• Member Since 24th May, 2017
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago




Winter is coming, and Neocros, publicly known as Samneo, is stuck inside his cabin with Rainbow Dash. The two spend the night inside the cabin, and Neocros expresses something that he's been working on for the past few months or so.

For CategoricalGrant's contest here

Honestly, this story feels like a Christmas Special, even though this story is not canon to The Water Dragon. This story is a stand alone fimfic.

These songs inspired the fic:
In the beginning of the chapter
Spanish Wolf [Spice and Wolf AMV]
when Samneo sings for the first time
Fire Emblem Fates - Lost in Thoughts All Alone [Full English Version]
I found some art that I know of! :yay:

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 49 )
Comment posted by Samuel-Neocros deleted Mar 22nd, 2019
Comment posted by Samuel-Neocros deleted Mar 22nd, 2019

Not to bad I only reed this fan fic because I was bored waiting for my school to start if you haven’t been my follower I would have probably never reed or fund this story

Review posted on the Reviewers Cafe. You can read it right now!

Nice Review! I agree that the story doesn’t have much progression, or lack there of. However, I can’t exactly complain since this story isn’t canon...


But now that you mentioned the canon continuity in the last paragraph in your review... that has me thinking... :trixieshiftleft:

Not sure if I will make this story canon to the official canon, but if I were to do that. I’d have to make a remake of this, since A week in the winter storm seems outdated--at least for my standards.

As for the idea of the song, originally--when I made the story--I didn’t think of it much, but now that you brought the whole “build-up of this short story from the canon continuity”, I’m now in the middle of thinking and brain-storming...

I'm gonna do an audio version of this story.

Oh thank you!! I’m honored! :twilightsmile:

You're welcome

Btw, where’s your youtube channel again?

YouTube channel is called ArtistFire


As for your latest video: There’s no need to apologize for lack of uploads. I do hope you’re alright :twilightsmile:

I’ve been in some dark times myself...

I’m fine don’t worry

Uhm... I’m not sure if I should be asking this at this time but...

Uh... when’s the audio reading...?

What do you mean I don't understand?

I'm not going to do an audio reading, I may speak about it one day but not today, maybe I'll do a review of the story!

Comment posted by Artist deleted Jun 5th, 2019

I wasn’t saying you don’t understand, I was just wondering if you were doing the reading. And seeing that you might not, I now know...

Do any review of the story

I... I guess... it’s fine, do the review

Very nice short piece of fluff. It is clear you have enjoyed writing this :twilightsmile: There are some typos and roughly worded sentences that could be adjusted for better flow and enjoyment, but that’s about it. While there are also some recurring errors in direct speech that an editor’s eye cannot ignore, these do not affect the atmosphere in any significant way :twilightsmile:

You're welcome. I can explain more if need be :pinkiehappy:

Sure. The direct speech, I presume? The rest are mostly random errors that need to be judged and corrected on case by case basis.

Alright, if a dialogue tag contains a verb that conveys some speaking action (says, replies, whispers, asks, yells et cetera), the direct speech is connected to it with a comma, not a period. However, many people forget to mention that also the sentence containing the verb needs to start with a lowercase letter (except proper names and I) if it is present after the direct speech. Here is an example of a correct sentence:

“Oh! I’m terribly sorry,” he says.

Notice that it has both the comma and lowercase he.

That seems pretty easy, right?

So, let's make it a little more complicated now. Sometimes, you need to use the dialogue tag (e.g. she says) before the direct speech, mostly for better flow or context. Then it will look like this:

She says, "Write it like this."

Notice that both the dialogue tag and the direct speech start with an uppercase letter. Also, the comma is now before the direct speech.

The last thing I'd like to mention is the use of beats. Beat is just a fancy name for a dialogue tag possessing a verb that conveys some kind of different action than speaking (for example smiles, nods or blinks). When a beat is used, comma cannot be present. Period has to be in its place. (And of course, exclamation or question marks stay where they were.) Due to this, the beat has to start with an uppercase letter.

"Write it like this." She motions to the paper.

She motions to the paper. "Write it like this.“

Again, notice the placement of periods and the uppercase letters and compare it with the previous examples.

Those are the very basics. Of course, there are many more forms of dialogue, such as direct speech fragmented by beats. However, I believe this is enough for now. Let me know if anything was unclear or if you have any additional questions :twilightsmile: Also, I’m using present tense in the examples above, but it works with past tense just the same.

