• Published 16th Nov 2017
  • 2,584 Views, 17 Comments

Can you help me, Aunt Luna? - Inferno demon Dash

Spike’s difficulty with expressing his love to Scootaloo finds him getting aid from a family member he didn’t expect.

  • ...

Oh Gods...Why?!

Spike tossed and turned in the basket his small body rested in, his mind racing with the day events that happened over the course of the last twenty four hours.

"Hang out with my friends, check." He mentally thought to himself before continuing his train of thought.

"Make Scootaloo laugh and have fun with her, check."

"Attempt to hold her hoof and ask her out like a real male...not check." He sighed as he slapped a claw over his face, angry at himself for even trying such a bold maneuver and could only watch as she asked with a bemused expression what he was doing as he babbled like an idiot that he thought he saw a spider on her foreleg and was brushing it off as she scoffed with smirk saying that she could clearly handle a spider.

Her reaction was to be expected from a tomfilly, he knew she wasn't being rude, just stating a fact.

It wasn't as though she was like Sweetie Belle who would have screamed or thanked him. She had a rougher and bolder exterior then a girly girl would and he had to respect that.

Still, it would have been nice if she could have at least thanked him, but he did get a smile out of it. Sure it was sarcastic and she rolled her eyes but that had to count for something, right?

Spike didn't know as he could only place his other claw over his face and give a muffled scream at how stupid he had been.

He made a mental note to see if he could find any books on how to get a tomfilly to date a pony, or dragon in his case, glad that he had photographic memory and pulled his claws away to rest over his stomach and the blanket that covered his body.

It was a strange realization to go from loving a white unicorn to an orange pegasus in the course of three months.

One minute he was head over tail for the fashionista who he basically held on a pedestal for the few years that he had been in Ponyville, helping her shovel gems with his claws, trying to save her from Diamond Dogs, carrying her large amount of luggage as they traveled to the Crystal Empire, saving her again when she became manipulated by an evil book, allowing her to use him as a pincushion for her work or making him model for a set of clothes he really didn't want to wear and even aiding her when she was head over tail for another male.

Sure she was bossy, controlling, a tad manipulative and could give a spoiled rich brat like Diamond Tiara a run for her bits when she was in a fussy mood. But his new friend didn't deserve that comparison, even if it was an accurate one and even though Rarity did have her flaws, it wasn't as though she was not a very kind and patient mare when she wanted to be.

The gods help Thunderlane when he goes to ask out the mare himself, that was for sure.

And Spike couldn't help but be happy for the stallion when he finally did work up the courage, he did save her life after all, that had to gain a few amount of points in her book if anything.

He just hoped it worked out well, he would hate to have to comfort a sad or angry Rarity or Thunderlane for that matter though if he had to guess, Rumble would most likely be there for his older brother and Rumble was Spike's best male friend so he would more than likely tell him how it went, he hoped.

Even still, getting over a crush after a long amount of time was not easy, for anyone.

Discord was still trying to get over Fluttershy when he asked out Pinkie Pie so it was not as though those feelings that had been harbored could just be erased, well at least not for Spike.

It took his head almost being decapitated by a flying scooter to gain some sort of attention of interest in Scootaloo and after which they had some treats in Sugarcube Corner, which he paid for like a gentledrake and shared some laughs, he never really noticed that even with her snarky attitude and cruel, inappropriate jokes or blatant disrespect for social interactions just how beautiful she looked even though her face was caked with dirt, her mane covered parity in grass and twigs and she had crumbs over her face from the brownie she was eating that she was so much fun to hang out with.

They had quite a lot in common other than being able to sing and dance, she enjoyed working on mechanical equipment and wanted to be an engineer one day, even with her Cutie Mark and like Spike she played the piano but not very great, that was fine because he was eager to help teach her and they both thoroughly enjoyed comic books and Daring Do but who didn't with how much fun the books were.

She didn't enjoy cooking like he did but he didn't mind, they both enjoyed going on adventures and doing badass heroics as well as enjoying his aunt Luna's night time sky and they never had to pretend with each other over their real feelings, with Scootaloo she would just rudely shove it in his face and Spike really appreciated that amount of honesty, to a degree.

They didn't have everything in common and that was perfectly ok with him, to much in common and they would have nothing to talk about, to little in common and they would get bored of each other rapidly fast, and in hindsight if Spike was being honest he and Rarity didn't have much in common either.

He thought of talking about his feelings to Rumble, Big Mac, Discord, Twilight, Starlight, Thorax even his own mother or Ember and yet when he did open his mouth the words that tumbled out were not what he had really wanted to say, what his brain was trying to force him to say and he would crack a corny joke or derailed from the heart to heart moment completely.

If he had to guess, Discord might have had some suspicions on what he really wanted to talk about but the god never said anything outright and Spike once had numerous letters directed to his mother asking her for advice on the subject of his affections but halfway through they were needlessly crumbled up and burned in his non magical flames in anger and dissatisfaction.

