• Published 16th Nov 2017
  • 9,274 Views, 139 Comments

Hail to the King - PrincessMoonzilla

[Displaced] Waking up with a hangover, not unusual. Waking up as Igneel, a dragon that treats fire like a klondike bar? Not normal under any circumstances. Except maybe fanfiction...

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Much Needed Changes

Chapter 3: Much Needed Changes

The last month was extremely interesting. I was named King of the Crystal Empire. And with that, a few changes came to my new kingdom.

First off, I had to help restore the ‘Crystal Heart,’ which is basically the ponies’ only real protection against what goes bump in the night. The light show that happened was spectacular, true, but felt like overcompensation.

There was renovating the castle. That mostly meant getting rid of anything black and scary looking. I was honestly surprised when I discovered I could walk through most of the building without bonking my head on something every five minutes. I'm just blaming the previous owner’s arrogance.

I gave a speech about how I would do everything I could in order to protect them. Quite sappy, yes, but necessary.

Then, I was basically paraded across the Empire, waving at ponies and speaking to the ‘officials’ of the place. Kids love me and adults have some sort of hero worship going on.

And I have a new moniker, the Red Diamond.

They usually name the greatest rulers after different colored diamonds. There has been a White, Yellow, Blue, Pink, and Black Diamond.

The Black was, of course, Sombra. Self imposed title.

The Pink Diamond was his sister, whom he promptly offed. Her title was more of a way of saying how sorry they were that they couldn’t stop Sombra.

The White Diamond was the first ruler and founder of the Empire. Planted some sort of seed from a magic tree or something.

Yellow Diamond successfully defended the Empire from something called ‘Umbrums’ that I really don’t like the sound of.

Blue Diamond is part of the reason that the Crystal Heart came to be. Helped save the place when wendigos decided to visit. Not a nice day from what I've heard.

After all of that was said and done, the fun part began.

Now, because Sombra wanted everything, and I mean everything, to go through him first, that meant that all of the load was thrown onto me. Taking the book 1984’s example and having my slight laziness motivate me, I arranged Departments.

There are five in total. Department of Defense. Department of Arcane Sciences. Department of Agriculture. Department of Commerce. And the Department of Security.

Department of Defense is basically our new military, which is headed by a sweet but intense mare called General Rose Quartz. They deal with everything violence related, from police to castle guards to the army.

Department of Arcane Sciences is, of course, for magical studies. The one in charge is Archmage Gold Star, and really doesn't get my puns. His Department handles this ranging from schools to government research projects.

Department of Agriculture is basically what it sounds like. In charge of the Department is Overseer Emerald Forest, and helps make sure that no one starves to death easily.

Department of Commerce controls all our trading, currency, jobs, and international diplomacy missions. The one in charge is Administrator Radiant Sapphire, and is extremely good with words and loopholes in any contract.

Finally, Department of Security. I specifically made sure that this one wasn't as well known as the other four because of it’s purpose. Mostly, it handles how well our intelligence of other countries are. That’s right, suckers, I've got my own army of spies! The head of this is Spymaster Obsidian, and has made sure that everything is going smoothly and we haven't gone into a war so far.

And when it comes to big projects, all the heads of the Departments and King, me, must have at least four of us agreeing to it. It helped the citizens be at ease, knowing that no one person, pony or dragon, had all the power.

My only jobs now were basically being a figurehead, making laws legal, and making sure that nothing goes horribly wrong.


I was currently inside my new room writing all that I knew of my species for Gold Star. The damn stallion was quick to point out how much of an oddity I was, and to appease him, I told him that I would write him a full report. That was a week ago.

I wrote all that I could about dragons from Fairy Tail, which I appropriately dubbed Elemental Dragons, like how they were mostly immune to most types of magic and us gaining strength from eating our element and other such things.

You know, if I came here as a dragon, there might be others who are less hospitable then I am. Might need to get Defence and Arcane Sciences to work on something like that just incase.

I’m nothing if not cautious.

Well that and lazy.


Today, we were meeting foreign dignitaries. More specifically, the two princesses from Equestria. I've never really met royalty before, and my steward, White Pearl, was helping to make sure that everything went smoothly.

