• Published 12th Nov 2017
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Jack Spicer's Quest to Conquer Equestria - CrazedLaughter

Jack Spicer and Wuya are teleported to Equestria after a fight with Omi and his friends. Jack, using his evil genius, plots a magnificent and fool proof plan to take over the new land he finds himself in. Also Wuya is there.

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Chapter 30 - The Fate of All Worlds

Jack slowly opened the doors to the throne room.

once past the threshold, he could see Wuya, standing near a huge hole in her wall. Watching something going on down below.

"It won't be long now" Wuya waved her hand, summoning more stone ponies to assault Twilight. "Just give in princess! I'd rather not have your juicy bits stain my nice stone walls"

Jack froze up, he didn't know what to do. He just realized he was about to go toe to toe with a powerful immortal witch. He almost decided to turn back.But he knew he couldn't. He tried to think heroic thoughts, what a hero would do in this situation. It wasn't exactly his forte. But he knew the ponies were counting on him.

Jack tiptoed closer, gulped, and stood there. Finally, he pointed his finger. but he didn't say anything. Wuya didn't even notice his presence.

Jack began to think of something to say. He didn't know how to approach the situation. He knew all he had to do was get Wuya to accept a showdown. It shouldn't be too tough.

Although he couldn't see the battle. He could hear Twilight's yelps and Wuya's cackles. He knew he didn't have much time. Finally, he just let it out. "Wuya! Your time has come!"

Wuya didn't even turn, she just sighed like she was being pestered "Jack...can you come beg for your life later? I'm busy dealing with something more important than your whimpering whines"

"whimpering whines? What?! How come you just assume I'm here to whine? I'm better than that you know!" Jack stomped his foot.

Wuya still didn't turn to face him "Pleeease Jack. Why else would you be here? I'm not even surprised that you broke in. Knowing you, you probably drilled in from the bottom like the little worm you are. Just go away, I'm not taking you back...now shoo" She waved her hand at him

"Don't be so high and mighty, Wuya! I'm actually here to stop you! So there! What do you think of that?! Huh? HUH!" Jack started yelling at her

Wuya still didn't turn to him "that's very nice Jack, but you aren't equipped to deal with me. So usurping a throne you can't have is just...well...juvenile. It makes the rest of us look bad. and not bad as in evil, bad as in a boy band being around until their 50s....it just doesn't work."

"Will you at least turn around and look at me?!" Jack stomped his foot again. demanding respect

"oh very well....if it will get you to stop whining like a baby" Wuya turned around to face him, and gave him an annoyed look while putting her hand to her hip "There...happy now?"

"I will be after I'm done with you..." Jack pointed at her "I challenge you to a Xiaolin Showdown!"

Wuya cackled "What?! are..you...serious? You came all the way here to challenge me to a showdown? Let me guess...you want the amulet? Tough luck Jack. I'm not giving it up. And besides, you have nothing...NOTHING...I could use. Now get out of my face before I turn you into dog kibble"

"Don't be so smug, Wuya. You're going to want to reconsider once I show you this!" Jack pulled out the comic book, and waved it at her "This is what I'll wager for the Amulet! How's that!?"

Wuya was unamused "....Jack...I'm not that desperate for reading material"

Jack smirked, he now knew she was still not at full power if she couldn't sense the power of the comic book "You're not all there...are ya?"

"What are you talking about?" Wuya said, crossing her arms

"Your power, you're not even close to being at full strength yet. That means I still have a chance." Jack gave her a leery smile

"A chance at what? being a smear on the wall? Because you are getting awfully close.." Wuya's hands began to glow.

Jack pointed to the comic book "Come on Wuya, are you telling me you can't sense anything from this?"

Wuya stared at the comic book, she could feel something magical about it . But she couldn't place what it could actually do "hrm...this is another one of this world's Shen Gong Wu. But so what? If you haven't noticed. I have everything I need. nice try Jack, but you got nothing"

"Don't I?" Jack waved the comic book "I have the one thing I know you want Wuya, just as much as all that power"

Wuya raised an eyebrow "And that is?"

"A way out of this dump. There's a whole other world inside this comic book Wuya...and you know what that means" Jack's stare pierced her soul. He could see her come to a realization.

