• Published 26th Oct 2017
  • 2,076 Views, 43 Comments

Pony Horror Anthology - LoreLove

A collection of short horror stories featuring ponies you may or may not know well. See what encounters each one experiences. Can they handle the fear?

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Time and time again it came down to practice. Octavia knew that there would be no way of bettering herself as cellist than to keep working on it. Every note had to be right and perfectly on time. Above all, she had to want it and keep her passion with her while playing. It was taxing at times to say the least.

The gray mare sighed and relaxed herself as she stood on her hind legs. The stringed instrument leaned to her as she held the bow in a hoof and closed her eyes. One more song and she would head home. Her roommate was probably wondering where she was anyway.

Slowly, Octavia began to start a peaceful melody. The hum of the notes turning into wonderful notes made her smile as she played, standing outside the edge of town. Ponyville was too busy to concentrate properly and so she had taken it upon herself to find just the right spot and work.

Several ponies had stopped by during her few hours of tuning and playing. Many stamped their hooves or clopped them together in applause at how beautiful the melodies came out. Even if she still knew there was more to improve it did fill her with joy that ponies in passing enjoyed what they heard. She only wished she could appreciate it as much as they did. After all, she was her own worst critic on the matter.

It may have been only several minutes later but it felt too short to enjoy her peace yet too long on working out the smallest mistakes. With an inward sigh, the gray earth pony gave a gentle bow to her tiny audience before gently putting away her cello. The day would be over soon and it only made her more upset that she had wasted time getting out there to practice so late. Tomorrow would be better.

“Very well played!” exclaimed one of the stallions. “Will you be performing at the Canterlot theater this month?”

“Oh,” Octavia said gently with a smile, “why thank you. I have received an invitation though I haven’t replied.”

“Please do! I love your music,” the stallion told her before bidding her farewell.

Perhaps she should. Many ponies did seem to love her music and it would help with a few things. Getting more bits for performing at the theater would clearly help with the living conditions Vinyl and her were experiencing. Small repairs and new furniture would be an ideal thing.

The only real matter was having her stick to the idea. Vinyl would press her to do but she didn’t like being forced into situations. There was a long pause as she thought about it before nodding to herself. It would only bring good to them, so it wouldn’t hurt to try.

Hoisting the cello case over with the custom harness, Octavia secured the instrument to her side like any saddlebag and began making her way back into town. Her mind was filled with the various notes and songs lightly running along and playing for her to listen to as she walked home.

If she had it her way she would have stayed out far longer and kept going. Though she did need to check up on Vinyl and make sure things were still okay at home. They did live together and split the bills so it would be a bad idea to just not be around for her friend.

When the gray mare was nearly home her ears lightly flicked and tilted back. Her head shook as she blinked and let out an audible sigh. Maybe she had been out a bit longer than she needed or just didn’t have the best day going for her. She felt tired and like something else kept playing in her ears. A foreleg came up and rubbed at the ears before continuing to her home.

Upon reaching the front door she could hear the muffled thumps of heavy bass and feel the reverberations with how close she was. There was a small grimace before she wipe the look off her face and nudged the door open. Of course, the second the door opened at all there was a blast of heavy music to assault her and make her wince.

“Vinyl!” Octavia called out loudly. She felt her voice was being eaten by the music itself. “Vinyl! Turn it down!”

For a moment she thought it might come down to her pulling those headphones off her friend, until the decibels lowered. Finally, she could think again. Her face contorted slightly as she folded her ears back and rubbed at them once more. That loud mash of bass and nonsense must have given her a light ringing sound as an after effect.

“Thank you,” Octavia said softly and smiled to her friend in honest. “You should consider toning it down some days, Vinyl. I know you love your style and the house can contain… most of it. Just that it might damage your ears in the long run.”

The blue maned and white coated unicorn from the other end of the living room gave a nod and smiled. Her shades were on as seemed normal even within the house. Octavia never understood but also never questioned it. Just something she left alone.

