaching her.

Dash scrabbled up, her body preparing for a fight. “Calm down!”

“Calm down! I’ve lost it all thanks to you!” he stuttered. For a moment he seemed ready to throw a punch, then it was almost like he folded in upon himself and he was just an old stallion again. “Get out,” he muttered.

“Look, you—” started Dash.

“Just get out. Leave me alone,” he said quietly. “Just leave me alone, like everypony else.”

“Right, ok,” said Dash ready in case his mood changed again. “Yeah, well, I gave you your present. I’ve got nothing else to do with you now.” She edged towards the exit. “Happy Hearth's Warming,” she said automatically.

“How does this look Rainbow?” asked Fluttershy holding a wreath up against the wall. “Higher? Lower?”

“Huh? Sorry, what?” asked Dash shaking her head. She was supposed to be helping Fluttershy and her family prepare for Hearth’s Warming Eve tomorrow. Their two families had been close since she and Fluttershy had been foals and they had a tradition of spending the holiday together. This year it was the Shy family’s turn to host. Mr and Mrs Shy were currently in the kitchen cooking up a storm.

For a change, even Zephyr was helping, he’d been sent out to pick out a few last minute ingredients. Fluttershy’s little brother had really managed to straighten himself out over the last few months. He’d moved and into a house with some friends from college, although he was still spending Hearth's Warming with his family.

Meanwhile, she and Fluttershy were decorating the house, or at least they should be. Fluttershy was doing most of the work, Dash kept getting distracted, her mind drifting back to her meeting with Wind Rider yesterday.

“Are you still thinking of him?” asked Fluttershy gently as she sunk back to the ground.

“Yeah, I know I should just forget him, he’s just a grumpy old stallion!” she growled in frustration, “but I just can’t let him go!”

“Maybe you feel sorry for him?” said Fluttershy landing in front of Dash.

“Maybe, I don’t know,” mumbled Dash with a scowl. “He made his own bed, he should lie in it!”

Fluttershy gave a weak smile. “He made some bad decisions, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t feel bad about him. It is Hearth's Warming, a time for all sorts of ponies to come together.”

“He framed me,” exclaimed Dash, “I should hate him, but when I met him afterward at the palace, he just seemed so small, so lost. He put his whole life into the Bolts and he lost everything.” She let out a breath, she wasn’t really one for deep self examination but Fluttershy made it easier, she was a really good listener. “Do you think I might...” she paused, “that that might happen to me one day?” Without further prompting, Fluttershy leaned forwards and enfolded Dash in a gentle hug. Dash halfheartedly tried to push her friend away but after a moment accepted the embrace.

“Of course not, Dash. You’re a different pony, and you have friends to keep you on the right path.”

“But you know how I am, I really like winning. I’m good at it. Just like he was. And the Wonderbolts are all about that. I saw how they treated Clipper when he couldn’t fly.” She looked up at Fluttershy. “Am I going to end up like him? So bitter?”

“Oh, Dash, no! You could never be like that. You’re willing to drop everything to help your friends, and we’ll always be here for you.”

For a moment Dash leaned into her friend before she remembered that she didn’t need any support and carefully backed away. “Thank’s Shy,” she mumbled.

“Anytime,” said her friend with a smile.

“He was just acting so strange,” said Dash pacing around the room. “Maybe if he’d just slammed the door in my face I’d just chalk it up to him being a grump, but he invited me in. He didn’t need to do that, we actually talked for a bit. Then he all but kicked me out. Maybe he’s just crazy!”

“Maybe, but I think he was glad to see you. To see anypony. He’s probably lonely.”

“Lonely?” asked Dash furrowing her brow.

“Well he probably hasn’t talked to anypony for days, maybe longer. It doesn’t sound like he has any friends. It can be very hard to live alone, especially at this time of year.” She gestured at the decorations. “Hearth's Warming is all about family and being together, it can be hard for those on their own.”

“But he kicked me out!” said Dash her brow furrowed.

“He might be too proud to admit that he wanted somepony to talk to, maybe even to himself. You know how someponies can be.”

“Yeah someponies, like Applejack, can find it really hard to admit they need help,” said Dash. To her surprise Fluttershy giggled a little. “What?”

