• Member Since 12th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen 13 minutes ago


Voice actor and writer.


Twilight Sparkle has hidden the hottest pepper she could find in Princess Celestia's cake.

This is a bad idea.

(A collab with Tom117z)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 50 )

Omfg I can't stop laughing. Excellently well written, I loved the casual humor at the end.

:rainbowlaugh: oh man that was good. we got a good look at the funny side of tia. :trollestia:

This is a really funny one-shot. :-D The exchanges, characterizations and wrap-up were all well done in all the right places.. And, yeah, I can understand why Twi would be soured off pranks off THAT backfire. Definitely a Lesson Learned Too Well. And, yeah, she'll still be confusing hippos and hippogriffs years down the road . Anyway, great showing of that failed prank mentioned in "Little Glimpses"

Took me long enough to actually recount the tale.

And a collaboration. :trollestia:

Don't fuck with Celestia.

She then placed both it and the cookie down next to each other on the table, the table blackening around the pepper while the cookie began to melt back into warm dough.

Where in the Equestria do they grow this kind of terrifying plant?

Chances are she makes them herself. :P

I don't know whether I should laugh or cry at Twilight's misery. Still, the story was entertaining.


i mean. what do you do when a kid is screaming bloody murder and your god is right there laughing?

Reading this actually makes me angry at Celestia. Your writing made me get angry at a fictional character. That was NOT funny.

Dick move, Sunny. Dick move. You tortured a small child and risked giving her a permanent disability because you thought seeing her in pain was amusing. What the hell.

Methinks... taking this too seriously, you are. :P

You just wait.

the best way to understand empathy is pain, well played tia.

And that's how Twilight gained the ability to evolve into rapidash.

To be fair, miserable children are hilarious.

So thanks for that.

Well clearly this was just a total failure.

Still, science cannot advance without failures.

Next time twifilly go bigger!

That, and the cake was created specifically for the Princess’ consumption. To eat it and not be her would be nothing short of treason.

Somepony: "I just ate Celestia's cake!"

Somepony: *gulp*

Cake’s aren’t supposed to be- OH CELESTIA HAVE MERCY!

:trollestia:: "Nope."

Twilight's reaction to eating hot things:

Also, the story reminds me of this one:

If you read Little Glimpses... Nope. :rainbowlaugh:

Celestia, I am furious at you! Not because you tricked Twilight into eating a Reaper; that was a bit amusing.

No, this little stunt of yours is the reason why she was reluctant to try new things on her own.

Thank goodness Rainbow Dash was there to start the soon-to-be ongoing process of cleaning up your goofs.

Poor Twilight got burned for trying to prank Celestia. :trollestia:

Best story I've read in a while mustache my friend:moustache:

Kind of expected this, given how FimFiction always depicts Celestia as fire-proof for having the powers of the sun at her beck and call.
One small problem with the conclusion: the entire cake was infused with the pepper, so it wouldn't have mattered which slice was delivered to Twilight or Celestia--they ALL would've been affected.:trollestia:
I do have to say the backfire would've been better delivered by Celestia going ahead to eat her slice with completely no reaction while insisting Twilight having a slice, since the color scheme of cake seemed to be in honor of Twilight, after all.
Still, nicely delivered. :rainbowwild:

This was genius.


One small problem with the conclusion: the entire cake was infused with the pepper, so it wouldn't have mattered which slice was delivered to Twilight or Celestia--they ALL would've been affected.:trollestia:

That large cake was all Celestia's, there were others for everyone else.

there should be a squeal where twilight try same thing with luna,


She had it well in hand, and for all Twilight knew - since she is not aware of Celestia's capabilities at this point - it would have had the same effect on Celestia.

Before you go all, 'well she's a child' she's also surprisingly intelligent and might very well have permanently injured and disabled the being that controls the heavens keeping the planet and everyone on it alive. Celestia just flipped the prank back on her and then kept watch to make sure it didn't get serious.

You need to chill.

Perhaps this infusion of fire is how Twilight is later able to burst into flames when enraged.

Brilliant :o) I love princess prank stories.

That was well writen, I loved ending, it was great way to make it closest to canon and explaining why twilight have her neurotical obssessions about celestia

Yeah. Celestia at the end killed any chance of me upvoting this. It went from a lesson she was teaching Twilight (not very nicely. But it still felt like the right way to do it).

To basically verbal torturing of Twilight.



I agree with Azreal DuCain1 completely.