“I was thinking about that Canterlot invitation a bit ago,” Octavia said, wanting to keep conversation going so the music didn’t get turned back up. “I might go and perform.”

Hooves sounded out, clambering around before Vinyl had made her way over in a rush and hugged her friend tightly. The gesture was sweet and Octavia knew it been on Vinyl’s mind plenty for such a reaction to come out.

“Okay,” she said with a giggle. “Okay, okay. I’ll do it. Just promise me the house doesn’t get rocked to the foundation while I’m gone next month?”

Vinyl stepped back and nodded, her grin wide and not at all trying to hide it. If she wasn’t mute there would be constant praises being shouted or perhaps how proud of Octavia she was. Instead, only the kind smile and happiness that shone so brightly.

Octavia never had a problem with her roommate having no voice. Communication was rather easy and with the help of music they learned plenty from one another. On the rare occasion, Vinyl did drag out her board and chalk to make some things easier to understand but it had been collecting dust for the past few months.

There must have been an odd look on Octavia’s face with how her friend was looking at her. She was about to brush it off before her eyes lowered and ears wilted.

“I’ve just been tired today. It’s nothing, really. Don’t worry, okay?” Octavia answered and let herself smile a bit. “Now, I need a good deal of rest and maybe some tea in the morning. Think you can play just a little more quiet tonight?”

The unicorn gave a swift nod and crossed a hoof over her chest. It was a small notion but it still made the cellist’s heart warm. The two of them parted as Vinyl went back to her record table setup that Octavia knew little about and the tired earth pony herself made her way to her bedroom.

It was mere second when she got into her room and closed the door that she heard her friend start up once again. There was a small laugh that came from her but she just felt too exhausted to fully give into it. Setting her cello case aside and slipping off her bow tie, the gray mare sighed heavily as she practically collapsed onto the bed.

She had no clue why she was so tired for the day but constant practice for hours at a time with no break could have been a good indication. Her body rolled from one side to the other as she enjoyed the cool sheets against her and closed her eyes. The Canterlot theater would be extravagant and she would be performing for all sorts of famous ponies all over Equestria there. There was a lot going on in her mind as she began to drift to sleep.

If only that light and incessant ringing would stop.


Morning had come rather abruptly for Octavia. The sun shone brightly through the windows with the birds chirping outside. She hadn’t been quite sure what time she passed out but was glad she could wake up with more energy.

Her violet eyes squinted at the window to take in the light until she sat up and yawned wide. The thoughts of what to do for the day began to slowly fill her mind as she stayed in bed a moment longer only to finally force herself up. It would be a waste to rest until midday then decide to practice or take care of things.

Carefully, her teeth took in the covers as she started making her bed and tried to decide on what she wanted for breakfast. Tea sounded much nicer than coffee and maybe even a bit of a honey in it. Just a tiny treat for herself that she enjoyed from time to time.

It would be a good day to head out early and work on her melodies with how clear the sky was. Everything seemed rather perfect for a calming day of music despite how exhausted it might make her if she didn’t take a break a few times from it. Possibly the reason of being so tired the day before.

With a new day ahead, Octavia let her hooves carry her from one part of the house to the next. Her trot was light as she passed the turntables her friend often used for music. She never quite grasped how they worked entirely but Vinyl seemed to have quite a lot of fun with them. A light smile drifted across her muzzle before she continued on into the kitchen to warm the water.

There would be so much time to play her cello that she might be able to help work on a few small fixes around the house. Supposing they had the right tools and made proper attempts. The thought made her scrunch her face slightly before shaking her head. It would be best to leave it to those who knew the craft.

The whistling of the kettle on the stove drew her attention and she was quick to stifle the sound from continuing. If Vinyl was still asleep then she wanted her dear friend to keep getting needed rest. It wasn’t until she started pouring the hot water into a cup that something else caught her ears.