“Oh nothing. Yes someponies like Applejack can be too proud to ask for help, and sometimes you need to give them a hoof.” She rested her hoof on Dash.

“What do you mean? Should I invite him to our Hearth's Warming party?” That really didn’t seem like a good idea to her. She could deal with the old stallion but Mr and Mrs Shy, or even her own parents, it would ruin their holiday.

“Maybe,” said Fluttershy, “but maybe he has some other ponies he could spend the holiday with, friends of his own, maybe some of the Wonderbolts, or even family. Everypony has somepony.”

Dash shook her head. Fluttershy wouldn’t understand how deep Wind Rider’s betrayal had struck the Bolts, both current and previous. None of them would have anything to do with him. He’s made it clear when they talked in Canterlot that his obsessiveness had driven away any friends. As for family, she thought back to their meeting in his room at the palace, he’d said his mother was dead, and his father, but he had mentioned... “Can you decorate by yourself?” she asked leaping into the air.

“I suppose so, I-” began Fluttershy.

“Good I’ll be back soon!” exclaimed Dash already flying out of the door. “I’ve got somepony’s Hearth's Warming to save!”

Fluttershy watched as Dash streaked away. “You’re a good mare, Rainbow Dash,” she said.

“You again! What are you-” started Wind Rider as he opened the door.

“Your sister!” exclaimed Dash.

“My sister? What about-” stuttered the stallion staggering back into his house for a moment before getting his footing. “Is something wrong with-” he started eyes wide.

“You said you had a sister once, that you hadn’t talked to her in years,” continued Dash nodding happily.

“Yes, well-”

“I found her! I looked up her contact details in the your old Wonderbolts file, she’d moved but the new owner had her latest address! It’s not even very far!” said Dash puffing up with pride.

Wind Rider stood in silence for a moment emotions flashing over his face quicker than Dash’s eyes could follow. Finally his features settled on a scowl.“Yeah, well good for you. What about it?”

“Well you can go and see her,” said Dash.

“Why would I want to do that?”

“Because she’s your sister, and you haven't seen her in years!” said Dash, this conversation was starting to sound very different to how she’d imagined it would.

“It took you, what, an hour to track her down? If I wanted to find Wave don’t you think I could have done the same? I burned that bridge a long time ago,” he gave a bitter laugh, “I don’t want to talk to her,” he glanced down for a moment, “and I don’t imagine she’ll want to talk to me.”

“But, but-” stuttered Dash.

“You thought you could wave some sparkly harmonic wand and my bitter old heart would grow three sizes and everything would be all sunshine and rainbows?” asked Wind Rider giving a bitter laugh. “Sorry to disappoint you, but reality doesn’t work that way. Once you lose something like that it’s gone for good.”

“But don’t you even care? She’s your sister for Celestia’s sake. You haven’t seen her for years!” yelled Dash, she was starting to get angry at Wind Rider, she’s worked hard to try and fix things for him. He could at least be grateful.

“I only cared for one thing, winning. My trophies were all I needed, and you’re the one that took all that away from me!” he jabbed a hoof at her.

“Oh, come on!” yelled Dash. “You tried to frame me, if you lost anything it was your own fault, and this is nothing to do with that. This is about family!” Wind Rider flinched. “It’s Hearth's Warming, and you’re going to go and see your sister even if I have to drag your sorry carcass to her.” She pounced forwards and grabbed the stallion before throwing him out of his house.

“Wha... wait a min-” began Rider trying to get his bearings.

“Fly! Now!” demanded Dash taking to the sky, “unless you’ve forgotten how to do that?”

Wind Rider’s eyes narrowed. “I was pulling off stunts while you were still in diapers!” he growled. He strode forwards and with a single flap leapt into the air. Dash had to admit he had good form, although his wings were clearly stiff from lack of use. How long had it been since he’d been away from his house anyway?

“Well prove it then, she doesn’t live that far away, see if you can keep up,” she orientated towards her destination and set a moderate pace before glancing back at her companion and the frown on his face. He realised he’d been tricked but seemed too proud to give up. With a grin Dash picked up the pace.