He didn't know what to do or who to turn to and it was disheartening when all he wanted to do was go straight up to Scootaloo and kiss her on the lips, sure he would more than likely be punched in the face but he had a small amount of hope that she would return the kiss to him...and then punch him in the face, it was just how she was after all.

She didn't do the girly, flashy scenes like many other young fillies, she was more like her older adopted sister, Rainbow Dash in that regard and part of her personality was what attracted Spike to Scootaloo in the first place, she was different in her strength and appearance and stood up on her own four hooves, the masses be damned.

Spike sighed loudly once more, trying to drown out the snores coming from his older sister as he twisted and turned once more in his basket, his blanket being torn a bit in his claws from his fidgeting, he just wanted to do something to show his affection to her.

He tried on some level but it blew up in his face, or perhaps he had to really do something out of the ordinary to catch her attention, he didn't know but what he did know is that even for a fourteen year old dragon that he cared for the pegasus romantically and prayed to the gods that if not now then maybe one day, she would feel the same.

As he closed his exhausted eyes and allowed his breathing to slow down to fall into the familiar embrace of sleep, Spike's last thought was that he had to prove to Scootaloo that the two of them could be together and make it work.

Even through the doubts that crept in his mind.

With his eyes opened in the dream state, Spike marveled at the exotic sight his dreams had woven together like a tapestry as he gazed at the beautiful sparkling green grass beneath his talons, the almost purple night sky above him as the sun lowered and the stars that practically danced beyond the world he was in as he heard a voice behind him and smiled seeing Scootaloo's tail and hind legs from underneath a carriage she was working on, admiring her toned, muscled flanks with a blush as his eyes focused on the Cutie Mark she and her friends had earned through so much toil and strife.

"Going to stare at the sky like a hatchling all night, Scales or you going to pass me that lug nut wrench I asked for?" Her voice came out a bit deeper and more grown then Spike was expecting as he looked down at his claws and immediately noticed that he held the item in question in his left claw as he chuckled and walked towards her while she flicked her tail in impatience.

"Sorry, Scoots. Guess I got caught up in all the beauty." He answered sincerely, bending down and stopping when he finally took noticed of just how tall he was, about a head taller than his own mother at the least and his voice was much more gravelly and had a deeper pitch to it then he would have expected, he quickly turned his head to see if he had wings with his adult appearance but was disappointed to find that he was still wingless and his scales nearly shined, his spines were much larger along with his tail and claws.

"How old are we, Scootaloo?" He asked, freaked out that he must thrown himself into the future and that even though he was dreaming he didn't think he could be so detailed just yet even at his normal age.

"Wow that has to be the stupidest question you asked all day, Fire fangs. I guess looking after our daughter like the good little housewife you been for the last three days must have tired you out more than you thought. You're twenty four, stupid. I'm twenty two and we been married for about six years, got an enchanted scale on a black leather cord around my neck and a tail ring to prove it and if you lost your damn tail ring again I'm going to kick your ass. Now give me the damn lug wrench so I can finish up Fancy Pant's order and we can grab Flame Heart from Fluttershy's and head home, I'm hungry and tired." Scootaloo's annoyed voice reached Spike's ear fins but he barely registered them as he thought over the words she just said so causally.

Marriage? They were in their twenties and not only that but they had a daughter?!

Spike liked Scootaloo a lot but he was still fourteen years old in reality and could not comprehend being so far in the future with a filly.

He didn't even have the guts to hold her hoof let alone have a child with her, it must have been with magic if anything since they were two different species, they had actually made a kirin apparently...but wasn't those only in stories, nothing but a myth?

The metal in his claw dropped with a thud to the ground below as he closed his eyes tight, trying to control his breathing, turning around as his claws were held over his face in fear and panic.

"It's just a dream, it's just a dream...it's all just a dream-"

"Spike?" A soft, gentle voice called out to him as he tried to keep himself from hyperventilating and slowly removed his claws from his face, taking notice quickly at how his body was returned to it's normal teenage size as he turned his head to the one who spoke to him, tears ran down his face at how fast his dream had so unexpectedly thrusted him into the future with a mare he couldn't even ask out on a date, let alone to marry him.

Scootaloo and the carriage was gone from sight and in it's place was a pony he was surprised to see behind him as he turned around and leaped at her, wrapping his small arms tightly around her neck as she didn't hesitate to return the gesture with a warm embrace.

"Aunt Luna." He breathed out as though her presence was his only saving grace making her give a small, sad smile as they did nothing but hug and breathe in silence among the dreamscape his mind had created.

"Why are thou crying?" The lunar princess asked while wiping her nephew tears, then something hit her, and her eyes get a bit annoyed. "Are thou dreaming with future visions of life with what could happen with you being with that kind of mare? Again?"

"Err...how have you been?" Spike decided to facepalm himself in his mind, forgetting it wasn't the first time that happened.