A look back to the stove showed no other appliance or second kettle upon the top. Strange. She was certain she heard a whistling of some sort as if she hadn’t picked it up though much fainter. Her mind quickly went back to making her tea when she heard the noise once more.

It was no whistle she was picking up but rather a slight ringing noise. There was no beginning nor end to the sound either. A constant and droning noise that hindered faintly on the edge within hearing.

“What is that?” Octavia whispered to herself as she glanced around. Her confusion seemed to stay upon her face while she looked for the source yet nothing held any indication of it.

Using a hoof, the gray mare rubbed at an ear in an attempt to sooth the sound but it seemed to do as it pleased. There was something very strange about it that kept her focus. Exactly what it might be seemed to leave her clueless, though she was certain it wasn’t just any noise.

The sound of Vinyl’s door opening almost startled her with how focused she was. It was louder than she could have anticipated but she quickly calmed down. After a minute, Vinyl herself walked around the corner with a yawn and a smile upon seeing her roommate up.

“Good morning,” Octavia greeted to her unicorn friend. “Tea?”

Vinyl still looked incredibly tired but she was probably more awake than Octavia. There was some thought into the question before the white pony nodded and lazily made her way to the nearby table. Her eyes gazed into the already filled cup before looking over to her roommate.

“Go ahead. I can make myself another. You probably need it more than me,” said the cellist as she got another teacup ready with leaves.

Her handling of the kettle with her mouth was as careful as any pony, making sure not a drop spilled, while she filled her own cup. The tea leaves were doused and all that would be left would be a nice dab of honey. Perhaps two dollops instead of one.

The mare smiled to herself as she pulled the amber filled jar over and grabbed the dipper. In her attempt to add two quick drops of honey it appeared she may have doubled it. Well, she deserved a treat to start her day. Once finished, her head turned as she asked her friend if she wanted any.

Those eyebrows raised though the mouth and eyes seemed to show she didn’t understand. A questioning look. Octavia was thankful she could read her expression and moved to show the honey jar. The unicorn’s face quickly changed to one of excitement.

In went four drops, rather generously added by Octavia herself, and the two began their calm morning tea. It was relaxing having somepony there with her to enjoy small moments as such. Conversation might be seldom at times but the company was one she wouldn’t trade the world for.

Upon the setting of a cup, the light clack of ceramic onto the wooden table made the gray mare’s ears flick. Her face went blank for a second before quickly shaking her head. That noise felt like it just needed a small start to get in and begin again.

Vinyl’s head tilted lightly as she noticed the change in body language. Her white hoof rapped the table gently to her friend’s attention before gently shaking her hoof.

“Oh, sorry,” Octavia finally answered, looking up with a forced smile. “Just something bugging me a little is all. Nothing to worry about.”

There was a small motion of white hooves from the unicorn before she looked inquiringly to the cellist seated across from her. It was an obvious sign.

“It’s nothing, really. Just a little ringing noise. Guess I haven’t woken up fully,” the earth pony replied and gently giggled.

The questioning look of Vinyl didn’t exactly make her feel any better about it but she knew it was nothing. Loud concerts or dramatically increased noises could cause it for a moment. Even though there had been nothing like that to cause the couple of instances recently, Octavia saw no need for worry.

“I was playing too loud,” she teased and smiled behind her lifted teacup. The corners of her eyes shifted enough to give Vinyl the notice of such a hidden smile.

The two grinned together with Octavia nearly snorting in her attempt to quiet herself as Vinyl quietly laughed along with her. It was a nice morning to spend with her roommate, she was sure of that. They eventually calmed down and finished their tea before getting ready for the day.

With Vinyl working on her own album to pitch, Octavia had to make sure her own songs were in order for the coming event in Canterlot. Brushing her mane and teeth, the cellist got herself ready and slung her instrument over her back. There was a friendly wave to each other before the unicorn magically started her records and began moving components.

