• Published 25th Sep 2017
  • 2,009 Views, 24 Comments

M.O.P. (Mothers Of Patience) - Inferno demon Dash

Princess Celestia slowly bonds with other mothers with some persistence from her friend, Twilight Velvet and lowers her guard enough to actually enjoy herself in time. She really should have just stayed in bed.

  • ...

Don't worry, you're on fire. (Literally)

Twilight Velvet was mortified, granted it had been two days since the incident but she could swear that half of Equestria was laughing at her for what she had done, even if what had transpired never even made it to the papers and she had paid for the damage to Fluttershy's house and nose with a little bit of help from Celestia.

The Pegasus, being the kind and nourished soul that she was had forgiven her, of course but Velvet still felt bad for what she had done while drunk off her ass and shook her head to try to dispel any negative thoughts and took a deep breath, making sure to check that everything in her house was in place seeing that it was about a quarter till six at night and she was sure if nothing else that Celestia or 'Sunny Skies' as was her alias would arrive, at least she hoped.

A wide range of different cookies, a few miniature slices of different flavors of cake and three different brands of both punch and soda was laid out for her guest, she just hoped none of them had any allergies or if they did that they let her know for next time, if there even was a next time.

She was very nervous internally, for she had no real idea what would happen if more ponies or other races came then what she had set out, other than the couch and chair in the living room, there were about ten plastic chairs surrounding the place and she had to be very careful that they were arranged in a way so that none of the other females were crowded or their tails were stepped on.

Night Light had gone to play some cards and listen to some hoofball on the radio with his friends for the night, as he didn't want to get in the way of 'girl time' as he called it. The only other occupant other than herself for the moment was Peewee, Spike's pet phoenix who she was watching for a few days as Spike went to visit his friend, Ember in the Dragonlands and worried that the other dragons would injure or even kill his pet, despite Peewee's protest in wanting to travel with his owner.

Why Fluttershy, the servants of his mother's castle, or Twilight herself didn't watch him, she didn't know but it was nice to see the young fire bird enjoying himself by nibbling on a cookie, she had been told by Spike himself that he and Peewee worked very hard on helping him control his flames inside places that weren't fire resistant, though she performed a triple flame resistant spell among her house and herself, along with her husband, just in case.

Taking a deep breath, Twilight Velvet steeled her nerves and prayed to the gods that the meet up would go smoothly. She was double checking that everything was in order once more before a knock at the door caught her attention and made her take one last deep breath upon walking to it before she opened it with her magic.

Smiling brightly she nearly frowned upon seeing that it was just Celestia, or 'Sunny Skies' in her unicorn disguise and had her breath taken away at how captivating her friend was, even if it was the third time she had seen it.

Celestia's eyes were a vibrant, rosy pink, her coat still snow white and her mane and tail were nearly the same color as her eyes, if a few shades darker.

She stood at the same height Velvet did and her Cutie Mark was replaced by a single rose, her wings hidden in an extremely powerful cloaking spell and her horn was the same size as a normal pony's, if Velvet had never seen her in this form she wouldn't even know that it was her friend who stood before her and would have assumed she was one of the mothers visiting her for the night.

Letting out a whistle of approval causing the former Alicorn to roll her eyes with a groan, Velvet let Celestia enter into her house and smirked before looking towards the clock and seeing that the other mothers who wished to attend were going to be here in about five minutes.

"You look amazing, Tia. I'm surprised you don't take that form more often." She complemented the older mare who laughed sarcastically and blew a raspberry. Celestia looked over the food and drinks Velvet had bought for her friend and the other mares with a hum of approval before slowly running her hoof over Peewee's head as he gave a chirp in greeting, knowing who she was even without the different appearance, if she had to guess with how he hopped on her back making her hidden wings move a little as she ignored it.

He quickly hopped off to finish his cookie as Celestia turned to Velvet who was checking the placements of the seats again.

"Quite an impressive set up you have here Velvet, I hope it was worth it to borrow money from the crown," She teased as Velvet responded by sticking her tounge out in a childish manner making her laugh before she continued. "As for this form, well...I used it a few times when Spike was younger so not too many eyes and ears would question an Alicorn being around a baby dragon, I wanted to appear like any other mother as you know when he was younger." She paused, getting a bit emotional as she wanted to explain something to her a bit more serious.

"As well as the one chance to well...leave when I first brought him to you-"

"Tia, we went over this. You had every right to take Spike and go to parts unknown if you wanted to. No mother who loves their children would blame you for wanting to-"

Velvet was cut off quickly by the sudden sound of a knock on her door as she glanced at the clock and saw that it was six p.m. on the dot, looking back towards her friend in a way of apology as she nodded and went to take a seat on the couch, Velvet trotted to the door and opened it this time with her hoof, nearly being blasted in the face by a cloud of confetti, streamers and a very loud and hyperactive voice.

She blinked and was surprised to see Pinkie Pie in front of her.

The Earth Pony mare simply had a grin that could rival the sun itself and had about five other mares behind her who smiled and giggled respectfully seeing Velvet's face.

"Pinkie, what did I tell you last time about using party decorations to surprise me?" Velvet tried to say in a stern tone but could not help a smile forming on her lips as the pink ball of energy rubbed the back of her head with a hoof in embarrassment.

"Sorry about that, Mrs. Velvet, I just got too excited for this mother only party to begin that I just couldn't help it." Pinkie spoke slowly with a small smile on her face causing Velvet to roll her eyes before confusion etched on it.

