• Published 14th Oct 2017
  • 1,012 Views, 26 Comments

The Chocolatier - LordBucket

This is a story about chocolate. Any ponies, dragons, or romance that may happen along the way is purely coincidental.

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3 - The Friend

Lyra frowned at the entrance to Twilight's castle. It was still so strange to think that her shy fillyhood friend from Canterlot was now royalty. Sure, the little book nerd had always been great at magic. But how did that translate into becoming the Princess of Friendship? Still, if Lyra had a friendship problem, this was the place to be. And Lyra most definitely had a friendship problem.

Her horn glowed and she opened the door into the antechamber where Spike was sitting on a recliner with a stack of books nearby.

"Hey Lyra," Spike set down his drink and greeted her with a hug. "It's good to see you. What can I do for you?"

"Thanks Spike," Lyra struggled to put up a weak smile. "Is Twilight in?"

"Sure," he nodded. "What's the occasion? Another recital? I'm sorry I missed the last one, but-"

"No, not this time Spike," she sighed. "I...have a problem. You know, a friendship problem."

"Wow, really? She'll be thrilled. It's so hard for her to find excuses to make reports these days. Gimme a second, and I'll go get her."

Lyra sat down on a futon and waited. Before long, Spike returned with the princess in tow.

"Hello, Lyra!" she beamed. "Spike tells me you have a friendship problem!"

"Well, don't be so eager about it," Lyra chagrined. "But, yes. It's about Bonbon. She's...well. I'm...I guess, how to put this? I think I might be a bad friend."

"That's great!" Twilight practically shouted. "I'll get us some tea and we can talk it over!"

Lyra cringed as Twilight stumbled over her own hooves to fetch the tea kettle from the next room. She wasn't sure why. Lyra was no Element of Magic, but even with her limited range she could sense the kettle on the burner in the next room over. Glancing over at Spike, she saw him settling into the cushion next to hers, taking a sip from his drink and getting back to his reading.

"Hey," Lyra asked. "Is that hot chocolate?"

"Yeah, you want some?" he said, getting up. "I can ask Twilight to make you some instead of tea. It comes in these little packets, so it's real easy."

"No, I don't want a whole cup. Could I just try some of yours?"

"Uhh, sure," he shrugged. "Here you go."

Spike held the cup loosely in the air as Lyra took it into her telekinetic field. Wafting it briefly under her muzzle, she sniffed experimentally before taking a sip and frowning. Then took another sip with eyes focused as if searching for something, then merely shook her head.

"Something wrong?"

"No, it's nothing," Lyra dismissed and levitated the cup back over to him. "I just don't see what the big deal is. Thanks."

"Sure, no problem," Spike settled back into his chair. "So what's this all about? Something the matter with Bonbon?"

"No," she frowned. "Yes. Sort of. It's more like something's the matter with me, really. I'm a bad friend. I don't mean to be, but I am."

"No you're not." Spike objected. "A bad friend wouldn't even know if there was a problem. I don't know what's upsetting you, but whatever it is you obviously care about it. And if you really care and came here to try to make it better, then you can't be a bad friend. Just one who hasn't figured out the right thing to do yet. And once you do, you'll do it and everything will be better. So what's the problem?"

Lyra sighed. "Bonbon...likes me. Like, like-likes me. And I just don't feel the same way. And I think I might be hurting her just by being near. But what am I going to do, dump her even though we're not dating? Say goodbye even though she's done nothing wrong and lots of stuff right?"

"I know what that's like," Spike nodded. "I've been on the other side of it."

"Yeah, but it's not the same," she objected. "Sure, Rarity knows you like her, and you know she knows. Everypony knows, actually. But you've never gone so far as to sit down and talk to her about it. You both have plausible deniability. Bonbon and I don't. We've talked about this. A lot."

"Does that really matter?" Spike shrugged. "I've come to terms with my situation with Rarity, and I try to just enjoy her company. She's a very special pony but she's not going to be around forever. I'm just glad to have her in my life while I still can. Someday I'll be all grown up, but she'll be dead and buried by then. It's sad, but what can I do? You say you and Bonbon have talked this out. So yeah, she knows you don't like her like that, and maybe that's sad in a way. But it's no reason for you to not let her enjoy your company, even if there's no romance. I don't regret the time Rarity gives me, even if we're not together in the way I want. Why would Bonbon regret the time you give her?"

The crash of shattering porcelain sounded from the next room. "Tea's up in just a minute!" Twilight shouted.

"I guess," Lyra struggled with her thoughts. "But at least you and Rarity have good reasons why you can't be together. You're saving yourself a lifetime of hurt, not having to watch her die and then be alone without her for centuries. And you're allowing her her dignity, not condemning her to watch you get bigger and stronger while she grows weak and frail over the years. Rarity cares about stuff like that. It would totally kill her to not be the beautiful one in a relationship."

"Are you saying I'm beautiful?" Spike grinned. "I'm single, you know."

"You know what I mean!" Lyra laughed nervously. "It would be hard on her to be with you romantically. You get that, right?"

"Yeah, I know," he nodded. "It would be hard for both of us. And maybe that makes it easier for me to let go, but I don't think your deal with Bonbon is all that much different. Unrequited love is hard."

Their conversation was interrupted by the hissing of steam and a pained shriek. "I'm totally ok!" Twilight shouted. "Just used to Spike making the tea, that's all. I'll be right out!"

A moment passed in silence while Lyra contemplated her next question.

"Do you love her, Spike?" she asked, unsure if she wanted to know the answer. "Do you love Rarity?"

"I don't know," he admitted. "She was a childhood crush for me. Was it love or just infatuation? I'm not sure, but whatever it was I still feel it and honestly I doubt that feeling will ever go away. But I know it's not in the cards for us, and I'd rather set my eyes on something real, you know? Something that might actually happen."

"I know how you feel." Lyra stared blankly into space.

"Not just some fantasy I can never realize," Spike continued. "I don't want to be alone forever, and chasing after an unrequited love for Rarity is just a different kind of being alone. It's better to go after someone attainable, you know? Someone I can actually reach out and touch. Someone who would be there for me. "

Lyra swallowed hard and stood up. "Hey, Spike?" she hesitated. "Thank you...for everything. You've given me a lot to think about, really. You're a good friend."

"I'm happy to help," he said as he leaned over to ruffle her mane. "Stop by anytime."

Lyra got up to leave and Spike picked up his book. She made it as far as the door before she paused, took a deep breath and turned around.

"Umm, Spike?"

"Yeah, Lyra?"

"There's a...umm, little place," she stammered, "across from the lake."

"You mean the Italian restaurant? Mareios?"

"Yeah, that's the one. Would you..." Lyra inhaled deeply, "would you like to, umm...get dinner sometime?"

"Are you asking me out?" Spike blurted out, shocked. "Like, on a date?"

"I...well," Lyra blushed. It was now or never. "Yes. Yes, I am. Asking you to go on a date. With me. Please."

Twilight walked proudly into the room bearing both a silver tea platter, as well as two fresh bandages on her face and one on her left foreleg. And several others across her back covering suspiciously tea kettle shaped bruises.

"I brought the tea!" she beamed, adjusting her eye patch to cover the burn marks. Then with her one good eye she looked around and noticed her guest was missing. "Spike, where's Lyra?"

Spike downed the rest of his hot chocolate, then set the cup down with a grin.

"I think I solved her friendship problem."