• Published 28th Oct 2017
  • 6,600 Views, 187 Comments

The Last Train Home - Monochromatic

Life is like a train ride, don't you think, dearest? Destinations will change, trains will be caught and missed, but there will always be somepony willing to journey with you—so long as you let them.

  • ...


???. The Last Train Home

In the book of Rarity's life, Twilight Sparkle was its beginning, is its middle, and will be its end.

Rarity knew this for a fact, and she would not have it any other way.

She always did love Manehattan.

She loved the city lights, the trends, and the ponies who seemed to live on a different plane of time, if that made sense. It was the city where time went as fast or slow as one’s life. It had been before she was and would continue to be after she was gone.

Like Twilight.

And still, she would not have it any other way.

Her eyes traveled the city’s station, the autumn wind keeping her company as she waited for the train to arrive and take them home. It was late—nearly an hour so—but neither of them felt very much bothered by the fact. There was no need and desire to rush back after having spent such an intimate weekend together.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, in and out for about ten times, until a wonderful scent filled the air and a smile swept across her lips.

“Goodness, what is that wonderful aroma?” Rarity asked aloud, taking another delectable whiff before opening her eyes and finding the most lovely Princess standing before her, a cup of tea now floating by her side. “My, my, my, Princess Twilight Sparkle! You are doing a wonderful job at enticing me.” She paused. “And I suppose the tea smells nice, too.”

“Thanks,” she said, rolling her eyes in that playful fashion she did when Rarity had secretly pleased her.

Rarity took the tea in her magic, taking a sip as she made sure not only to devour Twilight with her eyes, but that Twilight knew she was doing so. She always did love Twilight as a unicorn, but she could not say that her wings and new height hadn’t been something Rarity did not immensely enjoy.

“What?” Twilight asked with a sheepish laugh after Rarity had spent too long quietly admiring her.

“I’m looking at you,” she replied.

“Well, I know that, silly,” Twilight said, taking a sip of her own tea. “Why are you looking at me?”

And she called Rarity silly! She thought it would be obvious.

“Because I love you,” she replied, and what a grin she had to bite down at how torn Twilight looked between being embarrassed and delighted.

Long ago, for her and Rarity, back when they were still only discovering their relationship, to utter those three words to the bookish pony was to turn Twilight into quite the flustered mess of a dear. When they were young, and silly, and as in love as they always would be.

That time, however, Twilight simply smiled and leaned in, regaling Rarity with her lips.

“I love you,” she whispered when she pulled back, and when she nuzzled Rarity afterwards, the unicorn knew she meant it.

It pained her when Twilight moved away, and she didn’t say it so much as she whined it. She smiled victoriously when Twilight laughed and sat beside her, enveloping Rarity in her wing and resting her chin atop her beloved’s head. They fell silent for a while, enjoying each other’s presence, and again Rarity told Twilight that she loved her.

She would love her until her dying day.

She knew this for a fact, as well, and just as twice before, she would not have it any other way.

She felt it, suddenly, Twilight tightening her wing’s grip around her.


There was a moment of silence, eternal until it was broken.

“I…” A long breath, and she confessed, “I don’t want to go.”

Rarity didn’t know what to say, even as her heart seemed to shrink in her chest. It was hard, wasn’t it? Difficult when a wonderful trip came to an end, where a moment of fantasy was broken, and one was forced to return to reality.

“I know, my darling,” she said, “but poor Spike is waiting, isn’t he? You have to go back to him, and I have to go back to a lifetime of being terrified of you going to Saddle Arabia.”

“Rarity…” Twilight said, her voice grave. “I should have never told you that.”

“What? That the stallions there are absolute dreamboats?” she asked playfully, and laughed when Twilight groaned. “Darliiiiiing, I’m only teasing, my love. I just can’t stand seeing you sad.” She finally relented and confessed, “I don’t want to go back, either, but… the show must go on, as it were. Besides…”

She took a sip of her tea.

“...We could always just travel back in time and relive the trip, you know?” she suggested, and finally drew out a genuine laugh from her princess.

“Right,” she said. “What a great idea.”

