• Published 7th Dec 2017
  • 647 Views, 0 Comments

Lacklustre-y Things - LackLustre

Or TotallyNotIceStar writes more things that aren't okay maybe.

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This is Not A Good Story (Unless You Like Dead Orphans) [T] [Trollfic]

Author's Note:

I'm not above making trollfics, and back in 2016, I wrote this single one that is now here for your eyes. Enjoy, I guess.

"This is the story about the best pony ever - an earth pony (who is also a batpony)!

It's terrible (mostly for the orphans).

Dedicated to KingMoriaty, for the OC protagonist would not exist without him.

Edited by no one. You also have to read every story on the site to even begin to fathom this one. Please don't take this seriously."

So there's your description.

Upon a once in the Equestria magical land of the world took careful care to make sure that there would always be a hero after everypony ever died and stuff happened and okay this isn't contrived at all because it's right here and completely readable and it only counts as bad writing if it's spelled wrong and everyone knows that. Horse gosh.

So pony in the land with the horse people (not the bird scale or black cheese ones cause no pony likes them and it's a show about horse ponies horse gosh!) every pony worked really hard on their horse lives and one day they all birth gave to a really cool earth pony (because the entire earth of ponies horses birthed them which made him like the daughter of all the horse God's people color horses).

She was the really best sparkle pony with the earth pony power sparkle things that glimmer sparkle shimmer gleam radiate nothing about omlets hidden in their rock candy leg bones that give him all her earth pony power that comes from the leg bones that were made of everypony's jeans so they were really strong because rock candy is like diamonds but with sugar and earth pony legs and it tastes like horses.

Since he was a super okay pony that had his coat made of all the colors and then that weird indescribable nintey-third thing on color spetrum that you see if you eat enough toadstools and gray floating goldfish and celing moss. Other than this, s/he looked really dumb for a hero and so to make sure every pony really liked and knew this hero horse pony from all the other ones he was given a really mighty horse pony name that was made of all the righteous and holy names that the special pony prophet Goggle Train Late had collected form all the other ponies in Equestria Valley and the worlds that have horse freaking stupid ape but hairless not-horse people so the really best hero had the holiest of all horse pony names that was gathered from the really scared place that kept all of the videos and secret toons that held words and videos.

The princess ponies (but not Starlight) read the name of pretty new horse hero baby child so he was called Soul Scar Neon Spruce Tree von Periwinkle Dementia I Want to Die Eating Corndogs Alone and Crying Crimson Death Dark Spooky things Garage Band Music Spider Prickly Pear California Universe Champion Really Fast Lord Duke King Queen Fresh Princess Something Incoherent about FNAF Swordmaster Black Death ('cause using 'Death twice makes him epickest) The Color Purple (goffick shade) Not-Prep Super Tornado Stormiccane Frog Eater Buttmunch Dead Heart Mortvolde Fang Awesome Batmare the Seventeenth Lady A Color that is not Black but does not start with an E BECAUSE THIS IS AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER Duchess Cool Tourtured Souless Dark and Dreary Allen Poe A 1-800 Number Swagmire Longcat Norris Esquire to show that they could be anything they ever wanted and was given lots of happy love items like hugs to smile and grin and smirk and expressions of joy native to these life forms that aren't the same centipede monsters that always know when. We look behind them they will hide and when we turn around. They quietly devour our minds (but not ponies because ponies and horses have three livers to keep them super healthy so that means that they can't have brains and they sold all their money to be colorful so shiny gold rocks mock them as their holy burden for their vanity).

One day (it was sad) Soul Scar Neon Spruce Tree von Periwinkle Dementia I Want to Die Eating Corndogs Alone and Crying Crimson Death Dark Spooky things Garage Band Music Spider Prickly Pear California Universe Champion Really Fast Lord Duke King Queen Fresh Princess Something Incoherent about FNAF Swordmaster Black Death ('cause using 'Death twice makes him epickest) The Color Purple (goffick shade) Not-Prep Super Tornado Stormiccane Frog Eater Buttmunch Dead Heart Mortvolde Fang Awesome Batmare the Seventeenth Lady A Color that is not Black but does not start with an E BECAUSE THIS IS AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER Duchess Cool Tourtured Souless Dark and Dreary Allen Poe A 1-800 Number Swagmire Longcat Norris Esquire was stolen from side bed in Galloptrot Castle on the very big mountain that used to be a really tiny pony. Then tiny pony became a rock to make ponies to live in the pony land so the stupid big bird cats would would be eaten by the firece beast animals and because all the other animals. Were really dumb and wouldn't let Mountain Man stick magic destiny stickers on their money makers.