Wave Rider’s house wasn’t that far away from her brothers although in a rather lower class part of Cloudsdale but even here the residents had done whatever they could to decorate for the holiday. The house she’d come to see had a pair of smiling hearth’s dolls sitting in the window and a wreath on the wall. Circling Dash looked back at Wind Rider, he’d followed her all the way but had dropped further and further back as they’d progressed. He didn’t seem tired but his face gave away his trepidation. Of course whenever he caught her watching him his features returned to seeming disinterest or distain.

“So, here we are,” announced Dash as she dropped to the ground outside the house.

Wind Rider landed nearby and looked over the house, seemingly not pleased with what he saw. “I thought she’d do better for herself,” he mumbled under his breath. “Fine, I came here,” he continued louder. “You going to hog tie me and throw me in through a window?”

“Don’t tempt me,” growled Dash, she’d watched Applejack use her rope enough times that she figured she could probably do so if she needed to.

“Look she’s probably not in, and she certainly doesn’t want to talk to me,” said Rider shuffling his hooves. “Why don’t we just say you tried so that you can satisfy whatever madness drove you to this and we can both go on our own ways.” There was a touch of pleading in his voice, but he didn’t move away from the door.

“Look, I know you’re lonely,” said Dash, “you must miss her a bit.”

“I don’t need anypony,” said Wind Rider quickly.

“What was it you told me back at the castle months ago. You woke up and realised that nopony knew the real you?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” said Wind. “I don’t remember talking to you about that.”

“Yeah, well you were pretty drunk at the time.”

“You’d have a few drinks as well after you’d just lost the most important thing in your life.”

“Yeah, and have you stopped drinking since?” she asked. Wind opened his mouth then quickly shut it again. Sighing loudly Dash brought a hoof up to the door and triggered a patch of cloud to release a tiny lightning bolt which rang the bell. There was silence for a moment.

“Like I said nopony home,” said Wind Rider. “We should just-”

The door dissolved in front of her. For a moment it seemed to Dash that there was no-pony present, but then she looked down to see a pegasus colt probably of around Scoots age. He had a dark blue coat with white socks and a black wavy mane. He looked up hopefully for a moment then his face fell. “What do you want?” he asked a little rudely.

Dash frowned and glanced over at Wind Rider. The older stallion had gone quite pale and backed away a step.

Before she could say anything a further shape appeared in the doorway in front of Dash. “Pinion! I’ve told you not to answer the door by yourself!”

“I’m sorry,” said the colt his head drooping.

The mare winced for a moment before gently pushing the colt back into the house. “Why don’t you go play in the back garden for a bit, while I talk to this mare.” Dash assumed she must be Wind Rider’s sister, their coats were almost exactly the same shade of blue although her mane was a pale orange. Dash guessed she was significantly younger than her brother, although her face was lined enough to add to those years. “I’m sorry about that,” she said looking up at Dash, “He was expecting his father. Anyway, how can I help you?”

“Oh, um, right, I’m Rainbow Dash and, well, I brought your brother to see you,” she gestured over towards Wind Rider.

“My brother?” her face screwed up in confusion for a moment before turning towards Wind Rider. Her mouth dropped in surprise.

“Um, hi Wave,” said Wind, giving an awkward wave.

“You, your... What are you doing here? I haven't seen you in...”

“In years,” said Wind nodding his head.

“Not since before mother’s...” she paused blinking quickly, “not for a long time.” She continued.

“I was busy,” he said lamely not meeting his sisters gaze.

“You always were,” she said her voice hardening, “why are you here now?” Her eyes widened again. “There’s not something wrong with you is there?”

“No, no, nothing like that,” he said hurriedly. Dash briefly wondered how long he would stay health given how he was living. “Dash here decided to drag me along when she found out how things were between us.”

“You only came because one of your little fanfillies got interested in me?” She stamped a hoof on the ground. “They just keep getting younger as you get older, don’t they,” she ran a critical eye up and down Dash, “is this one even legal?”

“Hey, hey,” spluttered Dash, she wasn’t sure whether to be flattered or insulted. “He’s not, we’re not, no! No! I’m his nemesis!” That didn’t sound right but it was all she could come up with right now.

Wind Rider didn’t try to hide his amusement at Dash’s uncomfortableness. “I actually tried to get her kicked out of the Wonderbolts.”

