• Member Since 5th May, 2013
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Sometimes, when one is dealing with family problems, it's best to get away and cool off. What better way for Thorax to do that than spend time with his best friend and the stallion he swears is the definition of cool?

And, who knows? This stallion might offer a bit of insight into his problems.

Preread by Rossby Waves.

Written for my patrons' vote and with my thanks for their continued support!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 37 )

Well, this was... interesting to say the least. Still, good work!

Hilarious, adorable, and sweet all the way through. Well done.

8596655 Honestly, I was at a loss for what to do with this prompt. Having Thorax go through some family problems with Big Mac's help seemed rather fitting. Glad you enjoyed it ^^

8596686 Hehehe yes. Thorax and Pharynx have an interesting relationship. One I'm rather happy to have had the chance to explore :>

Woulda liked to see more of Twi and Spike's conflict. She just showed up in the end and kinda stood around. Heck, that whole storyline could have been dropped and this story would have basically been the same. That being said, good story overall.

8596721 Eh, you're not entirely wrong there, I'll admit. I was more focused on Thorax's issue with how he saw his brother than Spike complaining about Twi being a bit nosy and protective.

I fucking loved this.

Meh. It's a Thorax story so that's not really a problem. Might be a good idea for a sequel, though.


I tell you, it ain't easy being the big brother, especially in this dog-eat-dog world we live in.

It's ruff, I tell ya.

Is the site broken? I can't upvote, the button isn't there.

Sounds like family to me.

Like it or not, disappearing without notifying security of your whereabouts is bad form for a monarch, not to mention a risk with far-reaching consequences beyond personal safety. Pharynx is right to metaphorically kick his ass. :rainbowdetermined2: :flutterrage:

There was no hole deep enough, nor cave dark enough, nor cover thick enough to hide the shade of red which must have spread throughout my faceplate.

As a side note, do your changelings have red blood? Some authors like portraying them as having green or blue blood, and yet they still blush red in their natural forms for some reason. Just a pet peeve of mine. Drives me nuts. :pinkiecrazy:

Please have Shining Armor, Pharynx, Rarity, and Fluttershy meet to talk about younger siblings next.

Pretty please?


To be fair, they are Changelings. For all we know their blood might be red or green at any given moment. ... Could run the rainbow gamut in their... uh. Veins. ... Whatever bugs have.

8597278 Hahaha, yes, Thorax is having a bit of a little brother's "but I'm an adult now!" moment. Lord knows I've had that with both of mine ;)

And yes, I prefer to leave mine with red blood so to avoid exactly what you just mentioned. Although in my other stories, I don't really have them blushing red when they're in their natural forms because I use the black carapace design primarily. Not out of any distaste for the new look, mind, but because it came around after I'd already developed the lore for my OCs and because Dear Small Pony Book takes place in that gap between Thorax's first appearance and the change. ^^

I can't conceive of the tirade that Fluttershy could unleash about her little brother were she not the embodiment of kindness. Speaking from experience... little brothers who fancy themselves as mature artists are the worst pills you can imagine.

What may be even worse is that he has the hallmarks of being one. We saw him work his magic on Fluttershy once. He's really, really good.

... If not for the Shy-typical need to sabotage himself, that is.

As for the tirade? It might be the first time in Fluttershy's life that someone told her they are jealous of her. It could be really interesting to see how she copes with that, and what the others have to say about it. Shining's little sister is a genius with an unhealthy need to please her teacher, Pharynx's little brother is the Changelings' saviour who still struggles with his years of being the meek outcast kid, Rarity's little sister slips further and further away from her as time goes by, and Fluttershy's little brother almost ruined his own life because he felt totally worthless compared to her.

MJP #18 · Dec 8th, 2017 · · 23 ·

thorax's design still gives me cancer

8597581 Cute, now kindly fuck off.

Aww, so good. Great job, Cara.

Cancer jokes are for assholes, no one is impressed

Anyway, this was a nice fic. Felt very genuine, and it's particularly nice to see writing that doesn't utterly butcher a southern accent. I could read Big Mac's lines in character voice easily. All of them really, but that especially stood out. Well done

What a great story. And Big Mac giving his input as a big brother fits the bill pretty well.

