• Published 11th Dec 2017
  • 3,840 Views, 140 Comments

Where We May Lead - Shadowmane PX-41

Now that the Pillars are back in Equestria, it's time for them to see what has become of Equestria since they were in limbo...

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Rarity and Mistmane: Timeless Beauty

"I simply cannot believe just how much I can learn from you, Mistmane." Rarity was in the garden with Tree Sprout and Mistmane, eyeing up all the work that she had done, as Mistmane added more of her own personal touch to it all with her magic. What had already been seen as breathtaking and majestic, was transcending even that and turning it into something beyond words. "Even after a thousand years, your work still seems effortless. Why, I might even go as far as saying it makes my work look dull and tacky." She winced internally as those words left her mouth.

"Oh, Rarity. Don't act so modest." Mistmane chuckled to herself as another ribbon-like stream of magic slipped from her horn and spiraled around some more shrubs and flowers. "I'm sure that there is some stuff that I could learn from you as well. Beauty shouldn't be taught by just one pony, after all."

"But you seem like the most fit one to teach us." Rarity's eyes were almost fixated on the work Mistmane was doing, rather than that of the elderly pillar herself. "I mean, not for the title of Pillar of Beauty, but for the sacrifices you made over a thousand years ago; putting down your own beauty to safeguard the rest of the world's beauty." She finally ripped her head from the foliage. "I'm not sure than any of us could part with our own elements like that."

"Mistmane never really was one to keep beauty all to herself." Tree Sprout nodded as she trimmed the weeds around the flowers, before dumping them in a nearby compost maker. "I remember when she was a filly in school, she kept on giving away flowers to every child she found; even the mean ones."

"I still remember their faces lighting up as the flowers enraptured them. Up until it was time for their next lessons, the plants commanded their full attention." Mistmane gave her horn a break as she turned back to Rarity and Tree. "Looking back on it now, it really makes you wonder just how quickly time flies."

"Especially when you end up in a timeless plain of existence for a thousand years," added Rarity. "You and the others haven't aged a day since you locked the Pony of Shadows away. I'd ask your age, but I wouldn't really wouldn't want to know the answer anyway..."

"And I can see why." Mistmane looked down at her wrinkle-coated skin, feeling a sense of fragility seep into her mind. "How many ponies do you know who lived past the age of one-thousand?"

"Not a whole lot, really." Rarity shook her head. "Which is a miracle that we were able to rescue you and the others."

"I can only imagine how awkward it must be for some of the other Pillars." Mistmane chuckled and went back to transforming the garden. "Flash, Somnambula, even Meadowbrook have missed a whole lot."

"I can only imagine that Pinkie Pie is rapidly planning six-thousand missed birthday parties as we speak." Rarity went over ot Tree and helped out with the weeding, taking up some garden scissors and a small trowel. "Though I personally find that it would be a bit easier to just have one of her mega-super-duper-jumbo-sized-Pinkie-Pie-weapons-grade parties. Like with Rainbow Dash's birthaversary, for instance."

"Birthaversary?" Tree Sprout and Mistmane chimed together.

"It's Rainbow Dash's birthday, but it's also the anniversary of when she moved to Ponyville." Rarity held out both of her front hooves for emphasis, them squished them together, rubbing them together. "So, it became a birthaversary. It's a portmanteau of the words."

"I see." Mistmane stroked her chin. Spending a millennium in limbo had worked a great number on her, and there were many things that she had missed in her absence. "So, if somepony were to have a cuteceañera on their birthday, would it count as a cutecebirthday? Or maybe a birthceañera?"

"I suppose." Rarity had never heard of either of those terms herself, so she just had to take it at face value. "But really, I prefer portmanteaus when they actually sound easy to pronounce, like brunch or motel."

"What is a motel?" asked Mistmane, oblivious to it all.

"I would rather not say. The last few motels I stayed at were nightmarish. I was half-considering giving them my own little makeover the last time I stayed there." She pouted to herself, as the memories began to seep back into her mind of spiders on her pillow, bland and colourless walls, and a breakfast that was well-below the price of admission.

The three unicorns spent the rest of their time in the garden sprucing it up whatever way they could. As Rarity and Tree Sprout trimmed some of the hedges and grass sculptures, Mistmane was conjuring up water lilies and making them bloom on creation; with the sunlight streaking down onto the leaves and water around it. For such a long and arduous task, the three of them didn't pay the pain in their bones or the dirt and leaves in their manes any mind. They were lost in their work, almost brainwashed into it with their intense concentration.

In the end, Rarity, Tree Sprout, and Mistmane all finished with the garden and looked down at their work, watching as the bedazzling light show of perfectly colour-coordinated flowers, well-kept hedges, and reflections from the rippling water features all came together in one perfect kaleidoscope of beauty. None of them could take their eyes off of it for a single second; especially not Rarity.