"You know, while I'm working in the dreams I discovered recently...hey, don't start changing the subject like the last time, it happened five times already." Luna glare was cold like night, making Spike gulp loudly for trying to distract her, it didn't seem worth it.

"I'm sorry, Aunt Luna. But I can't help it. I like her a lot and I don't have to guts to really do anything with her in the real world so I have to settle with my dreams. I didn't expect to go so far into the future with her though. Every time I try talking with somepony or Discord I just...can't. I can't." His words were slow and his claws curled into fist as he glared at the ground, ashamed of his cowardice.

Suddenly Spike noticed a wing wrapped around him and was forced from it to be pulled in her left hoof and deeper into her chest, Spike noticed Princess Luna sighed with a heavy breath.

"Spike, thou know I love you, right? Thou are a gentledragon, have a humor sense, has courage for challenging everyone who dares to say otherwise about your obsession of comics in your room. Tia even showed me some letters about Twilight's paranoia about what would happen if she destroyed one comic by accident, and her nightmares about that case, well...It wasn't beautiful to see. But still, thou have many qualities, but still have a stupid thought inside your mind." Luna showed her wisdom about her own nephew, however Spike was surprised by the last sentence.

"Why? Because I can't find the courage to talk to a twelve year old pegasus? Because part of me is still holding on to my first crush even though I'm trying so hard to be there for the stallion that really wants to win her heart? I get that I'm not amazing in many things but what makes it stupid that I like comics or that I want to hold a filly's hoof, Aunt Luna?" He asked angrily as he lifted his head and glared at her causing her to glare right back with a scowl.

"None of them, it was just that you couldn't talk about that to anypony, while I'm here again and thou told me everything that was inside your mind and heart, and it wasn't that difficult, sometimes thou just needs a little motivation like the time far from today, when one stallion was in love with a mare, they would fight for her, and even though they were ponynapped and with the pressure over them, he would say everything inside his mind and heart, and I have to say, that ended well many times, it happened with thou mother more times than you can imagine." Luna decided to give him a single advice from her time, if a creature wants to say something, then it was best to be stupid enough to create a situation where they couldn't have anything for them to say than the truth.

Spike was silent as he thought on her words, his mind racing with what had been told but the question on his tongue was something he didn't have the strength to say so he did was he normally did in such a situation, he joked around.

"Bet those males got more than they bargained for with saving those mares? Huh?" He giggled as she rolled her eyes with a smirk.

"Well, Tia always liked the badponies, ask Sombra, she had a crush on him after she was ponynapped by him." Luna interjected, telling the last name Spike would imagine to hear.

Spike's eyes widen in disbelief as his mind blanked at the thought and he tried to reject the thought of his mother being with the dark king, shaking his head to physically remove the thought.

"Wha-what?" He asked in shock in horror seeing the serious expression on her face as his tail waved quickly behind him in disgust.

"He was indeed a nice pony, a bit shy for my taste however his idea about being a dark lord really made him be what he is today, well you know what happened, they were happy for many centuries and etc...the rest is just speculation and story." Luna shrugged like it was normal for her, but a bit confused by Spike's reaction.

Spike wondered in the back of his mind what he would be like to be the son of a king that enslaved ponies as he shivered quickly at the thought and tried to focus on the task at claw.

"So...what am I to do, Aunt Luna? I want to talk to Scoots and be with her and yet. I'm still afraid, what if she rejects me like Rarity did?" He asked somberly as she put a hoof under his chin and lifted his head to look her in the eyes with a loving and caring expression.

"Well, did you try to ask your mother to try to arrange your marriage with her? Is it normal for royal ponies for do something desperate like that?" Princess Luna asked another crazy idea for Spike, he didn't know why she was telling him such ideas.

Spike looked at his aunt like she was insane before he remembered that she came from a different time period and she knew more of the old traditions rather than what was more common now.

"Um...Aunt Luna? Underage marriage is illegal now, besides if I asked my mom that she would most likely faint from shock and Scootaloo would kick the crap of me, so no offense, but I think it's best that we focus on today rather than the past." He answered slowly as she looked at him in confusion and blushed with a nod.

"Oh." She said understanding the situation of her nephew would be more difficult than she ever thought. "Well I think we could start over from beginning then, Spike, you are silly...in a good way I guess...hum...forget it, it wouldn't work anyway."

Spike stared at her in confusion before slowly backing away, his tail laying in his claws as he started to twist it softly, a clear sign he was nervous or uncomfortable.

"What wouldn't work? Do you have some way to help me with my dilemma?" He asked gently as he looked up at her in puzzlement.

"It will not work, and it would be risky, thus are not courageous enough to do such a thing." Luna said sternly to Spike, showing her disapproval of such idea, as one part of her voice was challenging his strength in being a male and Spike could feel that.

Spike's eyes narrowed in anger at the thought of being treated as a child as he glared up at her, about to open his mouth and rebuttal her claim until he remembered who he was talking to as he let his tail drop from his claws and lowered his gaze to the grass below.

