• Published 14th Nov 2017
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The Mare Before the Nightmare - Dusk Melody

On the eve of Celestial Day Festival, a thousand years ago, Princess Luna definitely was not sulking. She was definitely not feeling forgotten and unloved. Then, a chance meeting with a feisty pegasus by the name of Sky Dive changed all that.

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Chapter 1 - I’m Not My Sister’s Shadow

A lone figure soared above the farms scattered outside the Everfree forest. All of them dark and silent. They would be invisible if it weren’t for the light of the full moon shining upon them in addition to countless stars. Within the lush forest, the Castle of the Two Sisters stood proudly, a testament to the rulers of the land. Yet none were about to witness the beauty of the night sky with exception of the one that created it.

Princess Luna was hard at work applying her craft to the night sky. ‘Not that anypony seems to care.’ All the farms below her were dark. Of the castle she just left there were only a few torches carried by the night guard. They were only awake due to duty. Her horn lit up with a turquoise glow and an explosion of stars appeared in the sky to rival the finest fireworks set off during the Hearth’s Warming celebrations. Frustrated, Luna spied a nearby cloud which she flew through dispersing it to vapour.

She reflected on how not so long ago she and her sister were hailed as saviours of Equestria. Luna destroyed another small cloud. She wasn’t sulking. ‘No matter what my sister says…’ she thought as she added another splash of stars to the dark night. ‘Why, only a few short decades ago, ponies of all ages loved to see my display!’

Yet another cloud fell victim to her ire. Giving into to her bad mood only seemed to worsen it, and the lunar alicorn flew to another cloud to land instead of destroying it. She sighed and looked out over the land. The castle she shared with her sister was beautifully constructed and the moon’s soft light made it truly stand out amongst the surrounding trees. All the farms too were clearly visible in the night’s well-lit sky, yet none of them had a light of their own, as each pony sought refuge from the darkness of her night. She snorted, “Darkness! Tis as bright as the sun!” In the distance was Pansy Peak where the cloud on which the pegasi lived was firmly attached to one side. From her vantage point, it too was only visible because of the light from her sky. No lights were shining in the cloud village.

She wiped away a tear that shouldn’t have been there. “Ponies used to endure sleepless nights to see my artwork in the sky…” The alicorn sniffed as memory overwhelmed her. Those were times before their mother left them on their own. Tomorrow they would all be awake to celebrate the longest day of the year. Celestial Day. In six months would be her ‘celebration’ of Lunar Night. Yet there would be none that would be up to celebrate that. They all hide from winter as much as they hid from her night. She looked up and tossed a nebula of stars across the sky. “Why?” she shouted. Luna stomped the cloud she was on reducing it to vapour, and she took flight once more. “Once my stars and sky were the pinnacle of the night, but now not a single pony comes to gaze upon my work!” It felt good to yell at the land under her sky, even if no pony heard her words.

Luna remembered how proud Starswirl had been when her sister raised the sun. She too, wanted something to show Equestria that she was as able as her sister. The sorcerer did give her high praise when she moved the moon. Alas once she took control of the stars and all else in the night sky, the pony was gone, like her mother.

Luna spied other clouds in the sky and she was soon soaring through them. The alicorn left no trace of cloud in her wake. With each cloud smashed, she would add stars to the grand display above her. She was so focused on destroying clouds she didn’t note how far from the castle she had flown. Alone as she was, and saddened by the lack of ponies to see her art, it had been fun, most liberating experience just to be a filly again and blast through the clouds. Hovering in mid-air, the alicorn took stock of where she was. The earth ponies laboured under her sister’s sun to grow the food the castle needed. She noted how close she was to Cloudsdale now. Those pegasi laboured under her sister’s sun to provide the rain the earth ponies needed. She looked at the castle she shared. The unicorns there only cared about what they could get for themselves. If they wanted something her sister wouldn’t provide, they would court her with false praise to see if they can get what they wanted through dishonesty.

Not far from Luna was a pony enjoying her night sky. A pegasus mare rested on her back. The rest of her companions in the weather section thought she was weird, always taking the night shift, but it suited her just fine. Sky Dive thoroughly enjoyed the show as stars splashed across the night sky. The twenty-eight year old white pegasus enjoyed the solitude of the night. Here she could be herself and not care what others may think. Even after reunification, the tribes were a clannish lot staying to their own kind. Below her the mud ponies toiled to produce the food she ate. Not far was her home of Cloudsdale, where the pegasus toiled to turn the soil to mud for the ponies below. In the distance under the glorious light of the moon was the castle. Filled with unicorns that did whatever unicorns do. More important it housed the Princesses and most important the Princess of the Night.

The wars and the Wendigos had decimated the pony race. So much so, that a stupid law was passed. Ponies could only marry ponies of the opposite sex, so their numbers would grow. Sky Dive rolled over and shook her hoof at the castle. Like it would mater, she wasn’t going to have any foals anyway! Stupid laws. She flipped onto her back and sighed. At least she had the night to herself and no idiots to bother her. Like Sweetwater. She thought they had something going, until Sweetwater’s family found out what she was doing. They threatened Sky Dive with imprisonment if she dared to court their daughter again. Stupid law.