Rarity took another sip of her tea and allowed herself to slip back into nostalgia. How could she not, with her and Twilight waiting for a train, cuddled together and drinking tea.

The train finally arrived.

They stared at it for a long time, embraced in their moment and each other.

“Here it is,” Rarity said. “The last train home.”

Twilight laughed. “Oh my gosh, you’re so dramatic.”

Rarity gasped. “Am I?! Darling, stop the presses!”

It was Twilight who finally tore herself away, making a show out of shaking her head. Rarity watched her step into the train, and a pain rippled through her heart.

It always was terribly sad, wasn’t it, when things came to an end.

She took a final breath and stepped into the train, finding that Twilight had been waiting for her inside. Ponies moved to the side as a Princess of Equestria stepped by, Rarity quietly following behind until they reached a single private compartment.

Rarity stepped in first, taking the seat by the window, and she couldn’t help but feel it was all too familiar. Twilight stepped in moments later, closing the door behind her and seating herself next to the unicorn, having no shame in again nuzzling and kissing her.

Once they were settled, Rarity looked out through the window, catching sight of the great towering city that was dwarfed when compared to the greatness of Princess Twilight Sparkle.


“My darling?”

“Remember our trips to Canterlot? Right after our first Grand Galloping Gala for the job with Princess Celestia?”

Rarity tore her gaze from the window. “Of course,” she said, finding Twilight still looking out into the city. “How can I not? I remember it as though it were yesterday.”

Twilight hummed, still looking out. “You know, you’ve never told me your side of it.”

“I haven’t?” she asked. “I thought I did... Well! I don’t see why I can’t tell you now. It’s a long ride back home, after all.”

Twilight finally looked at Rarity, a smirk on her lips. “The last train home and all.”

“Precisely! And it is a thrilling tale! Of two lovers having to confront the idea of being separated an entire year.”

Twilight laughed softly. “One year feels like so little now. One year apart isn’t any time at all compared to..:”

“Twilight, do you want to tell the story or should I?”

She grinned. “Sorry.”

In reply, Rarity cleared her throat and took a deep breath. The story she would tell was not any simple story. It was the most treasured one she had, and to do it a disservice would be a crime befitting a punishment worse than death itself.

“You were an enigma, Twilight Sparkle,” she said. “The very first time I saw you, I thought I knew exactly who you were.”

We feel the end is drawing near,
would time be so kind to slow?
You are everything to me, my dear,
you are all I really know.

But as we sit and wait and fear
and watch the hours go—

Everything that happened here
happened long ago.

~ Lang Leav

Author's Note:

“That was a nice story, Rarity.”

“Do you think so? I’m glad. It is my favorite story, after all.”


“Yes. It was the story of how we began, and this?

This, my love, is the story of how it ends.

Thanks for reading, and if you click onto the midquel, I hope you like it!

Please let me know if see any typos, preferably via PM.

Comments ( 37 )

That was a dirty trick, sneaking these feels into the fluff sandwich. Well done though, this was a touching addition to the original.

Aughhhhhhh that was really gooooood

Yes! There's still more of this content! I was a little worried when I saw the completed tag. I doubt it could top this amazing story though.

:raritydespair: Nuuuu don't make me read Injuring Eternity!

I'm such a little baby when it comes to tragedy... I was literally depressed for a week after reading Eternal the first time :fluttercry:

But if I do leave it just at this, I'll be perfectly happy. The Last Train Home was just beautiful, thank you for writing it :twilightsmile:

Hopefully not for some time, but I was referring to this story in particular, although it's not finished yet (err, it is now, but wasn't when I left that comment, heh).

This story was truly beautiful, the kind that you just admire and think about In your free time and random moments. The kind of story which just makes me happy inside. Nothing could make me sad at this moment in time.

A true masterpiece.

I wondered if it was already complete after the painting. It executes your characteristic romance with comedy very well throughout, made me happy for weeks. And the end with the IE references made the whole thing bittersweet again...
Thanks for writing!


Ah, this story was fantastic, and I love how it ends with the narration from the first chapter.