"If it means going after the filly I admire, then I do what is necessary, Aunt Luna." He spoke confidently with a cocky grin looking back towards her.

"You are not going to do it, I mean it Spike the dragon!" Luna shouted using the Royal Canterlot voice and stomping her forehooves on the ground making the entire dream shake.

"Then why don't you tell me what you want me to do already, Aunt Luna? I just want some help in how to gain the courage to ask out Scootaloo!" He screamed angrily as her causing the mare before him to narrow her eyes and snort in irritation, then she let out a heavy sigh.

"Alright Spike, if thus believe thus are brave enough, then I will prepare the ritual. I will come back, do not wake up until I come back." Princess Luna said while her horn glowed and disappeared from Spike's view.

Spike sighed loudly as he sat on the ground, wanting to summon something into the dream world as he waited, maybe Discord would be up for a game of chess? Nah, he doubted the god had the patience and didn't know how long it would be until she returned so instead he chose to simply wait as she asked, feeling guilty for yelling at her.

He hoped she didn't ground him, or worse, tell his mother about his rude outburst.

Seconds become minutes and for him he felt the minutes becomes hours, how long did he need to wait until his aunt Luna came back to him he wondered, then a glow over to his left showed a familiar pony to him, Princess Luna was back, however what looked like two jars were firmly on her back, the lids closed with chains over them.

"Spike, I know thus are trying to sound brave, however, let me ask you one thing, is this still worth it?" Princess Luna showed no face of anger, nor one of happiness either, instead it was pure concern on her face and in her voice.

Spike glanced at the jars in question, scratching the back on his neck with a claw before looking her in the eyes and nodding firmly.

"You asked me if I had the strength before right? Well then let me prove it to you." He spoke without hesitation as she bit her bottom lip nervously before nodding slowly.

"Spike, this is the ritual of a zebra who sacrificed his feelings for having the courage to say to the mare he loved for many years, in the end both of them lost their feelings and didn't have a good ending. One of Zecora's dreams or nightmare I don't know which is it for her in either jar, but she told me if thus are not willing to be truthful not just for me, but to yourself, you will not be capable to love anymore." Princess Luna said in a tone that made all the spines on Spike's back shiver in a cold chill behind him like it was touching just to make him slip and lose everything, he then gulped noticing just how serious this kind of ritual was.

"I could lose the ability to love? Forever? I like Scootaloo Dash a lot, but...I'm only fourteen, is an orange pegasus really worth all this trouble? I wish Cadance was here to help, being the Princess of Love and everything, and my cousin would certainly come in handy helping me with my decision." He thought seriously looking at both of the swirling blue and green mixture in the jars as he took a deep breath and thought very carefully of just why he liked Scootaloo, beyond physical appearance of course.

"She's loyal, no doubt because of how she's now being raised with Dash's family. She's brave and caring. She's strong and confident...she's funny and even though she has a bit of a temper she does what she feels she thinks is right. And she never backs down from anything, able to stand up to nearly any challenge she comes across. She's arrogant but none of us are perfect and she...we...connect. I can't explain why or how, even to myself and we are too young to say we love each other because we don't really know what love is just yet but...yeah...she's worth it." Spike thought calmly, more serious than he's ever been in his life as he finally looked up into his aunt's eyes and nodded.

Luna showed a satisfied nod, however she raised one eyebrow.

"When did it happened? When you thought for the first time you liked her?" Luna asked by curiosity, the question didn't show any second thoughts, just like an aunt asking Spike how his day was going.

Spike shuffled his left foot into the dirt as he muttered something under his breath she was not able to hear before he looked up and took a deep breath.

"Three months." He answered meekly, knowing just by the words that came out of his mouth that they had formed nowhere near a connection to perform something so dangerous, at least not to the extent the original zebra no doubt had. But they known each other for a few years and Spike really believed she was worth it, that had to count for something, right?

Luna saw Spike doing his best to tell the truth to her, however she giggled.

"Spike you didn't need to be afraid, the ritual didn't start yet. I was just curious, I apologize if I didn't say that sooner." Luna giggled however she smiled in seeing Spike sigh in relief with all his breath.

"Don't scare me like that, I nearly had a heart attack thinking I already failed." He growled in annoyance as she rolled her eyes with a smirk in response.

"Well I would have warned you first if it had started, why would I make the ritual before you were prepared? Do you think your aunty is not a mare of her word?" Princess Luna sounded offended and nearly narrowed her eyes at him.

Spike lifted a finger and opened his mouth to respond but wisely chose to close it and say nothing, now was not the time for a smart ass comment he knew.

"Okay nephew, I'm asking you to prepare yourself mentally for the ritual, because the pressure over your body will be unimaginable and one slip, and you will lose everything, so no pressure." Luna paused before shrugging to him, making him immediately have pressure before the damn thing even started. "Tell me Spike, how many dreams have you had of her? I know three or four was with the future between you two, have you had other kinds of dreams with her?"

