• Published 4th Jun 2018
  • 3,482 Views, 65 Comments

Queen of the Empire - Cardinal Dan Productions

Chrysalis finds something old, lost, and abandoned, a great place to start a new hive.

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Part 4: Cold Hooves

The downed star destroyer was long gone and out of sight. Chrysalis and her band of warriors were on their own, and it didn’t take long before things went from bad to worse


The stormtroopers cried out in terror as a frost troll came barreling towards them through the snow. Swinging it’s massive arms, it knocked several of the warriors aside. The others raised their weapons in self defense, pulling the triggers and unleashing a volley of red fire that burned through the blizzard. Some of the energy found its mark on the troll, scorching its snowy fur and hide.

The beast let out an agonizing roar before retreating into the blinding snowfall. Chrysalis had seen it all and was amazed by the spectacle. She trudged through the chest-deep snow, approaching one of the stormtroopers. “That was... very impressive. What are those weapons of yours?”

The warrior’s masked face remained expressionless, except for the same unsettleing frown that had been consistent. “What, you mean this thing?” He held the device up for the changeling to see. “It’s an E-11 blaster rifle, standard issue for Imperial infantry.”

Chrysalis pursed her lips as she eyed the powerful weapon. “I’d very much like to see it.”

The stormtrooper’s grip on his blaster tightened, and he held it against his armored chest. “With all due respect, commander, maybe another time. We should keep moving before that thing comes back.”

Chrysalis didn’t like the trooper’s tone, but she knew he was right. As she looked around her, she could see that the rest of her warriors had begun to recover. None of them looked gravely hurt by their encounter with the frost troll. “Very well... We mustn’t disappoint your master.”

Her thoughts briefly returned to Thrawn. Even though they were far from the fallen destroyer, she could still feel the piercing gaze of the grand admiral’s red eyes. He was the kind of being she would not want to make an enemy of.

By now, the stormtroopers had gathered around and snapped to attention, awaiting instructions from the changeling. “I know of a cave somewhere in the area. I tried to take shelter inside myself before, only to be driven out by its inhabitants. With your might, however, we can take it for ourselves.

The captain nodded his head. “Very good, commander.” He took off after her, trudging through the snow while motioning for the rest of his troopers to follow. “Come on, boys! We’re moving out!”

They filed in line and resumed their patrol formation. Far behind them, Chrysalis heard a distant roar. The beast that attacked them before was coming back. The stormtroopers must have heard it too, because they began to look uneasy, shifting uncomfortably in their armor. One held a limb against his body where the troll had swung at him.

Chrysalis felt the beast bearing down on them, getting closer and closer before turning st the last moment and retreating into the blizzard. The frost troll was circling them now, sizing them up. Her ears twitched as she followed it through the sounds it made in the snow.

“C-C-Commander?” The stormtroopers formed a defensive circle, putting their backs together and pointing heir weapons outward.

A fight was unavoidable now.

Chrysalis closed her eyes and listened intently. The frost troll was closing in again, barreling straight for her. Then, everything went quiet.

“Commander! Look out!”

The changeling’s eyes opened at the last moment to see the troll in the air, flying towards her with its arms out and claws poised to strike. Her horn ignited, and she unleashed a blast of sickly green magic. The bolt of energy caught the beast in the chest, and it fell to the ground in a heap. That wasn’t he end, however, because it continued to move and climbed back to its feet, letting out a monstrous roar.

Chrysalis looked back at the stormtroopers, offering a reassuring grin. “Stay back, captain... I’ll handle this.” When she turned back to face the troll, a hairy arm caught her in the chest and sent her flying through the air. She landed on her back hard, sending an explosion of snow billowing into the air.

Chrysalis let out a loud groan as she tried to get back up, only for the howling wind to blow her back down. She couldn’t see anything in any direction. Then, she felt the breathing of the beast as it circled her. Her horn ignited again, and the changeling screamed as she let out a force of energy that threw everything around her outward, even halting the snowfall for a brief moment.

Chrysalis caught a brief glimpse of a stormtrooper. “Commander, run!” He waved at her, signaling for her to follow. She then heard the roar of the troll again, and her choice was clear.

The changeling forced herself onto her hooves, crying as her muscles strained under her weakened state, and she hobbled after the troopers. They had found the mouth of he cave during her fight with the troll, and most had already made it inside. “Hurry, commander!”

The frost troll was right behind her, gaining speed and momentum as it plowed through the thick blanket of snow between it and Chrysalis. The mouth of the cave was just ahead, a thin crack along an outcropping of overhanging rocks. She dove through the rocks, falling onto the cold floor of the cave as the troll’s claws caught a bit of her tail. The beast was too big to fit inside, but that didn’t stop it from trying to force its way in.

It reached through the crack in the rocks, swatting at the fallen changeling and the stormtroopers.

The captain raised his blaster. “Open fire!” The rest of the stormtroopers followed suit and discharged their weapons at the mouth of the cave. Some blasts hit the frost troll’s arm, causing it to whine and cry out, while others hit the rocks.

The whole cave began to groan and shudder as rocks fell from the ceiling. The mouth of the cave collapsed, separating the stormtroopers and Chrysalis from the blizzard and troll outside. For better or for worse, they had found shelter.

***Up Next: The Trooper***