A really envious brid cat griffion snucked into the palace and wanted to eat the special mountain but it ensued a fierce battle about saying the naught things about his grandfather that made the bird cry sad tears of woe and depression so he slit his bird wrists with a very sharp carrot that was hung on the walls of every horse in the belong to castle.

This made the griffion turn into a dragon which (ponies like) sneakity-snucked into the room of Soul Scar Neon Spruce Tree von Periwinkle Dementia I Want to Die Eating Corndogs Alone and Crying Crimson Death Dark Spooky things Garage Band Music Spider Prickly Pear California Universe Champion Really Fast Lord Duke King Queen Fresh Princess Something Incoherent about FNAF Swordmaster Black Death ('cause using 'Death twice makes him epickest) The Color Purple (goffick shade) Not-Prep Super Tornado Stormiccane Frog Eater Buttmunch Dead Heart Mortvolde Fang Awesome Batmare the Seventeenth Lady A Color that is not Black but does not start with an E BECAUSE THIS IS AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER Duchess Cool Tourtured Souless Dark and Dreary Allen Poe A 1-800 Number Swagmire Longcat Norris Esquire and placed her carefully in a flower pot (it had a lid) and sneaketh him'd away to the non-magic dumb landed with that HORSE FREAKING DUMB TREE CASTLE THING THAT FELL APART IN THE EPISODE THAT IS NEW AND FRESH AND IT CAME OUT THIS SATERDAY.

This place was called Griffionlandstupidancientsoundingnametranslatedintoatleastfiveunknownlanguagestotheauthorbeforetheyjustgaveupandstolesomethingthatsoundedokayfromlordoftherings(butthemoviesbecausetheyareplebs). Everyone was super birdy and they are boring and don't deserve the episodes they got because ponies are better. Their leader was the child heir offspring of the ponies (because ponies rule) Garble and Suri Polocelestia and Gilda and Silver Rich and Spoon Shill and Princess (not a real one) Filthy because this is the pretty pony who ruled the dragons that kidnapped Soul Scar Neon Spruce Tree von Periwinkle Dementia I Want to Die Eating Corndogs Alone and Crying Crimson Death Dark Spooky things Garage Band Music Spider Prickly Pear California Universe Champion Really Fast Lord Duke King Queen Fresh Princess Something Incoherent about FNAF Swordmaster Black Death ('cause using 'Death twice makes him epickest) The Color Purple (goffick shade) Not-Prep Super Tornado Stormiccane Frog Eater Buttmunch Dead Heart Mortvolde Fang Awesome Batmare the Seventeenth Lady A Color that is not Black but does not start with an E BECAUSE THIS IS AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER Duchess Cool Tourtured Souless Dark and Dreary Allen Poe A 1-800 Number Swagmire Longcat Norris Esquire.

Like a bajillion (10, at most - you know, one of this big numbers) months passed which meant Soul Scar Neon Spruce Tree von Periwinkle Dementia I Want to Die Eating Corndogs Alone and Crying Crimson Death Dark Spooky things Garage Band Music Spider Prickly Pear California Universe Champion Really Fast Lord Duke King Queen Fresh Princess Something Incoherent about FNAF Swordmaster Black Death ('cause using 'Death twice makes him epickest) The Color Purple (goffick shade) Not-Prep Super Tornado Stormiccane Frog Eater Buttmunch Dead Heart Mortvolde Fang Awesome Batmare the Seventeenth Lady A Color that is not Black but does not start with an E BECAUSE THIS IS AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER Duchess Cool Tourtured Souless Dark and Dreary Allen Poe A 1-800 Number Swagmire Longcat Norris Esquire was a really big adult filly that was very grown.