Spike never felt more uncomfortable or embarrassed simultaneously in all his life, he prayed to the gods the questions didn't involve his deepest, darkest secrets or he might never be able to face his aunt in the dream world or the real world for the rest of his life and ten thousand years was a very, very long time.

"D-do you mean...like...sexually...or-" He cut himself off already seeing the blush and turn of her head that Luna did before she slowly nodded and he wondered if she was starting to regret this as well.

This was already getting more awkward than he thought.

"Y-yes." He stuttered quickly, glancing to the side to not see her reaction and praying that she didn't ask for any detail.

"All of them Spike. How...many...?" Luna asked slowly reinforcing the quantity, and not what was in the dreams themselves, making him blush even more because he thought it was just sexual, before he realized that it was all the kinds of dreams combined making him sigh loudly in relief.

"Ten in total...both normal and...yeah." He spoke with a deep scarlet blush on his scales as she nodded firmly.

Luna decided to not push forward his embarrassment, he did misunderstood her question, making him shame himself was the doing of her sister, she on the other hoof needed to be serious with what was on the line, while inside her heart she was laughing like a normal pony would in her place.

"Very well, I have one hundred more questions for you Spike." Luna said raising her eyebrow to Spike who was widening his eyes in shock.

"You got to be bucking kidding me?!" He spat angrily as she frowned in disapproval at his swearing.

"Language, I know it is your dream, but you know I'm still your aunt and I want to be treated as such, but you were right, I was kidding with you." While the first reaction of her showed anger and disappointment, she couldn't help but grin to the dragon who was frowning to her.

Spike's tail waved in anger at her teasing, thinking she would take this more seriously as he resisted the urge to roll his eyes before he shook his head, of all the family he had to grow up with, he grew up among pranksters.

He wondered if he was related to Discord with how so many of his family joked with each other.

"Sorry, Aunt Luna." He replied sincerely as his shoulders slumped down for a second before he stood up straight and looked at her as she nodded.

"I just have two more questions before we start Spike, did you ever thought about telling this to somepony near to you, like Twilight, Tia, or even your friends to help you?" Luna decided to continue her questions, preparing Spike for the worse.

"Yes, but I got to scared of what their reaction would be." He answered truthfully as she nodded with a small smile.

"Okay Spike, last question, why do you have feelings for her but still don't have the courage to say what are you feeling for her?" The final question arrived, making a silence in the dream helm, and Spike gagging for what would be one of the most difficult questions he ever had.

Spike's claws curled into fist once more as he could feel salvia in his throat and very nervously swallowed it, looking up at the night sky he had created as he took a deep breath and answered honestly.

"She's not like Rarity...Scoots doesn't deal with serious feelings like a girly girl would and to just come out and say it, even though it would take guts and I'd be pouring my heart out. I feel like she would think I was joking or playing a prank...I don't even know if she wants to be in a relationship right now to be honest. Gods, she could very well reject me and I don't know what I'd do with myself going through that again. You, Twi and mom had enough on your hooves dealing with it once." He answered as tears ran down his face, Luna remained calm and even as she watched her nephew she approached slowly to him, she focused on her magic and her horn start to glow.

When Spike noticed the pressure of the magic near to him, his feelings from being sad suddenly changed to fear.

"Farewell Spike, I think you are ready for the ritual." Luna magic began to make her eyes glow, making Spike desperate from the sudden act of his aunt. "Shall we begin the ritual?"

Spike stumbled away in shock and fear from not only the screaming but of the knowledge of what he could very well lose if he failed.

Gathering up all the strength he had, he closed his eyes and terrified of the consequences, nodded his head.

Princess Luna used her magic to open the two chains over the jars, making all the green liquid explode from the jar, her horn glowed even more making it a color of pure black, and her eyes became green like emerald.

"Who dares to wake me for do the ritual?" A deep voice from Luna made Spike notice it indeed wasn't his aunt in front of him.

Spike's fear skyrocketed to heights he didn't even imagined they could be as he swallowed the glob of saliva in his throat, curled his claws into fist and shouted with all the air in his lungs.

"I do! My name is Spike the dragon and you will answer to my demands!" He screeched in rage at the voice in front of him.

"A dragon you say? Do you want to make me laugh? You know what a dragon could lose if they let their greed interfere in their answers when I ask my questions? Are you so desperate to challenge my ritual?" The voice mocked the drake in her front, making Spike's demand sound like a joke, and making him feel like a loser in the being's eyes.

Spike for his part didn't flinch, his gaze didn't waver as his eyes narrowed and he bared his razor sharp fangs, growling in defiance, his tail lashing behind him as he opened his mouth to answer.

"By the gods you will listen to me and tell me what you want from me, you twisted monster!" He roared in rage, so sick and tired of being treated as a child throughout all the years, sick of not winning Rarity's heart after so many years, sick of not having the chance to go after Scootaloo's and sick of being treated as a sidekick, he was a dragon and it was at this moment that he attempted to act as such.

