• Published 4th Oct 2017
  • 4,306 Views, 23 Comments

Sleep Tight - Wandering Pigeon

Moon Dancer is a little tired tonight.

  • ...

Good Night Moon

Moon Dancer slogged into her home, weary-eyed and half awake. Her telekinesis sputtered under the strain of a stack of encyclopedias, which followed her sluggish return inside.

Clearing the doorway, Moon Dancer let out a groan as she heaved the texts over her head and flopped them down in the nearest spot on the carpet that didn’t already have a book tower. At the same time, she limply kicked with her hind leg to knock the door back into place. The old termite-eaten oak creaked to a close, only to get stuck halfway wedged into the door frame.

If Moon Dancer had been paying attention, she might’ve thought it was a good idea to finish the job and push her door all the way in, but she was too busy to notice tiny details like that.

Instead, the wind kicked up from dropping her encyclopedias smacked her in the face, providing a brief, cool relief for her eyes.

Pushing her glasses up, Moon Dancer gave her eyes a good rubbing, trying to shake the exhaustion from creeping further into her. As much as she hated to admit it, this was definitely the result of all her reading today. If she’d just kept it to a normal amount, it wouldn’t feel like she had paper cuts on her pupils. But she didn’t keep it to a normal amount because Moon Dancer was not a normal pony.

Normal ponies wouldn't spend fourteen hours straight in a library, after all. Normal ponies wouldn't shove books all the way up to their snouts. Normal ponies wouldn't immediately begin re-reading a book they just finished in order to ‘fully absorb the information’. And normal ponies especially wouldn't try to stop themselves from blinking to save milliseconds when they were blasting through page after page.

Wading through her ocean of hardbacks, Moon Dancer made her way to her bedroom. A part of her was tempted to stay up a little later and keep her nightly tradition of reading herself to sleep alive, but the rest of her just wanted to unwind with a solid forty winks.

Pushing open her bedroom door, she smiled at the divine sight before her. Her bed, sprawled out in all it’s spring mattress-y glory, had never looked so good before.

Already ready to sleep, Moon Dancer lifted her glasses from her head and set them down on her night stand. Her blurry vision made the room around her hazy and unfocused, but she knew it wouldn’t be for long. She sat down on her bed, hooves gripping the collar of her sweater. Lifting it up and over her head, Moon Dancer wrestled with the wool that swarmed her face. After just a few seconds of tugging it finally popped off.

Moon Dancer gasped, needing a breath that wasn’t wrapped in the stifling heat of her clothes. Despite her exhaustion, she still kept to her nightly ritual of folding her sweater and setting it over on top of her dresser.

As she did, her eyes glanced over her calender. Through the haze of her near-sightedness it looked like a mostly white blob, but one splash of red caught her eye. It looked like a date had been circled, but she was too tired to focus on it.

Leaning over, Moon Dancer reclaimed her glasses from the nightstand and set them back on her face. Her vision leapt back into focus, her tired eyes coming to rest on the lonely draw of her nightstand. For just a moment, she felt a twinge of longing.

Eyes half open, Moon Dancer debated over what she wanted to do. Staying awake felt taxing right now. To keep it up, even if only for a little bit, didn’t sound fun. But on the other hoof, her bladder did feel a little full...

The sliding of wood against wood snapped her from her thoughts. Moon Dancer blinked back to reality to see that she’d unconsciously opened the draw, her mind apparently having been made up. Not that she was going to complain too much.

Inside the draw of her nightstand, two rows of folded, white plastic diapers all pressed on top of each other, nearly fit to burst free of the draw. Nestled in the space between them was the pale blue guard of a pacifier.

Despite the contents of the draw, neither the diapers nor the pacifier were sized for foals. Rather, they were big enough for a grown pony. A grown pony who might be tired from a long day at the library, and who just wanted to relax before falling asleep.

Moon Dancer reached for a diaper.

“Normal ponies wouldn't…” She muttered to herself. Pressing the cool padding into her cheek, Moon Dancer sighed with content.

Using the last of her energy, she sparked her horn to life and lifted the diaper away from her face. Shifting on her bed, she pushed her rear up to be just off the comforter. Her magic unfolded the diaper, it’s inviting padding making her cheeks pinken at the sight.

The diaper slid down to her waist, then underneath. The fluffy padding tickled her rump as it set into place, wrapping around as it locked her into a warm hug of poofiness. She gently pulled her tail through the tiny hole in the back of the diaper. Her magic’s job complete, her horn dimmed for the last time that night.