Quickly, Octavia went out the door as the blast of odd beats and heavy bass nearly helped push her out. Once the door was shut she could hear the muffled noises from inside the house continuing. She could also hear that ringing starting up again. Her thoughts were brought to maybe Vinyl’s music causing the issue but she didn’t want to rush to such a drastic conclusion.

It did bother her that the noise didn’t seem to let up as she started walking. The sound felt like it was following her and continued its unyielding droning. Just what was that? Annoying is what it is, she thought.

She had nearly cross the town before it finally stopped. At least, it felt like it stopped. Her mind had shifted into a better place and her focus was suddenly on her music. It stayed that way until she thought about it again.

The ringing persisted.


The day had gone from great to rather disappointing. If Octavia could count the number of times her focus was lost she would have been more productive. Each song had to be repeated or restarted several times over and many notes were wrong or entirely missed somehow. The frustration was mounting.

It was when she finally put down her bow to take her second break of the day that she realized why things were going so bad. Instead of her mind being on music she was becoming more interested on the ringing. The otherwise silent noise no other pony could hear but her. The thing was so distracting for her somehow.

With her mind so unfocused, the cellist mare hardly noticed when one of the ponies had walked up and lightly placed a couple of bits into her case. She had never asked for donations or even had many given since she kept her case closed most of the time.

Looking up from her seated position, Octavia saw a rather pale unicorn in dark mauve colored robes. The pony wore no expression but seemed to be watching the frustrated musician closely as she passed by without a word.

“Uh, thank you,” Octavia finally said while her head gave a light shake to clear her mind.

“Don’t give in if you aren’t prepared,” spoke the unicorn while walking away.

“Excuse me?” came the gray mare’s response while shifting to stand up. Though she hardly had time to run after the odd pony before she was lost.

Exactly where she went Octavia couldn’t tell. There looked to be very little for such a pony to run and hide behind but nothing seemed out of place. Baffled at the odd encounter, the cellist sighed and began working herself up to start playing again. The statement lingered on her mind for a moment longer as she tried to understand its meaning.

It wasn’t long before she pushed it out of her mind and did her best to focus on the music she had memorized. Carefully, each movement of her foreleg moved the bow along the strings and began to make the beautiful music she cherished deeply once again. She felt she finally had her muse back and smiled as she played for the loving pony audience.

Things felt at peace within her and it showed greatly through her music. The proper rhythm and notes were all on point as she let the melody take hold of her. Octavia swayed ever so slightly to her own song while she played and closed her eyes. Whatever had gone over her she welcomed to stay.

It was an odd sensation to her to suddenly be feeling her own music in such a manner. Each and every note was perfect and captivating. The sound was bliss as she lost herself to it while she played, working the bow and frets with hooves only a professional could.

As the songs played out for the rest of the day she continued on into the evening. There were no more breaks while she let things take place and just went with it all. The one thing she did come to notice was the absence of the infernal ringing noise while playing. It soothed her and made her far happier to know as well. What had changed, she did not know.

Hours did pass much like the numerous ponies that came to listen and be off later. Octavia still played. Her songs nearly went into the night until she had come to her senses at the end of one. The sky had grown dark overhead and there were naught a single pony around to listen. She had been playing only to herself.

A glance to her cello case yielded a nice lump of bits tossed in during her whole play. It was more money than she had seen in the past two weeks. The sight was something that nearly stole her breath away as she quickly began to pack up and slip the money into a spare saddlebag. Vinyl would be very happy to see the income.

Things got sorted and fastened as Octavia gathered everything and began her trek back home. She had stayed out far later than she wished but didn’t seem as upset about it as she would have been. If the day had been continuing with bad notes and terrible pacing then she might have been far more angry with herself.

About halfway to her home she started thinking of the mysterious mare that had told her some strange statement. Either she was confused with another or it was some odd riddle. The robe looked a little out of place as well with the golden hem around the sleeves and base considering the many other things to be wearing during a sunny day.