"So that's what you want...Jack...you do know we don't have to fight. Hand me the comic book and I'll take you back with open arms. I promise" Wuya gave him an eerily soft smile as she extended her hand.

Jack stepped back "Like I said, didn't come here to join you. I'm here to kick your butt straight into the ground." Jack smirked as he waved the comic book "Come on Wuya, accept my challenge. I know you don't want to be stuck with these ponies for the rest of eternity. What's the point of power if you can't rule the world..or worlds...that you like? You know you want this"

"You're right....I do want it." Wuya pointed her hand at Jack, immediately blasting Jack towards the wall and making him drop the comic book to the ground. "But since I already know I'd win, I'm not much in the mood to go through the rounds."

Jack slammed right into the wall and let out a yelp of pain as he slid down.

Wuya went to pick up the comic book "Stupid boy, you've gone soft. Figures, all these ponies seem to know is how to be cute and happy.....it's pathetic"

The moment she went to reach for it. there were suddenly huge amount of blasting and lights coming from the window "huh? What's that racket?"

She turned to look out the window. What she saw immediately put her in a surprised state as she saw multitudes of rockets and fireworks crashing into her castle wall and her stone guards. Obliterating them.

"What?! WHERE DID THOSE COME FROM?! WHO IS DOING THAT?!" Wuya gripped her fist and slammed it on the windowsill as she tried to scan the area. But all the flashy lights and booms were blinding her.

Suddenly, that's when she saw it. through the smoke and lights, she had very little time to react to a gigantic rocket slamming right into her and sending her backwards. sending her partway through her wall across the throne room.

The rocket then exploded a little after impact. Causing the walls and ceiling in her proximity to crash down into her.

What she didn't catch. was that a certain caramel colored, purple maned filly had been riding the rocket. Using her helipack to guide it straight into her.

Scootaloo had hopped off the rocket just in time and landed daintily onto the ground. Looking at her handiwork "woah......we did it!"

There was silence outside. Battle wise. then suddenly a voice could be heard. It was Applebloom. "Scootaloo, did ya get her?!"

Scootaloo immediately ran towards the window to signal Applebloom "Yeah, I did! Mission accomplished girls! We actually did it! I can't believe that worked!"

"Then we got our cutie marks for sure, ju-...hey! Where's mah cutie mark?!" Applebloom had yelled, shocked that she somehow didn't achieve her cutie mark. Sweetie Belle joining in on the surprise.

Suddenly, Twilight was yelling. "What are you girls doing here!?! Don't you know how dangerous it is?! How did you even....you were supposed to stick with the group! You all could have been hurt!"

"uh oh..." Scootaloo stepped backwards as Twilight advanced on Applebloom and Sweetie Belle down below. There was a bevy amount of fire work launchers that were set up behind the bushes. and one of the fireworks had singed Twilight's tail. probably adding to her anger.

Scootaloo looked around the throne room. "Man...I don't have to be Rarity to know this place looks really tacky" She poked at the stone throne.

Jack was rubbing his head as he slowly got up "...ugh...what happened...."

Scootaloo looked towards Jack, having caught his groan. "Jack?"

Jack rubbed his eyes and patted his ear, he saw Scootaloo. But he couldn't be sure he wasn't having some sort of concussion induced hallucination "Great, I think i'm dying.Though...I thought the whole "life before your eyes" thing started at the beginning"

Scootaloo walked over to Jack "Jack...are you ok?" She waved her hoof in front of him.

"ugh...it's not even flashing all the way..it's just sorta wavy" Jack leaned back with a heavy sigh "wow, dying takes forever...I could have sworn I just hit a wall..that doesn't usually hurt me that bad.....anymore"

"Jack...you're not..." Scootaloo sighed and tapped his nose "You're not dying...I'm actually here"

"You can't be here...the real Scootaloo hates my guts. Go away fake scootaloo. I'm d-OWWW!" Jack yelped as Scootaloo slapped him

"ok, geez..you're real..ow.." Jack whined as he rubbed his cheek. "But...what are you doing here then? I thought you went with the rest of the ponies?"