A smile instinctually coming to the lips, Moon Dancer patted down the diaper’s tapes with her hooves. How long had it last been since she’d worn a diaper? A week? A month?

Too long was the right answer. She’d just hadn’t had much time lately. Reconnecting with Minuette and Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts had been great, but the downside of having friends, she’d soon learned, was that they ate up all your free time.

Even today, of just having a day to herself to read, was something of a rarity. And having enough time before falling asleep to enjoy a diaper was a luxury on top of that.

Still, none of that mattered now. Moon Dancer was padded and alone, a wonderful combination. She patted the front of her diaper, and gave the waist a little tug. It stayed snuggly in place, tight, but not suffocating.

She attempted to push her legs together, just to test her padding. The thickness of her diaper’s poof pushed back against her thighs, not allowing the two to even touch. Perfection.

Moon Dancer’s face flushed further, even as her eyes went half-lidded. She plucked the blue pacifier from it’s spot and let the soft rubber bulb pass between her lips. As it came to rest on her tongue, Moon Dancer gave it an excited suckle. The guard bumped into her mouth from the force, a perfectly childish thing to have happen.

“Mmmm…” At this point, she couldn’t hold back her joy. It gave her just the briefest bits of energy before a new wave of exhaustion hit her.

Moon Dancer’s head sank into her pillow. She didn’t try to climb under the covers or even remove her glasses. Nothing else really registered besides suckling on her paci like a good little filly would.

The dull ache in her bladder that had been an undercurrent of the night finally gave way. Moon Dancer’s pristine white padding had barely lasted a minute before the tired pony lost control.

Her padding swelled in response. Crinkling as the crotch expanded, the inside of the diaper soaked up Moon Dancer’s urine with ease. Even though she didn’t stop peeing herself for quite some time, it had no issue absorbing every last drop, even as the front of the diaper was stained yellow by her deed.

Moon Dancer barely had time to enjoy her newly warmed, dampened diaper. Halfway through losing her potty training, she had drifted off to sleep, still suckling away on her pacifier. As her eyes fluttered shut, the last thing she saw was her calendar once more, with the clearly circled date taking prominence.

Unable to ponder it’s importance, Moon Dancer pressed her legs together, sighing as the sensation of damp padding sent her off to dreamland.

Surely, whatever that circled date was all about wasn’t more important than a sleepy foal’s naptime.

“Think she forgot?” Lemon Hearts tilted her head at the home before her.

“How could she forget skeeball night?” Twinkleshine replied. “It’s her favorite!"

“It’s your favorite,” Minuette reminded her. “Moon Dancer’s favorite is book club night.”

Twinkleshine pursed her lips in a pout.

The three of them stood outside the house of their friend, already ten minutes late to leave. No matter how much they’d knocked or called out, Moon Dancer hadn’t made a peep to let them know she was coming.

Minuette was starting to get impatient. It wasn’t like her, but to be honest, skeeball night was one of her favorites too. She considered knocking again, but figured that would do no good. If Moon Dancer hadn’t responded to that yet, she might never.

Curiously enough, there was another option. The door to Moon Dancer’s home was ever so slightly ajar, as if somepony had made a really lazy attempt to close it all the way. All three of them had noticed by now, but nopony had said anything, even if they were all thinking something.

“Maybe I should go check on her,” Minuette finally said.

“You sure?” Lemon Hearts asked, indicating the partially open door. “She might not be home right now.”

“Do you think she left to meet us at skeeball?” Twinkleshine asked, almost to obvious in her hopefulness.

Minuette shook her head. “I’d expect her to wait for us. The only place she likes to go alone to is the library after all.”

“Think we should check there then?” Lemon asked.

Rolling her tongue in thought, Minuette mulled over the idea. There were pros and cons to both ideas, but she wanted to guarantee they weren’t leaving Moon Dancer behind.

“I’ll go in,” she decided. “If she’s not there, she’s not there. We’ll probably check the library next.”

“Or the skeeball place!” Twinkleshine recommended.

Lemon rolled her eyes. “If you want to leave us behind and go, just go. We’ll meet you there.”

“Nopony’s leaving anypony behind,” Minuette declared, much to Twinkleshine’s dismay. “I’ll be back in a flash, so hold.”

Her hoof reached for the door, hesitating slightly before Minuette decided breaking and entering was a small price to pay to roll some balls into holes.