Out here, alone, she could fantasize all she wanted. Once Sweetwater filled her mind, but that mare didn’t do anything to stand up to her own family. Sky Dive sighed again, not that she could really blame her. Out here on this and every night she could fantasize about another mare. Now Princess Luna filled her mind. If you’re going to dream, dream big! Maybe one day she will fly out to ravish her. Sky Dive giggled. As if she even leaves her castle of stone. Still, as she watched the stars appear in the sky, a forehoof rubbed between her hind legs.

She had seen the Princess from afar. Some function where the she and Celestia came to Cloudsdale to swear in the new mayor to their service. The beautiful flowing mane of stars. That really cute crescent moon on her taunt flank. Those long, long legs that went forever and ever, and the wings! Such plumage was a sight to behold. She was certain that they were the softest feathers in all of Equestria.

Her forehoof picked up speed with her urgency. The other forehoof dug into the cloud for purchase. Her wings were spread wide and stiff, but her eyes remained open to witness the painting of the night sky. Her mind turned the hoof into Luna’s mouth and eager tongue. The Night Goddess was worshiping her, the most wonderful of pegasi. Her breath grew shallow as her legs spread wider to give the alicorn better access. The pegasus’s need called out to her and she demanded more from the Princess serving her. Her hoof pressed down like it would on Luna’s head to drive her muzzle even deeper. She could feel the hoof moving the alicorn’s head around driving her ever closer to the release she sought.

“Luna,” she called out. Safe knowing there were none to hear. “Ravish me! Make me yours and I’ll make you mine!” Such an absurd thought, but it was her fantasy, so she could have what her heart desired.
“Mmm, oh, oh Luna! Harder. Deeper!” It was like the alicorn was toying with her. She was so very close, but not there. She wanted to climax during the grand finale. When the Princess of the Night cast the Milky Way across the sky from horizon to horizon. It would be soon, so very soon.

Luna had enough of this night. There was one last display to put on, but her heart wasn’t in it. While she owed it to none, and nopony would notice if she didn’t, Luna owed it to herself to cast the stars that would stretch across the sky. Another cloud wasn’t too far away. A wicked grin crossed her muzzle. Like the other clouds she had destroyed for each cast of stars. She would destroy this one as her finale, and then head back to the castle to assume her duties as Guardian of Dreams.

Luna accelerated towards her target, and like twin sharks she raised her wings to rip apart the cloud. The Milky Way appeared across the night sky as the cloud returned to the vapour from which it came. “Victory is mine!” shouted the alicorn as she raced past where the cloud once was. Then another sound disturbed her night.

Sky Dive didn’t get to enjoy the Night Goddess’s finale, as she was instead falling as her cloud disappeared. It took several seconds before she realized she could fly. First, she had to pull her own hoof out, and then second, she was going to kill who ever busted her cloud. “I’m going to stomp on your alicorn cursed wings and kick your tail to Tartarus! Where are you, you stupid mud pony droppings‽” She scanned the sky but didn’t see another pegasus in the area. One of those idiots on the weather team were going to pay dearly for this.

Luna’s thoughts of returning to the castle were waylaid when she heard a shout from behind and below her. She looked back and saw a pony falling from the sky. “What is that?” she questioned before she realized there was a pony on the cloud she had just destroyed. Fortunately, the pony spread wings, which did make sense. Who, but a pegasus, would be camped on a cloud? The curses the pony was shouting became more colourful. “If she keeps that up, I’ll have to move her ahead of Commander Hurricane in that ability.” Luna hovered and waited to see what the pegasus would do next.

Sky Dive continued to shout curses at the night sky as she spun around looking for a target that deserved all four of her hooves in its face. Finally, she looked up to see a pegasus hovering there like they had no place to be, and she knew just where to send them. Sky Dive flapped her wings to gain height while she shouted just what she was going to do to that pegasus.

Luna didn’t move as the pony approached. ‘I should have…Oh, it is a mare. Have her tossed in the deepest dungeon with the names she is calling me.’ She snorted and thought of simply flying off back to the castle. Still if this pony had enough gumption to call her such vile names, she should at least introduce her to the dungeon personally. When the mare was a few flights below her, Luna called out, “Greetings, it is nice to see you out enjoying the night.”

“Enjoying!” shouted Sky Dive. “I’ll show you enjoying the nig…” She was torn between flapping to keep her altitude or simply dropping like a stone to the sweet ground below. ‘Mother of us all, I’m cursing my fantasy.’ Sky Dive held her altitude and gulped, “Your Highness! Did you, um, ah, see another pegasus go by here that might have busted up a cloud?”

“A pegasus,” queried Luna, “No, last I checked in a mirror I was an alicorn.”

“Yes, of course your Highness. A blind fool would know that.” Sky Dive tried to kick her brain in gear to put the words she shouted into the past, “It is wonderful, as always to see you, your Highness. The castle is many flights away. What, ah, brings you out this night?”

“Busting clouds, of course,” was Luna’s reply. A mischievous grin on her face.

“Yes, of course, busting clou…” Sky Dive blinked and turned around facing the forest. The number of clouds she had placed should have shown bright in the moonlight, but there was nothing between her and the forest. She swallowed, “Clouds.”

