• Published 16th Nov 2017
  • 3,431 Views, 18 Comments

Fun in the Snow - Leviathan Jaeger

The Rainbooms and Dazzlings decide to spend a day at the Canterlot ski resort. Accidents happen, friendships grow, and confessions are confessed.

  • ...

A day worth remembering

Author's Note:

Not much to this story, just something to sit down and enjoy.

Sunset sat in the passenger seat of the van, staring out the window at the snow covered ground. She took in the beauty of the white masterpiece the snow formed over the land, giving a small smile at it's elegance. Her mind snapped back into reality when she heard Pinkie shout from the back of the van.

"This is so exciting! We haven't gone skiing in years!" the pink girl exclaimed.

"Pinkie darling, we went last year," Rarity informed her.

"We did?" Pinkie asked, laying back in her seat as she brought her hand up to her chin to think. "Oh, I guess we did. But still, it's been, like, forever!"

"Yeah, it'll be nice to slide down those slopes again," Applejack stated from the driver seat.

"I bet I'll beat you down them again this year AJ," Rainbow Dash said to her, with her ego on full display, crossing her arms.

"I wouldn't be to sure about that Rainbow," Applejack replied, looking at the rainbow girl through the mirror. "Besides, you get to teach Fluttershy how to ski this year."

"Oh, I don't know if I'm up to it," Fluttershy stated, sitting all bundled up under her blanket.

Rainbow gave a small chuckle as she placed her arm around the shy girl. "Don't worry Flutters, I won't let anything happen to you." Fluttershy looked over and gave a small smile at her, which Dash returned. When the girls scheduled the event, Rainbow Dash kept trying to convince Fluttershy to try out skiing. At first Fluttershy really didn't want to, but with enough persuading from Dash, she gave in and said she would try it, making Rainbow overjoyed that her best friend would be joining her on the slopes.

"Well ya'll, we're here," Applejack announced as she pulled into the ski resort. The others all looked out the windows towards the resort, checking out all the different slopes and buildings.

"Oh I can't wait to see what the different stores have to offer!" Rarity exclaimed as she rubbed her hands together in excitement. "And also get a cup of their delicious hot chocolate."

"This is my first time at a ski resort," Twi stated, earning a look of disbelief from Rainbow Dash.

"You've never been to a ski resort?! At all?!" Rainbow asked.

Twi shook her head. "Never really had a reason to."

"Well you do now," Rainbow said, giving her a thumbs up. She then turned to the other Twilight, the princess one. "Do they even have ski resorts in Equestria?"

Twilight brought her hands up as she started to explain. "Not really resorts, but skiing is still a thing in the other world. I tried it once, but it didn't go so well."

While Applejack looked for a parking space, she looked over at Sunset, who was being oddly quiet. "Hey Sunset...Sunset...Hey!"

The last loud hey got Sunset back into reality, making her look over at AJ. "What is it, something wrong?"

Applejack gave a short chuckle, "You fazed out sugarcube, got something on your mind?"

Rarity leaned forward from the front row seat to answer the question for her. "She's probably thinking about Adagio again."

"N-No I wasn't!" Sunset retorted, making the two girls laugh at her growing blush.

Once AJ found a parking space, she pulled the van into it and shut it off. One by one the girls climbed out of the vehicle, looking around at the different buildings.

"I'm so excited to be here!" Pinkie yelled, jumping into the air.

"Alright, now that we're here, we just have to wait for the other three...Sunset, where are they?" Rainbow asked.

Sunset pulled out her phone and texted Aria, who only took a few seconds to reply. "She said they should be here soon."

"Could we wait for them inside? There's no reason to be just standing out here in the cold," Rarity said to all of them, which they agreed to. Sunset sent a text saying they would be in the lodge, and then joined the group. Once they were inside the building, Twi was impressed by the log cabin design of the place. She walked up to one of the walls and placed a hand on the wood. Twilight walked up beside her and did the same.

"Pseudotsuga menziesii," Twi stated, looking over at Twilight.

"Yeah, it is," she responded. The others, with the exception of Sunset, looked at them confused.

"Um...you speaking some foreign language over there or something?" Rainbow asked, peering over at the two Twilights confused.

Both Twi and Twilight giggled before Twi explained. "It's Douglas Fir, an evergreen conifer."

"You guys are freakin nerds," a voice spoke up from behind the group. They all turned to see the Dazzlings standing behind them, and voice being Aria's.