You know; I just randomly read Injuring Eternity the other day. Without knowing it was meant to be linked to this one at all. After reading that side of the tale, and finishing up with this one... it all comes together in one big, beautiful emotional roller coaster. Bravo, Mono -- excellent as always.

Very nice story liked the style of it.:twilightsmile:

I feel like crying and my heart is broken but I’m squeeing so much from the adorablness that Idek what to do with my emotions!! I forgot that this was part of Injuring Eternity until this last part and I’m all sif rjsofnghldalone hdkfrhkfgjkx!!! I loved this!! These stories will forever be at the top of my list. *sighing in contentment while trying not to squeak with excitement*

*is midway through epilogue chapter*
...Wait...is this...?
*sees link to Injuring Eternity*
OH GOD WHY. I wasn't expecting this feels punch!:raritydespair:

This was good. Absolutely perfect. Thank you.

Rarity took the tea in her magic, taking a sip as she made sure not only to devour Twilight with her eyes, but that Twilight knew she was doing so. She always did love Twilight as a unicorn, but she could not say that her wings and new height hadn’t been something Rarity did not immensely enjoy.

The more of her to love!

That was lovely. Great story.

Beautiful. I need to lay down for a bit, my feels are leaking.

Gross sobbing
You think I am joking but no, I am pretty much given over to some really unsightly weeping right now. The song I have on isn't helping...
It was amazing, you know. Really amazing.


I, just...I...shit, man. Not cool. (That's a lie, this was very cool and very worth my aching heart and pained smile and burning tears. 10/10 100/100 excuse me while I curl up in a ball.)

I was wondering if this was on the same time line and bam there it is. No spoilers here but right in the feels agian. Nicey done as always.

Oof, my poor, under used heart. Why must you remind me another reading if Injuring Eternity is due?

No vale che! yo quería decir eso!

Wait...now that I'm done Injuring Eternity, I'm wondering how Rarity is telling Twilight, as she shouldn't know. And if this is all happening in heaven, Rarity doesn't need to tell Twilight, since she went through it too. A minor plot hole in a majorly heartwarming and amazing series. :twilightsmile:

Well, actually, if it's the same as with this story and its just Rarity's viewpoint of Injuring Eternity, then it kind of makes sense.

Are they tasty, Mono? Do our tears sustain you?

Just...YES. I love it, I love it all!!! I loved the way you wrote Rarity narrating the story, I loved the slow burn romance, I loved the secret library hideaway (I think that will stick with me forever, I can picture it perfectly in my mind), I loved Twilight. I. Loved. It. All. This is getting instantly sent to my best of the best folder.

Thank you for writing this!

Hey, I managed not to cry until the author's note! Progress!

This story is a wonderful follow-up to IE, and it's been an absolute joy watching how much you've improved at writing both Rarity and Twilight, who were an absolute delight to read as usual. I didn't think you could outdo IE, but here we are, and I couldn't be happier to have been proven wrong.

Yep, twice you killed my heart in this story. Well done again, Mono. :raritycry: A worthy prequel.

I finally finished it! And man this an amazing story Mono. You made laugh and cry, and it feels like forever since I finished Injuring Eternity. Thank you for making this story, I really enjoyed it. :)

A lovely palate-cleansing piece after Injuring Eternity. (Up until the author's note brings it full-circle, but hey-ho.) Excellent work on the abundant amounts of gentle ribbing and Rarity's voice throughout it all.

Injuring Eternity is, to this day, a marvelous work of fiction that has affected me deeply. You can imagine my delight when I found this prequel! This was a lovely, lovely foray into the history that Twilight and Rarity share, and was a welcome and nostalgic reminder of how I felt reading Injuring Eternity. Thank you so very much for this welcome addition. <3

Ah, that makes more sense! :D


This injured me in my eternities.

Thank you.

A charming and witty romance filled with adorable moments. Sometimes it's good to read a romance without so much drama and just a lot of cute fluffiness. The Last Train Home is a delightful story which will capture your heart. An excellent read and I applaud it.

Lovely story.

Two year anniversary hype

Lovely. Absolutely lovely...

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