Luna frowned. First this mare shouts curses at her, and now she had turned her back to her. While she may have busted the cloud the mare rested on, that was no excuse for being rude. “You turn your back on a Princess? After such colourful language you used to describe me?”

Sky Dive’s eyes went wide, and she spun in place fast enough to fling feathers from her wings. “No! No, not at all your Highness. You did a…a really good job clearing the sky. As for what I said, I was shouting at myself! Yes, myself for being foolish enough to be on a cloud you were busting!”

The alicorn’s eyes narrowed, “Of all your crimes, lying to me would be the worse offense.” Sky Dive’s mouth opened and closed several times, as her brain had failed to engage in rational thought. Luna’s frown turned to a smile at the pony’s plight. “You may speak freely, child. I did bust your cloud, so I can forgive much of what you done, but the lying will take some effort on your part.”

‘Child? She called me a child. I’m twenty-eight and she doesn’t look as old as me!’ Sky Dive snorted, “Speak freely you say? I’m twenty-eight! Who are you calling a child?”

Luna giggled, it seemed this pony did have some spunk and there was fire in her blue eyes that matched her mane. “You. I’m calling you a child. It was many hundreds of years ago that I was but twenty-eight.”

Sky Dive’s blush easily bleed through her fur. “Oh, yeah, right. Um, so, ah, hi! I’m Sky Dive, and I’m from the village on Pansy Peak. I’m work the weather, so the mud ponies can grow their crops, but, um…”

“Are you aware that alicorns have mud pony magic too?” asked Luna.

“What, but I mean, I make it rain and that makes the mud and they work in the mud, and I think I’ll shut up now.” If a blush could catch fire, Sky Dive would be burning brighter than the sun.

Luna looked past Sky Dive at the clear sky all the way to the Castle. “Was there a scheduled rain?”

Sky Dive sighed, “Yes, at sunrise.”

“You would have it rain on my sister’s day?” Luna laughed thinking what fun that would be.

“Yes, your Highness,” continued Sky Dive. “A light rain to show the renewal of the soil, and to end before the ceremonies start.”

Luna saw how sad the pony was, and it did help her to forget her own sadness. This was a pony in the night that needed her. “I’ve made that difficult for you then, haven’t I?”

“Oh, no, no no, your Highness.” Sky Dive waved her hooves. “I’ll just gather some more clouds, not a problem at all.”

“I will help you,” stated Luna. “Where shall we gather them from?”

Sky Dive blinked. She couldn’t figure out how to refuse a Princess when she was already in trouble for her actions. “There are wild clouds up higher on Pansy Peak. You only need a little as they expand when you bring them to a lower altitude. I, um, I had a hundred of them placed.”

Luna smiled. ‘The dream realm can care for itself this night.’ “It seems I’m quite good at busting clouds. Let us go gather what we need for I’d hate to think of it not raining on my sister’s parade.” As they flew towards the peak, Luna’s new concern was that work was the only reason Sky Dive was out in her night. “So, your job is the only reason you were on that cloud?” Her voice had a hard edge that she didn’t mean to project.

“Oh, no, your Highness,” stated Sky Dive quickly. “I had all of those in place at sunset. I like to watch your stars come out at night and…I…really enjoy it!”

Luna shook her head as they reached the wild clouds, “Sky Dive, I said the worse crime was…”

“I’m not lying!” interrupted Sky Dive.

“Nor are you telling the whole truth.” Luna gathered a large chunk of the icy cloud to take back down.

Sky Dive watched the amount that the Princess took, which would put any of the weather pegasi to shame, to include herself. She gathered as much as she could which was half what Luna gathered. “I like the peace and solitude of watching your night. It lets me be me, and do as I please with no others telling me different.”

“And what is it you please?” asked Luna.

Sky Dive’s blush returned with a vengeance that threatened to melt the cloud she was pushing. She was thankful that Luna was in front of her. “I like to fantasize.”

Luna giggled, “Then that cloud would have produced a very special rain.”

Sky Dive thrust her head into the cloud she was pushing in hopes she would drown. It was so cold she quickly pulled it back out. “Yes, your Highness,” she said softly.

Luna noted that the cloud she pushed had expanded quite a bit. The alicorn started dividing it into chunks about the same size as the ones she busted. “I’ll get these ready, but you’ll need to place them.”

“Yes, your Highness!” Sky Dive left her cloud behind and started placing the ones Luna was making. She got eighty from that lot, and Luna was working on her cloud. In the end she had more than was needed. “Wow, we did all that in one trip. Thank you, your Highness!” Sky Dive opened her hooves and then remembered where she was and quickly closed them. “Thank you very much.”

Luna smiled at the mare’s display. Her blush was just one part of this mare she labelled as ‘cute’. Luna landed on one of the newly placed clouds. “I may be open to hugs.” For a moment, she thought the mare would do nothing. Then Sky Dive moved to land on the cloud and wrapped her forelegs over Luna’s shoulders and pushed forward so both were standing on their hind legs. Their chests touched, and then their bellies touched, and finally they touched... ‘When this mare hugs, she doesn’t leave anything out.’ Luna smiled at the intimacy of the hug and her horn lit up. One more star was added to her night sky. A very special star. She whispered in the pegasus’s ear, “What are your plans after the rain tomorrow?”

