• Published 29th Oct 2017
  • 8,566 Views, 344 Comments

So You Escaped From Limbo - Maran

Now what do you do? When you've been gone a thousand years, you have a lot to catch up on. Heroes old and new must deal with the consequences of their choices, each in their own ways.

  • ...

Stygian Goes a Little Dark

Spike strolled down the hall toward the royal kitchen, hoping that the chefs knew how to prepare gem foods for dragons. It had been several years since he had lived in the palace, and even when he had stayed there, Celestia had made most of his meals herself.

As he traveled through the extremely long corridor, he saw a small gray pony in the distance. A few seconds later, Spike came close enough to recognize the brown cloak and bowl-cut blue mane. Spike figured that since he had become Starlight's confidant and had welcomed Discord into his guys' night group, he should show the same acceptance to the newest reformed villain.

He waved at the stallion. “Hi, Stygian! Are you looking for the kitchen?”

Stygian glanced behind him, appearing confused. Then he faced Spike once more.

“Are you talking to me, Master Dragon?” he asked, stepping toward him.

“My name is Spike, and of course I'm talking to you.” He nodded at a nearby guard. “Do you see any other Stygians here, sir?”

“No, sir,” answered the guard.

“Well, there you have it.” Spike turned back to Stygian, grinning. Then he saw that Stygian was shying away from the guard's attention, flattening his ears and ducking his head.

Spike held up his hands in a placating gesture. “Hey, it's okay! The guards aren't going to do anything to you. They take their orders from Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, and they're some of the most forgiving ponies you'll ever meet!”

Stygian's ears perked up as a tiny smile warmed his face. “And you are a forgiving dragon, Spike.”

Spike hunched his shoulders forward. “The thing is, I kind of know how you feel.”

“You are a fire breathing dragon who can swim in hot lava without feeling the slightest discomfort.” Stygian raised an eyebrow. “And I'm a little pony with no special magical skills.”

Spike shook his head. “I'm not talking about that stuff. I mean, I know what it's like to be stuck at home while your friends travel to far off places and have exciting adventures. I know what it's like to work behind the scenes while everyone else gets all the attention. I know what it's like to feel left out.” He tapped his claws together.

“That's it exactly!” Stygian's eyes grew wide as he leaned forward. “And were you the one who brought all the Elements together, the way I did the Pillars?”

“Well, no.” Spike scratched the side of his head. “I think Celestia kind of did that. You wanna talk about somepony working behind the scenes? She's the mastermind.”

“Wait a moment.” Stygian tapped his chin. “Where were the alicorns when I was trying to spread darkness across the realm? Why did they not confront me?”

Spike shrugged with a little grunt. “Who knows? Maybe they were busy with other things. At this point I've stopped questioning every time they're gone during a big threat. Anyway, I didn't bring all the Elements together, but I've lived with Twilight practically my whole life. She hatched me from an egg with her magic.”

“Really? I did not think that was possible. Not if you want the hatchling to live long, at any rate.” Stygian looked away, rubbing his chin.

“Wow, that got a little dark.”

“I am not called Stygian for my midnight blue hair.” The unicorn pointed at his mane for emphasis. “I got this far in life by being resourceful and considering all possible outcomes, no matter how dreadful. I lost count of how many times I had to stop my team of brave, foolish heroes from rushing blindly into danger.” He stared at the floor with narrowed eyes. “And what thanks did I get for my trouble? Never any encouragement or praise, just a pat on the head. Nopony built me a statue, that's for certain.”

Spike decided that this might not be the best time to mention his statue in the Crystal Empire.

“Is it any wonder that I was so desperate to prove myself to them?” Stygian asked rhetorically. “I just knew that if I studied the things that made them great, I could become as mighty as them. But I also knew that they would never give me permission to borrow them, so I figured that it was better to beg for forgiveness.” His mouth twitched with bitterness. “That was a poor prediction, to say the least. I suppose I should have gone back and explained myself, even after they kicked me out of the group. No,” he corrected himself, “I don't suppose, I definitely should have done that.” He shook his head. “But instead, I held onto my anger and pride because they made me feel more powerful than I was.”

“I know what it's like to want to prove how great you are. Not quite like you did, but there was this one time Twilight was helping oversee a summit for the leaders of the major cities in Equestria. She was exhausted, so I told her to take a nap while I took over her royal duties.” Spike paused, silently questioning his own memory. Had it been his idea, or had Twilight fallen asleep on her own? Oh well, it wasn't that important to the story.