"We just enjoy the scientific knowledge behind different things," Twilight stated, which Aria rolled her eyes to.

Sunset walked up to Adagio and gave her a smile. "I'm glad you guys could make it."

"It's not like we had anything better to do," Adagio responded, looking over her nails, before giving Sunset a smile to remind her she was joking.

"So, you guys ready to tear up the slopes?" Rainbow asked, pounding her fists together.

"Yeah!" Sonata responded, slamming her own fists together, but immediately regretted it. "Ow..."

"Idiot," Aria commented to her, but also glanced down to see if she actually hurt her hands.

Sunset was surprised to hear Sonata excited to go. "I thought you didn't know how to ski?"

"I don't, I'm trying snowboarding!" she exclaimed, before wrapping her arms around Aria and pulling her towards her. "And Ari's teaching me."

"Sonata, let me go," Aria said to her, which made Sonata let her go.

"What about you?" Sunset asked Adagio, turning back to her.

"I might snowboard a little, but not the whole time," she said, messing with a strand of her hair.

"Well, now that everyone's here, we can finally get this day started," Rainbow stated, which the others agreed to. It didn't take long for everyone to split into different groups. Rainbow went with Fluttershy to get all of her stuff registered and put on; Applejack and Pinkie headed straight for the slopes; Rarity headed for the lodge stores; Sunset, Adagio, Aria, and Sonata went to get their snowboarding equipment; and the Twilights went towards the coffee shop.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy entered the ski equipment rental building, and Rainbow walked over to counter. She put down the paper needed to get the stuff, and when the worker behind the counter took it, she stood there and patiently waited. While this happened, Fluttershy stood behind her, starting to shake as the realization of what was happening took hold. She couldn't help but be scared at the thought of sliding down a slippery hill on pieces of hard plastic and metal, with only few ways of stopping. But, she wasn't doing this for her, she was doing this for Rainbow Dash.
Despite being in a terrified state, Fluttershy wanted to spend more time with Rainbow, and since she knew the rainbow girl would be on the slopes the whole day, she decided to take up the offer the girl brought to her.

"Alright Fluttershy," Rainbow said, turning around with the ski stuff in her hands. "Let's get you suited up."

"Um...ok..." Fluttershy responded, walking with Rainbow over to a bench. After several minutes of putting the stuff on, the two of them walked out of the building, Rainbow confidently walking in the skis, while Fluttershy was having trouble. She started to fall, when Rainbow quickly spun around and caught her.

"Easy there Flutters, can't have you falling down just yet," Rainbow joked with her, but also giving a warm smile.

Fluttershy regained her balance, and held onto Rainbow's arm as she led her towards the beginners hill. As they walked, Fluttershy held onto Rainbow tightly, mostly because she didn't have very good balance, but also because she felt safe and sound when attached to Dash. Rainbow didn't mind, in fact, she liked having Fluttershy hold her arm, having her close. The two of them walked onto the beginner hill, and Rainbow started to explain how to ski. Fluttershy listened intently, trying to remember everything she was being told.

"Alright, try to remember all of that, because when I let you go, you'll be in charge of what you do," Rainbow stated to her, but continued on when she saw the horrified look on Flutter's face. "But don't worry, I'll go down with you so you don't fall."

"O-Ok..." Fluttershy replied. She took a deep breath, and started going when Rainbow let go of her arm. When she started sliding, she panicked, but with physical and emotional support from Rainbow, she quickly got the hand of it. She safely made it to the bottom, and which got her a smile from Rainbow.

"See, I told you that you could do it!" Rainbow said to her.

"I, I did it...let's try it again," Fluttershy said to her, making Rainbow's smile bigger. The two of them went up and down on the hill multiple times, and each time they went down, Dash was surprised at how fast Fluttershy was learning. After their tenth time down, Rainbow congratulated her.

"I'm impressed Flutters, I think you've got a special talent for this or something. It took me and AJ a couple days before we were good at it."

Fluttershy couldn't help but blush at how happy Rainbow was with her. Seeing her smile at her made Fluttershy's day.

"So, you think your ready for the first actual hill?" Rainbow asked, making Fluttershy tense up again.

"Oh I don't know about that..." she replied, but found herself speechless when Rainbow put her arm around her.

"I think you can do it, besides, I'll be there for you along the whole way," Rainbow said with a smile, which Fluttershy happily returned. The two of them preceded towards their next location, with Rainbow still having her arm around Fluttershy.

