• Published 14th Nov 2017
  • 1,356 Views, 31 Comments

Chibi Flan's Foalsitter - Lucky Star Kona-chan

What happens when you leave a being who apprently bites a lot with the ponies? Well, let's find out *CHOMP*

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The Scarlet Devil Mansion was the territory of a powerful vampire, Remilia Scarlet was her name.

She was quite short, actually she was very short, barely taller than a 12 year old, she wears a pink mob cap over her short light blue hair, in conjunction with a pink dress with bright red trimming. On her back a pair of black bat-like wings could be seen and her eyes were bright red.

And she was being beaten up by her little sister while taking her to see the ponies of Equestria.

Well, that was awkward. Because, you see…

The day before.

“What!? Flan became small again!?” shouted a shocked Remilia.

On the receiving end of the shouting was her friend, Patchouli Knowledge. A shut in magician with dark purple hair and eyes, was wearing pink pajama-like clothing and a night cap.

“It seems like it, it’s like what now? The fourth time this year?” She replied

Remilia let out a sigh, “any idea of what could have caused it this time?” she asked while taking a sip of her tea.

“I’m not too sure about that Remi. There are no amulets from Reimu, no strange mushrooms from Marisa, no experimental potions from Eirin, there’s nothing pointing to anyone as the culprit. It’s just like all the other times; Flan just seems to shrink for no reason.” Patchouli explained while sipping on her own tea.

“Well, I’m not complaining, after all, this gives me the chance to hug her adorable little b-“ Remilia was interrupted by something latching at her hand.

*Chomp* when she looked at her hand she saw little Flan bitting it. Her little body no bigger than two feet tall, wears a red skirt with a red vest and a pink shirt under it, in her head a pink mob cap over her short blonde hair that is tied up in a long ponytail on the side her head, her back showed a pair of strange wings, those seemed to be made of metal and had various crystals of different colors hanging on them.

Remilia just looked at her with a blank expression for a few seconds until her brain caught up with what was happening.

You could expect to feel a great deal of pain if you get your hand bitten by something with sharp teeth, but no Remilia, nope. She did totally not scream of the top of her lungs, nope. Don’t believe what the ice fairy says, she’s an idiot.

This brings us to the current situation.

Remilia was making her way towards the place Rinna told her was the best way to face her situation.

‘You can take her with my friend Twilight in Ponyville, her castle is not hard to find and she’s a purple Alicorn, which means she has the horn of a unicorn and the wings of a pegasus. She can probably come up with a plan to help with Flan myu.’ Remilia remembered these words, but she hated something about this world.

“It’s so sunny! Why is it so sunny!?” she whined under her parasol.

“Uuuuu.” Flan said with a nod and a look of disgust at the shiny scenery.

Remilia noticed her little sister agreeing with her, “Flan!” she said happily while hugging Flan.

The latter of course was no happy with this.

*Chomp* she bit Remilia’s head.

AHHHH!” Every single pony that was close suddenly ran off.

After various bites and ponies not even attempting to look their way anymore, Remilia finally got to the castle.

Something to point out would be that Remilia was a mess; her dress was torn on different places and had marks of teeth on her skin, but those shortly disappeared.

Anyways on the entrance of the “castle” she could see the purple winged unicorn, she seemed to be waiting for someone.

Rinna probably told her about our little visit. Well, this would make things easier.’ She thought.

Twilight was waiting Rinna’s friend just outside the doors of her castle. ‘I wonder what kind of po- ahem “person,” Rinna’s friend is.’ She had been there waiting for a couple of minutes now.

Twilight, a friend of mine is in need of help for a situation involving her little sister myu, her name is Remilia Scarlet she look similar to me physically without my cat ears of course myu. But she likes to wear a pink dress and has bat-like wings on her back. I told her to go pay you a visit to see if you can come up with a solution, I hope it’s not an inconvenience myu.’ Twilight remembered that part of the conversation.

‘I’ll never consider a request from Rinna an inconvenience, she has done so much for us, and so it’s time for me to pay her kindness back by helping her friend!. Magical Vision is such a useful device, being able to speak with her directly without being next to each other is nice, but I miss having her around.’ She shook her head a few times, ‘no Twilight, is not time to get sad about it, you have a task at hoof!’ Then she saw a peculiar being getting closer to her, she recognized the wings and the pink dress immediately but was taken aback by the state of her clothing, concerned she approached.