“That was her? I read about it in the papers,” said Wave before she turned to Dash, “I’m sorry for what my idiot of a brother did to you. He can get very obsessed with things, and forget about everything else going on in his life.” She glared over at Wind Rider.

“So, um that boy, he’s well...” said Wind trying to change the topic.

“He’s mine,” she looked back into the house, “your nephew, not that he even knows you exist. He doesn’t have a reason to, right?”

“And his, er, father?”

“He’s someone else who hasn’t visited for a long time.”

Wind seemed to bristle, his wings spreading angrily. “Who is he? Tell me and...” he growled.

Wave couldn’t seem to keep a small smile from her face. “I think you might have left it a bit late to be all brotherly. Not that getting somepony to buck him in the face hasn’t crossed my mind a few times. He’s long gone.”

“Look, Wave I’m sorry I was-” said Wind stepping forwards.

“Busy, I know. Look, you’ve picked an odd time to suddenly decide to come back, but would you, would you like to come in for a few minutes? So we don’t give the neighbours anything more to gossip about.”

Dash glanced around to see a few curious ponies suddenly snap back to minding their own business.

Wave stepped back and the three of them trailed into the house. It was a little cramped but had a certain lived in charm to it, cosy was probably the best way to describe it. Somewhat battered furniture, some of it apparently homemade, filled the living room most of it patched or repaired in some way. A large picture of a ship at sea covered most of one wall.

“You paint this one?” asked Wind pointing at the picture.

“I like to keep my hoof in when I can. Working at the weather factory, raising Pinion, and keeping this place half decent doesn’t leave me much free time.”

“It’s good,” he said looking closely at the painting. “You know if you’d practised more, put more time in you could make a living out of this.”

“I’d rather have time to spend with my son than be the best artist I can,” replied Wave icily. Wind turned with a sigh and Dash tensed ready to try and head off what seemed like an old argument.

Instead there were interrupted by the arrival of Pinion. The colt came swooping into the room knocking a chunk of cloud out of the wall on the way. “Pinion! What did I tell you about flying in the house!” cried his mother as she moved to smooth over the hole left in the cloud of the building.

“Sorry Mum! So who are they?” he asked nodding at Dash and Wind Rider seemingly not intimidated by the strangers in his home.

“Well that is Miss Dash,” Rainbow gave the colt a friendly smile. “And that,” she pointed a hoof at Wind Rider. “That,” she sighed, “is my brother, your uncle.”

“My uncle..?”

“Yes, um lad, I’m called Wind Rider. I used to be a Wonderbolt you know,” he gave a smile that Dash had seen on numerous posters back in the day. “Maybe you’ve heard of me?”

“Um, no,” said the boy causing Wind Riders face to fall. “I don’t follow the Wonderbolts, I’m not very good at flying.”

“Pinion, you’re good at flying,” said his mother gently.

“Not as good as the rest of the foals at flight camp,” he said sulkily, “I didn’t win anything in the sports day!”

“Not with an attitude like that you won’t” barked Wind Rider causing Pinion to leap into the air, wings blurring ready to flee. Wave instinctively moved towards her son. “Not a bad take off,” said Wind nodding his head, “but you flap too much, boy, flight is mostly about gliding, don’t put so much effort into it, let your feathers hold the air.” In demonstration the stallion lifted off with only a slightly movement of his wings and hovered almost immobile in the air. Eyes wide Pinion slowed his frantic beating. “Good, now stretch your wings a bit more, keep them wide. It’ll keep you more stable, and give those naysayers at flight camp something to talk about.” He gave a wink. Pinion giggled, his shock of just a few moments ago apparently forgotten. “With some training you might even be able to join the ‘bolts, it looks like they let almost anypony join now a days.” Wing glanced up at Dash who scowled back struggling not to stick her tongue out.

“Well flight isn’t everything,” said Wave Rider gently pushing Pinion back to the ground with a leg. “Pinion’s top of his class for metrology, why don’t you get your presentation from your bedroom dear?”

With a look of joy covering his face the colt quickly rushed out of the room. Once he was gone his mother turned to her brother her face contorted in anger. “You do not get to just turn up out of the blue after years and try to raise my son like that!”