Nudging the door open, she instinctively winced at the creak sound it made. No other noise came from within the house however; if Moon Dancer was home she probably didn’t hear.

Letting out a deep breath, Minuette just made peace with the fact that she’d be barging in. “If I’m not back in ten minutes, go on without me,” she told the girls.

Lemon raised an eyebrow. “It’s Moon Dancer’s house you’re breaking into, not a bank. Chill out a little.”

“Don’t call it breaking in!” Minuette whisper-hissed, already fearful of being caught.

Two sets of eyes rolled at her, causing Minuette to huff as she cleared the distance to get inside, letting the door swing to a partial close behind her.

“Moon Dancer?” Minuette politely called out, testing the waters. No response from the house.

Biting her lip, she weighed the option of going in further versus leaving. She still wasn’t convinced Moon Dancer wasn’t home. There was no way such a responsible pony would leave her door open if she was leaving. She must be home!

“Moon Dancer?” Minuette called again, soft as though she didn’t want to disturb her despite trying to get her attention. She walked further in, weaving through piles of books that seemed to be organized by how much dust they had collected.

As she waded further and further into the house, she tried saying Moon Dancer’s name a few more times, but to no avail.

“I guess she really isn’t here,” Minuette said, the guilt of being an uninvited guest really starting to weigh on her. She started to turn to leave, only for an open door to catch her eye. From the angle she was at, she could see a hint of a bedframe.

And just like that, the idea that Moon Dancer had fallen asleep on them wormed its way into Minuette’s brain. It only took a matter of seconds for her to know she wouldn’t be satisfied if she didn’t check in there too.

Inching closer to the door, Minuette did her best to not do anything that would suddenly jolt Moon Dancer awake. Nudging the door open, she whispered, “Moon Dancer?”

The door swung open to reveal the very mare she’d been searching for. For a moment, Minuette’s eyes lit up when she saw her friend snoozing peacefully. But then the joy of finding her quickly turned to shock.

Minuette had to clamp her mouth shut with her hoof to avoid a sharp cry of shock. Though Moon Dancer had been the expected sight, the rest of it was not.

The first thing that stood out as obvious was the pacifier. A pale blue guard that gave away what it was rested comfortably in Moon Dancer’s lips, bobbing back and forth as though to eliminate all confusion as to what it might be.

While that on it’s own would be a surprise, the real kicker was what lied on Moon Dancer’s waist.

A diaper. An incredibly poofy diaper. An incredibly poofy, wet diaper.

The yellow coloring at the crotch left very little to the imagination. It wasn’t hard to piece together that it had been thoroughly used, to the point of sogginess, even.

“E-Eh… Moon Dancer?” Minuette asked. There was no response from her friend. She didn’t even shift around on the bed. She was obviously out cold.

Minuette swallowed, trying to make sense of the situation. What was this? Why was Moon Dancer dressed like a foal? Why was her diaper used?

Part of Minuette wanted to believe that Moon Dancer just had problems wetting the bed at night, and need a diaper when she was sleeping. It would have been reasonable… but then how does that explain the pacifier?

She backed away, almost wanting to flee the room and just forget what she’d seen. It was… weird.

Moon Dancer finally moved, which caused Minuette to freeze, worrying her friend was about to catch her in the act of catching her in diapers.

But that didn’t happen. Instead, Moon Dancer curled up into the fetal position, brow furrowing as she kicked her hind legs and murmured a “mmmrr…” into her paci.

“Aww,” Minuette cooed, almost instinctively. She caught herself at once, eyebrows arching in surprise. Why did she just do that?

Looking back at Moon Dancer, Minuette blinked as the lingering shock of first seeing this sight finally faded. “Well…” she said lowly, to not disturb her sleeping friend. “I guess she does look kind of cute like this.”

Suckling on a paci and wearing an oversized diaper gave off the distinct look of a little filly, after all. When juxtaposed to the fact that Moon Dancer was an adult, it was even cuter in a silly sort of way.

Minuette let her expression soften a little. Maybe it really didn’t matter why Moon Dancer was dressed like this. She’d clearly wanted to do so privately, and that gave Minuette very little ground to judge her on anyway.

Besides, it’s not like she could just wake Moon Dancer up and ask her about this. Firstly, she’d already broken into her home, it would be even ruder to wake her up from what was obviously a much needed nap. And secondly, it would humiliate the poor mare. Even though the thought of Moon Dancer blushing as she attempted to cover up her piddled in pampers was also kind of adorable, Minuette couldn’t see herself putting her friend through that.