The colt was very powerful due to the very evil amulet of the pegacorncobs and her eyes glowed with the best colors of very opaque olive lettuce green (that's earth pony magic color) and killed all the griiffions (yay) and disembowled all of their orphans which made Celestia and Luna and Nigtmare Starlight and Cadance and the other five princess ponies very happy when they found all the bricks in Canterlot Castle replaced with joy-happy really dead orphans (they were birds).

For being really good and saving the world and defeating all the bad things ever (they will shall come back and Soul Scar Neon Spruce Tree von Periwinkle Dementia I Want to Die Eating Corndogs Alone and Crying Crimson Death Dark Spooky things Garage Band Music Spider Prickly Pear California Universe Champion Really Fast Lord Duke King Queen Fresh Princess Something Incoherent about FNAF Swordmaster Black Death ('cause using 'Death twice makes him epickest) The Color Purple (goffick shade) Not-Prep Super Tornado Stormiccane Frog Eater Buttmunch Dead Heart Mortvolde Fang Awesome Batmare the Seventeenth Lady A Color that is not Black but does not start with an E BECAUSE THIS IS AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER Duchess Cool Tourtured Souless Dark and Dreary Allen Poe A 1-800 Number Swagmire Longcat Norris Esquire will kill them all very dead. Again).

Soul Scar Neon Spruce Tree von Periwinkle Dementia I Want to Die Eating Corndogs Alone and Crying Crimson Death Dark Spooky things Garage Band Music Spider Prickly Pear California Universe Champion Really Fast Lord Duke King Queen Fresh Princess Something Incoherent about FNAF Swordmaster Black Death ('cause using 'Death twice makes him epickest) The Color Purple (goffick shade) Not-Prep Super Tornado Stormiccane Frog Eater Buttmunch Dead Heart Mortvolde Fang Awesome Batmare the Seventeenth Lady A Color that is not Black but does not start with an E BECAUSE THIS IS AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER Duchess Cool Tourtured Souless Dark and Dreary Allen Poe A 1-800 Number Swagmire Longcat Norris Esquire earned all the cutie marks from horse God and then Celestia patted Soul Scar Neon Spruce Tree von Periwinkle Dementia I Want to Die Eating Corndogs Alone and Crying Crimson Death Dark Spooky things Garage Band Music Spider Prickly Pear California Universe Champion Really Fast Lord Duke King Queen Fresh Princess Something Incoherent about FNAF Swordmaster Black Death ('cause using 'Death twice makes him epickest) The Color Purple (goffick shade) Not-Prep Super Tornado Stormiccane Frog Eater Buttmunch Dead Heart Mortvolde Fang Awesome Batmare the Seventeenth Lady A Color that is not Black but does not start with an E BECAUSE THIS IS AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER Duchess Cool Tourtured Souless Dark and Dreary Allen Poe A 1-800 Number Swagmire Longcat Norris Esquire on the main head which made Soul Scar Neon Spruce Tree von Periwinkle Dementia I Want to Die Eating Corndogs Alone and Crying Crimson Death Dark Spooky things Garage Band Music Spider Prickly Pear California Universe Champion Really Fast Lord Duke King Queen Fresh Princess Something Incoherent about FNAF Swordmaster Black Death ('cause using 'Death twice makes him epickest) The Color Purple (goffick shade) Not-Prep Super Tornado Stormiccane Frog Eater Buttmunch Dead Heart Mortvolde Fang Awesome Batmare the Seventeenth Lady A Color that is not Black but does not start with an E BECAUSE THIS IS AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER Duchess Cool Tourtured Souless Dark and Dreary Allen Poe A 1-800 Number Swagmire Longcat Norris Esquire smile happy.

Suddenly, Soul Scar Neon Spruce Tree von Periwinkle Dementia I Want to Die Eating Corndogs Alone and Crying Crimson Death Dark Spooky things Garage Band Music Spider Prickly Pear California Universe Champion Really Fast Lord Duke King Queen Fresh Princess Something Incoherent about FNAF Swordmaster Black Death ('cause using 'Death twice makes him epickest) The Color Purple (goffick shade) Not-Prep Super Tornado Stormiccane Frog Eater Buttmunch Dead Heart Mortvolde Fang Awesome Batmare the Seventeenth Lady A Color that is not Black but does not start with an E BECAUSE THIS IS AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER Duchess Cool Tourtured Souless Dark and Dreary Allen Poe A 1-800 Number Swagmire Longcat Norris Esquire become a batpony to show how very dark and trouble their past had been living with the birds.