Although the writing in this story doesn’t exactly reflect how I write now, I do find your explanation to be very helpful! :raritystarry:

Side note: I really wanna try and write Present/Future tense, and get the past tense over with.

Glad to hear that :twilightsmile:

Side note: I really wanna try and write Present/Future tense, and get the past tense over with.

Honestly, write in whatever tense fits you the most and just make sure to keep it consistent. Despite that little direct speech guide, I personally prefer writing in past tense.

Present tense and future tense is something that not only fascinated me, but I feel it may be somewhat easier than past tense. Though I’m not sure how difficult or easy it is. But whenever I practice it, it feels a bit engaging.

A very belated review notification -- my fault, and I apologise. I liked that the awkwardness of the song lyrics was actually an in-universe plot point; that's clever. The main problem I had was that I know nothing about Samneo and have no particular reason to empathise with him. The shipping proceeds at warp factor eight at times, too.

I.. actually didn't expect a review! Thank you for reviewing this story!

Admittedly, I thought that the song bit wasn't the best, and I felt it could've been better. I was kinda like you when you react to songs in fics. However, I'm pleasantly surprised by your words. I might experiment with something like this in the future, just so I could potentially flesh it out more.

As for the rest of your review, I do agree with most, if not, all of your points. Despite my words saying it's not canon to the rest of the series, it for some reason acts as if you already know Samneo. I find it pretty jarring to see outdated concepts in this story, which I've long abandoned for the rest of his series.

Another thing, is the writing; In my opinion, this is one of the problems I have with my older works. When you look at Samneo The Earth Pony and this story.. you can tell they have a bit of a 'low-budget' feel. Have you ever seen a movie that was on a budget, seeing the effects not looking very top notch, and actors that aren't as good as you hoped--that's how I feel about these two stories. Granted, there are some good things in Week in the Winter Storm and Samneo, but even I can see that the older me was trying to compensate for not anticipating how bad I was at writing.

I will admit, I kinda wish I just rebooted back in 2017, and started from scratch.

Sorry if this reply seems half baked, but I do appreciate your time in reading my story. Stay safe out there my friend. I think I'll give you a follow, you seem chill.

By the way, I do enjoy your reviews, I'd love for you to review another story sometime.

You're very welcome, and thank you for the interesting reply! For the follow, too. :twilightsmile: As for reviewing another fic, I certainly don't rule it out -- though realistically you'd probably need an E/T-rated story marked Complete before I added it to the RiL list.

You're welcome. :twilightsmile:

Maybe while Neocros Adventures is still cooking in the oven, you could check out Samneo The Earth Pony. Though do keep in mind, it's a bit rough around the edges, but it could give you insight before going into Neocros Adventures--when it's complete.

EDIT: I would've recommended Dash of love, but it's rated M, so...

Well, I do read a few M-rated fics. But "a few" means what it says. I've reviewed well over a thousand stories in the last five years, and I'd guess fewer than 20 have been M-rated.

So uh.. what would you review, Dash of Love or Samneo: The Earth Pony?

Maybe either; I don't know. Either way, it won't be soon I'm afraid. My queue is over 200 stories, and at my usual rate that will take well into next year.

I guess it doesn't exactly matter. I apologize for not knowing about your queue, take your time, my friend.

Nicely done! Though, was surprised. You made it in 2017 but just listed under recent updates for me


as for the recent updates thing, sorry about that. I was testing out something in an unpublished chapter(I usually do this to see what effects I could do), ending up publishing it by accident, and quickly unpublished it. I apologize for the inconvenience.

No harm done, was how I found your story. Was just confused as I saw the date

I see. I was thinking of updating this story with slightly better grammar, but it would break a rule in my mind. The rule is, if I finish a story then I'm not allowed to make any changes, unless they're small.

The reason I have this rule, is because I feel it's better to show how my writing was before, so me and readers could compare it to my newer projects, y'know to see how far I've come as a writer. Though if the story's ongoing, I'm allowed to make huge changes.

Though admittedly, I'd wish to remake this. If I were, it'd be a separate story--that way readers(and myself) could compare the two.

Sadly, I feel like the rules of the site may prohibit me from making a remake, since the story might be too similar to the original.

Well, the rules state only

“Rewrites” of an old story posted as a new story, unless the changes are substantial

Very good story.

thank you. it means a lot to me

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