Octavia rolled her eyes and sighed to herself. She would sound like the famous Rarity if she started going on about what other ponies wear. The idea was a little humorous but faded quickly for the moment her mind began to relax she started hearing it once more.

“Just stop,” she muttered, the cellist lowering her head and folding her ears back.

Her hooves stumbled over a small lump of dirt and caused her to stagger. The mare tripped and fumbled barely able to cushion her fall with her legs as she felt the jostle of bits shake against her. There was a small rip and several metal coin spilled from the newly torn hole in the saddlebag as she groaned.

She would have blamed the whole thing on it being dark but it was still easy enough to see. The real reason she tripped was that noise distracting her. Every second just having it sound off around her. Of course she would have an accident with something that annoying.

The mood had shifted greatly into a far deeper tone as she grumbled and took the time to pick up all she could while rearranging her bags. It looked like she would have to get her saddlebag repaired soon with a hole that large. It was probably the weight of the bits that caused a weak seam to tear.

Octavia groaned and made sure everything was in proper order all while hearing that incessant sound. Her ears flicked a few times trying to bat away the repetitive nature of it but it was in vain. When she finally began walking again, she tried her best to ignore the ringing as best she could.

Thoughts of what the noise could be began to fill her head as she neared her home. There had been accounts of something similar she heard of. The problem had been called tinnitus but beyond that she couldn’t remember much. It affected others but was she the only pony that had it in such severity? Did it bother anypony else as much?

There would have been more thought on it if she hadn’t nearly ran into her own front door. Even the muffled beats of Vinyl’s own music weren’t heard in the distraction. After listening for it specifically, Octavia did near the distinct sounds of her friend’s loud bass and smiled to herself. Some other distraction she welcomed eagerly.

Opening the door met her with the incredible volume of Vinyl’s own song. It was all so incredibly loud but she didn’t find it annoying. Anything to drown out the haunting drone. The mare stumbled inside and shut the door before any complaints could begin from neighboring ponies.

It was strange to hear the music stop instantly. Usually, Vinyl went on for a while after she came home, even if it was a bit quieter. The silence only seemed to heighten the ringing around the cellist. No, not around her. She could tell it was in her ears. That’s why she couldn’t stop it so easily.

A look up showed her roommate staring back in worry. Those purple tinted glasses were magically raised as she seemed to be either analyzing Octavia’s looks or waiting for a response. What would Octavia say to her? How could she get her to understand such a silly issue?

Vinyl gave a shake of her head and held up her forelegs practically begging for an answer and almost asking what happened. The gesture made the gray mare feel a bit worse knowing she didn’t look that well just from a glance.

“I… It’s nothing,” Octavia said while trying to walk on by and just get something to eat. She wanted to lay down and try to forget about the inconveniences of the day.

A foreleg came around the back of her neck and pulled her in close. Vinyl hugged her dear friend and shook her head. Once she pointed at the torn bag and scuffed hind leg Octavia decided to explain the whole ordeal to her. Though she may have severely downplayed the entire thing to make sure she didn’t cause anymore stress to her roommate.

“So, it’s just a small ringing in my ears. I can’t really explain it,” the cellist pony ended the explanation with. She felt worn out.

Vinyl sat still for a moment while taking in everything before holding up a hoof. She wanted her friend to wait a moment. Octavia obliged and nodded as she sat down and let the instrument case clatter to the floor. It didn’t take long for the unicorn to come back, hovering her small board and chalk before her as she blew on it to dust off the surface.

‘Go see a doctor,’ Vinyl wrote and faced it to her.

“I would but it would cost so much. I know we need to fix this place up as well,” Octavia said and watched her friend wipe the board clean before magically drawing on it again.

‘Tavi, you need to. Please?’ was written on the surface revealed to her then the piece of chalk pointed to the bag of bits.

