• Published 9th Nov 2017
  • 3,817 Views, 57 Comments

Celestabellebethabelle - anonpencil

A strange unicorn appears in Equestria, and Celestia goes to welcome her newest guest. Unfortunately, if she had to describe this guest in one word it would be... "frustrating."

  • ...

The Neighs Have It


It all happened in a flash.

The northern sky lit up in a brilliant flare of pastel rainbow colors, even before the sun had risen. Its abrupt glow was enough to rouse Celestia from her light slumber, and she gazed out the window into the dying night with at first confusion, then slow recognition. A knowing smile began to sweep over her features as she shook herself, her mane falling immaculately into place. Then, she strode to the window so she could pinpoint the exact source of the flash.

Yes, she was sure of it. A new portal had opened in Equestria, and that flash meant that someone, or something had come through.

She had a new guest. That was, to say the least, always exciting.

As she turned to go prepare herself for a visit to see this new guest for herself, she heard a very faint flutter of owl-like wings behind her. She glanced over her pale shoulder to find her sister settling onto the balcony outside, a look of concern on her face.

“Sister,” she said urgently. “Did you see? In the forest, it-”

Celestia nodded, still smiling warmly.

“Indeed I did! It has been some time since we have seen a new portal opening. I do wonder who has come through, though.”

Luna frowned.

“That is what I have come to tell you,” she said, seeming rather distressed. “I have seen this creature’s arrival as I did my rounds of the late-night sky. I have met her kind before, and she is likely to be… most trying.”

Celestia gave a bell-like laugh and went to rest a comforting hoof on Luna’s shoulder.

“Oh come now, sister,” she said jovially. “I’ve had to deal with a great many trying ponies in my years. I mean, I still live with you, don’t I?”

She gave Luna a playful nudge. Luna glowered at her.

“You sent me to the moon.”

“That’s besides the point,” Celestia said quickly, maintaining her grin. “I’m sure I can handle being the royal welcomer for whoever this fine creature may be.”

“I’m telling you,” Luna said slowly. “If you go try to welcome her, she’s going to drive you up a wall. You’re going to eventually just snap, and you’ll probably send her to the moon.”

Celestia frowned, more of a pout than a look of real concern.

“Do you really think I’m capable of doing that to someone I’ve just met?”

“Again. You sent me, your sister, to the moon.”

“And again, that’s beside the point,” Celestia said, her smile returning as she gave her sister’s shoulder one final pat of belittling comfort. “I can handle this, and I can do it without sending her to the moon. Pinkie promise.”


The sun was hanging just below the horizon, waiting for Celestia to draw it into the sky when Celestia finally soared above the area where she’d seen the flash of light. It made the sky a mixture of blue-grey and gold-amber, and made the shadows soft and long against the earth. Below her, she could see the form of an unfamiliar equine, standing, looking up in a clearing. As Celestia approached, she could see that the figure had a long horn protruding from its long mane. It looked to be… a unicorn!

Why would Luna be so concerned about another unicorn coming to Equestria? Sure, that one with the dress fetish was annoying sometimes, but none of them were really that bad. She circled in on the location, and deftly landed across the meadow from the newcomer, so as not to startle her.

“Greetings, traveler from a distant world,” she called melodically to the unicorn. “I am Celestia, ruler of this domain. You are welcome here! What do they call you?”

The figure was still a moment, and then slowly raised its head.

Celestia was greeted with a pale, white-blue form, neck long and slender not unlike her own. The unicorn had a small, demure mouth, and alert rounded ears, and lashes so long that they seemed to tickle her own brow line. Her rump was adorned with three blue crystals, not unlike that dress horse’s cutie mark, and her tail extended back from there long and thin, with a tuft of rainbow hair at the end, like a lion’s. Her technicolor mane blew in an unseen wind, and as she slowly opened her eyes, Celestia was caught by surprise. They were large, larger even than her own, and bugged out to either side like massive goldfish eyes. She got the feeling they were supposed to look lovely. They didn’t.