Horse God, they were dummy and made Soul Scar Neon Spruce Tree von Periwinkle Dementia I Want to Die Eating Corndogs Alone and Crying Crimson Death Dark Spooky things Garage Band Music Spider Prickly Pear California Universe Champion Really Fast Lord Duke King Queen Fresh Princess Something Incoherent about FNAF Swordmaster Black Death ('cause using 'Death twice makes him epickest) The Color Purple (goffick shade) Not-Prep Super Tornado Stormiccane Frog Eater Buttmunch Dead Heart Mortvolde Fang Awesome Batmare the Seventeenth Lady A Color that is not Black but does not start with an E BECAUSE THIS IS AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER Duchess Cool Tourtured Souless Dark and Dreary Allen Poe A 1-800 Number Swagmire Longcat Norris Esquire cry a lot and eat salads (which are bad for ponies). They also cutted and sewed Soul Scar Neon Spruce Tree von Periwinkle Dementia I Want to Die Eating Corndogs Alone and Crying Crimson Death Dark Spooky things Garage Band Music Spider Prickly Pear California Universe Champion Really Fast Lord Duke King Queen Fresh Princess Something Incoherent about FNAF Swordmaster Black Death ('cause using 'Death twice makes him epickest) The Color Purple (goffick shade) Not-Prep Super Tornado Stormiccane Frog Eater Buttmunch Dead Heart Mortvolde Fang Awesome Batmare the Seventeenth Lady A Color that is not Black but does not start with an E BECAUSE THIS IS AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER Duchess Cool Tourtured Souless Dark and Dreary Allen Poe A 1-800 Number Swagmire Longcat Norris Esquire back together a lot with dumb feathers dipped in the tears of the orphans that they ated.

Orphans are dumb and the griffions were stupid for not letting Soul Scar Neon Spruce Tree von Periwinkle Dementia I Want to Die Eating Corndogs Alone and Crying Crimson Death Dark Spooky things Garage Band Music Spider Prickly Pear California Universe Champion Really Fast Lord Duke King Queen Fresh Princess Something Incoherent about FNAF Swordmaster Black Death ('cause using 'Death twice makes him epickest) The Color Purple (goffick shade) Not-Prep Super Tornado Stormiccane Frog Eater Buttmunch Dead Heart Mortvolde Fang Awesome Batmare the Seventeenth Lady A Color that is not Black but does not start with an E BECAUSE THIS IS AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER Duchess Cool Tourtured Souless Dark and Dreary Allen Poe A 1-800 Number Swagmire Longcat Norris Esquire by any to put on top of the meagre fifteen course (ponies eat twenty courses of orphans for snacks alone) meals that Soul Scar Neon Spruce Tree von Periwinkle Dementia I Want to Die Eating Corndogs Alone and Crying Crimson Death Dark Spooky things Garage Band Music Spider Prickly Pear California Universe Champion Really Fast Lord Duke King Queen Fresh Princess Something Incoherent about FNAF Swordmaster Black Death ('cause using 'Death twice makes him epickest) The Color Purple (goffick shade) Not-Prep Super Tornado Stormiccane Frog Eater Buttmunch Dead Heart Mortvolde Fang Awesome Batmare the Seventeenth Lady A Color that is not Black but does not start with an E BECAUSE THIS IS AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER Duchess Cool Tourtured Souless Dark and Dreary Allen Poe A 1-800 Number Swagmire Longcat Norris Esquire was given in her moldy cell that was draped covered in garish unsightly cloth of gold that made his eyes hurt.