“Okay, okay. I’ll go in the morning. I was hoping to surprise you with the money,” the defeated mare answered and smiled weakly. It wasn’t easy for Octavia to give up the fight but that noise felt like it might drive her mad if she didn’t take care of it.

The gesture given after did make her feel better about giving in. It was nothing more than a simple ‘Thank you’ Vinyl used with her hooves but it was received wonderfully. Even though Octavia wouldn’t mind her friend starting her music again it seemed Vinyl wished to be considerate and stop playing entirely for the night. The two ate a late dinner and cleaned up before heading their own rooms soon after.

The entire time Octavia was trying her best to ignore the sound. It probably showed on her face more than once or became noticeable when she glanced around at the table a few times. If her music would suffer from such a thing then it would be in her best interest to see a doctor about it. Vinyl was right.

As she got ready for bed, Octavia began almost hearing it a bit louder than usual. It didn’t rise so much in pitch as it did in volume. The ringing became something a bit more. There was something hidden beneath it or within it. Somehow, the knowledge of it gave her chills. Whatever it was it didn’t feel right.

Laying in bed only seemed to worsen the effect. She could hear something else. Her mind couldn’t decipher what it could be but the whole instance was unsettling her more as she tried to ignore it. Nothing helped. Pillows over her ears, humming to herself, trying to think of anything other than that cursed noise, yet it all failed.

Octavia felt she was going to lose her mind to it until she remembered her day out. She had somehow forgotten or at least kept it at bay during a certain moment while playing. It wasn’t a good idea to play so late but she wanted it to go away. Just one song might help.

Slowly, the gray earth pony crept out of bed and went to grab her case. Even though the house was silent her ears were filled with that dreaded sound the entire way. She wasted no time in setting up in her room and sitting in her chair. It only had to be one song to subside it. Just enough to get through the night with.

Closing her eyes, Octavia carefully began to play. The music was hardly quelled within the walls of her room. A slow melody seeped out into the rest of the house as she closed her eyes and let herself get lost once again. Just one song.


Sunrise came and light flooded into the room slowly. Octavia stayed seated with bow in her hoof and her eyes still closed. She had played throughout the night and hadn’t actually slept a wink. It showed easily through the light bags under her eyes and her overall tired look.

It was peaceful. The cellist had been happy and at ease for those hours. The moment her door opened it made her stop suddenly and wait. It would be Vinyl wanting to check up on her and see how things were. Instead of opening her eyes, Octavia merely nodded.

“I’m fine. I’ll go to the doctor soon,” she assured her friend before continuing her playing.

What she didn’t see was probably for the best. Vinyl had more worry on her face and seemed rather close to crying. She had heard the playing through the night and when she woke up. The unicorn knew it wasn’t okay but she had no idea what to do other than have her friend go to the doctor as she promised.

The next few hours were played with no breaks between melodies. Octavia’s foreleg felt sore from the movements through the night but she wouldn’t relent just to keep the noise away. Not until she had to leave as she assured her roommate.

There was a heavy sigh when she finally ended her nearly endless play. The ringing was instant when it came back, persistent and louder than usual. Her ears pinned back as she tried her best to get ready while glancing back behind her every so often. She was certain she heard something else. Somepony else.

If she could have played the whole time she would have, by Celestia. Her mind was being rattled by the ringing and slight noises beyond it. It almost sounded like whispers. Octavia shuddered.

The gray cellist got things sorted and quickly grabbed another bag to deposit the money in. With the coin secured, Octavia took a deep breath and tried to keep her mind busy as she began heading out. The small board hanging near the front door made her give a tired smile as she went out and started on her walk to the nearest otolaryngologist.

It was sweet of Vinyl to tell her to take care before leaving. The unicorn had her heart in the right spot for sure. It was something Octavia grew fond of and one of the big reasons Vinyl stayed such a close friend. She just wished she could do more for her.