In the coffee shop, both of the Twilights ordered their drinks, and once they had them, they chose a table and sat down.

"I'm glad that you could come to this Twilight," Twi said to her, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, I'm happy to be here too. Equestria was getting kind of boring, nothing but princess work for the past couple weeks," Twilight explained, taking a sip of her coffee.

"I wouldn't think being a princess would be boring," Twi said to her, earning a giggle from Twilight.

"You wouldn't think that, but it can get really boring."

Twi gave her a nod, before taking a sip of her drink. She loved it when Princess Twilight would come visit, whether it was for just one day or a full week, she didn't care. In fact, she may love the Princesses company a little to much, to the point of she thinks about her a lot. She wondered if Twilight thought about her too, but the question was to awkward for Twi to ask.

"So...anything new happen since your last visit?" Twi asked her.

Twilight set her drink down and thought about her answer. "Some nobles from Saddle Arabia came to visit Celestia, Discord turned my castle into cheese for a day, and I've had to deal with multiple stallions asking me out."

Twi's ears perked up on the last part. "There's ponies asking you out?"

Twilight nodded her head. "It gets annoying after awhile, especially when it's someone that's already tried before."

"...Have you gone out with any?" Twi asked, hoping the answer was no.

"Nope," Twilight responded, letting Twi sigh within herself. "I already know who I would want to date."

This made Twi's heart beat twice as fast. "Who is it, if you don't mind me asking."

Twilight gave a short giggle before leaning back in her chair. "I won't tell you just yet, but I'll give you a hint, you know her."

Twi almost dropped her drink when she heard that three letter word. "Her?"

Twilight gave a small smirk as she picked her drink back up. "Yeah, I'm into girls, or well mares from my world."

"And I know her?" Twi asked, already trying to piece together who the her is.

"Yep, I'll let you who she is if you don't figure it out," Twilight said with a smile, before taking another sip of her drink. Even when a new topic was discussed between them, Twi kept trying to think of who she meant.

Once all four of them had their gear, Adagio and Sunset went on ahead of Sonata and Aria. Once they were on the ski lift, Adagio spoke up.

"I didn't know you snowboarded Sunny," she said to her partner.

"It's a hobby I usually do by myself. I didn't know you did either," Sunset replied.

"I only do it because Aria decided to try it, and I had to bring her here. I don't let her drive anymore, not since her road rage incident," Adagio explained to her.

Sunset remembered hearing about that story, and she still felt sorry for that guy. "I hope Sonata doesn't hurt herself trying out snowboarding."

Adagio rolled her eyes. "With Aria as her teacher, she just might."

This earned a giggle from Sunset, making Adagio smile. Of all the Rainbooms, Sunset was Adagio's favorite. She honestly didn't care about the rest, save maybe Rarity. Ever since they turned to the good side, Sunset was by Adagio's side, which the siren didn't mind at all. Although, over the past couple weeks, Adagio couldn't help but feel like Sunset had a crush on her, and tonight, she wanted to find out for sure.

At the bottom of the ski lift, Aria was waiting impatiently for Sonata. With her arms crossed, she glanced over to see the blue siren hobbling towards her.

"I'm ready Ari!" she said, trying to not slip on the connected snowboard. Aria just rolled her eyes and sat down on the ski lift, Sonata joining her side.

As the ski lift started, Aria wondered why she was even doing this. She could've just been snowboarding alone, in piece and quiet, but no, she decided to help this idiot. But deep down, she knew exactly why she was doing this, the same reason as to why the two of them were never seen without each other. No matter how much trouble Sonata caused, or how annoying she could get, Aria wanted her around. The two of them were inseparable, and Aria wanted it to stay like that. Sure she enjoyed some time to herself, but she always went back to having her by her side.

Sonata looked over and saw Aria deep in thought, and she got a idea. She knew exactly what would make Aria laugh. She picked up the snowball she carried on, and nudged Aria. When the purple girl looked over, she looked at the snowball bouncing in her hand.

"Watch this," Sonata said, before hurling the ball of snow at a skier going down the mountain below. The ball nailed him in the face, making his feet fly out from under him and land on his back. The two girls in the ski lift started busting up laughing at his wipeout. They continued to giggle at him trying to get back up, until they reached the top. Aria jumped off and landed on the ground easily, but Sonata landed on the ground, slipped on her snowboard, and face planted into the snow. Aria couldn't help but laugh at her misfortune, making Sonata look up at her annoyed. When she got back up, she hobbled over to the top of the slope, and looked down.