Soul Scar Neon Spruce Tree von Periwinkle Dementia I Want to Die Eating Corndogs Alone and Crying Crimson Death Dark Spooky things Garage Band Music Spider Prickly Pear California Universe Champion Really Fast Lord Duke King Queen Fresh Princess Something Incoherent about FNAF Swordmaster Black Death ('cause using 'Death twice makes him epickest) The Color Purple (goffick shade) Not-Prep Super Tornado Stormiccane Frog Eater Buttmunch Dead Heart Mortvolde Fang Awesome Batmare the Seventeenth Lady A Color that is not Black but does not start with an E BECAUSE THIS IS AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER Duchess Cool Tourtured Souless Dark and Dreary Allen Poe A 1-800 Number Swagmire Longcat Norris Esquire's could not hurt any more longer because they were darker than the abyss itself and that is how they had always been and THEY WERE NOT LIKE LIMPID TEARS BECAUSE THIS IS A GOOD STORY. Duh.

Really mean bad things happen in dead bird land place to Soul Scar Neon Spruce Tree von Periwinkle Dementia I Want to Die Eating Corndogs Alone and Crying Crimson Death Dark Spooky things Garage Band Music Spider Prickly Pear California Universe Champion Really Fast Lord Duke King Queen Fresh Princess Something Incoherent about FNAF Swordmaster Black Death ('cause using 'Death twice makes him epickest) The Color Purple (goffick shade) Not-Prep Super Tornado Stormiccane Frog Eater Buttmunch Dead Heart Mortvolde Fang Awesome Batmare the Seventeenth Lady A Color that is not Black but does not start with an E BECAUSE THIS IS AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER Duchess Cool Tourtured Souless Dark and Dreary Allen Poe A 1-800 Number Swagmire Longcat Norris Esquire because earth ponies are the best and the birds were dumb and mean because they weren'ted earth bat ponies so did all the not nice things Soul Scar Neon Spruce Tree von Periwinkle Dementia I Want to Die Eating Corndogs Alone and Crying Crimson Death Dark Spooky things Garage Band Music Spider Prickly Pear California Universe Champion Really Fast Lord Duke King Queen Fresh Princess Something Incoherent about FNAF Swordmaster Black Death ('cause using 'Death twice makes him epickest) The Color Purple (goffick shade) Not-Prep Super Tornado Stormiccane Frog Eater Buttmunch Dead Heart Mortvolde Fang Awesome Batmare the Seventeenth Lady A Color that is not Black but does not start with an E BECAUSE THIS IS AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER Duchess Cool Tourtured Souless Dark and Dreary Allen Poe A 1-800 Number Swagmire Longcat Norris Esquire like breaking all fifteen of his legs, cutting her mane in unflattering styles, killing dead all of Soul Scar Neon Spruce Tree von Periwinkle Dementia I Want to Die Eating Corndogs Alone and Crying Crimson Death Dark Spooky things Garage Band Music Spider Prickly Pear California Universe Champion Really Fast Lord Duke King Queen Fresh Princess Something Incoherent about FNAF Swordmaster Black Death ('cause using 'Death twice makes him epickest) The Color Purple (goffick shade) Not-Prep Super Tornado Stormiccane Frog Eater Buttmunch Dead Heart Mortvolde Fang Awesome Batmare the Seventeenth Lady A Color that is not Black but does not start with an E BECAUSE THIS IS AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER Duchess Cool Tourtured Souless Dark and Dreary Allen Poe A 1-800 Number Swagmire Longcat Norris Esquire's friends that were doomed orhans going to be eated by dragons (which are cool) and Soul Scar Neon Spruce Tree von Periwinkle Dementia I Want to Die Eating Corndogs Alone and Crying Crimson Death Dark Spooky things Garage Band Music Spider Prickly Pear California Universe Champion Really Fast Lord Duke King Queen Fresh Princess Something Incoherent about FNAF Swordmaster Black Death ('cause using 'Death twice makes him epickest) The Color Purple (goffick shade) Not-Prep Super Tornado Stormiccane Frog Eater Buttmunch Dead Heart Mortvolde Fang Awesome Batmare the Seventeenth Lady A Color that is not Black but does not start with an E BECAUSE THIS IS AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER Duchess Cool Tourtured Souless Dark and Dreary Allen Poe A 1-800 Number Swagmire Longcat Norris Esquire (which is coolest). Griffon idiots also stoles all the coloring pages from Soul Scar Neon Spruce Tree von Periwinkle Dementia I Want to Die Eating Corndogs Alone and Crying Crimson Death Dark Spooky things Garage Band Music Spider Prickly Pear California Universe Champion Really Fast Lord Duke King Queen Fresh Princess Something Incoherent about FNAF Swordmaster Black Death ('cause using 'Death twice makes him epickest) The Color Purple (goffick shade) Not-Prep Super Tornado Stormiccane Frog Eater Buttmunch Dead Heart Mortvolde Fang Awesome Batmare the Seventeenth Lady A Color that is not Black but does not start with an E BECAUSE THIS IS AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER Duchess Cool Tourtured Souless Dark and Dreary Allen Poe A 1-800 Number Swagmire Longcat Norris Esquire's orphan books (made of orphan skins)!!!!!6!!!