“Look I’m sorry I,” said Wind Rider backing away from his sister. “I thought I could do something to help him, I-”

“Why are you here anyway? After all this time, you didn’t even turn up for mum’s funeral and now this?”

“That was my fault,” said Dash. “I talked to Wind Rider recently and he mentioned you, and he was by himself and I thought.” She sighed. “I thought If I could get you two together...”

“She felt sorry for me,” spat Wind Rider.

“And you thought visiting me would just make him all better?” asked Wave Rider. “He’s been a thick skulled, obsessive, idiot as long as I’ve been alive! Why would he change now?”

“And she’s been a directionless, wishy washy, underachiever who had so much talent she never even used!”

Dash backed away as both siblings advanced on her.

“He used to drive dad up the wall with all his practicing every hour of the day!” said Wave turning towards her brother.

“Why mom kept supporting all your hobbies I’ll never know!” he replied with a snarl.

The two of them stared at each other almost muzzle to muzzle for a moment, then inexplicably a smile broke across Wind’s face and he started to giggle. His sister quickly followed suit and after a moment's hesitation she rested her face against her brothers in a nuzzle. “I’ve missed you so much,” she breathed. “But you don’t get to tell Pinion what to do!”

“Yes, sorry. I crossed the line there but he has potential.”

“Potential to be what he wants to be, not to be yo-”

“Here I am,” cried Pinion as he rushed back into the room a thick cardboard sheet on his back. “We had to do a presentation on our favourite type of cloud, but I couldn’t choose, so I did something on all of them.” He placed the board on the floor and Dash leaned forwards to examine the multiple small wisps of cloud floating over it. “I kept it so that I could show it to Dad when he turns up for the holidays.”

“Now you know your father is very busy and-” started Wave.

“You did this?” asked Dash looking down at the model. It was hard to get small samples of cloud to stay stable and to have a full set of them produced by a foal, well it showed a lot of hard work.

“Uh, huh,” said Pinion nodding his head. “Mom helped me a bit with the labels, my writing can be a bit messy but I made all the clouds!”

“This is um, very impressive,” noted Windrider kneeling somewhat painful to get a closer look at the presentation. “So what’s that one?” he pointed at one of the wisps of cloud.

“That’s Cirrostratus fibratus, they’re often found near rain bearing clouds, but they don’t rain themselves,” began Pinion. “And this one is...”

The resulting lecture went on for about half an hour and despite her weather training Dash actually learnt a thing or two. The kid certainly knew his stuff. Wind Rider didn’t seem entirely riveted but he at least nodded along politely. Finally Pinion came to the end of the chart.

“...and that’s all of them.”

“That was, very interesting,” said Wind Rider politely giving a slightly fake smile.

“Thanks clouds are really great, you can do almost anything with them. We had a tour of the weather factory last week and I got to see the big condensers they were so cool, although one of them was all broken.” Behind him Dash winced a bit, maybe she’d gone a bit over the top over Tank hibernating. It had all seemed a good idea at the time.

“I’m afraid your uncle doesn’t have time for all that now, he’s got to go,” said Wave.

“Um, yes,” said Wind glancing up at a clock with a little longing. “I guess I should go home.”

“Aww, will I see you again?” asked Pinion making puppy dog eyes.

“Well, I, I guess it’s up to your mother, really,” said Wind as he glanced up at his sister. “I wouldn’t want to intrude and I’ve got, well, I might be busy.”

“We’ll see,” said Wave as she lead her guests back to the front door. “Well this has been unexpected and-”

“And I’ll keep out of your life now,” continued Wind Rider, “I’m sorry for all this. I, well, I enjoyed today.”

“Good because, I thought maybe you could come to our Hearth's Warming Eve dinner tomorrow,” she blurted out. “If you’re not doing anything else.”

“What! But why?” asked Wind his face a picture of surprise.

“Well I might not like you all that much, but Pinion does. Celestia knows why. And you are family, and it is Hearth's Warming. It’ll be nice to have somepony else around the house for a change.”

“He’d be happy to,” said Dash with a grin.

“I would?” asked Wind Rider.

“Good, see you then,” said Wave Rider closing the door.

“That went well,” said Dash after a moment.

“Yes, no, well yes,” mumbled Wind Rider. “I don’t know, I didn’t want this,” he continued his voice almost cracking.