As she watched, the unicorn reared back, pawing the air with her lilac hooves. She tossed her head and opened her mouth to reveal two massive sets of flat teeth. Her eyes never blinked, just shimmered, as she emitted a shrill noise.


Celestia stood there in shock, blinking, as at last the falsetto noise ceased, and the pony returned to all fours.

“Er…” Celestia said, unsure how else to respond.

“My name is Celestabellebethabelle!” the unicorn said breathily. “Last of my kind.”

“Well,” Celestia said haltingly, as she quickly replaced her welcoming smile. “You are in a realm of many unicorns here so-”

“Last of my kind, I say!” the unicorn snapped quickly.

Celestia noticed that her mouth wasn’t even moving as she spoke. Her horn just flashed a muted, glowing pink, and words just materialized out of the air as sound. It was disconcerting, to say the least, but no matter. Perhaps this was the way all beast communicated in the other world. The rudeness, however, she hoped was not standard.

“Very well, perhaps you are unique, given where you came from,” Celestia said evenly. “I welcome you to Equestia, land of-”

“Are you of pure and perfect heart?”

Again, Celestia was taken aback.

“Er, I am unsure what you mean, stranger.”

“I may only be talked with by those who are pure of heart, and I can see inside your heart, you know.”

Celestia glanced down to find a light up heart across her chest. She looked at it, then up at Celestabellebethabelle.

“That is a very nice bit of magic,” she said gently. “But my heart is not even located there. You see, horses have a broad chest, and the heart-”

“Nonsense, I can see into your heart, and know you have done wrong, Celestia! Impure!”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Wrong I say!”

The pair were silent a moment, as Celestia drew in a deep breath to steady herself. This strange newcomer was not just rude, but was now being genuinely hurtful! Celestia knew she had a thicker skin than a few insults could penetrate, but still. She was beginning to feel a creeping at her nerves whenever this creature spoke.

“I suppose that is true,” she said at last. “But who can say that they have not done wrong at some point in their lives?”

“I can,” the unicorn said with a toss of her head.

There was another moment of silence. Celestia could feel herself slipping. Was this bitch for real?

“Well, be that as it may, I hope you will find some peace in your stay here,” Celestia said, an edge of annoyance in her tone. “There are many kind ponies here who will be happy to give you a place to stay.”

“Bah, I will stay in whatever shack of a palace you have here,” the unicorn said haughtily.

“The palace is where I reside, and I do not think that would be possible.”

“You?” The unicorn scoffed. “I hardly think you deserve it, considering the kind of misdeeds I see in your heart. I suspect it’s a complete dump anyhow, though.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“I suppose I’ll have to take it off your hooves though. It’s not my fault you’re a bad person, after all.”

Celestia’s eyes narrowed.

“It is impolite to treat a generous host, not to mention royalty, in this manner.”

The unicorn, tossed her mane once more, and let out another ringing noise.


“I do wish you’d stop that while we are speaking.”

“Royalty, huh,” the unicorn sneered, narrowing her own eyes. “Don't act so high and mighty, we both bleed the same sparkly rainbow blood, even if you have wings and a crown."

"Sparkly rainbow blood.... what... I..."

"Why are you so royal anyway, because your mane moves all the time for no reason? Mine does that too. Plus I’m skinnier, I bet you let yourself get fat all the time and have to constantly diet to even get to the tub of lard you are now.”

Celestia felt her face flush. There was no mistaking it now. This stranger was trying to pick a fight. And this was not a fight she wanted to pick, because Celestia hadn’t had her coffee yet. It was a dangerous game to play.

“I would watch what I say, if I were you,” she said in a soft, cold murmur. She began to approach the other beast.

“Oh yeah?” the Unicorn said, leaning forward, somehow triumphant. “Did I hurt your precious feelings? What are you gonna do about it? Huh? What ya gonna do?”

“Is it a fight you want?” Celestia growled.

“Bring it bitch, I have better moves than some child’s toy wannabe.”

“I usually raise the sun, but I’ll raze you if you try anything.”

“Then it’s a fight you’ll get!” the other unicorn cried.