Sky Dive could keep the hug going forever. She so wanted to rub her teats and more against Luna’s teats. This was more than she ever imagined her fantasy to be. Slowly her brain registered there was a question that needed an answer. “I’ll be returning to Cloudsdale, your Highness.”

Luna nuzzled the ear nearest her mouth, “Maybe you’d like to accompany me to my sister’s celebration of this coming Celestial Day?”

‘Coming. Luna said coming.’ It took all of Sky Dive’s will to not grind against the Princess. “I would love to do that, your Highness.”

“Then I shall meet you here after I’ve set the moon, and before my sister raises the sun,” said Luna. “I will then escort you to the castle.

Sky Dive knew if she held the hug any longer she would do something that would put her in the dungeon. Still Luna made no move herself to break the hug, nor put any distance between them in the lower region of their bodies. Sky Dive took the first step back till they had all four hooves back on the cloud. She still had her neck against Luna’s neck. “I look forward to it, your Highness.”

Luna stepped back brushing her cheek along Sky Dive’s. “Until then, fare thee well.” The alicorn gave a power thrust of her wings and was soon high in the sky and she turned back towards the castle.

Sky Dive watched till she was out of site and then collapsed onto the cloud and rolled to her back. She looked up at the stars, but failed to notice a new one. She closed her eyes. The team would wake her when it was time to bounce the clouds dry. Could she really have something going with the goddess of the night? She laughed. “I think you were just being kind to a silly filly.” Instead of fantasizing her dream, she was soon dreaming her fantasy.

Luna landed at the castle. She still had a few hours to do some dream patrol, but her thoughts drifted back to a white pegasus. ‘She is both cute and bold. It has been a long while since any of my subjects have dared to touch me so intimately.’ She danced on all four hooves. ‘Of all the stallions that have courted me, none has made my heart flutter like this mare has. She is but a common pony though, so can we even have a chance?’ Luna took a deep breath and entered the castle. For the first time in a long time she looked forward to the rising of the sun.

~ ~ ~

Celestia woke in plenty of time to fix herself some tea. With the first cup in her, she decided it was time to check up on her sister to make sure she lowered the moon in time. The white alicorn stepped out on her balcony and looked over at the one she planned on flying to. There stood Luna with her horn alight, and she then turned to see the full moon drop below the horizon. “Sister, you’ve lowered the moon early.”

Luna looked across to her sister, “I have, but only a few minutes. I’m sure none will notice.”

Celestia shook her head, “But why?”

“I have a few things to do before you raise the sun,” stated Luna.

‘Of course, she has things to do. Anything to avoid the Celestial Celebration.’ Celestia sighed, “I was hoping you might be here for the celebration this year.”

Luna smiled, “I will be! I’m looking forward to this year’s celebration. I’ll see you in a little bit.” Luna spread her wings and took off in flight. Celestia was too stunned by her sister’s announcement to comment. She shrugged her shoulders. There was still a little time before she needed to raise the sun, which meant she had time for another cup of tea.

Luna flew low over the tree tops and soon the clouds came into view. Most of them had a pegasus on them, but not all. Then she remembered that Sky Dive told her they had made more than the one hundred needed. There were too many white pegasus to spot Sky Dive without giving herself away. She stayed low to the ground after leaving the forest and flew on to the nearest farm under the clouds. When she landed she saw a stallion preparing his plow for the day’s work ahead. “Good morning to you,” Luna said softly.

The stallion jumped and turned, and his eyes went wide. He bowed, “Good morning to you, Princess. You honour my home with your presence.”

Luna smiled as the smell of fresh baked bread drifted out of the house, “I’ve come to experience the rain of renewal in honour of my sister’s celebration.”

“But, but you’ll get wet!” stammered the stallion.

“I believe that is what rain does,” Luna said with a giggle, “And that bread does smell divine!”

“I’ll be happy to get you a loaf!” the stallion responded.

“After the rain,” said Luna, “I wouldn’t want it to get wet, after all.” While she couldn’t see the pegasi on the clouds overhead, she could see them on the clouds further out. As soon as the sun peeked above the horizon, they all started bouncing. Luna stood there with her eyes closed and let the rain wash over her.

The stallion had planned on being inside when it started to rain, but thought it would be best if he stood in it as the Princess did. His wife came to the door to see what was up, but saw the two of them and quickly ducked back inside without a word.

The rain lasted for all of ten minutes. Luna inhaled the fresh scent of rain on the fields. “I can see why my sister wants this rain. It was just right to help renew the soil.”

“It was, your Highness,” stated the stallion. “One moment and I’ll get your bread.” He went and the house and soon returned holding a loaf with his wife beside him. “This is Dewshine, she baked it, and I’m Stone. I do hope you enjoy it.” He hoofed the bread to Luna, who in turn took it in her own hoof.

“I’m sure I shall, Stone.” Luna turned to the mare, “I’ll inform my sister of your baking skills, Dewshine.” She giggled, “You may be getting a request for more from the castle.” The mare looked ready to faint. “Are you going to the castle for the celebration?”