This was a scummy move by Celestia. Enjoying torturing a child, one that looks up to her and was only trying to follow your lead. That's below any decent standard of behaviour. If you wanted to warn her away from this particular prank, you could have simply eaten the cake, as it would have had no effect on you, and let her worry about if they'd gotten switched around. Or offered her a slice openly and forced her to refuse it.

Either of those could have been the lead in to a talk about how while pranks are fun, you have to make sure that other people aren't harmed by them, or catch innocent bystanders. But no, the only way you could think to teach her a lesson was to hurt her. What's next? If she can't cast a spell correctly, bind her to a table with magic and whip her? That's less than the pain you've already inflicted.

I agree with others that this was where Twilight got her neurotic tendencies from. It explains why she thinks any mistake or failure, however minor will be subject to immediate and disproportionate retribution by Celestia. After all, if tyring to play an innocent prank is rewarded by pain and permanent injury (I can't imagine Twilight's ability to taste ever recovered), what's going to happen when she fails at something she's been ordered to do?

I see Twilight's slavish obedience to Celestia in this world's future less as adoration and more Stockholm Syndrome.

Full review here, but in brief: this is a YMMV story, depending on how you feel about hot pepper tricks. I don't like them, so I didn't find Twilight's or Celestia's behaviour amusing (that's on them, not on you), but not everyone will feel that way of course.

The Caliponia Reaper pepper was the production of the greatest minds of an entire generation working tirelessly at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns with the express purpose of creating the hottest pepper that ever graced the world of Equus.

Why? Why did you take one of the only good things my state has ever produced and make it sound like it comes from California? Whyyyy?

And after many failures, trips to Canterlot General Hospital and no fewer than twelve separate fires (and amputated tongues) was the final product finally created. A pepper hotter than any other, available for special order only to the bravest of restaurants and the most sturdy of customers. Or daredevils, they also risked their tongues for the rush.

Actually, they're not that difficult to grow. I've been to a restaurant that grew them on the rooftop of the building.

She then placed both it and the cookie down next to each other on the table, the table blackening around the pepper while the cookie began to melt back into warm dough.

I'm pretty sure cookies don't melt back into dough. Rather, that cookie would probably get so hot and dry, it would eventually end up on fire.

This was both the dumbest and funniest tale I've ever read!!! Lol!

While I'm sure Celestia wouldn't have let Twilight suffer permanent harm, she did take a little too much pleasure in her pain for my tastes. Celestia is mischievous, but she's not sadistic.

You know, I expected it. Not Twilight getting pranked, mind you. But I guessed that Celestia would either figure out that the cake was rigged before she ate it(see Twilight sabotage it), or just don't care at all. Like, she would eat it and not blink an eye. I did not expect her making Twilight eat the rigged cake.

Oh, but this is amazing! Pity that Twilight withdrew after this, but gods this was amazing.

Celestia just laughed as Twilight sank further and further into her cushion. Never again would she be so casual around the Princess of the Sun.

Never again.

Here's an funny ending for ya:

It was then Twilight knew. She had to step up her game to beat the master, and she refused to give up on her goal to dethrone Princess Prankster that had held the throne for millennia. She knew she would. Eventually.

That was a fun read. I definitely will be referencing this in the parody I'm making for Little Glimpse


Oh, the Carolina Reaper! I honestly forgot and thought it really was the California Reaper! lol


NERD TIME! You're correct! The cookie goes through irreversible physical changes when baked, so the cookie would not "melt into cookie dough," but rather, as you said, dry out and almost certainly catch fire.


I enjoyed the story until I read the OMFG CELESTIA IZ EVULZ! comments (sucked the fun right out of the story). :facehoof:

I like your idea much better, it would be hilarious as Twilight would be waiting for her plan to succeed, and when Celestia didn't have the reaction she anticipated she would either slip up and vocalize her :applejackconfused: thereby admitting to her scheme, or as you say Celestia would loudly proclaim how delicious the cake was and Twilight you MUST try some, Twilight would then either have to quickly come up with a way to get out of the cake or if you subscribe to her never being able to say no to the Princess eat the cake and try and stiff-upper-lip it (and fail miserably).

fair enough, but at least you seem to admit that the classic gag was at least a little funny as opposed to some of the comments which were like "OMFG CELESTIA IZ SO EVUL RAGENHATE!!!" (those sucked the fun right out of the story)

Yeah this barely gets a thumb up for the excellent prose quality but yeah that was extremely cruel and unusual punishment.

Lol this story was hilarious! 🤣🤣

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