• Member Since 10th Oct, 2013
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Convicted Bibliophile (Buy me a coffee, will 'ya? https://ko-fi.com/flint_lock)

Comments ( 40 )

This was very well done and did a good job on making the reader wonder if any of this was real or not, a important and good piece of horror if i ever read one.

I'm still stuck on what The Thing was?

What do you think it was?

Not gonna lie I'm thinking it's a human because we're are a real piece of shit to everything else

We fuck up everything. I would be surprised if it was a interdimentional human scientist who made that pony amalgamation of flesh. We make a couple dozen species extinct every year.

I swear man, ever since I did that idea post in the dark group, I've been seeing fics that look like they took some sort of inspiration from it. This is the third one, and if I see another then I'm calling foul. Otherwise, excellently well written, aside from a few grammar mistakes. Very interesting idea, but it's a bit bogged down by the lack of explanation. I have the feeling that's what you were trying for, but it doesn't quite feel correctly pulled off. Wrong information revealed, I think, but that's purely conjecture on my part.The build up, while inspired, certainly, doesn't quite match up. It's all a little too fast paced to properly comprehend, while somehow leaving just enough info out of the equation to severely confuse the reader. If that's the intended purpose, fantastic job, excellently pulled off! Otherwise, slow it down a bit and more thoroughly explain things. A fear of the unknown is certainly a well used idea, and one I support, but having the characters know the threat while keeping the readers out of the loop is hard to correctly pull off. I do enjoy the premise behind the story, but it would flourish so excellently if only a bit more thought went into how to do the introduction. 2.5/5 from me, interesting idea and great detail, but confusing story and unfulfilling execution.

You still get your like though, this does deserve it.

You're kidding, right?

Every possible Twilight, across every possible dimension, linked together. And it wants to add her to it.

Nothing more complicated than that.

I'm not a very complicated person you can deal with the shit ideas

Do your part to stop the human menace! Remove yourself from humanity today!

This was such a cool idea! I think I love the wall the most, it makes me think of some crazy depiction of hell! I did a reading of this story on my YouTube channel. Here's a link if you'd like to check it out.

Full review here, but in brief: this one really got to me, especially the wall. Deeply unsettling, in a good way. Have a fave.

Lovecraft and Junji Ito meet my little pony. Hats off.

Comment posted by Flint-Lock deleted Jun 15th, 2018

I’m not understanding the question. It appears we have spelled the name the exact same way.

Whoops! Misread your comment!

Nice one! I love this kind of horror. Not gory or bloody, but creepy. Though if I were Twilight, the last thing on my mind would have been to sweep up the mess I made after breaking the mirror. I'd have gone straight to bed.

Well, no sleep tonight!

I love this one but...
Wudyah mean, not gory??

The wall bends in my direction. A thousand Twilights reaching out towards me, welcoming another sister to the fold. A hole opens up on the wall, exactly my size and shape. A spot on my left shoulder suddenly flares with pain. I look down to see a bulge of liquified fur and flesh stretching towards the niche in the wall. Several more flares of pain follow, and more bulges pop out of my skin, stretching themselves into hair-thin ribbons of liquid pony. Lavender fluid starts to ooze into the depression like molten candy into a mold…

I guess I’ve been desensitize so much that it takes a lot to faze me now. Still a great story

Author Interviewer

Damn. I'm surprised you put the wall in the cover art, since it's kind of the centerpiece of the story. :O

That being said, I'm also not convinced it's the only monster...

"All and all your just a, another brick in the wall"

Excellent work my friend :D

I really enjoy this story

Hearing the first part of this song makes me think of that cover art. Especially while watching the trailer it gets used for.

Am I out of touch for thinking that? Does it fit the cover art?

Man, the new boss fight for Terraria's wall of flesh looks tough.

In all seriousness, the story is surreal enough to have that creepy tone, while maintaining that balance of giving you just enough information to let you draw your own horrific conclusion. I would like to know a little more about the moments leading up to twilight's predicament, as all I can glean is that she tried to mess around with the portal that lead to the equestrian girls universe. Aside from that though, I have very little to complain about.

You cannot run forever Twilight. in the end you all become one with The Wall

I swallow my gorge. Urine trickles onto the rock below me. Some of the Twilights resemble my mirror universe counterpart, some are covered with scales, others have multiple heads. Some have no heads. Some have heads in nooses or heads with horrific wounds.

Reading that part fills me with the most dread. Not even death can save you from the wall.

I'm not getting any sleep now

This is a phenomenal story great job

And the award for the creepiest Twilight story goes to...

Comment posted by TOMNICE deleted May 20th, 2021


This guy made a video talking about how Coffee makes certain people have super weird and scary nightmares. So is that what's happening? Twilight is trapped in a room forever drinking coffee and one day Spike will come in and find a crazy person? Does this mean Coffee is the true main villain of the story? I mean I feel like this theory makes much more sense than a literally god torturing something for all eternity for shits and giggles.

Old gold. Sadly the artist of the pic has "Protected" their Twitter page, so there's no other place to see the beautiful cover art but this page and the narration done by Scribbler.

My theory ignoring the freddy Kruger bits is that this thing this eldritch being is a culmination of twilights stuck together due to a dimension hopping incident by a alternate twilight either a researcher going into inter demential travel as a revolutionary discovery or a magical teleportation accident from trying to replicate the gate from equestria girls long story short one twilight finds another they get curious and touch this causes a paradox fusing the two creating an eldritch abomination who hoping to fix the fuckup that is its existence tries to find another twilight to end its suffering couple hundreds of thousands of fusions later and they no longer wish to be separated but only to grow stronger and gain more knowledge hoping to one day find the one true twilight and ascend to a higher plane of existence beyond dimensions becoming an eldritch god and the one and only true twilight.

Jeez, this was phenomenally creepy! These kind of Twilight horror stories I love! Though, I know that one day, she'll succumb to the Wall... but maybe, not for now!

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