“Mmrrr…” Moon Dancer groaned again, snapping Minuette back to reality.

She saw the uncomfortable grimace on Moon Dancer’s face for what it was, and didn’t have to guess long to figure out why it was there.

“I bet it’s no fun sleeping in a wet diaper, huh?” Minuette asked quietly. Moon Dancer’s hind leg twitched in response.

Her eyes wandered to an open draw, with more diapers packed into it. Not one to leave a friend to suffer, Minuette moved closer to the bed, horn sparking to life and taking a clean diaper from the stock.

With a hoof, she guided the unconscious Moon Dancer to lie on her back, and spread her legs with a little telekinesis for good measure. The plump padding at Moon Dancer’s crotch stared down Minuette, almost daring her to attempt to change something so riddled with pee.

Wrinkling her nose at the stench of urine, Minuette’s magic popped the tapes open and peel back the damp padding.

She lifted up Moon Dancer’s legs with her hooves, letting her magic handle the less pleasant task of swapping diapers. Sadly, she was at a lack of things to wipe down Moon Dancer’s undercarriage with, but she figured just getting her friend into a clean diaper would be enough for now.

Balling up the urine-stained diaper off to the side, Minuette gracefully pulled Moon Dancer’s tail through the tail hole of the diaper, wrapped the rest of it up, and smoothed the tapes out over it.

Satisfied with her work, Minuette set Moon Dancer’s hind legs back down on the bed. Her friend curled back up, but without the moans of discomfort from before. In fact, as far as Minuette could tell, Moon Dancer’s mouth was curled into a smile from behind the pacifier.

Tossing the used diaper into the nearest trash bin, Minuette started walking out. She shot a final look back at Moon Dancer as she was closing the bedroom door. Unfortunately, Minuette just couldn’t hold back a giggle; Moon Dancer really was cute dressed like that.

“Maybe one day you’ll tell me about this, on your own,” Minuette whispered to the sleeping pony. “Until then, sleep tight.”

She shut the bedroom door, and then went out to tell her friends they’d be a party of three tonight, as Moon Dancer needed her alone time.

Author's Note:

Some short fluff I threw together while working on some other stuff. Rest assured I'm not dead (yet).

Comments ( 23 )

D'aww. Simple and cute. I do love the thought of the girls having a special night for Skeeball. It put more depth into the story outside of Moondancer being caught wearing diapers in her bed.

A cute short tale that makes for a relaxing casual read. Nicely done. :)

Everyone needs a special night for skeeball. Though I think Moon Dancer would prefer diapers any day of the week. :raritywink:

Glad you had a good time with this one.

Simply cute and sweet! I adore Moon Dancer and I'm glad to see someone padded her up and did her character justice. I just loved the small interaction between her and Minuette at the end. I hope to see more of them together in such a setting again!

I may have to make a story in the same vein as this one in the future, cause it was a lot of fun to write.

Nothing wrong with a well written piece of fluff every now and then, Minuette is such a good friend to Moondancer. :rainbowkiss:

I totally agree; fluff's great from time to time. At least it finally got me to post something after this accidental mini-hiatus of mine.

Cute enough for ya? :twilightsheepish:

Its awsome how I literally just finished my age regression fic on moondancer and you make a one shot AB/DL fic about her the next day What a coincidence.:twilightsmile:

That is pretty crazy. Here's hoping some more padded Moon Dancer appears tomorrow then.

All we have to do now is change moondancer into a diaper:twilightsheepish:

Aww, that was adorable, I just wonder what went through her head when she awoke...

I think the second she noticed her diaper was dry, she devolved into a panicked frenzy the likes of which would impress even Twilight.

Aww thanks! I may write more to this some day, but for now it's just going to be a one-shot.

Cute but rather unimpressive compared to your previous works.

Cute's all it was really meant to be, so I'm not surprised you feel that way.

Why aren't there more stories of Moon Dancer in diapers? I want to read more stories of Moon Dancer in diapers. I'd really love to see a sequel to this story, as it ended on a sequel hook.

Moon Dancer really does need more diaper stories about her, huh? Maybe I'll have to fix that in the future. :twilightsmile:

Awwww..... You never cease to impress me! Keep writing!

Thanks! And don't worry, I intend to.

Awwww finally an understanding friend!!!! Go Minuette!!!! This was cute, great job

This is adorable. maybe we'll see a sequel, that would be cute!

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