• Member Since 2nd Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 minutes ago

Diamond Sparkle

I am pleased I joined here and hope to rp on YM with someone.


Princess Celestia is set free from a Changeling cocoon by the Equestrian Royal Guards, only to find out that her entire two thousand year life was a dream created by the changeling pod she has been in for two months. In reality, she's just an earth pony filly who works bucking apples. Can she cope with her new life of poverty?

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 60 )

Interesting summary, will read it tomorrow, good night for now. :pinkiesmile:

Omg that sounds so cool but im so tired right now :pinkiesick:

me rike
me rike arot
moar prease

I like it, but it is a bit unreadable since all the sentences are to close to each other. :ajbemused:

you might wanna consider a pre-reader :twilightsmile:

damn thats harsh.....I like it! *fav*

interesting :trixieshiftright:
lets see where this goes :moustache:

If Applejack is cruel, then I don't want to know about Fluttershy.........

I hope it's not end like she is just in another cocon and wake up as Princess ;p

But idea damn i like it, waiting for more

whos to say she isnt actualy in a changling pod now and she will get rescued from it later on?

Quite interesting! If she has memories of living for 2000 years, what about all of her knowledge and wisdom she'd acquired during that time? Was that wisdom not real, only seeming so due to dream logic? If she really does possess complex memories of that time, perhaps she could use that to her advantage to improve her situation. The princess was more than a powerful horn and a set of wings, after all. That, or she painfully discovers that even mentally she's just an overly imaginative filly, not a true wise ruler, which might be another reason she just wants to escape reality.

Either way, I'm looking forward to more! There are so many ways this could go.

Hey, I like this story :pinkiehappy:
can't wait for more :twilightsmile:

????unhappy purple unicorn in front of her??? I thought celestia was an earth pony?

Wow, you are doing so well with this story.just, one request, can you speed up the updates a little? If not, can you lenghen the chapters? :applecry:

Say no! say no! you need the magic lessons more than the bits! I mean, help every now and then when your family is behind, but Applejack was a bitch to all and shouldnt get such a service! Also, lets not forget how she acted over the one apple Celestia tried to eat! :flutterrage:


I thought i would never say this but...:fluttercry:.....:flutterrage: FUCK APPLEJACK!
and go more in depth with her learning magic, its a slight plot hole (no pun intended)

Wow, its time for revolution! :D

"REV-A-LU-SHI-ON" :trixieshiftleft: :trollestia:

1036264 I'm sorry dear, I don't speak that ghastly taco language, could you repeat that?

So is Aurora a mix of tyrant and loving goddess? I mean, she wants people to be equal, happy and healthy, but I see no Luna Surogate, and she doesn't want to give up power. What is going on?

And then there was that time when Trixie became a Communist...

Dah it's end already ? I hope for much more but it was very cool story with good plot.

I don't mean to judge but it does seem rather short... And ending stories with "the end" seems a little off...

Oh wow, that was an abrupt end. Honestly, things seemed to wrap up really fast. I was hoping for a lot more. It just felt like "Okay you want everyone to use magic so okay and btw I need a student. The end."

I was partly hoping that Celestia was actually still a princess (How do you fake thousands of years of memories?), and that being "rescued" was actually a dream, with the princess being trapped in a cocoon somewhere.

It's a concept that had great potential (Celestia being in a dream\delusion about being royalty) but I feel that the execution was off. Thank you for sharing the story, though.

Your only ending it so quickly because school is starting, aren't you? If you continued with the idea of Celestia trying to get back to the changlings the story would have been better.

Do you want me to reopen it? Right now I'm in agony due to a rl thing.

I graduated in 2002. I stopped the rp as my tooth broke in two and all the places to fix it are closed as it's the middle of the night where I am.


I hope that you can get that dealt with soon! :fluttershysad:

Now, remember that you don't have to update on a tight schedule. I'd rather read a good thought-out story but have to wait, than an on-time story that is rushed. I hope you reopen the story and give it time to develop, but this isn't something you should be doing while you're distracted or hurting.

Cool story and all but I have to say the ending was kind of weak. I mean there was so much build up and then you just disperse it all in an 'okay you can have what you want' kind of way. What with the state this princess allowed the country to fall into, what with the poverty and basically open racism to the earth ponies and to a slightly smaller degree Pegasi, I was kind of expecting a mildly evil manipulating monarch hell bent on keeping all the power for herself, instead I get Celestia with a different name. I really hope that you revisit this and try to draw it out more or at least revise the ending. :pinkiehappy:

I will do. I stopped it because my tooth broke in two. I will rework it given time as my tooth has been at lkeast partly fixed with a temporary crown..1090508

Wow, what a bitch. Also, good thought on the outcome of Celestia's actions.

Well this certainly does give the story somewhere to go but not a whole lot of wiggle room just a sort of straight shot. Unless Celestia somehow convinces, say the changelings into an all out war on Equestria in order to become the ruler because she knows that she can do a much better job, but that sounds a little unlikely unless she finds some way to get more power from somewhere in order to actually become a threat to the princess and also they would need a way for somepony to raise and lower the sun and moon. Cool chapter though it did seem a little rushed. :pinkiehappy:

I actually favorited this before I even read it, just for the idea. Your writing style is kind of bland sometimes, but that's no big deal since you get your point across. I hope you update this soon.

I really will try and update this within the week, as soon as I work out where to take it.

Not bad idea, but i hope next chapter will come faster

Solution: Plan a space project with the tyrant claiming it will expand her control of the galaxy, go to space, get evidence of heliocentric solar system, return to planet and overthrow her :D

I must say I liked that although I am a little disappointed to see so many dislikes and it seemed a little sudden for Celestia to just suddenly think that the the planet turns around the sun out of no where like that, but other than that I enjoyed it quite a lot and hope that the next chapter does not take as long...or has more words in it, really I'm fine with either one. :pinkiehappy:

Ummmm, yea..... celestia is pretty gulible. She just left a few earth ponies and pegasai in equestria with a bad ruller. she will change the laws so that the earth ponies and pegasai will never use magic again. Celestia and the huge crowd won't be there to stop it from happening.

Celestia has her work cut out for her.......

Wow....Trixie's nice in this world.... this really is a bizare reality for Celestia to live in. :rainbowderp:

I mean what else you have planned for this twisted tale where up is down and down is up ? :trixieshiftright:

Wow..short and a lot speciesist. the queen doesn't care and all Celestia cares about is earth ponies. i'm starting to not like eaither of them.

aww two years? gues it not updating

I can't tell if the old racial distinction is still there but it looks like Equestria never changed from it's old ways.

Damn it, every time man. It gets good and then it gets dead!

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