“Are you ok miss?” she asked with the worry that somepony may have attacked her.

Remilia didn’t expect that, “I’m fine, this is nothing to worry about.” She said before snapping her fingers.

What Twilight saw could only be described as “she blurred up”, before being focused again, but this time with her dress looking as good as new! It was even sparkling!

“I take that you may be Rinna’s friend Twilight, right? You fit the description she gave me.” Remilia then noticed the wide eyed stare and agape mouth the pony was giving her, “is something wrong?”

Twilight took note of those words and shook her head to get rid of her thoughts, “Oh… Oh! Right! I mean yes, I’m Twilight Sparkle, I’m sorry for ‘that’ it was just the first time I saw something like it.”

“Think nothing of it, I looked terrible and that wasn’t a fitting way to present myself. Speaking of which, I should do that, I’ am Remilia Scarlet but I think Rinna probably mentioned that if she had a talk with you like I suppose she did. I apologize for my previous appearance, but I had quite a rough trip on my way here.” Remilia gave a courteous bow.

“Yes, Rinna did indeed mention your name on yesterday’s talk Miss Remilia, and don’t apologize for something out of your control. But, and I hope it’s not a bother to you, may I ask if somepony assaulted you?” Twilight asked while looking around to see if that was the case.

Remilia was confused by the term “somepony” ‘That’s rather selfish if what Rinna said is true and they aren’t the only sentient species here, oh well.’

“No, no one assaulted me; I actually manipulated fate to avoid any uncomfortable encounters until I got to meet you.” Remilia explained when something tiny jumped to the ground behind her, but still covered by the parasol’s shadow.

“Oh, I see…” Twilight stopped looking around before noticing something about what Remilia just said. “I beg your pardon but, can you repeat that last part please Miss Remilia? I think I misheard you.”

“I’m sorry Miss Sparkle, but I have little time in my hands today, so I’ll be glad if we can get to the point of this meeting.” Remilia said while stepping aside to reveal the little figure behind her. “This is my little sister Flandre Scarlet, isn’t she cu-” she got interrupted.

*Chomp* Flan bit her leg.

Twilight looked quite charmed by the little thing at first but that killed the mood.

It wasn’t necessary to say that a scream of pain was heard short after.

Some minutes of explanation later at which Flan just run pass Twilight and entered the castle.

Twilight considered her options on the matter, “So, let me get this straight Miss Remilia, you want me to help Flandre to get pass her bite habit?” Remilia nodded. “That’s doesn’t seem too hard to do, I’ve read some book about the topic.”

Remilia showed a devious smile that let her long fangs being visible.

Twilight’s reaction was quick and stepped back some.

“Well, if you are so confident then by all means go ahead Miss Twilight.” Remilia turned to leave, but gave a last look at Twilight. “Before I forget, Flan is going to stay here until I get a report saying that her habit is under control, I made myself clear Miss Twilight?” she said while giving Twilight a look.

‘Those eyes… that expression… why is she looking at me like she wants to eat me!?’ this was Twilight thought process; her body was slightly trembling under Remilia’s gaze.

Twilight was nervous, “Y-yes M-miss Remilia, very clear.” She managed to say.

Remilia said nothing as she made her way to leave Ponyville.

When she was outside of Twilight’s line of sight, she let out a sigh of relief, ‘she sure has an intimidating presence when she’s serious, Rinna just what kind of ponies are you friends with?’

Stepping inside the castle Twilight saw Spike looking for her with Flan in tow.

“Oh Twi, is this our special guest?” Spike asked with a smile.

“Yes, she is. Her name is Flandre Scarlet, her sister Miss Remilia asked us to help her with a little problem.”

“Flandre?” Spike thought for a moment, “Does it annoy you if I call you Flan?” He asked.

“Uuuuu.” Flan said while throwing her arms up and showing a smile which Spike returned.

“Are you sure she has a problem, Twi? She seems pretty nice to me.” Spike pat Flan’s head she seemed to enjoy it.

“Well, you have a point there, Spike. She seems docile enough.” Twilight approached the other two, she lifted a hoof to pet Flan too, “Right? Fl-”

*Chomp* Flan bit Twilight’s hoof.

Twilight’s hoof has been broken.

At that moment a very mocking laugh could be heard in the distance.

Author's Note:

Welp new thingy, let's see how this one does.

But you have to admit that Flan is adorabl-


Konata's Author notes has been broken.