So now that Soul Scar Neon Spruce Tree von Periwinkle Dementia I Want to Die Eating Corndogs Alone and Crying Crimson Death Dark Spooky things Garage Band Music Spider Prickly Pear California Universe Champion Really Fast Lord Duke King Queen Fresh Princess Something Incoherent about FNAF Swordmaster Black Death ('cause using 'Death twice makes him epickest) The Color Purple (goffick shade) Not-Prep Super Tornado Stormiccane Frog Eater Buttmunch Dead Heart Mortvolde Fang Awesome Batmare the Seventeenth Lady A Color that is not Black but does not start with an E BECAUSE THIS IS AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER Duchess Cool Tourtured Souless Dark and Dreary Allen Poe A 1-800 Number Swagmire Longcat Norris Esquire was earth bat pony horse and could save Equestria (SEE ITS CALLED EQUESTRIA THAT MEANS IT'S ABOUT THE HORSE PONES NOT THE DUMB BURDS OH MY HORSE GODS GET IT RIGHT)! All the time forver and infinity (very long time) that means all the orphans will die (like, a lot) because Soul Scar Neon Spruce Tree von Periwinkle Dementia I Want to Die Eating Corndogs Alone and Crying Crimson Death Dark Spooky things Garage Band Music Spider Prickly Pear California Universe Champion Really Fast Lord Duke King Queen Fresh Princess Something Incoherent about FNAF Swordmaster Black Death ('cause using 'Death twice makes him epickest) The Color Purple (goffick shade) Not-Prep Super Tornado Stormiccane Frog Eater Buttmunch Dead Heart Mortvolde Fang Awesome Batmare the Seventeenth Lady A Color that is not Black but does not start with an E BECAUSE THIS IS AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER Duchess Cool Tourtured Souless Dark and Dreary Allen Poe A 1-800 Number Swagmire Longcat Norris Esquire is really good and they are really evil.

Equestria planet becamed the most happy horse land with Soul Scar Neon Spruce Tree von Periwinkle Dementia I Want to Die Eating Corndogs Alone and Crying Crimson Death Dark Spooky things Garage Band Music Spider Prickly Pear California Universe Champion Really Fast Lord Duke King Queen Fresh Princess Something Incoherent about FNAF Swordmaster Black Death ('cause using 'Death twice makes him epickest) The Color Purple (goffick shade) Not-Prep Super Tornado Stormiccane Frog Eater Buttmunch Dead Heart Mortvolde Fang Awesome Batmare the Seventeenth Lady A Color that is not Black but does not start with an E BECAUSE THIS IS AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER Duchess Cool Tourtured Souless Dark and Dreary Allen Poe A 1-800 Number Swagmire Longcat Norris Esquire overcoming dark brooding over piles of very dead orphans (but with gems on them because Soul Scar Neon Spruce Tree von Periwinkle Dementia I Want to Die Eating Corndogs Alone and Crying Crimson Death Dark Spooky things Garage Band Music Spider Prickly Pear California Universe Champion Really Fast Lord Duke King Queen Fresh Princess Something Incoherent about FNAF Swordmaster Black Death ('cause using 'Death twice makes him epickest) The Color Purple (goffick shade) Not-Prep Super Tornado Stormiccane Frog Eater Buttmunch Dead Heart Mortvolde Fang Awesome Batmare the Seventeenth Lady A Color that is not Black but does not start with an E BECAUSE THIS IS AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER Duchess Cool Tourtured Souless Dark and Dreary Allen Poe A 1-800 Number Swagmire Longcat Norris Esquire is now very royal).