"Ari, are you sure I should start with this, and not the beginning stuff?" she asked, while Aria moved down to put on her snowboard properly.

"If your going to learn how to do this, your going to learn the good way, and not the lame slow way," she replied.

"But are you sure it's such a good idea? There's like jumps and stuff down there," Sonata said to her, looking down the slope.

"*sigh*Sonata, when am I ever wrong," she said, looking up at her.

"Most of the time," Sonata responded, earning a glare from the girl crouched in front of her.

"First, that's not true, second, this is the best way, believe me," Aria said as she finished, letting Sonata stand completely attached to the board.

"Now, what do I do first?" Sonata asked.

"You'll figure it out, it's how I learned," Aria replied, earning a confused look from Sonata, that turned into panic when Arai pushed her down the hill. As she quickly gained speed down the hill, Sonata did her best to keep her balance. But as she went further down the hill, she discovered that she had no idea how to turn, and it made her panic even more when she saw a jump approaching. Before she could think of a way to stop that wasn't just wiping out on the snow, she hit the jump, sending her flying in the air. Aria saw this happen from the top of the hill, and she started to panic. She put her board on and went after her. Sonata hit the ground hard, her full body weight landing on her wrist. She rolled around on the ground, holding her wrist when Aria found her.

"Sonata! Sonata, are you alright?!" Aria frantically asked, stopping and kneeling next to her friend.

"I landed on my wrist, it really hurts," Sonata replied, clutching her wrist.

"Crap," Aria said under her breath. She quickly removed the board from Sonata's feet, and picked her up bridle style. With enough speed to quickly go down the hill, but not enough to loose balance, Aria carried Sonata towards the medic's building.

In one of the lodges clothing shops, Rarity was admiring the different winter jackets. Several hours have passed, and she was wondering if anyone was going to take a break from being outside. She saw the Twilights walking around, and she saw Sunset and Adagio walk towards the coffee shop, but she was wondering where the rest were. She wouldn't be surprised if Rainbow Dash was on the slopes until they had to leave, but she had Fluttershy with her, and Rarity didn't really believe that girl would be out there for this long. She knew Pinkie would be all over the place, and trying to keep up with her would be a nightmare. Even though she knew she shouldn't be like this, but she honestly didn't really care where Sonata and Aria was, since neither of them really ever talked to her. But the girl she was really wanting to see was Applejack, her favorite farm girl. Rarity couldn't help but love her company, even though neither of them were into the same stuff.

Rarity's thoughts were broken when she heard AJ's voice behind her. She quickly turned around to see the farm girl standing there, holding two cups of hot chocolate in her hands.

"I didn't know if ya be thirsty or not, so I just decided to get ya one," Applejack said with a smile.

"Thank you darling," Rarity replied, taking one of the drinks and sipping it. "Oh, before I forget, I found the best coat for you, and you need to try it on."

Applejack shook her head with a smile. 'Classic Rarity,' she thought to herself, but it was one of the reasons AJ liked being around her so much, despite not really caring about trying on clothes. The two of them left the store after AJ tried on the coat, and since it fit and was just perfect for her, Rarity bought it.

"You really didn't have to buy that for me Rarity," Applejack stated, but Rarity just shook her head.

"Nonsense darling, I insist that you have at least one fashionable winter jacket," Rarity told her, joking while also being serious.

Applejack gave a small chuckle as she looked down at her drink. "I wish you could've been up there with me, enjoying the view on top of the mountain."

Rarity put her drink down and smiled. "I'm sure it was lovely to look at."

"But if you was up there with me, it wouldn't be the most lovely thing to look at," Applejack said to her, making Rarity blush.

"Oh stop it Applejack, no need to be overly nice."

"Who said anything about being overly nice, I just like being honest," AJ replied, making Rarity blush even more.

At the bottom of the slope, Rainbow stood waiting for her friend. She couldn't believe at how fast Fluttershy took to skiing, it was just beyond her belief. But, the proof of it was now sliding down towards her, making her attempts at stopping, except she wasn't stopping. Rainbow positioned herself to stop her, but when she went to stop her, all the force Fluttershy carried with her knocked over Rainbow, having Fluttershy land on top of her. The two of them looked at each other in the eyes, blushes forming on each of there faces. Fluttershy eventually crawled off of her, blushing a deep red.

