• Published 19th Oct 2017
  • 676 Views, 41 Comments

Changeling's new groove - Blackdust

He was born a human. But now? He's more than that...

  • ...

1 month later...

Author's Note:

And here's words of crack for those of you that are actually reading this horrible parody.

Euphoria had arrived on Earth almost a month ago at this point and was devastated to learn that she was the only thing from Equis. Well, the only REAL thing. She learned that Equis as she knew it was actually a show for little girls and other humans that bore the title of "brony".

It hurt her deeply, knowing that her existence was a lie in itself. She spent most of the week that she learned of the 'television show' My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic crying and trying to give up, but everytime she came close to stopping, Jackie would find some way to bring her happiness and hope. And by the end of the second week since she arrived, she had accepted her fate and decided to make her existence known. It was only through Jackie's insistence of watching several sci-fi horrors that she didn't try anything too bold yet. Instead, she had taken to hiding in his basment.

The shifting in her chest, she soon realized, was indeed an egg. But that wasn't what was worrying her, oh no, it was the fact that when Jackie left the room, she felt the egg shift towards where he was. As such, every time Jackie thought he had snuck up on her, even though she herself wouldn't feel any emotions, she knew he was there.

Today was the one month anniversary, as Jackie put it, of her arriving on Earth, and he had something planned for her. Honestly he had been working on it for the past week, and every time she asked him about it, he would tell her to wait and see. Now that the day had finally arrived, she knew that something special was going to happen. And it made her giddy with anticipation, and fearful of the outcome. Euphoria looked down at the clock on her custom made, 'jailbroken' as Jackie told her, laptop and noticed that it was already 6:53.

"Odd... he said he would be back by 6:45 or 6:50... maybe something bad happened to him?" Euphoria asked aloud.

Then she felt it. The egg shifted up and behind her, indicating that Jackie had simply been running a little behind. But she also heard something else. More voices.

"Come on, Jackie Chan. Let's see this 'changeling' that you claim to have helped," said a voice that sounded a bit gravelly, almost like the human yelled a lot at his job.

"Yeah, but I still say those photos were faked," said another voice that was far sweeter by contrast, but drizzled in disbelief, this one seeming to be the voice of the owner of that dinner that Jackie took her to on occasion.

"Believe me, Jessie, I wouldn't lie about something like this. And I gotta make sure that she's awake first, Alfred," Jackie said to the other two voices.

Then came three sharp hits on the cellar door, followed by the shave-and-a-haircut that Jackie had taught her earlier that month so that she would know if someone else was at the door. She buzzed over to the door and unlocked it, returning the sequence as she did.

"What the hell Jackie!? I know I did not just hear bugs buzzing around in your basement!" Gravel Voice shouted.

"Relax, Alfred. That was Euphoria you heard," Jackie replied while opening up the door and revealing the undisguised changeling.

The first human Euphoria saw was Jackie, her only friend. Then she saw another man, she knew it was a man because he had a beard and no teats, with brown colored hair, black eyes, a plaid overshirt with a white one under it, some blue jeans and boots. From the creases the boots had, she guessed they were steel toed. Because the clothes were kind of baggy on him, she couldn't quite tell if he was 'fit' or not.

Then she noticed the other human. A female, if the bumps on her chest were anything to go by. This one having what seemed to be a leather jacket, plaid shirt, blue jeans as well, boots, and what Jackie said, and showed, was a cowboy hat. Her boots weren't steel toe, if the creases going all the way down the toes were anything to go by.

Seconds passed. And then minutes. And just when Euphoria was going to just turn and walk away, the male, Alfred, pointed a finger and released a very unmanly scream, then promptly passed out.

Jessie and Jackie looked at each other and sighed, then picked him up and carried him into the cellar. When they set him down on Euphoria's bed, Jessie promptly sat down on the floor and pulled out something from the inside of her coat.

"Hey, you said you quit smoking," Jackie said, snatching the box away from her without looking at it.

"I did, jack ass. That's gum, and it's how I deal with weird shit. And let me tell you, I'm gonna need the entire fucking box by the end of this story, so you better start talking," Jessie said, snatching the box back and pulling out a 'stick of gum'. Jackie promptly slapped himself in the face and apologized.

After giving a very brief explanation of how Euphoria and Jackie have managed to communicate with the outside world and not be caught yet, which Alfred woke up in the middle of, Jessie and Alfred were silent for several minutes.

"So... are you guys gonna freak out or anything?" Jackie asked after it seemed like they weren't going to speak.

"Welp... I ain't all too sure what to make of this," said another voice from the top of the cellar.

Everyone in the small room immediately turned towards the door to see a man in a black tux with dark sunglasses. He was white with dark brown, almost black hair and he seemed to have an expression of total disapproval.

"Um... who are you?" Euphoria asked while everyone else was starting to move backwards away from the man.

"Mah name ain't all that important. What is important, is that all four ah y'all need to have one of two actions. Have the past month of interacting with that alien erased from y'all's memory, or come with me to help make peaceful interactions with it," the man said.

"Hey! She has a name asshole!" Jackie snapped at the man.

Euphoria nodded and said, "My name, which he gave me, is Euphoria. Caretaker drone of the Badlands hive which is commanded by Queen Chrysalis."

The man in the suit cocked an eyebrow and then sighed, and then took his glasses off while moving down the stairs into the cellar.

"Well. I guess it's only appropriate that I tell you my name then. I'm called Agent B, and that's all I am allowed to tell you for security reasons," the man said while standing at the base of the stairs.