This means that Soul Scar Neon Spruce Tree von Periwinkle Dementia I Want to Die Eating Corndogs Alone and Crying Crimson Death Dark Spooky things Garage Band Music Spider Prickly Pear California Universe Champion Really Fast Lord Duke King Queen Fresh Princess Something Incoherent about FNAF Swordmaster Black Death ('cause using 'Death twice makes him epickest) The Color Purple (goffick shade) Not-Prep Super Tornado Stormiccane Frog Eater Buttmunch Dead Heart Mortvolde Fang Awesome Batmare the Seventeenth Lady A Color that is not Black but does not start with an E BECAUSE THIS IS AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER Duchess Cool Tourtured Souless Dark and Dreary Allen Poe A 1-800 Number Swagmire Longcat Norris Esquire could become the best princess king queen. Because he was very strong and ate all the villains (they were orphans) for being freaking horse gosh-ing evil meanies using the power of the sixteenth element (it had nothing do do with orphans). And zapping them into rainbows for everypony to eat to make their manes pretty so the orphans eyes will burn with fire burn.

Now that no orphans could make anypony (see it's a show about ponies except for King Sombra who is a rhino and deserved to die because rhinos are the stupidest breed of horse pones. Everypony became very royalled with Soul Scar Neon Spruce Tree von Periwinkle Dementia I Want to Die Eating Corndogs Alone and Crying Crimson Death Dark Spooky things Garage Band Music Spider Prickly Pear California Universe Champion Really Fast Lord Duke King Queen Fresh Princess Something Incoherent about FNAF Swordmaster Black Death ('cause using 'Death twice makes him epickest) The Color Purple (goffick shade) Not-Prep Super Tornado Stormiccane Frog Eater Buttmunch Dead Heart Mortvolde Fang Awesome Batmare the Seventeenth Lady A Color that is not Black but does not start with an E BECAUSE THIS IS AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER Duchess Cool Tourtured Souless Dark and Dreary Allen Poe A 1-800 Number Swagmire Longcat Norris Esquire was the happiest happy horse except for then the princess ponies (but not Soul Scar Neon Spruce Tree von Periwinkle Dementia I Want to Die Eating Corndogs Alone and Crying Crimson Death Dark Spooky things Garage Band Music Spider Prickly Pear California Universe Champion Really Fast Lord Duke King Queen Fresh Princess Something Incoherent about FNAF Swordmaster Black Death ('cause using 'Death twice makes him epickest) The Color Purple (goffick shade) Not-Prep Super Tornado Stormiccane Frog Eater Buttmunch Dead Heart Mortvolde Fang Awesome Batmare the Seventeenth Lady A Color that is not Black but does not start with an E BECAUSE THIS IS AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER Duchess Cool Tourtured Souless Dark and Dreary Allen Poe A 1-800 Number Swagmire Longcat Norris Esquire) died many times (how sad) and that made the very cool bat earth horse pony even sadder.

The gained the best cootie mark (ONE THAT STARLIGHT CAN"TNOT NOT STEAL!) that any pony could can ever have THAT IS VERY COOL AND NICE FOR SUCH A NICE pony like the protganhero. It means all the talents and stuff and depression. It is very powerful and. Is shaped like a goldfishes' ass (they have those).

Soul Scar Neon Spruce Tree von Periwinkle Dementia I Want to Die Eating Corndogs Alone and Crying Crimson Death Dark Spooky things Garage Band Music Spider Prickly Pear California Universe Champion Really Fast Lord Duke King Queen Fresh Princess Something Incoherent about FNAF Swordmaster Black Death ('cause using 'Death twice makes him epickest) The Color Purple (goffick shade) Not-Prep Super Tornado Stormiccane Frog Eater Buttmunch Dead Heart Mortvolde Fang Awesome Batmare the Seventeenth Lady A Color that is not Black but does not start with an E BECAUSE THIS IS AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER Duchess Cool Tourtured Souless Dark and Dreary Allen Poe A 1-800 Number Swagmire Longcat Norris Esquire then make killed everypony else and became the Horse Pony Pone Poni god and went back on the past to prevent self from orphan become and birthed all the horse ponies again at start of universe.