"Do you know you already that you are in the middle of the ritual Spike? And do you know making you angry makes you slip in answering my questions?...Tell me, what would happen if you confess to Scootaloo and she doesn't have the same feelings for you like it so happens with your last love Rarity the unicorn?" That question made all the difference, the world around Spike stop, he was trapped, and was cheated, knowing of a question he would never imagine, Spike didn't say a word about Rarity to the voice, how would the voice know that?

Spike's entire body froze, his anger vanishing just as quick as it came and his mouth becoming dry as he turned away, his mind racing as tears threatened to run down his face.

"Leave her out of this." He whispered, his voice small and scared as though he was once again a hatchling and this time even his aunt couldn't save him from the nightmare before him.

"Do you want to know how I did know about this? You don't know who I am? You never heard the tales of Zebrica about challenges from the ritual of the goddess of love, Mazala? Didn't you know about me? The goddess who knows about their loving life, crushes and heartache? Are you willing to answer my questions??" She asked darkly as he scowled before glaring up at her.

"Yes!" He bellowed, as he had had enough of the games.

"So? Do I need to repeat my questions to you?"

"I would move on with my life, try to make something of myself without the crown or throne. Try to improve my music, cooking, writing or singing. Try to be something more than a shadow to my older sister and make my family and friends proud. The truth is I don't need love in my life at such a young age, but I want it...I want the smartass pegasus to share the same feelings I have for her, but if she does not...then I'll do all I can to hide the pain and smile." He answered with a growl, his heart breaking from giving such a deep response as he dropped to his knees.

"Hmmm, aren't you interesting? Do you know what I think? But do you want to know the next question? Where do you think you failed most in your last temptation with that white mare?" The voice smiled, not like malicious but still like a predatory animal ready for the prey to slip in it's path.

Spike thought long and hard of his answer, his eyes brimming with the signs of tears which he held at bay as he held his head high and answered,

"I never took into account that she could never love me romantically, it's still illegal with my age and even if she waited, there would be another who would want her heart, a friend of mine. He deserves to be happy and she deserves to chance to not be burden with the eagerness and blind devotion to her I once held." He answered slowly and carefully as he sobbed quietly.

"Do you know all your answers were right? Do you seek the final question? Do you know that question made many zebras lose their love feeling because they were foolish to answer that question so quickly? Do you seek the courage to answer the most difficult question in your life?" Spike didn't know how he felt after being praised by her, but saying the last question would be the one who will decide if he can still love or not, made him, gave a final gulp and decide his fate.

Spike could only nod in reply, to torn up mentally and emotionally on what he been through, feeling very, very drained.

"Are you willing to free me? Do you know I have two ways for be free? Knowing one is killing the pony you love most? And the other way is killing the possessed body? You know what your final question is? If you want to free me to have your love, who would you sacrifice? The possessed body or the love of your life for making your feelings intact?"

Silence remained in that place, Spike was shocked from the last question, a decision between his love from a mare who was more like a family and treated him as the most loved family she would have, or between his new love, where he was risking his feelings just for confessing to her.

That's why every zebra failed in such ritual, and now he needed to decide between the two of them, but the more he thinks about the choice, the more annoyed and trapped he felt.

"I just can't!" Spike screamed making the voice snap and looks at the dragon before her in a surprise.
Spike's breath caught in his throat as he thought very, very carefully of how to answer, taking a deep breath he slowly stood up on his own two legs, his face one of determination and passion as he opened his mouth and gave his answer.

"One thing I always learned from my family and friends is that there is always another way, you don't have to die and neither does Scootaloo. Please, give me and my family sometime and we can find a way for you to be free...but I won't kill my aunt Luna, she means far too much to me. If you are not satisfied between my choice, please take my life to free you. But please don't make me choose between them." He answered without any hesitation, he was the one to bring an alliance to both the Changeling Kingdom and the Dragonlands with Equestria, if he could save this spirit then he would do so without losing any form of life.

The voice remained in silence, Spike don't know what to do, but he didn't care, he wanted to save them, even if that cost his life.

"Very well Spike the dragon. You answered my last question, so now I will decide your fate." The voice became even deeper than before, and her eyes went from green to pure white, her horn was pure black, her horn were approaching in Spike's direction, he knew he failed in the test, so he closed his eyes not wanting to see what would happen to him.

He waited some seconds, and then he felt something on his nose. It was Scootaloo bumping his nose with her hoof.

"Damn, you really are a sad sack when it comes to heart to heart shit, Scales." She grinned removing her hoof as she floated to the ground below with a roll of her eyes.

Spike was so surprised he jumped back in shock, stumbling and landing on his ass with a panicked expression on his face, his eyes darting from Scootaloo who yawned to Luna who looked at him with a hint of a smile, as if she was satisfied with the results of her actions.