“All the preparations have been made, sire. The Princesses are due within the next hour or so. Now stop fidgeting and get ready!” She smacked her hoof onto my leg, but I didn't feel a thing.

“I'm sorry, but I'm nervous. What if I make a mistake and accidentally insult them! Oh God I'm not ready for this!”

Pearl had enough of my rambling and full on bucked my leg. It didn't hurt, but still…

“If it makes you feel any better, this is also their first experience with foreign dignitaries as well. Just let me handle all the paperwork.”

“Where would I be without you, Pearl,” I mockingly/lovingly asked.

“Still holed up in your cave, bored out of your skull.”

“Very true, very true.”

We waited outside the palace, all the Department Head, with the exception of Obsidian, were standing by my side. Most of the denizens of my Empire came to watch for the two arriving Princesses.

Before I could say something stupid, a chariot pulled by two pegasai came into view. It was pretty large, around held the size of my torso, a lavender coloration with gold accenting it.

As soon as it landed, two armored unicorns exited and stood on either side of the door. And what came out almost made my heart stop.

She was beautiful, in the way that nature and symphonies were beautiful. Easily a head taller than most around her, her alabaster coat shone. Her pink mane was draped elegantly behind her, almost shimmering with magic. On her flanks were images of the Sun, making me guess that this was Princess Celestia.

The second being to come out was no less elegant than the first, midnight blue coat with a lighter shade for her short mane that covered one of her eyes. Her Cutie Mark was that of a crescent moon, identifying her as Princess Luna.

The final one to exit was a tad strange. It was a light blue, elderly unicorn with a God-level beard that simply demanded respect. He wore a cloak and wizard’s hat, both of which had stars and bells. I'm gonna guess that this is that Starswirl I've been hearing about.

All three bowed in greeting to me, the announcer confirming my suspicions about their names. I bowed to them, a bit awkwardly might I add, but it was the respectable thing to do. Now putting on my ‘Sebastian Impression.’

“Princesses and Starswirl, we are honored to have you here today. If you would follow me, we can go to the council room while they set up your rooms.” My voice was spot on classy mode, manners were on point, and all that was left was making them laugh a bit and see to the treaty.

The treaty was to be known as the Crystal Dragon Treaty, and basically detailed that we were to be allies during times of strife, be it for them or us, and to support them passively during times of peace. Equestria may have been a major superpower, but was still as vulnerable as any other country out there. It also helped us get supplies that we were short on, such as wood, different types of food, and cloth.

It was going to be a long day today…


As the diplomacy went on, the visitors asked a few questions that were relating to me and the setup of the Empire. I had to admit, the two sisters were very likable. Celestia was the one asking how the government was most of the times, with me having Pearl answer them.

Don't look at me like that! I just proposed the ideas, she was an integral part for getting them to run.

“I do believe that should be it.” Oh sweet GOG that took forever. I walked out of the stuffy conference room to sweet, sweet outside air. I was about to fly out for a few minutes before I heard hoofs coming my way. A single set.

King Igneel Diamond.”

“Please, refer to me as Igneel, Celestia. If we are allies then we should be on friendly terms, no?” Turning to my equine ally, I flashed her a smile that visibly made her flinch. Damn you sharp teeth!

“Very well, Igneel. ‘Twould it be acceptable for mine own sister and I to visit again? Thy Empire is most quite quaint.” The ye olde English was thick with this one.

“Of course, my lady. It would be an honor to have you come back. I just hope that they involve less dead trees.” And thus, I received one of the most adorable giggles I’ve ever heard. We talked for a good few minutes before I escourted her to her quarters.

When I saw the door close, I again heard two females giggling and talking about something involving ‘strapping stallions’ to something. Must be a woman thing. I honestly took to the skies before I heard any more. It’s not good to listen in on conversations that one has no need to be in.

Let me tell you, the best part of all of this was the sights and flying. I watched as the setting sun created an amazing effect, reflecting off of the buildings and denizens, creating a mosaic of bright colors and beauty that could not be replicated by anything that was on Earth.

As I surveyed my domain, I knew in my heart that I would protect it and all my citizens with my dying breath. Because isn’t that what a King is expected to do?

Author's Note:

Last one for a while, so you may not see this update until next year, so enjoy this little pre-Thanksgiving gift from me to you~!

May ya'll have an amazing Turkey Day!