"I-I'm sorry Rainbow, I tried to stop, but I couldn't, I-" she stopped when Rainbow got up and hugged her.

"It's alright Flutters, although I think it's time we took at break, what do you say?" she said, moving out of the hug.

Fluttershy just nodded and followed Rainbow towards the lodge.

Adagio stood and watched the sun set over the mountain, waiting for Sunset to return from the coffee shop with their hot chocolates. When she heard footsteps approaching, Adagio turned to see Sunset coming up to her, two drinks in her hands. Adagio excepted one of them with a smile.

"Thank you Sunny."

"Your welcome, Dagi," Sunset replied, looking towards the sun setting.

"It's quite the sight, isn't it?" Adagio asked, looking from one sunset to the other.

"Yeah, the way it reflects on the snow makes a beautiful sight," Sunset responded.

Adagio gave a small smirk as she saw a opening. "As beautiful as that sight may be, I know of something that's even more beautiful to look at."

Sunset turned to her, expecting to hear about something from Equestria or some sight she saw while on earth. "Which would be?"

Adagio stepped forward, letting there be little room between her and Sunset. "You."

Sunset's whole face turned red when she heard her answer, and how close they were wasn't helping. "M-Me?"

"Hehe, yes you Sunshine," Adagio replied, bringing her arms around Sunset, pulling her even closer.

Sunset's mind was going blank, and her body kicking in. Having Adagio so close, and hearing her say that was to much for the sunny girl. She leaned forward and kissed Adagio, surprising the siren.

Adagio closed her eyes and let it happen, happy knowing that she was right all along. She felt Sunset wrap her own arms around her back. After about a minute of kissing, Sunset opened her eyes and pulled away, shocked and embarrassed at what she just did.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do that, I just-" she couldn't continue because of Adagio pressing her lips against her own. Sunset reclosed her eyes and put her arms back around her.

Adagio broke from the kiss and looked her in the eyes. "I had a sneaking suspicion you liked me, and now I know the truth. Lucky for you, I've taken a liking to you as well." Before Sunset could respond, Adagio kissed her again. They both stood on the deck, arms wrapped around each other and lips connected.

On the outside of one of the stories, Applejack was caring several bags for Rarity, and she needed to take a break. She sat down at one of the tables, laying down the bags carefully before plopping down herself. Rarity walked over to her and sat down next to her.

"Thank you for the help darling," Rarity said to her.

"Your welcome, it's the least I could do," Applejack replied with a smile.

"But really Applejack, thank you for more than just this, thank you for being there for me, always willing to help out, or help me solve a problem, or just make me smile."

"Don't say that around Pinkie, she might get jealous," AJ joked, making them both laugh.

Rarity finished laughing before AJ, and just watched her in her joyful state. Rarity couldn't help but smile at her, and before she knew it, she leaned forward and planted a kiss on her lips. Applejack was initially startled by this, but calmed down and put a arm around Rarity. When they parted, the just looked at each in the eyes, knowing words wouldn't be able to express what they just felt. Instead, Rarity just scooted close to Applejack, and let the farm girl put her arm around her and pull her close.

After helping Fluttershy return all her stuff to the ski building, Rainbow walked with her down the hall.

"I'm sorry you didn't get to ski with Applejack today," Fluttershy said to her, looking down ashamed of taking all of Rainbow's time.

"It's alright Flutters, I can always come back and ski with her another weekend. Besides, your more important to me than any rivalry."

FLuttershy stopped and looked up at her. "You...you really mean it?"

Rainbow bent down and gave a gently kiss on her lips, making Fluttershy turn red. When she pulled away, she smiled at her. "Yes Flutters, you mean a lot to me."

Fluttershy gave her most heart warming smile, before the two of them continued to walk, bringing their hands together and interlocking fingers.

With the sun gone down and knowing the group would be leaving soon, Twi wanted to know the answer. She looked over at Twilight across the table and asked her question. "I can't think of anyone Twilight, who is it?"

Twilight gave a small smile as she moved from her seat and sat next to Twi. "I'll give you another hint, she's part of our group."

Twi rested her head on her propped up hands as she thought about who it is. 'Can't be Sunset, she obviously has a crush on Adagio. Not Rainbow, ain't her type. Fluttershy's to shy. Rarity and Applejack clearly have a thing.' she thought in her head. "Pinkie?"

Twilight gave a small laugh before responding. "No, not Pinkie."