Celestia readied for a charge, lowering her head, preparing a spell that would disable the creature and deflect any magic sent her way. She watched as the other creature’s horn lit up as well, charging, and then…

All at once, a burst of electronic music began to echo through the clearing. Celestia froze, looking swiftly about her to see who was playing such a bass-heavy synth beat. It took her a moment to realize that it was coming from the other unicorn. She stared in horror as the creature bobbed its head back and forth, horn glowing, music blaring from her loudly. After a moment, the unicorn seemed to notice that Celestia wasn’t moving, and the glow went out of her horn. The screeching dance music ceased.

“What,” Celestabellebethabelle said. “Yours doesn’t do that? Wasn’t… wasn’t a music battle what we were doing?”

“Er… no. No, mine doesn’t just do that.”

“Oh,” the other animal said.

The pair lapsed into silence. Perhaps this was all a misunderstanding, Celestia thought. Perhaps she could salvage this, put her efforts back into diplomacy, as she was good at. It could be scary coming to a new realm, especially if you didn’t understand the customs. Maybe this poor soul was just trying to-

“What kind of lame unicorn can’t even play rave music with her horn?” the stranger said with a scoff. “You really are pathetic. I mean, what can that horn of yours do, hm? Bet it can’t even do anything useful.”

She neighed once more, sounding more like a man trying to imitate a female voiced horse than she'd ever heard. Celestia again felt rage building in her again.

“You… you…”

“Oh come on you silly simple mare,” the unicorn said. “Show me what you’ve got. I dare you. Whatcha gonna do, huh? Whatcha gonna…”


Luna glanced up from where she was napping as she heard the door to the throne room slam shut. All the guards jumped at the noise, but Luna merely smiled as she saw Celestia marching down the red carpet towards her, brow furrowed.

“So you sent her to the moon, huh?” Luna said lightly, not even trying to hide her smug expression.

Celestia paused, and at last turned her gaze to her sister. Her eyes were haggard and sullen, devoid of most emotion beyond annoying and exhaustion. Her posture was slumped, as if she’d endured a great trial.

“Luna…” she said, her voice sounding dry and cracked. “Her horn just glowed and played rave music. Rave music, Luna.”

Luna regarded Celestia for a long moment, then gradually began to nod her head.

“Okay, yeah, you did the right thing.”

“Thank you. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go find a magic spell that makes it so no more portals will ever open here.”

Luna blinked.

“B-but what about Twilight and that bipedal world and-”

“Nope. Done.”

“But what about all those morals she’s supposed to learn in-”

“NOPE!” Celestia barked as she turned to leave the room. “Morality be damned! She’ll have to learn lessons and grow as a character and shit without that garbage. No. More. Portals.”

And with that, the door slammed behind her, leaving Luna alone in the throne room with her thoughts. She stared after the door as the echo of it slamming began to die down. Then, at last, she gave a simple shrug.

“Well,” she said with a sigh and a smile. “I guess today I learned that morality is relative.”


Author's Note:

It's been a tough week, and I needed some light catharsis. I'm surprised I've never written this one before. Hopefully Hirsch would be proud of me.

P.S. There's a sequel to this story done by deadpansnarker. Go read dat shit now. Do it. DO IT!

Comments ( 57 )

Best horse vs Celestia

Oh my xD



My reaction to the image;


she heard a flutter of owl-like wings behind her.

Owl wings are designed to be silent....

Neigh, a yew Pencil story! I mean, yay, a new Pencil story!

Okay first... GRAVITY FALLS. Yus. :pinkiehappy:
Second of all, if the All Loving All Singing All Dancing Mabel could not tolerate celestabellebethabelle, what chance Celestia? :rainbowhuh:
Lastly, if I'm ever closing my curtains at night and I hear rave music coming from the Moon, I'll know why now. :twilightoops:
Thanks for the great story! (and info) :raritywink:

They are but... they still make that neat breathy wafting noise when you're nearby.
I fucking love owls.
Barn owls also scream beautifully. And by beautifully I mean sweet Jesus is that nightmare fuel.

I was going to say the same thing.

I don't know how you found this, but I fucking love it.