“Are you sure?” said Dash with a raised eyebrow.

“Just because I managed to spend an hour with my sister without burning down the place doesn’t mean she actually wants to spend all day with me after what I’ve done!” He turned away. “She was just being polite. She doesn’t really want to see me, and I don’t want to see her!” With that he leapt into the sky and rocketted away towards his own home.

Dash sighed as she watched him go. For a moment she wanted to follow him and maybe knock some sense into him, but maybe some ponies just couldn’t be helped. She really wanted to see him make up with his family but really if she had to drag him into seeing Wave was she really fixing anything? Why couldn’t he at least try to be pleasant? She gave a growl before turning towards her own home and setting off.

By the next day Dash had done her best to put Wind Rider out of her mind and prepare for the nights Hearth's Warming eve celebrations. She’d run a few last minute errands, picked up the last of her present and finally finished decorating. Now with the evening drawing in she and Fluttershy’s families were preparing for their meal together.

It was sort of a shame that Scootaloo couldn’t make it, thought Dash, but the filly had her own family to spend the night with. Of course Dash’s parents had invited their pseudo second daughter to visit tomorrow and Dash was due to pick her up from Ponyville. She was sure the younger pony would get a blast out of the new crash helmet she’d gotten her, it was painted in Wonderbolt colours afterall and signed by the rest of the squad.

“Is there anything I can do to help Mr Shy?” she asked as she wandered into the dining room.

“I’m almost finished here, dear,” said the older stallion, looking up from setting the table, “maybe you could put the wine on ice?” He suggested.

“On it,” she agreed. Then her ears pricked up as she heard a pounding from the front door.

“I’ll get it.” Came Fluttershy’s hardly audible voice.

Dash frowned for a moment, who could it be? They weren't expecting any more guests. She shrugged, maybe it was carolers. She headed off into the kitchen in search of the bottle of wine her father had brought. She’d only just opened it when a flustered looking Fluttershy rushed in.

“There’s somepony who wants to see you,” she said quickly.

“Who is it?”

“I think it’s, well, it’s Wind Rider.”

Dash blinked. “What! Isn’t he happy with just ruining his own Hearth's Warming? He has to crash ours as well? I’ll show him.” She turned towards the door teeth bared.

“No,” said Fluttershy, placing a restraining hoof on her friend. “He looks, well he looks scared.”

“Scared!” exclaimed Dash as she headed towards the front door. There stood Wind Rider shuffling awkwardly, wings spread as if he was going to fly away at any moment. He looked very different from yesterday. His coat and mane had actually been washed and brushed, but the effect was rather ruined by the sweat dripping off of him. He was pacing back and forth at the threshold.

“What are you doing here? How did you find me?” she demanded. Picking on her was one thing, but there was no way she was going to let him hurt her or Fluttershy’s family.

For a moment a spark of anger blossomed in the stallion. “You’re not the only one to have read the Wonderbolt records you know Dash. When you started to make a name for yourself I checked your file. I went to your house and your neighbours told me you’d be here.” Then it guttered and went out again. “Look I’m sorry, I, I need your help,” he stuttered.

“My help?”

“I need you to come with me to Wave’s place,” he said looking down at his hooves.

“What?” Had he changed his mind again? It was what she’d hoped he would do, but why come to her? “Can’t you find your way there?”

“Of course I can!” he snapped. Then his face lightened again. “But if I don’t have somepony with me I don’t think I’ll ever be able to knock on the door!” He looked up into her eyes. “Please don’t make me beg.”

There was a tiny part of Dash which actually considered that idea, just a bit of revenge for what he had put her through, but the greater part of her took pity on him. “Of course. But is it really that hard? She’s your sister.”

“I abandoned her, I just ignored her for over a decade. I just didn’t care. My entire life was the Bolts, being the best. She and her son were abandoned by his father, and I didn’t even know. What sort of brother does that make me? And then I turn up at her door and she just welcomes me back! How can I deserve that?” he pleaded.

“I guess by making up for lost time,” said Dash. “By being the best brother you can be now. You can’t change what you’ve done in the past, but you can be better from now on. Pinion seemed to like you, maybe you can lend a hoof with him, foal sit or something. Teach him even.”