Stone answered, “We’ve not been invited, Princess. At noon we will have a simple meal of grains, and raise a glass in Princess Celestia’s honour.”

Luna sighed, “I’m glad that many honour my sister. Were it so for my Lunar Night.”

The mare finally spoke up, “But we do, Princess. We wake shortly before midnight and have a simple mushroom dish and raise a glass in your honour.” She swallowed, “I’m sorry, but we don’t celebrate the whole night as there is work to do, even in winter.”

Luna was at loss what to say. She nodded, and spoke softly, “I’m honoured by your honour, and I thank you for the bread. I must return.” Before either of them could respond she took wing. Leaving the couple behind she saw in the distances the pegasi returning to Pansy Peak, but on one of the left-over clouds she did spy one white pegasus scanning the skies.

Reminded of their first introduction, Luna stayed low to the earth till under the cloud. She was positive her flight wasn’t detected as the blue maned pegasus never looked down. She slowly rose to the bottom of the cloud and then poked her forehoof through. The shriek she heard let her know she had scored a direct hit. The cussing that followed let her know it was the right mare.

As Luna rose through the cloud she saw Sky Dive dive under the cloud. Luna quickly fixed the hole she came through and hoovered a bit above the cloud least Sky Dive attempt to play the same trick. Soon the mare appeared above the cloud again.

“I will kick your flank to Tartarus for that you flaming…” Sky Dive paused her rant. She watched Luna lower herself back down onto the cloud. The Princess of the Night was soaked, and her mane lay against the side of her neck and it trailed down to the cloud. Finally, able to speak again, Sky Dive promptly asked the stupidest of questions, “Luna?”

Luna managed to not giggle. She held up the bread with one hoof, “I brought a snack.” She then raised the other hoof to her nose. The mare hoovering before her broke out in a blush that Luna would never tire of. She sniffed and then licked the toe of her hoof. She was certain that Sky Dive was about to self-combust. “Did somepony give up on my coming as promised?”

Banishment seemed like a good option to Sky Dive at the moment. She fell to the cloud on which Luna sat and buried her face in it, “Maybe.”

Luna laughed long and loud. When Sky Dive finally resurfaced, she was able to replace the laugher with a pointed hoof. The pegasus waited her out. “Let us enjoy this wonderful bread together, and then I’ll take you to the castle for a tour. After which we can watch the celebration.” Luna scooted closer and broke the bread into two pieces and hoofed one over. “At least this time I didn’t bust the cloud you were sitting on.”

Sky Dive couldn’t think of a proper response to the Princess. She had already said aloud what she was thinking at the time. Right up until she found out the same pony had gotten her twice. She took a bite of the bread, “This is good!” She looked at the alicorn, “So, you’re taking me to the palace?”

“Yes,” Luna giggled, “Just be sure to wipe your hooves.”

Sky Dive joined her in the giggle and finally relaxed while they ate the bread. “I was worried you wouldn’t be here. The rain look is good on you.”

“I had fun, and I did enjoy the rain,” said Luna as she finished her half of the bread. “I met a nice earth pony couple who bolstered my spirits. And now it is time for your personal tour of the Castle of the Two Sisters.” With the mare’s nod, Luna launched off the cloud. With Sky Dive alongside her, she headed straight for the castle. ‘Today is going to be a good day.’

This would be Sky Dive’s first visit to the castle. It wasn’t known to be the most welcoming location. Luna landed in the courtyard near Princess Celestia. She landed a little behind Luna and remained silent since Luna was also silent. Princess Celestia was speaking with a unicorn stallion.

“I believe everything is in order, Two Quills?” Celestia asked as she returned the scroll to the stallion in her magic.

“Yes, your Highness,” responded Two Quills as he took the itinerary back in his own magic. “The day should go as planned.” The stallion bowed and trotted off to leave the two sisters alone.

When Celestia turned to her, Luna spoke up, “Sister, a good morning to you. I was out enjoying the rain of renewal, and have brought with me this pegasus, Sky Dive, who organized the event.”

Sky Dive saw Celestia’s eyes narrow as she looked at her, “If I may Princess.” Now both of them were looking at her. “I placed the clouds for the event. It was Seasons who organized the event. He is the manager for the weather group.”

Luna smiled and turned back to her sister, “That would be my fault. I saw Sky Dive moving the clouds last night when I went on patrol. I had assumed she organized the event as she was organizing the clouds. A simple mistake,” which Luna dismissed with a wave of her hoof. “Also, while I was enjoying the rain, I met a lovely earth pony couple on their farm, Stone and Dewshine. You must try the bread they bake, as I believe it is better than our own cooks can produce.”

“That is wonderful, sister,” stated Celestia. “I’m happy to see you’ve gotten into the spirit of the celebration.”

“I have sister! For now, though I’m going to give Sky Dive a tour of the castle, but fear not we’ll be present for the celebration.” Luna turned and ushered Skydive along with her as they both entered the castle.

Once both had entered, Celestia waved her guard captain over. “I want a complete dossier on that pegasus, Sky Dive, and on an earth pony couple, Stone and Dewshine.”

“At once your Highness.” The guard saluted and rushed off to do the Princess’s bidding.

~ ~ ~

“Did you enjoy your tour?” Luna asked as they entered the residential area.