Simples. Just take out the religion icon of your choice from the original image, then stick in Celestabelle's mug thru the wonders of Photoshop (I ain't typing all THAT out again). :p

I already love this for the Gravity Falls title

This is hilarious! I love it!

Dang CBeth you really are obnoxious! I think now Princess Ponyhead needs to visit :p

Gravity Falls, right? Amazing story!

Best unicorn

CBeth>Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight, That one Ostrich looking motherfucker


wish crossover stories would link to youtube video of said crossover.... but it is kind of my own fault I have not yet dared to watch GF so far... also firefly. Please understand I have heard so many great things about firefly and gravity falls but if I watch them they might not be true......let me have my impossible dreams!

Huh. Unbelievably perfect timing. I've just finished marathoning Gravity Falls for the first time. And The Last Mabelcorn is one of my favourites of Season 2! :pinkiehappy:

I really liked it pencil, good job

I hope for more stories like these

never have mine eyes beheld a more beautiful piece of mind vomit

Cbelle kinda reminds me of lemongrab

Gravity falls is fun, no two ways about it. You really should watch it, it's worth the time.

It is a GREAT show. Personally started crying when it ended.

Royalty, huh,” the unicorn sneered, narrowing her own eyes. “Don't act so high and mighty, we both bleed the same sparkly rainbow blood, even if you have wings and a crown."

Really? I think I'd like to see that for myself... (stabs the monstrosity repeatedly)

Seriously. I'm surprised I haven't seen a bunch of Star crossovers on here. With all the dimension hopping, weird creatures, magic, etc. the two worlds would slot together beautifully! I want a scene with Star thinking Rarity is a warnicorn. :raritystarry:

Yeah, I'll take one of those any day.

I did some looking around myself...
What a world we live in...

Ah, that was my favorite episode of Gravity Falls and you go and make a fanfic about it. Well done! :twilightsmile:

Think I would have given it one last paragraph showing what Celestabellebethabelle thought of being banished to the moon was like...probably say something like, "Okay--I've changed my mind! I think you're pure of heart now! Let me go home! Please?..." or something to that effect. :trollestia:

This was so funny! I really laughed a lot with this. Good job!

I was looking for a picture of a soaring owl with a knife to reply with. Sadly, that picture does not exist.

This is kinda close, though.

This is also terrifying. If you every come across that owl with a knife picture though, you let me know!!

There are things more scary than owls wielding knives.



Oh, those aren't scary! They're goofy, but have you heard their mating call? It's just this sad, lonely, distant whistle. Sounds like they're lamenting being alone and dumb. I would hug one if I ever could get close enough (or spot one. Fuckers know how to blend in.)

Will Mabel show up and kick Celestia's butt?


One more line at the end from Luna would have been a perfect kicker.

“But what about all those morals she’s supposed to learn in-”

“NOPE!” Celestia barked as she turned to leave the room. “Morality be damned! She’ll have to learn lessons and grow as a character and shit without that garbage."

"But sister, she's still-"

" No. More. Portals.”

And with that, the door slammed behind her.

"I was trying to say she's still over there right now, so you may want to wait to close the portal, but hey, what do I know?"

Shoulda sent her to the sun instead.

Years later, still cried after watching the finale.

The Gravity Falls finale had me more emotional than when Ahsoka left the Jedi Order in Star Wars the Clone Wars.

Very well done Alex Hirsch though I wished the show had one or two more seasons. Oh well, I hope he makes a sequel or make a show that ties in to Gravity Falls, kind of like Star Wars the Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels or Regular Show and Close Enough.

This is anonpencil approved.

Thanks dude, if it's not too much to ask, could you give it a little mention in the box of your story, like I have done for yours. Thanks for writing a great fic and giving me the opportunity to write a 'fan' sequel for it, either way. :raritywink:

Not comfy with adding to the description, but I will GLADLY add to author's note in the story. Give me a moment and it'll be done.

Okay, that's a lot more than I could've hoped for. Thanks again. :twistnerd:

Behold, the most terrifying animal+knife meme EVER! At least for anyone who's ever played Skyrim... MUAHAHAHAH!!!

That was great. :)

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