I'm not convinced about how Pharynx addresses Thorax tho, calling him an idiot and belittling him in front of his friends. Assertiveness? Where?

Besides that (which is a personal opinion), it's a very enjoyable story. Great work!


looking forward to how you deal with throax leaving the empire in search of help

Well, what did you expect after pulling such a stunt, Thorax? He certainly wasn't going to let you get off easy for that. Speaking as an elder brother myself, I certainly wouldn't. :ajsmug:

“I may be passive, but I’m darn good at getting around unseen if I want.”

I mean, he did manage to escape the hive and get all the way into pony territory without immediate detection back when Chrysalis was ruling still, so surely he would know a thing or two about that. :twilightsmile:

I'm surprised Thorax apparently doesn't have much of a poker face though. I mean, yeah, he is Thorax and all, but he's also still a changeling. You'd think they'd all be more adept at that by default.

I love how you write changelings, that being said as an older brother myself I have to side with Mac and Pharynx.

This is Thorax, as Crystal Hoof, trying to be inconspicuous.
The only way Thorax would get a better poker face is if he transformed into an actual poker.

Okay, fair point. :rainbowlaugh:

8598398 That is a very fair critique to point out, actually. To be fair, I modeled this a bit off of how my brothers and I and friends' brothers and they can get when angry along with my usual preference for my changelings to be rather fae like. So, for Pharynx, he was going to arrange everything so that Thorax could enjoy his trip, with the caveat that two changelings went along with him just for protection, but little bro threw a temper tantrum and stormed off in the middle of their talk. As he said, that's one slight against him, but he was willing to let it go assuming that Thorax came back after cooling off and finished it. Instead, Thorax snuck out and went anyway, then doubled down and disrespected him when confronted. So, Pharynx is rather heavy-hoofed, as is his character in the show, but he does genuinely care and want Thorax happy. However, he also tends (in my opinion, others may feel differently) to bring his fellow changelings back down to earth and say "hey, we have this other thing we need to keep in mind." So ... it's a mix of older brother being frustrated with little brother's impudence and their fae nature demanding that he not let three slights go unpunished.

Naturally, one's mileage will vary on the subject.

Thank you for reading!

Quite fun! I love the bro dynamics played out here.

How about the time he woke up and shrieked himself hoarse because he was scared of his own shedding?

To be fair, if you woke up next to a hollowed-out version of yourself, you'd probably shriek too.

I love this story so much. :ajsmug:

I love Big Mac and well-written stories about Spike, so this is right up my alley. And while I don't like Thorax as much as Big Mac and Spike, he does provide interesting information about changelings whenever he shows up.

Big Mac seemed much more chatty than usual in this story. Having said that, none of his lines felt OOC, and we could say that Spike brings Mac out of his shell. I loved the way he gave Thorax his perspective as a big brother.

It wasn't the smartest thing for Thorax to fly off without telling Pharynx. He could have gone to Ponyville with some guards and told them to wait outside.

until my mate roused me from my sleep

This just reminds me that I'd still like to know how changelings reproduce now that Queen Chrysalis is gone. Do they need a queen to lay eggs, or can any female drone lay eggs? Or any changeling at all, for that matter?

I do have a couple of nitpicks. First, I don't think it was necessary to ponify go fish since the series has shown ponies fishing before. I think the ponies are actually more likely to play go fish than poker. Second, I didn't care for the random shipping of Spike with Toola Roola (I prefer Spikember), but that's just a personal preference.

Fantastic. :twilightsmile: I love seeing different writer's interpretations on Pharynx and Thorax's relationship. It's about time we got a brother relationship in the limelight of this show, considering most media really underplays them, especially younger generation-targeted media.

I like Pharynx. He's a jerk, but he's reasonable about it.

This was amazing. 'Nuff said.

Thank you! :twilightsmile:

Siblings. Insufferable yet still loveable. Great job!

I really like the lelding of canon changeling aspects with the playful carapace world of changelings that we've come to love.

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