“I did,” replied Sky Dive with excitement. “I never thought I’d see inside the castle. Did we really have to sneak into the kitchen? And the layout is so…different.”

Luna giggled, “Yes, we had to sneak, I have been doing that for a very long time, and if I do it well I get my pastry.”

“I’m sure we were spotted,” Sky Dive said.

“I’m sure too, but they did nothing, so it counts as sneaking,” laughed Luna. “You have to remember this place was designed by my sister and me when we were younger than you are now. My sister was practicality, and I was fun. We knew it was a dangerous world, but within Equestria we had peace. Over time there have been a few minor changes in improving defence, but what we wanted then is still here today.”

Luna opened the door to her room, “This is our last stop on the tour. I’m tired, and need a nap. We have a couple hours before we need to be awake to attend the Celestial Celebration.” Luna climbed up onto the bed and laid down. “You worked all night too, so I’m sure you’d like a nap as well.”

Sky Dive was frozen in her spot, “In your bed?”

“I only have one bed,” giggled Luna. “I can only sleep in one, no matter how many I might own. It is plenty big enough for a second pony, and far more comfortable then the floor.”

It was like some deity was handing her, her most private fantasy. ‘I cannot screw this up.’ “Are you sure?” With Luna’s nod, Sky Dive climbed into the bed. It was large, but she would still be close, and difficult to not touch the princess. Luna laid on her side at one edge of the bed with her back to the middle. “I might touch you in my sleep, your Highness.”

“That will be fine, Sky Dive,” said Luna softly. Sleep already was claiming her.

Sky Dive laid on her side facing Luna. A foreleg along the alicorn’s back, and the other touched her wing. ‘These are the softest feathers in all of Equestria.’ She scooted a little closer, so her chest was touching the Princess’s back, and her foreleg was over the alicorn’s barrel. With a small move of her foreleg she brought that wing down a bit, so that it covered Luna’s dock. Sky Dive pressed her belly against the wing tip and as soon as the silken feathers touched her teats she came. ‘I have died and passed onto the afterlife, for it cannot be any better than this.’ With slow motion she ground herself against the wingtip. One more orgasm put her over from the land of waking to the land of dreaming.

Sky Dive woke to a tickling of her nose. A somewhat wet feather. Her eyes opened, but she didn’t move. In front of her was Luna standing at the edge of the bed with a wing outstretched. “Judging by my wingtip, you sleep rather well, and had pleasant dreams.”

Sky Dive was mortified. Apparently, she did not die, and now… She could feel her own blush burning on her cheeks. “Sorry,” she squeaked.

Luna smiled, “Nothing to be sorry for, it is a small bed. We must make an appearance on the balcony before my sister does on hers.”

Sky Dive quickly hopped off the bed and shook out her wings. She moved alongside Luna and followed her out onto the balcony. The courtyard was full of ponies, almost all of them unicorns. All eyes turned towards her and she suddenly wished to disappear.

Luna saw she was early enough to proceed her sister. She raised a hoof and waved at the crowd. ‘It appears Celestia didn’t warn them of my presence. They don’t know if they should cheer or boo.’ She did keep the smile plastered on her face. A few ponies below did cheer, but it was the non-unicorns who didn’t know better, or those of lesser rank hoping to make some inroads.

“You’d think they would be a little more excited to see you,” whispered Sky Dive.

Luna kept her voice low as she waved, “For some it might be the first time they have ever seen me.”

Celestia heard the few cheers from outside her room, and for a moment wondered why. Then she remembered her sister did say she would make an appearance, so that must have come true. She returned the reports she was reading to the table, and double checked her regalia. The earth ponies did check out okay, and maybe she would try some of their bread. But the mare, the mare had to go. Right on time, she stepped out onto the balcony. The crowd erupted in cheers as she waved to them. A glance over at the other balcony showed her sister and that pegasus mare both standing.

Celestia let the cheering go on for the planned three minutes and then took wing to soar down to the courtyard. Quiet fell over the courtyard. Celestia cast her spell and soared straight up with her wings wide. She placed herself between the sun she controlled and the ponies she ruled. Soon she shone as brightly as the sun itself. “Let this mark the beginning of another year of peace and prosperity!” The crowd erupted in cheers again.

“And that is the Celestial Celebration. Short and sweet, and now it is time to eat.” Luna giggled.

Even from this angle she could see how Princess Celestia glowed. “That was amazing!” she squealed.

A moment of sadness passed over Luna, but she quickly pushed it away. Today, she didn’t want to feel any jealousy towards her sister. “She is my sister, now let us get down there before my sister eats all the cake.”

Sky Dive realized what she said, but there was no chance to make amends as Luna took wing and sailed down to the courtyard. She followed suit rather than be left behind. Luna had landed where four non-unicorn ponies stood. She knew all four of them and landed next to Luna to make introductions. “Princess Luna, let me introduce you to Stormcloud, mayor of Cloudsdale, and his wife, Autumnrain.”

While both bowed with the introduction, Luna would have none of that. She held out a hoof to them, “It is welcome to receive you here on this fine day. I would thank the residences of your city for all they do. Bringing the much-needed rain to grow the crops, and the desired snow to play in.”