“I’m sorry?” Octavia called out as she looked around. She had heard somepony say something nearby, had she not?

The area around her was devoid of ponies other than the couple far across talking to each other. Nothing was seeming right. No pony could have talked that close to her and be gone so quick. The noise increased.

In her fear, Octavia could hear more whispers hidden beneath the thin layer of the ringing. Most of it was impossible to understand but she could hear a word or two once in a while. Things that didn’t make any sense but words nonetheless. Did they mean something?

Her walking slowed as she tried listening closer for once. The ringing was almost a background noise as she could hear the voices a little more though hardly enough to distinguish what was being said entirely. The focus eventually withdrew from walking to listening as she stopped.

With her stress and fatigue she could only hazard a guess at just how worn out she looked. It didn’t help with her sitting in the middle of the area and blankly staring at the grass while trying to hear voices. Was she going crazy?

The sound of her name seemed to instantly bring her back from her distant thoughts and interest as she gasped and looked up. A look around showed no pony near and only leaving her with herself to answer who had spoken. Octavia felt herself breathing heavily as she tried to bring her attention away from it all but the voices only seemed to insist she listen.

“You hear them now. Don’t you?” came a voice behind her.

Octavia almost jumped out of her gray coat before turning to see what pony had decided to strike up conversation. It was the strange mare from the day before. The same robes in dark mauve adorned the pale unicorn as her straight mane of some dark but faded red was over to one side.

“Who are you?” Octavia inquired as she felt her heart thumping rapidly in her chest.

“Don’t listen to them if you aren’t ready,” came the only response to the question. The curious mare wasn’t one with formalities it appeared.

“What are you talking about?” the cellist pony asked before it slowly began to dawn on her. “Do you hear them?”

“I do. They don’t like it when you listen,” the pony told her and stared blankly, almost as if she was staring into the stressed pony’s soul.

“’They?’” Octavia asked and looked around them both before leaning in closer. “How do you know I hear them?” She felt mad just asking but that noise was already feeling like an attempt to drive her insane.

“They call your name out. They know you can hear them. Don’t listen,” the robed mare said simply and looked off in the distance for a moment. “They’re always here.”

There were so many question that Octavia wanted to ask but she didn’t know where to begin. Was she crazy for listening to the mare or just desperate? Was the mare right? Did the unicorn know something more?

“I don’t even kno-” Octavia began before being interrupted.

“You aren’t ready. You won’t be ready. I can tell it’s taking a toll on you faster than others,” explained the unicorn vaguely. “You won’t be accepted.”

The more she listen the more Octavia began to feel as if she were in actual danger. Nothing seemed to support such a claim but the fact some random pony knew she was hearing things without telling anypony other than her roommate had her interested enough to stay listening.

“What do I do?” the cellist finally asked, hoping for an actual answer.

“Nothing. Go about your life as usual. They will only persist if you give them attention,” replied the mysterious pony.

“Nothing? How do I ignore it then?” Octavia asked almost in a cry. She didn’t want to be pulled around as if the whole thing was a joke. The noises were festering at her as they spoke!

“However you can,” was the answer given. The mare looked back to her and seemed to study her for a moment. “They’ll come for you if you listen.”

It felt like there was a weight pressing down on the gray mare upon hearing those words. Her heart was pounding like crazy as she tried to understand what little was actually told to her. Who or what might be trying to get her specifically made her worry. Why her?

The robed mare turned and began walking away as if the conversation was over. The hood to her robes stayed along her back as Octavia saw a large tome fastened to the side of the pony she hadn’t noticed before. It dawned on her that she didn’t get to ask so many other questions and almost crawled forward.

“Do they go away?” the desperate mare called out to the departing pony.



Octavia sat in her room, cello against her, playing continuously. Her mind was comforted only by the fact she could play. The songs she made helped ease the voices she was hearing. No doctor could fix the problem she had so she decided to return home and just do her best to thwart whatever looming threat might be at a brink of her sanity.

