• Published 10th Dec 2017
  • 647 Views, 10 Comments

Nandak's Journey - Olakaan Peliik

Out to meet the horizon. Just your average exploration adventure. Nothing insane can happen. Right? Wrong. So, so wrong.

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Nandak's Journey - 1

April 20th, Day 1, 22nd hour

I left on my first exploration expedition today. My brother Krein gave me this journal because he said that it would help and that he wanted to read it when I was done. My sisters were crying their eyes out as I left. I told them I'd be fine and that I'd be back soon, but I don't think it helped.

Krein gave me the location of a gem cache that he found when he first arrived in Equestria. I've found it and am using it as my shelter for the night, I also took a few of the gems so I can buy supplies. Looking out on all that jungle with the ocean beyond just calls to me. I wanna see what lies beyond it.

But courtesy of the Princesses of Equestria, I have copies of ancient maps that show lands that haven't been seen in several millennia. The first one is deep in the deserts where the Zebra roam. Can't wait to have a look.

My youngling sister Kii enchanted my bags too which is cool. They are weightless even with all the stuff in them. So very useful.

April 26th, Day 6, 15th hour

I'm in the Zebra's lands. In order to save gems and stay on my journey longer I'm avoiding anywhere I might need to pay to sleep. I’m used to sleeping on rocks anyway. But the sand is a step up; it’s softer and kind of warmer. Sleeping beneath the stars is kinda nice too.

The Zebras are surprisingly welcoming. Some of them talk in rhyme though. I found it hard to understand those that did a few times. But the food is great, this particular dish called “Biryani” rice, spices, vegetables, egg, some kind of dairy, and dried fruits. Spicy and delicious. I'm definitely coming back here with the family.

May 3rd, Day 7, 23rd hour

That sucked. These ancient maps should really warn dragons if there are giant spiders that are big enough to eat fully grown dragons, hiding in the ruins the map is showing. Needless to say, I added that so I remember if I ever consider coming back...which probably won’t be happening in a very long time.

On top of that, on my way back I tripped over an Amphithere nest. Snake-Like creatures with dragon wings, small, hunt in swarms of fifty plus. Nasty bite. Upon my return to the Zebra's little town near the ocean, they were kind enough to help me heal from the Amphithere bites.

May 7th, Day 11, 14th hour

I found the southern edge of Equestria’s continent. Found an abandoned city that looked like it was host to Hippogryphs, but that must have been a long time ago because nothing was there.

I was in a shady town at the edge of a desert getting a warm meal at a tavern. This town wasn't on any of my maps, not even the new ones. Lots of fish-like creatures walking around on two legs, and they were selling all kinds of weird things; there was also a huge airship dock. I'm gonna continue looking around a bit.

May 7th, Day 11, 20th hour

I am never going back to that town. Seven attempts to take my gems, three offers to buy my wings, five attempts to kill me and sell my skin, and one tried to get me to buy a unicorn horn.

That place is full of pirates and criminals. Never going there again. Not even for all the gems in the world. Which some fish offered.

May 12th, Day 16, 12th hour

I'm on the southern edge of the Forest of Leota. Trying to decide if I'm gonna make a stop in New Horesleans or go see the guard tower in the other direction. I suppose I'm gonna be coming back this way eventually, so I could see New Horesleans then.

Guard Watchtower it is. Then I can head west, see what is out that way.

June 15th, Day 56, 13th hour

I haven't updated this journal in a while. Oops. So I went to the guard tower in Leota. Had a grand time. Became good pals with a soldier named Knight Gaze. Bit of a stick-in-the-mud but not a bad pony to hang with. I spent a lot of time there, a good twenty to twenty-five days or something like that, the forest had a lot to see. An abandoned haunted mansion. A weird obelisk thing with annoying flying monkeys nearby. A hole in the ground, it's more interesting if you're there. Saw some elephants, that was cool. They were also surprisingly friendly.

When I decided I saw all I wanted, I traveled west. Flew over the South Luna Ocean to get to a land that was on only one of my maps. But it was almost filled to the brim with ponies. They spoke a weirdo language, were taller than actual ponies, and threw things at me when I got close, but hey, I was something new. They probably haven't seen a dragon before.

I’ve been busy exploring this place. So many new creatures. For example; I saw a thing that looked like a bear and had a bear’s claws, but it also had a beaver tail and a duck beak. Weird, but cool. It wasn't friendly though. It scratched me. I stocked up on Zebra potions, so, brother if you are reading this I was prepared for this kind of thing.

The downside to this place is that since I spotted this place over the horizon three days ago, I've felt like I'm being watched. I even hear the snapping of twigs behind me, but when I look, there is nothing there. I'm sure it's nothing, and it's just paranoia. But perhaps I should find a cave to sleep in tonight. Stone walls might make me feel better.

Author's Note:

WOOOOO! New thing! Awesome right?

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