"sort of...but then me and the girls...sorta made a detour.." Scootaloo chuckled, rubbing the back of her head.

"Detour? What?...why are you even here? And why are you talking to me? I thought you hated me..." Jack was surprised, it really was Scootaloo....and she didn't seem disgusted with him at all.

Scootaloo backed up, and sat down. giving Jack a somber look. "well...I...did...but..I had some time to think about it."

"Think about it? What do you mean?" Jack was curious. He was in disbelief that she just somehow showed up. He wanted to know everything. "How did you even get here?"

Scootaloo rubbed her right hoof, looking down "Well...after you left. I sort of didn't want to hear it from the girls that you seemed genuine. I just wanted to ignore it. I thought you only were doing what you were doing for selfish and bad reasons. But then after awhile. I saw Fluttershy, Vinyl,Spike...and one of your robots burst through the doors before we left. I kind of got curious and sneaked back upstairs to listen in on Rarity's conversation with Fluttershy...it sounded kind of important and I felt at least one of us should be in the know....and...well. Fluttershy said she was ponynapped. And that you, and applejack, and Pinkie Pie came and rescued her and everypony else. I thought at first that was normal...since you had went with them, of course you'd do what they tell you. But then Fluttershy said she tried to talk to you. but you didn't seem in the mood. She said she could tell something was wrong. Like you were really sad inside. And that made me think...no real bad guy gets sad about anything. And...no real bad guy saves anypony. Or would go save the world....and I guess I started thinking about the time we spent together. And, no real bad guy...at least I think...would have given me this" She points to her helipack "It was really really nice of you. I guess, I started to realize you were being good with me and the girls. Because...well..I started to think. What would a bad guy do if they were in your shoes. Then I thought about Wuya...She used me to get to you and get what she wanted. But you never did...I know it was bad what you did...but you never stooped to using us as some sort of bait....You kinda just had us steal the mirror...but that was it. You could have taken the mirror and ran.but you spent time with me...like a friend would...and it was super cool...that whole showdown thing! That was super mega cool!” Scootaloo outstretched her hooves to show the scope of "cool" it was.
"So..I went back to the girls and talked to them about it....we all kind of agreed that you never once showed us any of your evilness to us. You weren't like Tirek...or that creepy changeling queen. You were nice. And...I wanted to give you one last chance....." Then Scootaloo chuckled nervously "eheh...then Applebloom got the idea to sneak out and go get the fireworks we we're saving to see if we could bomb Wuya's castle to bits..since..you know...you did promise we'd save the world together."

Jack nodded, and chuckled. his heart was beginning to swell "..haha..I guess I did...wait!" Jack just realized "So you forgive me then!?"

"..I do...sorta..I just wanna know one thing. All the times you acted good. All the times we shared....did you really mean all the things you said, and did you really enjoy them? Tell me the truth." Scootaloo leaned in close. She didn't want to miss a word.

"oh come on...don't make me say anything mushy" Jack looked up "I'm not good at that kind of stuff"

"Jack......" Scootaloo groaned

Jack looked into her eyes. He could see she wanted a serious answer. and for him not to dance around the question. "....ok fine..." he took a breath "I really did. I felt feelings I thought I didn't have...anymore....I mean I separated from my good self a while back and I didn't think I'd still be capable of feeling anything good....It actually feels pretty good"

Scootaloo slowly smiled "are you being honest?..I mean..the good and evil separation thing sounds kind of weird to me...but it doesn't matter I think. I'm just glad to know that you actually cared...You're not a bad guy Jack...in fact..why don't you stop your whole evil thing?"

Jack waved his hands at her "woah woah...don't ask for miracles. I already agreed not to try to take over this world. "

Scootaloo sighed "fine..." She suddenly jumped into his arms and gave him a hug "Just make sure you work on being good then, ok? I like you when you're being good”

Jack stopped for a moment, then slowly wrapped his arms around her body. a tear going down his cheek. He didn't say a word. He only hugged her gently. They were friends again.

after that moment. They both stood up. Jack had just realized Wuya..not once...had spoiled the moment. He looked around. "Hey...where's Wuya?"

Scootaloo pointed at the rubble "I think she's under all those rocks...wow..I..I didn't mean to do that much damage..I thought she could take it and would just give up."

