• Published 28th Nov 2017
  • 3,010 Views, 122 Comments

Entropy - Rose Quill

Sunset and Princess Twilight are asked to take the thrones of Equestria

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“So,” I asked the taller mare as we walked down the hallway to the throne room. “How does it feel?”

Tempest made an odd face as she reached up and felt the smooth crystal attached to the base of her shattered horn. “Strangely cold,” she said. “But then, I really don’t have a lot to compare it to.”

I nodded. I had a similar crystal sheath over my horn, helping it stay supported while it healed over. The plum-colored mare had hers to function as a proper conduit for her magic and aid her horn’s regrowth. In theory.

I saw the guards salute as we neared, and Tempest gave a slight nod at them. “Good morning, Sergeant,” I greeted the watch commander.

“Good morning, Princess, Ms. Shadow,” the stallion returned as his partner opened the doorway for us.

“I still haven’t gotten used to being a civilian again,” Tempest muttered as the doors closed behind us. “I spent so long working my way up the ranks of the Storm King’s army that it’s pretty much all I knew.”

“Well, then,” I smiled. “You won’t mind the first item on the agenda for today.”

She glanced at me from the corner of her eye. “What do you mean?”

Starlight entered from the antechamber behind the thrones, a clipboard in her mint aura. “Good morning,” she greeted us as I took my place on the Solar Throne. Tempest remained at the foot of the dais. “I trust you both slept well?”

“Better than I have lately, yes,” I replied. “Though I’ll be glad when I get home to my own bed.”

“I’m content with any place with some sort of roof over my head,” Tempest said. “I’ll leave you to your duties, Princess.”

“No,” I said with a bit of the regality I had honed over my days of holding court. “Stay, please. There are some matters that require you to be here.”

Twilight stepped out with Moondancer, taking her place next to me, smiling.

“What?” Tempest sputtered.

“Tempest Shadow,” Twilight said, her voice also holding the practiced tone of holding court. “We have been talking about how best to reintegrate you into Equestrian society given your request not to be phased into the current military structure.”

She slightly dipped her head. “Thank you for that.”

“However,” I spoke up. “We cannot lightly disregard the knowledge and training you possess. We have decided to give you a set of tasks for which you will report directly to the Princesses. We feel that you will find it to your liking.”

She tilted her head curiously at us. “What in the name of the Light are you talking about?”

Twilight walked down and placed a hoof the other mare’s shoulder. “We want you to stay and help here. Give us your thoughts on security measures and help shore up some weakpoints while we rebuild. And after that, Sunset has a task for you as well.”

I stepped down as well. “While we wait for the Diarchs to return from their pilgrimage, Twilight and I are in charge,” I said. “And while I wait to shed this duty, I would consider it a favor if you would keep an eye on Sunshine while I’m holding court.”

She snorted. “Babysitting?”

I smiled. “More like keeping her company.” I gestured at my horn. “Even after Celestia and Luna return in a week, I’ll have to stay for at least two months to let it heal properly. And I’ll have duties to attend to during my time here. In case something happens in that time, I want somepony there to make sure she’s ok.”

“And where am I supposed stay during this time?” Tempest asked, her face now showing tepid curiosity.

“I’ve got a few extra rooms in the house here,” I told her. “It’ll be another couple of weeks before the house is restored, but you’re welcome to one of the rooms. And that brings us to the second matter I’m going to ask of you.”

“A little presumptuous, don’t you think?” she returned.

“Sunshine and I don’t tend to spend a lot of time here,” I told her. “I would appreciate it if you would look after the place while we’re gone. You’ll have run of the house as long as you do some upkeep.”

The pony looked flabbergasted.

“We’ll let you think on it.” Twilight said, stepped back to her throne. “Sunset, the court is yours now.”

“Wonderful,” I grumbled.

Tempest looked at me. “You don’t enjoy sitting in the big chair?”

I smiled and winked at her for relieving the tension for a moment. “It’s not the chair,” I said. “I hate sitting still for hours on end.”

She blinked. “Didn’t you say you wanted to be an author?”

I eased into the throne and resettled my crown on my head. “At least as an author I could get up for a run if I wanted to. Not like the manuscript is going anywhere.”

The plum mare turned to leave. “If you say so,” she said as she slipped out.

I sighed and turned to look at Starlight.

“Who’s first?” I asked.