Both were a little taken back by this approach from royalty. Each extended a hoof to Luna, and Stormcloud spoke up, “It is always a pleasure to be of service to the ponies of Equestria.”

Sky Dive motioned to the two earth ponies. “This is counsellor Plumblossom, and her husband Furlong. She is in charge of the famer’s cooperative.”

Having learned by example, both earth ponies extended a hoof to Luna which she gladly met. “I was at a farm this morning enjoying the rain of renewal, which Mayor Stormcloud’s pegasi provided. Those on the farm were happy and prosperous, which is a reflection on the good work you’re doing Counsellor Plumblossom.”

“Thank you, Princess,” said Plumblossom, “I do my best to serve my community and the crown.”

“Let me hold you up no longer,” said Luna, “Please enjoy this Celestial Celebration as I shall be doing so.” The four ponies bowed and took their leave. Luna moved on too with Sky Dive close beside her. “It is a little sad that only four of the many were not unicorns.” Sky Dive had nothing to share about that.

The unicorns didn’t know what to do. None of the major households approached Luna, so the minor houses followed suit least they stand out from the herd. Sky Dive looked around and saw a lot of ponies talking but very few celebrating. There was no shortage of food and drink, but as a party, this was a rather dull one. She whispered to Luna, “I think they are having more fun in Cloudsdale than here.”

Luna whispered back, “As true as that may be, here is where we are now.” She stopped a passing waiter and remembered to take the drink in her wing. Sky Dive did the same. “We only have to stay a bit longer. My being on the balcony was all that was really needed. Just those four ponies seemed all alone in a sea of ponies.”

Sky Dive looked around and tried to find Princess Celestia, but was unable too. She didn’t think the Princess would leave her own party. Sky Dive jumped at the voice behind her, and was just able to hold onto her glass. “Sister!” said Celestia. “I’m so happy you were able to make it to this year’s celebration. I will endeavour to make it to the Lunar Festival.”

“My presence bears no onus on you, dear sister,” responded Luna. “I’ve been able to meet new ponies. Both the Mayor and Counsellor are very enjoyable to speak with.”

“Speaking of speaking,” said Celestia, “Would you and your friend please join me in my room. Say, in thirty minutes?”

Luna knew her sister was up to something. They had known each other for far too long to hide anything from each other. “Sky Dive and I would be most happy to meet you in your room. That is one part of the castle tour I left off.”

Celestia gave a small nod, and moved back into the crowd. This was the first time Sky Dive had ever been so close to Princess Celestia. She was so tall! She turned to Luna, “I wasn’t expecting that to be on the tour. I’m so excited.”

Luna nodded, but didn’t share Sky Dive’s excitement. Whatever her sister had planned she doubted it would be something of excitement. She noted when her sister left the courtyard. “It is time to meet with my sister. We will walk out to reduce the number of prying eyes.”

Sky Dive was having a good time. Even if the nobles were all stand offish, the staff was very pleasant to chat with. Even a few of the guards provided good conversation. She followed Luna into the castle and to the same hall that led to Princess Luna’s bedroom. A turn in the different direction led her to what had to be Princess Celestia’s bedroom. Luna gave a light tap and then opened the door. Sky Dive followed her in.

Celestia went straight to the point, “Sister, you cannot associate with that mare.”

Luna bristled, “That mare has a name. Her name is Sky Dive.”

“It matters not,” continued Celestia, “You must be rid of her.”

“And why would I do that?” asked Luna.

Celestia saw the pegasus inch her way back to the door. She pointed a hoof at her, “She is a fillyfooler!”

That made Luna pause, “How does that affect me?”

Celestia wanted to shout, “If she is seen with you, then everyone will believe you are a fillyfooler too! It is illegal!”

Luna shook her head, “I’m a Princess, what do I care about some law?”

Now, Celestia did shout, “We are not above the law!”

“Tis a stupid law, then,” said Luna. “What brought it into being?”

“After the wars and the Wendigos, there were few ponies left. The council passed a law to forbid same sex unions, so our numbers would increase,” Celestia tried to explain rationally. She saw that the pegasus was nearly to the door and pointed a hoof at her, “You do not have my permission to leave!”

Luna raised a wing between her sister and Sky Dive, “You have my permission to leave.” When Celestia tried to shout again, Luna raised her second wing in her sister’s face. Sky Dive wasted no time and was out the door and down the hall. Once she cleared the castle she took wing and was steaking over the forest towards home. When the door closed, Luna lowered her wings, “Why are you doing this, sister?”

“My hooves are tied, Luna,” pleaded Celestia. “It is the law, we have to follow the law, or nopony will.”

“If I know the council, they made a rule against marriage between tribes too,” commented Luna.

Celestia sighed, “They did.” Luna opened her mouth to object, but Celestia drove on. “They made an exception for alicorns. We can marry unicorns.”

Luna was stunned, she didn’t care for the council, but this is even a new low for them. “So, if Sky Dive was a pegasus stallion, I still couldn’t marry!”

“The law is for the best, Luna.” Celestia sighed, “It is for the best for all of us if you forget her.”

“I cannot, dear sister,” Luna said softly.

“Why?” asked Celestia.