Jack was amazed "Woah! How in the heck? Geez, Wuya must have been weaker than I thought."

"yeah...I thought she'd have been a lot stronger...I guess that's why I didn't get my cutie mark..it was too easy...But I feel good. We saved Equestria" Scootaloo smiled

"eh...I didn't do anything...all that hard work and you ended up kicking her butt in the end" Jack said as he picked up the comic book and dusted it off. "Though, we could tell everybody that we did it together...hehe.."

"ummm,I guess I don't mind. I mean...you did ...hey wait..where IS Applejack and Pinkie Pie?" Scootaloo wondered

"oh them? they're behind that door there" Jack pointed "eheh...kinda got into a tussle with some of Wuya's stupid guards. But I managed to save the day"

Scootaloo stared at him, with silent disbelief

"Hey, it really is the truth....it's just I sort of ran away first...hehe...But I came back and saved them. It was just a slip up..." Jack said, trying to convince her, it was indeed the truth

"I believe you..until you give me a real reason to not believe you.....Just please...no more lies ok?" Scootaloo looked at him with big puppy eyes.

"ahh come on...don't look at me like t...egh...fine...fine..just stop" Jack looked away, putting his hands infront of himself.

Scootaloo grinned "good!"

Jack smiled a little, realizing she made that look on purpose. He did enjoy that she played a little dirty. But something was still bothering him. He began to rub his chin. "Though...something still irks me...I could have sworn Wuya was immortal.."

Suddenly a voice came from the rubble as the rocks began to glow "THAT'S BECAUSE I AM IMMORTAL YOU TWIT!"

It was Wuya. The rocks glowed a bright yellow before disintegrating. Standing among the dust was Wuya. and she didn't look too happy.

"AAAHHHHHHHHH! WUYA?!" Jack screamed as he grabbed Scootaloo and stepped back in a panic as Wuya stepped forward

"That's right Jack! And I'm done playing around! I'm going to take that comic book and turn you.and your worthless little friend into my new coffee table!" Wuya growled as her hands began to glow.

"SCOOTALOO! I'M SORRY! I'M REALLY SORRY! I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW I NEVER MEANT TO HURT YOU EVER! NEVER EVER!" Jack shivered, he couldn't think, so he just let out his apologies before he got vaporized.

Scootaloo however. Took the comic book and held it between her hooves. She had a plan "Stay back Wuya! or else!"

"Or else what? You putrid pipsqueak. Can't you see I've won!? I'm tired of you ponies and your pointless hope!" Wuya readied her hands to blast them both.

Scootaloo put her teeth on the book and slightly twisted her head, causing the comic to slowly rip.

Wuya suddenly stopped "W-what are you doing?!"

"What does it look like? You seem to really want this comic book, huh?" She put her teeth back onto it.

"Scoots? What are you?! Are you ripping the comic book?!" Jack managed to pop out of his panic the moment he noticed Scootaloo had taken the comic and began to rip it. "You can't do that! I need that comic book too!"

"Jack! It won't matter if we're both blasted to bits!...besides..she won't do it. She really needs this comic book, right?" Scootaloo asked

"Y-....oooohhhhhhhh I get it..." Jack smirked, and then eyed Wuya "That's pretty underhanded Scoots...I like it"

"I'm only doing it because it seems like the best plan...but...what do we do now?" Scootaloo was getting worried. She didn't know how to follow it up.

Jack just stared at Wuya with a smirk, he knew he had the upper hand now as he could see Wuya stop her advance. Her eyes on the comic book. She was worried. "Yeah Wuya....What do we do now?"

"Give me the comic book little pony...I can grant you any wish you desire" She inched closer

"Stay back! if you step another inch. Then i'm gonna tear it!" Scootaloo threatened.
"a-a...." Wuya growled, she didn't want to have any chance of losing her amulet. But she didn't want to be stuck in this world forever. Her mind couldn't handle the thought of it.. "....Fine Jack...you win....I accept your terms. My amulet versus your comic book......so..what's the showdown?"

And so, The final showdown was to begin. The ultimate fate of not only Equestria. But all worlds now hung in the balance.

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