“Maybe,” said Wind sounding unsure, “but we both know he’s never going to be Wonderbolt material.”

“This might sound strange coming from me, but not everything is about the Wonderbolts or even flying. You don’t have to teach him about flying, just teach him to be a decent stallion. Pay something forwards. Maybe you’ll surprise yourself.” Dash grinned thinking of Scootaloo. She’d never considered herself good big sister material until she’d met her and got to thinking of her as more than just a fan.

“Maybe, I, well I got him a present,” he fumbled with his saddlebags and removed a rather haphazardly wrapped package. “It’s one of my trophies from when I was a foal, he said he hadn’t won anything at flight camp. I thought this might help. I don’t know, I’m probably making it all about me again and-”

Dash cut in quickly. “I’m sure he’ll love it, it’s cool. Just chill, you look like you’re going to have a heart attack.”

“Yeah, I thought a drink might calm me but,” he took a deep breath, “I don’t think that’s doing me any good at all.”

Dash nodded. “We better head off, you don’t want to be late, and if I take too long Zephyr will have eaten everything.”

“Yes, I guess you’re right,” said Wind Rider straightening up. For the first time he actually looked like the hero from her posters.

“Come on. Race you!” said Dash with a smile, as she leapt out of the door. Wind Rider was in the air and behind her in less than a second seemingly by instinct. The trip was quickly over. Dash keeping an eye on her companion in case he tried to bolt. Although he lagged a few times he stayed the course and they both touched down outside Wave Rider’s house in the growing gloom of night. All around them the houses were lit ready for the nights celebrations.

“Here you are,” said Dash.

“Thanks,” said Wind looking at the door nervously. “Look Dash, I know that it doesn’t make up for what I did to you but, well,” he took a deep breath, “thanks. You, you’re a better Wonderbolt, and a much better pony than I ever was.”

“Hey, you were, no, you are a pretty decent Wonderbolt. You just lost your way a bit. Just show me, and show Wave Rider that you can do better.” She had to admit she glowed a bit at the praze.

Wind nodded then took another breath before stepping up to the door and raising a hoof to knock. Then he paused.

“Come on,” chided Dash, “you have to start flapping before you can fly. One wing beat starts it all.”

Wind nodded and rapped on the door before stepping back. Almost instantly the door dissolved to reveal Wave. “I thought you’d stand out there all night,” she said with a wry smile.

“Yes, well, I um, wanted to talk to Dash about something,” said Wind quickly.

“Of course you did,” said Wave with another grin. “You’re no better a lier than you used to be, but still it is good to have you here for the holidays. Pinion’s been waiting to show you more of his projects. He even got a Hearth's Warming dolly for you. ”

“He’s a good kid,” said Wind.

“One of the best,” she replied.

“His father’s an idiot if he doesn’t want anything to do with him, or you.”

“I know that,” said Wave rolling her eyes. “But I’m glad to hear you say it.” She leaned forwards to hug her brother.

He returned the affection shedding long held back tears. “I’m sorry I missed so much, Mum, Dad, you.”

“I’ve missed you to you big softie,” she said gently. She looked past her brother for a moment. “Do you want to come in as well Miss Dash?”

“Thanks,” said Dash feeling rather awkward, “but I’m due back with my own family.”

“Well a happy Hearth's Warming to you then,” said Wave.

“Yes, a happy Hearth's Warming to you, Wonderbolt,” said Wind giving a salute.

Dash grinned as she lifted off into the air. “A happy Hearth's Warming to all of you,” she cried as she set off back to the warmth of home.

Author's Note:

I've been meaning to write a sequel to Why? for a while now and although I don't think this meets the intensity of the original I hope it's a somewhat acceptable seasonable fluff piece.

Thanks to Georg for editing and to Grass and Clouds2 for his suggestions.

Comments ( 4 )

I feel kind of bad for Wind Rider. Yes, he did deserve to be kicked out of the Bolts for what he did. Heck, he probably should be in jail for what he did! But to erase all of the records he set and awards he won, earned, that's... that's kind of a low blow.


Well that's another story.

My feed must be too large because I missed 2 new stories. Rainbow Dash sure has a big heart deliver the fanmail to Wind Rider and help him reconnect with his family.

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