"It seems everything went well. I knew I was good but never imagined it would end up like that." Luna said in her normal voice, and the color of her eyes went back to normal, showing that she hadn't been possessed from the beginning.

Spike's reaction immediately went to anger at that reveal of being tricked as he stood up, sparks of embers being shown from his mouth as he paced back and forth, his tail waving in rage as his claws curled into fist tightly as he had to take a very long deep breath before he said something he would regret.

"W-what the buck just happened?" He asked very slowly, glaring at both his crush then to his aunt, his fangs on full display with his anger causing Scootaloo to roll her eyes with a smirk.

"You got punked, punk. Or rather, gave a very sappy confession to me about what you would do if you were given the choice. Knew you were a romantic, but damn Spike." Scootaloo started with a smirk and roll of her eyes making Spike even more upset, causing Luna to step between them to explain better before Spike attacked the smart ass pegasus.

"Well Spike, I did what you wanted me to, did you forget all the words you said to me even though I said it wouldn't work? But you still insisted, and don't try to think it was my fault, you wanted to have courage, so I gave you courage, for saying the words, not directly, but indirectly to her." Princess Luna stomped her right front hoof making Spike looking at her in rage, however after saying her words, Spike remembered she was against that idea, and it was an idea that bit his tail later.

Who could've guessed it was Spike who allowed everything making him feel a bit of regret.

"So you heard everything?" He asked Scootaloo who nodded with a cocky grin on her face making Spike place his claws over his face in shame.

"Gods, kill me now." He muttered to himself ashamed of his actions and embarrassed beyond belief.

"Well if you insist, though I'd plan to take you down in about nine thousand more years." A voice spoke next to him making them all jump seeing Discord with a large scythe held in his lion paw and eagle talon as they glared at him.

"The buck?! What are you doing in my dream?" Spike questioned the god of chaos who could only smirk in response.

"I'm here for my obligatory camo, ciao." He spoke with an unnerving grin before riding a wooden table out of sight as Luna sighed loudly, rubbing her head with her hoof tips, that god was going to be the death of her one day, she could already tell.

"He only gets worse after being with Pinkie Pie, this I knew for sure." Luna complained after that irrelevant case to Spike. "Anyway, you shouldn't be ashamed of yourself Spike, you knew the risks of trying to do the ritual, and like I said, a bit of pressure makes everything easier for what was being said."

"Why did you go through all this just for an elaborate prank, Aunt Luna? You knew how much Scoots meant to me." He questioned making the pegasus in question scoff.

"Do you still not get the plan after this long? Spike couldn't you stop complaining and try to think of everything of what happened first? Because I will give one more chance for you try to understand, and if you don't..." Princess Luna started to get annoyed because of Spike, she knew Spike was being a pussy dragon all this time, but now he was going a bit too far to her.

"Scootaloo. You know what to do if he doesn't understand it, correct?" She asked as she glared at the drake, neither noticing Scootaloo's dark grin.

"Way ahead of you, princess." Scootaloo answered as she reached her left hoof under her right wing and pulled out a metal baseball bat.

"Hold still, Scales." She laughed harshly.

"Oh don't you bucking dare, Scootaloo Dash-"

Spike didn't get to finish his words with a baseball bat slamming into the side of his face as Scootaloo cheered, shouting homerun.

"Why did I fall in love with you again?" He questioned out loud making her frown before tapping the edge of the bat to his nose.

"Because, like you said... I'm bucking awesome, dragon boy." She spoke with a grin as he rubbed the side of his face with a claw, glaring at the pegasus before looking to his aunt who had a mixture of confusion and horror etched on her face.

"Scootaloo I said if he didn't get it, he didn't even have a chance to try to understand what happened." Princess Luna narrowed her eyes in the teenager pegasus ready for another blow on Spike.

Scootaloo's ears lowered and her tail flicked as she snorted but didn't say a word, tossing the bat behind her before leaning down and kissing Spike on her right cheek making the drake blush.

"Can't blame a girl for trying." She whispered in his left ear fin making him unable to respond as she helped him stand up.

"So...she knows my feelings for her. So what happens now?" He asks calmly before being socked hard in the stomach by the young mare who had a smile that could rival Pinkie herself as he groaned in pain holding his stomach.

"You wake up, find your balls, get me some chocolate with caramel and ask me out like a real male, idiot." Scootaloo answered with a roll of her eyes as she turned around and slapped his face with her tail as she trotted over to Luna who frowned at her in disapproval of the treatment the pegasus was giving to her nephew.

"I apologize for the behavior of Scootaloo in your dream, I thought her actions would be different in comparison to her dreams." Luna stated coldly, but the sentence made Scootaloo sweat a bit in Spike's direction.

"No, the way she's acting now sounds about right for her personality. Dash and her family were never ones to be all touchy feely after all, or at least Dash and Scoots are not, as far as I know." Spike wheezed as he caught his breath and stood up straight, wincing in pain before taking a deep breath and smiling at Scootaloo who winked with caring grin.