“I’ve created a Midnight Star for her,” responded Luna.

“What? How could you?” demanded Celestia. “Undo it, or destroy it, or whatever you must do to erase it.”

“I shall do no such thing!” shouted Luna. “You have been blinded by the law!”

“I am the law!” Celestia shouted back.

Luna closed her eyes and took a few breaths. She them moved almost nose to nose with her sister, “You’ve lost sight of the spirit of all of our laws. It matters not if they be mare or stallion. For all of them are Our. Little. Ponies.” Celestia stood there slack jawed and Luna turned to leave. She was half way through the door when her sister spoke again.

“Luna, I’m not done talking to you,” Celestia said sternly.

Luna didn’t turn around, “then I would suggest you find a mirror, Celestia, so you can continue to talk.” As much as she wanted to slam the door shut she let it close softly, and then made her way to her own room. She looked at the rumpled bed, “It cannot end like this. I will not let it end like this.” Luna walked out onto her balcony and looked over at her sister’s. It was empty, which would make this easier. She soon was airborne and on her way to Pansy Peak.

~ ~ ~

Luna arrived at the cloud village and had no idea where she was going. She saw a stallion exit out of shop and landed next to him. The poor stallion almost panicked before he dropped into a low bow. “Good afternoon, good stallion, could you please tell me where I might find Seasons, the weather manager?”

The stallion stuttered, “He is down that way, and…”

Luna interrupted him, “An escort would be welcomed.”

The stallion regained his hooves, but continued to bob his head, “Your Highness, this way.”

Luna followed to a simple two-story building, “Thank you for your assistance.” She entered and saw a mare behind a counter looking down at something, “I wish to see Seasons.”

“Do you have an appoint…” said the mare as she raised her head and realized who it was. She pointed a hoof at a door.

“An introduction would be welcomed,” said Luna.

The mare moved from behind her counter and down a short hall. She tapped once on a door and opened it, “Princess Luna to see you sir.” Luna moved past the mare into the office and the mare was quick to vacate it.

Luna looked at the speechless stallion and had pity on him. “Greeting, Seasons, I’ve come to personally thank you for the rain of renewal at the Celestial Celebration. I was with some farmers and to a one they all said it was perfect!”

“Th-Thank you, your Highness,” he said still in shock.

Luna continued, “The cloud placement was exquisite! How long did it take you to place all of them?”

“I – I didn’t place them, your Highness,” he replied.

“Oh, well I’m sure you planned the placement. Who did place them?” asked Luna.

“Thank you, your Highness,” Seasons said with more confidence. “I did put a lot of planning into the event. Sky Dive placed the clouds.”

Luna nodded, “Your planning showed, and everypony was quite pleased. Where is his office so I can thank him personally for caring out your plan so well?”

“She, your Highness,” Season said softly afraid of correcting the Princess.

“She? Oh, a mare, how silly of me to assume,” said Luna with a giggle. “Please take me to her office so I can thank her.”

“She’s not here, she works the night shift your Highness,” stated Seasons.

“Then please have someone escort me to where she is,” said Luna.

“But she is sleep… Yes of course she would welcome your visit,” Seasons corrected himself. “Redline,” he called out, “My office, please.”

A stallion entered, “What is it bossssss, whoa,” he dropped into a bow.

“Redline, please escort Princess Luna to Sky Dive’s place,” ordered Seasons.

“But she is…yes, of course. This way your Highness.” Redline backed out of the room.

“Thank you again for your efforts,” Luna said as she turned to leave. “Maybe you’ll consider a snowfall for the Lunar Festival?” The stallion could only nod in response, and Luna left him be. It was a short flight to Sky Dive’s place.

“This is her apartment, your Highness,” said Redline. “She works nights, so please forgive her if she is sleeping.”

“I know a thing or two about working nights,” responded Luna. “Thank you for the escort, but I can find my own way back to the castle from here.”

Knowing a dismissal, Redline took wing and was soon back at his own office.

Once the stallion was well out of sight, Luna tried the front door. To her relief it was unlocked. She let herself into the gloomy apartment with all the curtains closed. It was small, as she had entered the great room. To the front left was a kitchen with dinette, and to the front right a single door. She moved over and found the door was also unlocked. Inside she saw the pegasus curled up in the middle of her bed. She walked around the bed to look at her face. ‘She must have cried herself to sleep.’ She moved back behind Sky Dive and climbed into the bed. As she laid down she took the pegasus up in her limbs. The mare stiffened.

Sky Dive woke when a pony took hold of her. She didn’t have to look. There is only one pony that would have done this and done it so gently. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

Luna nuzzled an ear, “Hush, child of twenty-eight years. I’m tired and would like some sleep. I’m sure you too, can use some more sleep.” Luna snuggled in close. “We will talk when the evening comes, and I raise the moon.”

Sky Dive lay there staring into the darkened room. Then, Luna draped a wing over her and she was filled with calm. Soon she let sleep take her, but this time it wasn’t a sleep of sorrow.

Comments ( 1 )

Outside of Momlestia, this is DEFINITELY how I picture Celestia in any headcanon. Good job.

Also, it's very hypocritical to say you are the law when just a minite ago you said you weren't above it.

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