For a long time, Rarity had always found her true calling in dressmaking and sharing her creations with the world. And while she always found a way to admire the work she put into her craft and the smiles her clients would always give her, she never really thought that there could be anything she thought was even more creative, stylish, and rewarding than garden work. Now that she saw what she, Mistmane, and Tree Sprout could do together, an entirely new seed began to bloom in her mind; one that she could choose to grow however she wanted.

"Phew." Rarity wiped some sweat off of her forehead. "What an arduous task we've had."

"True. But it was all worth it in the end," said Mistmane, feeling the aches in her bones and horn begin to surface at last. "The best rewards come from struggles, I find."

"Tell me about it."

Everyone turned towards the gates and saw a new pony enter. She had a grey coat and a white mane that had blue, indigo, and violet streaks bursting out in three directions, creating two separate sections of her fringe, bordered off by the ends of the colourful trails. Her tail was the same, but the colours seemed to form a swirling pattern, as if they were dancing around towards the end of it. She bore the traditional Eastern Equestria horn and eyes, with a Cutie Mark that showed a firework detonating high in the skies.

"Hello there." Rarity trotted down to the newcomer. "My name is Rarity. This is Tree Sprout and Mistmane." She pointed to the others behind her. "Who might you be?"

"My name is Plentiful Celebration." She bowed before Rarity, putting her hooves together as she did so. "I was just taken in by the elegant glow of your garden."

"Oh, well, this isn't my garden, but I'm happy to take some responsibility for the renovation work." Rarity walked back in, leading Plentiful to Mistmane and Tree Sprout. "I was just visiting this village and I just could not pass up an opportunity to spruce it all up."

"Ah. I see." Plentiful also found herself under the spell of the flowers. "I myself am only sixteen years old, so I still have a lot to learn about beauty."

"Well, if you would like to stay, I'm sure we can teach you." Rarity patted Plentiful's back. "Although, I'm learning as well. Mistmane here is a wonderful teacher, I think you'll find."

"So you are the fabled Mistmane from old?" Plentiful approached the aged pillar. "I'm quite awestruck. Even if it looks like I don't show it much. My parents never really found any awe in anything, so it sort of rubbed off on me."

"Tell me, Plentiful." Mistmane approached the teenage pony. "How much do the ponies here know about me, after all this time has passed?"

"About you, Mistmane? A whole lot. In fact, in the horticulture classes at schools, you are the first pony that the teachers talk about." Plentiful smiled. "I've heard so much about you and your journey. From when you first started sharing your beauty with others, to your duel with Empress Sable, and even a few of your travels beyond." Her tail began to swish back and forth. "The only thing I don't know is why you vanished, and how you came back to us after so much time passed."

"She doesn't know about the Pillars of Equestria?" Rarity asked, whispering into Mistmane's ears.

"No. Maybe we should let her know." Mistmane whispered back. "But would she be able to handle it all?"

"Probably not." Rarity shook her head.

"Well, regardless of the method you came back, it's nice to know that you have." Plentiful still had a wide smile on her face. "Tonight, we should have a whole celebration in honour of your return. Flower arrangements basking under the light of our paper lanterns, traditional food served and shaped in ways befitting you and your craft, and a fireworks show that we hope proves to be as beautiful as the lineage you left."

"That sounds like a wonderful idea." Mistmane's own smile grew. "I have missed the old Eastern Equestria celebrations we used to have."

"Eastern Equestria celebrations?" Rarity asked Tree Sprout next.

"You know how your Equestria always has a New Year celebration?" Tree Sprout lifted a brow. "Well, we have something similar, but it's slightly different than usual."

"I think I can tell..." Rarity had seen all of the lanterns and people on her way into the village, but didn't think those were for celebratory purposes.

"And that's only one of them." Tree Sprout nodded. "There are also the Dim Sum feasts at the end of each month, the Festival of Prosperity at the height of the mountains, and even the Day of Giving; which some would argue is similar to your Hearth's Warming if it were celebrated with parades and parties on the day, but I digress."

"Perhaps I should partake in one of these festivals during my time here. See it all for myself." Rarity turned back towards Mistmane and Plentiful. "When is the next festival here in your village, Plentiful?"

"Not counting Mistmane's grand return, the next one would be the ABC; Aurora Borealis Concert." Plentiful reached into her saddlebags and pulled out a small flyer for the event. "In which ponies would be dazzled under the magical lights in the night sky while folk instruments play a mixture of time-honoured songs, as well as a few fan-requested ones."

"Interesting." Rarity took the flyer for herself, examining each and every page. "Hmm, I must say, the paper lanterns do look quite divine. Can anypony make these lanterns? Or does it just have to be the ponies here in Eastern Equestria?"

"Well, I don't think there's anything against outsiders making their own paper lanterns." Mistmane pondered, thinking back to the last time she tried to make one. "So, why not, Rarity?"

"Alright. But what kind of materials would I need to make this lantern?" Rarity materialized a notepad and pencil out of thin air, writing down important notes. "What colours do you think would look great in the night sky? How far apart should I make the paper so that it doesn't catch fire? When should I actually release this lantern? And, more importantly, how does it fly from just being a singular candle in a box?" She was practically turning into Twilight at this point. "I mean, it could be possible that the candles themselves are enchanted, but I like to believe that they just burn really strong and that generates the lift it needs."