“At first,” continued Spike, “I really did just want to help her, and everything went well, but I got carried away and I kind of let the power go to my head. My biggest mistake was definitely telling the maintenance pony not to fix the broken water main. The noise from the repairs would've woken Twilight up from her nap, so I told the pony to wait to fix the pipe. If I put off waking Twilight, I could keep being in charge. But I made the pony wait too long and the pipe burst and flooded the castle.” Spike's shoulders slumped.

“I'm sure Princess Twilight was furious.” Stygian lowered his tail. “I know Star Swirl would have been.”

“Not as furious as the ponies attending the summit,” said Spike. “She just told me that I had to fix my mistake. It sure wasn't my proudest moment. To add insult to injury, I sneezed and accidentally broke the commemorative statue. But it was hardly my fault somepony decided to plant Dragon Sneeze Trees after I moved away from Canterlot.”

“Dragon Sneeze Trees were cultivated on the eastern coast to ward off dragons,” said Stygian with a frown. “It's almost as if they didn't want you to come back.”

“You really are dark.” Spike put his hands on his hips. “You know, you could try to word things a little nicer.”

“Nicer? I said almost! How much nicer do you want? Besides, I'm merely being realistic.”

“Maybe so, but if you're too blunt, you could hurt somepony's feelings, and that makes it harder to be friends with them. I'll bet there were plenty of times Star Swirl the Bearded said something to hurt your feelings,” said Spike, spreading his hands.

Stygian lowered his ears. “That is true. Not only Star Swirl, but also the other Pillars have said things that hurt my feelings, although I don't believe they meant to wound me.” Then he gritted his teeth. “But I cannot think of any innocuous reason for the ponies of this city to plant Dragon Sneeze Trees! They have one purpose! It's in the name!” He stomped his hoof.

“Whoa!” Spike took a step back. “Take it easy! I don't know, okay? Maybe some bureaucrat thought they looked cool. Anyway, most of them are gone, now. I think they realized it was a bad idea to plant them.”

Stygian eased his stance. “I suppose. You don't think the diarchs expected the dragons to invade Canterlot, do you? That could be a reason for putting them in the city.”

“No, our relation with the Dragonlord has never been better!” Spike cheered at the subject. “I'm the official ambassador to Dragonlands, and I helped the new Dragonlord win her title!”

Stygian angled his head away from Spike and stared out of the corners of his eyes. “It sounds to me like you did go on an adventure and receive acknowledgment for your hard work.”

“Um,” said Spike, rubbing the scales on the crown of his head, “yeah, but that wasn't until I'd been helping the Element Bearers for a few years. At least, it felt that long. And before that, my friends went on plenty of adventures without me. The Map didn't even summon me until a little while ago, and it was for a friendship problem I caused.” Spike held his hand to his chest.

“But you still earned more respect than I ever did,” pressed Stygian. “I suppose there's a reason for that, however. You never decided to punish all the creatures in the country merely because a few ponies rejected you, did you?”

“Nothing like that. But my friends never turned their backs on me the way your friends did. I may have felt like I wasn't getting enough attention sometimes, but they've never kicked me out of the group no matter how many mistakes I made.” Spike shook his head. “And I admit I can be a handful. One time I went through greed growth, which was pretty dangerous for the ponies around me. Good thing it's reversible, and I can go through regular growth now.”

Stygian's frown deepened. “Hm. Maybe we're not so much alike, young Spike.”

The dragon rested his hand on the unicorn's foreleg. “Don't worry, Stygian, you'll get your chance to be a hero. Maybe someday you'll be Stygian the Brave and Glorious. In fact, I know a roleplaying game that could give you a taste of glory.”

“Roleplaying game?” Stygian echoed, wrinkling his brow.

“Sure!” Spike beamed. “It's called Ogres and Oubliettes. There's a game master – that's me – and we create our own characters and act out a fantasy adventure, rolling dice to add a random element of surprise. I play once a week with Applejack's brother Big Mac and Discord, and sometimes Rainbow and Pinkie join us.”

Stygian held up his foreleg. “Go back a bit. Did you say Discord?”

“Yeah. I'm a little surprised he hasn't popped in yet.” Spike's stomach growled. “Before I go into that story, I'm going to need to refuel. I can tell you all about Discord while we have a snack. You've probably never had a hayburger before, have you?”

“No, but I did have coffee for the first time this morning.” Stygian's eyes lit up. “It was quite invigorating!”

Spike waved his arm. “Eh, not for me. But we can ask the kitchen staff if they have any coffee left. Come on.” Tugging on Stygian's cloak, Spike led him toward the kitchen in search of caffeine and something gem-encrusted.

Author's Note:

I wrote this chapter in under 16 hours, which explains why it's shorter than the others. I want to get these chapters out quickly while this fanfic is popular.