• Member Since 18th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen May 25th

Magic Step

I'm a conservative Christian and a conservative, first and foremost. I write AU, all my main characters are detestable OCs, and I'm a Troper. Braeburn is best pony. T for violence only.



For a pegasus, losing the ability to fly is devastating. Even more so if you already had a cutie mark in flying.
Despite his lack of talent, Phoenix is pursuing a career as a Canterlot defense attorney to help the helpless. The problem is that no one at all would hire a lawyer without a cutie mark in legal ability.
No one except the absolutely desperate.

An equine adaptation of the Ace Attorney video game series with original mysteries.

Chapters (16)
Comments ( 62 )

This’ll be really interesting. Can’t wait to see more.



Wait, what was that about house slaves?

I think I'll see where this goes for now.

Does the Ace Attorney video game series have voice actors in it?

There are a few lines in the character's voices, but they're more like jingles, like "Objection!" "Hold it!" "Take That!" etc.

Later games have fully animated and voiced cutscenes but I haven't really played them.

You know, I suspect that one of the officers might have killed Cinder.

Of COURSE this is an alternate universe. I guess there are some constants, after all.

I've heard that in the main series, Phoenix Wright uses some of his winnings for taxi fare. If it weren't for the suit, he would be poorer than an orphan!

It's cool that Phoenix has some of the magatama's powers.

It’s possible that Goody shoes is the killer. His act seems too perfect.

That definitely makes sense considering that there's a cliché about metaphorical wolves in sheep's clothing.


Also I love the sing wolf in sheeps clothing

There's actually a song entitled that?

Yep. It’s by a band called set it off.

Will the first mystery be the same as that Turnabout Storm Equestria web video thing?

8641820 I doubt that. If Turnabout Storm was canon here, at some point, Phoenix Flight would hafta face off against Trixie, who is admittedly like Franciska, but less whippy and more hammy.

I'm trying to write original mysteries that I make up myself. Then everyone can be equally surprised no matter what crossovers they may or may not have seen, or whatever games they played. And it won't spoil things for people who haven't played all the games yet.

Tiger Fury and Phoenix Flight are related!? WHAT madness is this?

Trying to find contradictions outta Applejack won't be easy. considering her tenure as the Element of Honesty gives her the ability to be a living lie detector at the cost of being unable to lie. If Teflon Slick is Winston Payne, I wouldn't be surprised if Cross Examine was Edgeworth, or at least had some of his aspects.

Teflon's the shady defense attorney. Cross Examine is Winston Payne

“We’re down to a skeleton crew and, thanks to the Yellow Tail Act, we can never have any more slaves than we currently do unless Feather Duster has more children.”

Hmmm. What's all this talk about slavery and everything? Is there an alt-history thing in this story that I'm not getting?

Please don't let it be Applejack. (crosses fingers)

Yes, it is an AU. Hope it's not a turnoff...

Looks like Applejack saved the day for Phoenix.

Will magatama exist in this universe?

I'm guessing that AJ won't be making any future appearances.

Yes, but rather than being an amulet that lets anyone who holds it see Psyche-Locks, it will instead be an amulet that just enhances natural abilities, which in Phoenix's case is lie detecting and will manifest similar to Psyche-Lock vision.
This way it doesn't make the entire court system pointless.

8748703 Cool. Do all lawyers learn how to be lie detectors?

It's a gift that you either have or you don't. So he has it, his dad had it, at least one other lawyer had it, and AJ could probably have it if she was properly trained, but other than that it's very, very rare. There probably aren't any other lawyers in Equestria currently with this gift. That's because if this gift was fairly common then it could probably be scientifically studied, verified, and used as proof positive in the courtroom, but I'd rather make Phoenix work to prove what his instincts tell him instead of just having him say "judge, he's lying. Please hold him in contempt of court and make him testify again."

I'm not a huge fan of Apollo Justice (either the character or the game) so I have no idea if a ponified Apollo will ever appear at this point, but if he does he probably will also have this gift.

Then he tied some kitchen towels around his hooves to protect from glass, just in case the shards got past his horseshoes.

Horseshoes? As in, nailed to the hoof?

No, medical devices. A pony's natural magic allows them to use their hooves for limited tactile telekinesis, but one of the side effects of Phoenix's broken wings is that the magic that should be powering his wings to make them capable of supporting and propelling a very nonaerodynamic weight in defiance of physics may instead go into his hooves and supercharge his tactile telekinesis against his will, effectively suctioning him to any surface or object he interacts with. The horseshoes are designed to counteract this effect.
...I just made that up in response to your question.

Angel Star!

I like Angel!

Belladonna Shadowvial


Well how about that: a pony who can store and channel deceased souls. Impressive. Most impressive!

I liked how you can store souls and make it seem believable. I love this

"So.... you found me out... hee.... hee... hee...."

I like the way you write and how the story is developing.

I hope to read more soon...I'm curious to see how the events will turn :D

I liked it. It aired out some hidden thoughts and tension. Those two needed that.

You know, despite all the hiccups between Phoenix and Mystic's discussion in this chapter, I'm very glad that they could work things out in the end. Plus that hug at the end was the cherry on top!

Still fits in the world it is set.

Wow.. I did not see that coming.

A battered husband, sanctuary cities (for slaves not criminals) this just keeps getting more real with every chapter.

Damn it Shocking Snap! We can't let her get away!

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