"Oh, Rarity." Mistmane used her own magic to put the notepad and pencil away. "There's no need to over-complicate the details. As I always used to say; there's beauty in simplicity."

"I know, I know. But I'm completely new to this part of Equestria. I mean, I only came here once to fix this garden and get back your artifact." Rarity stretched her arm out to the luscious, life-filled garden they had made together. "I don't know a thing about the ponies here, your traditions, or anything like that. I just don't want to make a complete fool of myself when I celebrate with you."

"Well, you needn't worry about that." Mistmane wrapped a hoof around Rarity's shoulders. "I'm sure that we could all help you do it the right way. That, and it's nice to share the traditions of one part of Equestria with another. Why, I bet the rest of your friends would love to see some of your own hand-crafted paper lanterns when you make it back home."

"They would probably wonder what in the name of Celestia they are, but I would be happy to educate them." She turned back towards Mistmane and lit up her own horn. "But more to the point, Mistmane, we should be getting ready for your own celebrations first," she said. "You've been through an awful lot involving Stygian, and you probably want some good, old-fashioned R&R. It's the very least you deserve for all that you've done for this world."

"That much is true." Mistmane walked down towards the center of the garden. "I think I've stretched these old bones quite long enough."

"So, how should we prepare for this celebration, Plentiful?" Rarity asked, turning back to the visitor.

"Well, first, I should let the town prepare," said Plentiful. "They probably already know that you're back, seeing as how many of the ponies in town are talking about you now, but some proper groundwork should be made before sundown." She started to walk towards the gate. "You should prepare yourself for tonight, Mistmane. The Emperor is going to make you the greatest guest of honour in history. See if you can make yourself even more beautiful for the night."

"That won't be a problem." Mistmane nodded to Plentiful as she walked off. "Rarity? You are a tailor, correct?"

"Yes?" Rarity could already tell where this was going and was quickly taking some mental notes.

"I could use something fancy for the night of the celebration." She started to head back towards the house, with Tree Sprout in tow. "Do you think that you could make me something that captures the purest form of beauty? That's what these ponies see me as, after all."

"Oh, I am already on it, Mistmane." Rarity got the pad and pencil out and quickly started writing some ideas down. "Something that's just the right amount of elegant and befitting for a timeless legend's grand return, but not too over the top so that it looks like a mess. Just point me towards the nearest material store and I shall see what I can do."

"An idea that quickly?" Mistmane cocked a brow at Rarity's hastily, yet perfectly written notes.

"As someone who owns three separate boutiques across Central Equestria, I've become a pony who can create designs on the spot like it's nothing, darling." Rarity was still writing while talking to Mistmane. "It becomes a real help for when my friends urgently need a dress for an event, when we go to a black-tie party in Canterlot, or for when some big event happens in Ponyville. Needless to say—" She pulled a folding curtain across from the wall, and just as quickly put it back, immediately dressed up in a kimono "—I always come prepared."

"Well, that's wonderful to hear, dear." Mistmane wandered towards the living room and levitated a piece of paper off of the nearby coffee table. She dusted it off with a hoof and handed it over to her. "Here is the map of this village, as well as the shops nearby. You can use this to find the materials for my dress."

"Thank you ever so much, Mistmane." Rarity rolled up the map and put it in her bags. "I promise that I won't be long. Not for finding the fabrics I need, nor for making you a truly elegant dress that transcends beauty. Just the way you would love it."

"That's good to hear." Mistmane smiled and patted Rarity's back. "Now, run along, Rarity. The ponies here tend to work fast too when it comes to celebrations."

"I won't let you down." She gave a confident salute, then ran off towards the front door, using her magic to slide the doors open and shut as she charged off on her way.

Finally, as Rarity left, Mistmane and Tree Sprout were finally all alone. Together, the two of them sat down in the living room and folded their legs, smiling at each other.

"After all this time, why did you decide to come back, Mistmane?" Tree asked, tilting her head. "You must be ancient. After a thousand years of living like that, you make me look as young and spry as a baby."

"Well, I'm not one to boast." Mistmane idly lifted a hoof. "Time can wither down our bodies, but beauty is a thing that cannot be snuffed out."

"Still, it doesn't make sense..." Tree Sprout fiddled with her hooves. "Ponies here never usually live past a hundred, let alone a thousand like you!" She threw a hoof out to Mistmane. "Tell me. What's your secret? Special rituals by night? Endless prayers to the gods and goddesses of our land? Potions from the black market?"

"None of those three." Mistmane just laughed. "I suppose you could say that I have friends in high places. If you want, I would be happy to tell you all about it."

"Well..." Tree Sprout twisted her hoof in circles. "I suppose we've got plenty of time. You most of all, having lived this long." She leaned in, her eyes sparkling like diamond. "Tell me the story, Mistmane. How did you do it? How did you stave off death for this long?"