The songs filled the house as she stayed seated and moved only when necessary. With Vinyl out to try and sell her own album it left Octavia with plenty of freedom to just play her heart out. There was no need for time or dates. She knew she was a prisoner of whatever was holding her mental health captive.

The cello sang and Octavia listened. The two were a pair forever destined. A thought or two had passed her mind before she started playing such as if she were suffering from schizophrenia or maybe just paranoia making her lose it from the ringing. Neither of which could be explained how another pony she had never met knew that she could hear it.

All the hours were lost to her. Nothing else mattered as she worked away the bow and frets, doing her best to keep from hearing ‘them’ again. What it or they were she had no real idea but the information she did have only filled her with fear. She had briefly wished she asked if it was possible to see ‘them’ but quickly thanked herself it hadn’t occurred to her.

How many hours had passed until she heard the front door open were unknown to her. Vinyl had come home and most likely seen the dropped saddlebag and scattered bits on the floor. The sounds of the cello moaned out in groaning fashion as the strings were used. There came a quick galloping to the bedroom door before it opened.

Octavia stayed seated, playing for herself as she kept her eyes closed. She knew she wouldn’t hear her friend speak and she couldn’t bear facing her in the state she was in. Her foreleg kept moving the bow as she played.

“I can’t go,” the cellist mentioned. “I can’t let them get me.”

Vinyl stared at her friend in shock and worry before running over to try and pull at her foreleg with the bow. The sudden stop of the melody had Octavia spring her eyes open and glance around frantically. Her leg tugged away from Vinyl as she began breathe a bit heavily.

“Let go! They know!” Octavia screamed in fear, managing to wrestle free and instantly pick up the melody as if it had merely been paused though in a faster rhythm.

The look in her eyes scared the unicorn as she backed away and watched. Something was driving her friend to this madness but she didn’t know what. Instead of disturbing her again, Vinyl slowly backed out of the room and closed the door with her magic.

With only music being her guide, Octavia played through the rest of the day and well into the night. Her mind could not deal with the things lurking beyond her current realm. She didn’t knew who or what they were but they knew she was listening. It was impossible for her to go back to a normal life. She would always have them in the back of her mind and could slip up by listening when she didn’t mean to. It was why she chose to play.

There were lulls in her lone music when she fell unconscious or got too tired. Days began sifting into one another yet she never noticed. Every small break to eat or drink as Vinyl tried offering only ended up with her rushing to play once again and in such a fever she feared she would have to use the rosin too soon.

Every break or stir out of her sleep was met with louder voices. She could hear them clearly. Each and every word sounded as if it were right next to her. Some of them were in another language she had never heard before. Rest came seldom to her if she could help it. They haunted her dreams and Luna was either powerless or knew nothing of it.

She had tried telling Vinyl what she knew but it always came out as nonsense. Just her blabbering on about how ‘they’ would take her way if she stopped. How something might get her because it knows she can’t focus on anything else. The weeks were grueling for them both. Late in the nights there came light cries for help from Octavia’s room with her music.

Things stayed on edge as the weeks continued. It was all a manic cry from the mare. The music had become something almost otherworldly sounding and gave Vinyl nightmares that Luna was effortless in fighting off. Every night was the same thing, hearing such strange music that never sat well with the unicorn. Those soft pleas.

It was one particular night that brought the unicorn out of her sleep though not from the nightmares. Instead she had heard something different. There was no mistaking it. Octavia had cried out. It wasn’t the scream that woke Vinyl but the deafening silence moments before.

The melody didn’t continue.

Author's Note:

Had a couple things that inspired on this, such as thinking on the idea of if a slight noise would become more than bothersome. Also, the cult pony that's encountered and makes an appearance within is made by the great artist LockHeart/9Volt.

If you wish for a visual representation on her, here you go, both by the same artist: