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Schorl Tourmaline


Comments ( 69 )

Author notes pending. Will be up no later that tomorrow for those who wish to hear my post story ramblings.

Edit: Managed to get it done before the story was approved for release. Please ignore this comment.

Go at your own pace Schorl, we will wait ^^

“Looks like I caught myself a dweeb,” said the female gryphon, extending her wings widely.

Hello, Gilda.

leather genes


Alright interested so far, lets see where this goes

Have been checking everyday since this came out for the next chapter, hope it comes out soon.

“You appear to be quite mistaken Miss Gilda,” said a new, also feminine voice. Unlike the gryphon’s which was full of attitude, and the first woman’s which was soft and pleasant, this new voice was authoritarian, with a hint of sophistication behind it. “We didn’t request his capture to simply add another body to our kennels. It was to prevent anypony who would notice the kelpie was missing from roaming about freely. Also, this is not a prison, it’s a training facility for wayward submissives. And lastly, Mi Jin is not my slave. Her master is just loaning her to me for a while as she recovers from-”

Yeah yeah, whatever.

“If it helps with your decision, Lady Tourmaline does appreciate obedience, and signing that might even make things easier for the two of you.”

I doubt that.

Mi Jin stayed in the hall, taking the door and closing it as Pathfinder entered, but not before saying to the pegasus, “Thank you for your cooperation Mr. Finder, and please... enjoy your stay here at The Society.”

I doubt he will.

Is she a kirin?

Interesting so far. Is it just me, or does it seem that Pathfinder could either be the easiest slave to tame ever, or the closest thing to a "hidden" threat the society has? Like, one or the other, no in between?

Maybe I'm just hoping that the society ends up with a metaphorical black eye though...

Just as great as ever, Schorl. You have a way with words that makes even the most uncomfortable situations (sexual or otherwise) an enjoyable reading experience. Im curious to see what happens and will follow this one closely. Good show.

Man, unlike most of these types of stories, I can actually enjoy this one as the ones putting the innocents through all of this are not being protected by narrative contrivance to be something other than reprehensible. Makes me kind of want to see one of the mane six receiving the enslavement treatment... perhaps Twilight as some of the art for this setting has hinted that the organisation is aiming to get themselves an alicorn at some point.

The OCs from this story have been well written so far, and I am looking forward to see where this goes, I hope my musings above didn't come across as a request, it was only intended to be an idle wondering of what was yet to come.

Actually, one of the prequels features Rarity as a main focus of the story. And if I recall correctly, all 6 are intended to eventually take part, one way or another, assuming plans haven't changed.

This discovery caused him to take a second look at the other pieces of furniture around, and lead to him figuring out that all the devices had similar setups to bind their occupants into them. In fact, upon further inspection, he could see that the restraints were being used on all the other ponies there already. It seemed that Schorl was very careful about how she allowed her enslaved ponies to relax, and wasn’t about to risk an escape attempt mid-session.

I suppose that's smart.

“I wouldn’t tell you to do anything I wouldn’t do myself, and I refuse to make you suffer this alone.” Pathfinder said sternly, showing no fear of what was to come.

You are going to regret that.

“For this.” Taking the moment of surprise that came from her announcement, the deer woman stuck a pair of syringes into the prone ponies.

Oh. Oh dear.

Yes, but Rarity is explicitly not in the know about what really goes on behind the scenes in that story, so I am looking forward to one of more of the mane six coming up against the darker side of the organisation.

I suppose I can't argue with that.
In that case, I really can't imagine any of them being aware of it's nature and joining in any capacity other than slave (Except maybe Pinkie. Who the hell knows with her?)
Still, we have an author with one hell of an imagination, and quite the wordsmith to boot, so I could easily be proven wrong in such a way that doesn't seem out of place.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing how that goes too, if/when it happens.

BTW, good chapter Schorl! Anxiously awaiting the next!

EEEE I have a fear if needles! hides from needles, but would join the origination in a heartbeat,so that I may rescue them still good story tho

This stories pretty fucked up...nice

Scylla on the other hand felt her pussy becoming much like her ass had, with her suddenly becoming very aware of what was going on in her vaginal passage, and what was going on was a steady flowing of liquids from her depths. She didn’t need help from the injection to know she was getting wet down there though, as she had been that way for a while now. Ever since the stags made her orgasm, her juices hadn’t stopped, and she wasn’t sure why. Her body was feeling unbearably hot, and her heart was beating so rapidly that she could feel it pounding. It felt like she was in heat, though a worse onset of it than she had ever felt before.

An aphrodisiac.

“I injected you both with a few chemical cocktails made to enhance your bodies’ ability to feel and adapt to what is about to come. Lady Tourmaline said the shot was required for the kelpie, but since you wished to share her experiences…”

You really should have seen this coming.

No longer covered in does, Pathfinder turned onto his back to look at Xenia face to face. “What do you mean stre-” he said mid turn, stopping when he caught sight of something other than an empty needle the deer woman had in her hands. She held in her grasp two rather large hoses, each with an odd nozzle at the end of it. Leaning over to his side to peer over the edge of the massage table he was atop of, Pathfinder followed his namesake and trailed the hose back to its source, happening upon a strange machine at the end.

Oh dear.

“Not at all. You could take a bath in the stuff and all it would do is remove your hair and any calluses you had, If you had any necrotic flesh inside you, there might be a small problem, but you’d be better off having that removed anyways.”

So, it would kill zombies.

Usually only her kind were that resilient to this sort of treatment that they could endure the pressure with more than a groan, at least on a first experience, and that was after a long series of ‘adjustments’ done to them. She started making hypothesis’ on how the kelpie’s anatomy might have helped with this. The pegasus on the other hand, she could only attribute will power or prior experience to. Either way, she really wanted to experiment with these two more in the future, to test her theories… and how far this endurance went.

You worry me.

he hard gotten it 




who else thought that was papa smurf

Am I the only one here who wants to go DOOMGUY on these SOB's?
Good job with the story though, even if it's triggering my angery.

Ooh boy. This is starting to get good.

This is perfect, pregnancy. check
All that slavery stuff. Check
Foxes. No, foxes are needed, not needed but will be liked :)

-Hidden one

Woo! New chapter again, one of my favorite smut stories has been updated ROLL OUT MY PARTY GUN

hehe, thank you for your enthusiasm. Nice to be appreciated.

You are actually tied with jwj as my favorite dark/smut writer

For first

Who is this jwj? I might like their work too ^_^

“There are several areas like this one, with perhaps some small variance between them. It allows for multiple events to happen at the same time, if needed, and if one room needs clean there are a few more that we members can go to instead.”

Needs to be cleaned or needs cleaning

That’s my kinda autistic brain at work there, sometimes great at grammar most times now xD

“I’m afraid not, Obedience ,” answered the pegasus, taking pleasure in using the element names, “They have since left the facility. Lady Tourmaline said they had an important purpose to fulfill elsewhere, but I assume they were just sold off to some rich ponies in far away lands. Perhaps the Saddle Arabians have an active slave trade that we are Equestrians are unaware of.”

*cough cough*

Hey, feel free to leave any notes on things I screwed up. My mind doesn't always work right when typing, and I make plenty of mistakes. Things like this help out a lot, and are entirely appreciated.

No problem happy to help when my brain cells like doing an Engrish

Yay, glad to see this updating again!
Thanks Schorl Tourmaline.

As good as ever Schorl!

I like this,I find it weird,but I like dis

That was quite a twist there

Absolutely loved this chapter! 😍 Schorl’s power is immensely fun, hopefully we get to experience more of it. Can’t wait to see what other scenarios Pathfinder learns to enjoy.

Oh deer...
See what I did there? Huh? HUH?
...I'll see myself out...

“Not to disrespectful,” Path said, cutting off the crystal unicorn for once, “But could you get to the point?”

Not to be?

Dang, another good chapter

Any idea when the next chapter to this wonderful story is coming out?

Yeah, I'm fine. I was just busy for a while working on a project, a visual novel idea I had. I actually put a link to a partially finished version of it (need to add original backgrounds and some art for some of the characters into the game, but the overall plot for the demo is done) into my recent blog post, but no one seemed to care about it.

That aside, I have started work on the next chapter of Weak and Powerless, and it should be out next week at the latest.

Any update? Been over a year since the last chapter.

good thing that not me

Is extinction of a species even a moral option to begin with?

In the case presented here, them going extinct would simply be darwinism at work. Start allowing them to rape based on "oh, they'd go extinct otherwise" and you've just opened the door for exceptions to be allowed. Next thing you know, someone of another species who can't find a mate for x reason will do so not because his race is going extinct, but he is the last of his family line or some such.

That being said, as much as they are still the bad guys here, I get it. Not excusable in the least, but there is at least a good motivation behind it.
Now the other members who join just because they think others should "know their place" should receive no mercy.

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