"But everyone else is either taken or hides something for someone else, with the exception of me-" Twi stopped herself and looked over at Twilight, who was both blushing and smirking.

"You forgot to factor in yourself."

"B-But you can't like me! I'm you!"

Twilight shrugged her shoulders. "There's odder stuff happening in Equestria, besides, no one has ever caught my eye like you have."

Twi didn't know what to think, but it didn't matter, since her mind went blank when Twilight leaned forward and kissed her. Twi squirmed at first, but she found that she began to like the kiss, then started to love the kiss. She wrapped her arms around Twilight, pulling her closer. When the two of them parted, Twilight giggle again.

"I guess this is the only case of loving yourself that isn't egotistical." Twi also giggled at this, before moving in for another kiss.

Sonata sat on the large couch in front of the lodge fireplace, looking at the wrist brace on her arm. Aria walked up behind the couch, and slowly walked around it and sat down next to her, guilt pounding in her chest.

"Sonata, I'm really sorry about what happened."

Sonata looked over and gave her a smile. "It's alright Ari, you've already apologized multiple times, at least it didn't break."

Aria gave a small smile at her cheerfulness, despite the fact her wrist was badly sprained. She put an arm around the blue girl and pulled her closer, letting the her cuddle up to her. Sonata saw a chance she didn't want to pass up, so when she got close enough, she gave Aria a peck on the cheek. Aria sat there slightly stunned, making Sonata giggle. The purple girl turned her head, and pulled Sonata's head towards her, kissing her on the lips. Sonata gave a small moan into the kiss, moving herself to better position the kiss. When they parted, Sonata couldn't help but giggle.

"I always knew you had feeling for me."

It was Aria's turn to giggle, before she responded. "Yep." She pulled Sonata in for another kiss, before letting Sonata rest her head on her chest and looking back at the fire.

Comments ( 18 )

Awwww! I'm dying of cuteness overload!
The rarijack! The Flutterdash! The sonaria! The sunlight! Someone should make a comic or do a fanfic reading of this

I'm really happy you enjoyed this.

Your welcome. Could you do me a favor and read my fanfic and edit it for me please? It's called "MasterChef Special: Apples Versus Strawberries". I will be doing a sequal to it soon as well.

I might be able to, but I do also want to write some more stories this week before I get busy again.

here is the link: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/391853/masterchef-special-apples-versus-strawberries

Also, are you a rarijack, flutterdash, and a sonaria shipper? Cuz i am.

I do like those three, although my go to is Sundagio

I still have one more question. For my sequal, it will be a full length master chef competiton. Do you have any request on who should compete? Also, what do you think of the story?

I will let you know once I read it.

Has anybody else ever done Twilight/Sci-Twi? What would you even call that? Twilight squared?

Twicest, Double Sparkle, Purple Power

It was good, though I could do without the Twicest. It just feels too weird.:pinkiesick:

At least you have other couples to distract you from that one.

There's something that always fits fantastically about sirens and snow. No idea why, it just works, in this story and several others.

Aria's teaching method is the best :pinkiehappy:

"Lucky for you, I've taken a liking to you as well."

That kind of nonchalance seems very in-character for Adagio :twilightsmile:

Not bad at all. Have a like

Your comment just made my day. Double Sparkle Purple Power for the win.

Twi didn't know what to think, but it didn't matter, since her mind went blank when Twilight leaned forward and kissed her. Twi squirmed at first, but she found that she began to like the kiss, then started to love the kiss. She wrapped her arms around Twilight, pulling her closer. When the two of them parted, Twilight giggle again.

And then the Universe explodes!

"But everyone else is either taken or hides something for someone else, with the exception of me-" Twi stopped herself and looked over at Twilight, who was both blushing and smirking.

"You forgot to factor in yourself."

"B-But you can't like me! I'm you!"

Twilight shrugged her shoulders. "There's odder stuff happening in Equestria, besides, no one has ever caught my eye like you have."

Twi didn't know what to think, but it didn't matter, since her mind went blank when Twilight leaned forward and kissed her. Twi squirmed at first, but she found that she began to like the kiss, then started to love the kiss. She wrapped her arms around Twilight, pulling her closer. When the two of them parted, Twilight giggled again.

"I guess this is the only case of loving yourself that isn't egotistical." Twi also giggled at this, before moving in for another kiss.

And as everyone knows, selfcest is the best. Glad to see someone else use this ship besides me.

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