"Looks like you do get me after all, living matchstick. You want a cookie, you pussy?" She asked sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.

"I'm not the one with a pussy, Scoots." He shot back making her snort with a grin as Luna looked back and forth from the two, thoroughly confused and a bit uncomfortable with how they just naturally shot insults to each other.

"Okay, I think it's Candace's problem and I shouldn't look more into this than I already am, so Spike, did you understand what happened?" Luna asked one more time, but this time showed a bit more of a deeper and colder expression as he nodded.

"Yes ma'am...I think. The ritual shows the heart, emotions and soul of the one being reviewed, but I only have one question, did you really summon forth a love goddess?" He asked as Scootaloo stepped near him with a bemused expression on her face.

"Scootaloo, give me the bat." Luna sighed and asked for her partner in crime for giving Spike one more lesson.

"The plan actually needs two things: Fear, and conviction. After I left you, I went in a dream to one familiar to your, a zebra named Zecora, I asked her to tell of one unknown threat that made the ponies and even a dragon have a fear, so she told me about a legend of a goddess of love. Telling of a shaman who was in love with her." She paused to catch her breath.

"But it needed a sacrifice to be by her side forever, so he did a kind of ritual, and the goddess was happy to know he was going to have an immortal life in her side, however the shaman discovered another kind of love, and it was between the love a goddess or a zebra near to him, and in the moment he doubted himself he lost his own life. And the Mazala decided to just make questions for the ponies who tries to make the ritual, making them sure if they loved the pony or they would die in their own doubts like the shaman did." Princess Luna told a tale known from Zebrica culture, making Spike notice the strange thing about his 'meeting' with the goddess Mazala.

"You don't know how hard it was making the questions all the time, Spike. I needed to control myself from shouting on you in affirmation, well, after having a nice conversation with Zecora, she shared with me in her dreams, two jars full of tea, so I decided to fake the ritual and chained them. And then I went inside of Scootaloo's dream just to make sure she witnessed what you were doing, and when you didn't notice her, just in case I used the magic of invisibility on her, making her have a nice show of acting and truth or dare with you, my lovely nephew." Luna finished her speech with a knowing smile as though she was right all the time.

"Now Scootaloo, give me the bat." She said with a dark grin and wink as the pegasus could only roll her eyes with another yawn.

"That's fascinating princess, really. But I think he got it, no need to smash his head open a second time. I got this. Now wake up Armored Mailbox, you got some wooing to do, wake up bitch." She shouted loudly before punching him directly in the face, all he remembered was hearing the pegasus laugh as though she was insane before he awoke with a jolt.

Spike slapped his claws over his face, the events of the dream coming back to him as he groaned.

"That's the last time I ask a family member for love advice." He growled to himself before giving a large yawn as he rubbed his eyes right before they widen in shock.

"This is going to be so damn painful." He muttered to himself thinking of the reaction his crush would have when he went up to her with confidence, charm and passion...as she would most likely laugh in his face before rolling her eyes, bitch slapping him and accepting his offer for a date now that he knew her feeling for him, he hoped.

The shit he did for love.

Author's Note:

Special thanks to my friend for his help with this story, this site needs more Aunt Luna stories and I'm happy with how this turned out. Let me know of any errors and I'll try to get them fixed as fast as I can, hope you all enjoy, sorry it's not edited.

Comments ( 17 )

Ahhh shit. Gotta see how this one goes.

Pretty sure 8554065 is a huge Spike fan.

Much to the dismay of my fimfic pride, I am. :twilightsheepish:

There's nothing wrong with that lol.

How many people actually didn't see that what Luna was doing was a trick? If this 'ritual' was really that dangerous, would she ever subject her nephew to it?

An innuendo couple those two.

Congrats for being featured my friend, I think It was the first thing I wrote with someone who gets featured. I'm glad for booth of us, nice team work Inferno. XD

Are you sure? I didn't see it.

It was featured. I saw it in the box last night about thirty of minutes after it was posted.

Shit well awesome. Thanks bro. Can't wait to read more of your work.

Try to turn off the mature signal. Because just with that off your fiction was featured.

I'm more of a Spike/Sweetie Belle shipper myself, but I decided to read this one out of curiosity. I'm glad I did because it was hilarious and very well written. I especially love the Spike and Luna interaction. You don't see very much if any of that outside of the comics.

Spike and Sweets are my second favorite pairing with the CMC, I just think he has more in common with Scoots personally. But that could be just me. Very glad you enjoyed it. Had a lot of fun with this story.

Well I like to interact directly using Luna sometimes, I like to think while Princess Luna is a wise mare I can imagine her sometimes as a troll just like trolestia A.K.A Momlestia, so it was fun to create this collaboration, while Spikeloo isn't one of my favorite ships, I liked to write very much.
Isn't that right Inferno? XD

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