"Wait a minute...you're a mother?" Velvet asked in both shock and surprise as Pinkie nodded her head wildly, her expression from the small smile ramping back up to the rival the sun type excitement that she had before as she bounced it place.

"Yes ma'am I am, proud adopted mother to a little bundle of wacky, zany and fun joy named Screwball. I forgot to mention her last time I was here for your charity fundraiser but then I saw the flyer that was posted on Sugarcube Corner and that got me nearly rocketing to space in excitement and I just had to come and see what it was all about and then I told my friends and then-"

"Ahem." She was interrupted by a cough behind her as Pinkie turned her head, forgetting that Velvet had other guests as she smiled in embarrassment once more and with a nod from Velvet trotted inside.

"I'll tell you more about her later, now let's get this party started! Hi, my name's Pinkie Pie-"

Twilight Velvet shook her hoof with a grin and roll of her eyes, blocking out the rest of the Element of Laughter's words as Pinkie introduced herself to Celestia or Sunny and turned her head to look at the other mares who had come so far.

This was definitely going to be interesting now.

She was a bit disappointed that no female races other than ponies had arrived but like any good host trying to be courteous she didn't show it and looked over the other mares before her, recognizing Cup Cake from Ponyville as she saw three Earth Ponies, a Pegasus and Unicorn.

The lone Pegasus trotted up slowly with her eyes traveling to different directions and stopped in front of Velvet with a smile.

"Hi, my name's Ditzy Doo but my friends call me Derpy Hooves. I'm from Ponyville with the rest of the girls here. Thank you for setting this up and allowing us to catch a break and let our manes down." She spoke making Velvet do nothing more than nod with a smile as Derpy grinned and walked inside, no doubt marveling at the interior from the sounds of surprise coming behind Velvet who saw one of the Earth Ponies walk forward, her mannerisms clearly telling the unicorn that she hailed from a wealthy family, wearing an elegant black dress and a string of pearls around her neck, carrying herself as though she owned half of Equestria.

"Good evening, young madam. My name is Spoiled Rich, I am from the barren hick town that is Ponyville, the wife of the very affluent and handsome, Filthy Rich and mother to the up and coming grace of Equestria itself, Diamond Tiara. Although this...sort of establishment is not my normal means of comfort, I come at the behest of my daughter to make...more friends." Spoiled spoke in a manner making Velvet both a bit irritated and amused as she merely nodded with a polite smile and allowed her in with a gentle if not mocking bow.

She had to resist the urge to roll her eyes before turning to meet the other two.

Cup Cake stepped forward with a grin and a quick hug, no words needed to be spoken as the two friends knew of each other from back in their days as fillies as Cup Cake entered with a smile and Velvet turned and was surprised to see Granny Smith of all mares slowly trot up to her with an uneasy smile.

"Beggin your pardon that Ah'm not intruding on you younglings, Pinkie Pie suggested since Ah don't do much while my grandkids are out working the fields that Ah see what all the hub a loo is about since Ah am or rather was a mother. Ah don't-"

"Granny Smith. I think I can make an exception for you." Velvet softly interrupted making the old mare grin as Velvet had to keep herself from snickering at how Granny Smith thought she was the oldest one there. Keeping her composure Velvet bowed her head slightly in a sincere manner and allowed the elder mare inside.

That was not to say that mothers of deceased children were not welcomed, she just didn't expect any to come seeing at how it would probably bring up heart wrenching memories and she didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable or have any of the mares in her home suffer.

Velvet was just about to close the door and allow everypony who didn't know each other, which she doubted, to introduce themselves before she saw a blur of blue in her peripheral vision and heard the sound of her neighbors trash can being knocked over followed by a hearty laugh and peered over to see a cornflower blue Pegasus with a short light vermillion mane and tail. The mare had an enthusiastic energy that could rival Pinkie Pie as she shook her head and galloped over to Velvet, her purple color eyes brimming with glee.

"Hi there, my name's Windy Whistles. I'm the one and only mother of the amazing and awesome Wonderbolt, Rainbow Dash. Sorry I'm late, my friends are coming soon. We got lost in this city and got turned around. What's your name?" Windy asked in such a rapid fire manner that if Velvet didn't know Pinkie herself she would have been both confused and a bit frightened of the Pegasus before her.

Clearing her throat and saving face for herself, Velvet responded in kind and shook Windy's hoof welcoming her to her home and asking where her friends were.

"Oh, they'll be any second now, they're slow flyers unlike me and my daughter. Though my husband can be a bit slow with him getting up in age and all. I don't mean to be rude but would it be alright if I used your bathroom? Had a bit too much to drink before I came here." She exclaimed breathlessly making Velvet laugh and give her directions upstairs as the mare nearly sprinted past her with a thank you and making Velvet wait for Windy's friends she hoped would show soon.

She didn't have to wait long at all in fact, as she spotted two Pegasus flying down to no doubt meet her and an Earth Pony and Unicorn mare were galloping from the left as the two Pegasi landed and trotted with a nervous smile and nodded before all three waited as the Earth Pony and Unicorn finally reached them, heaving, the Earth Pony waved a sweaty hoof for the others to go on before one of the Pegasus stepped forward.

The older mare before Velvet had a light amber coat, with a raspberry colored mane and tail and cerise colored eyes, her large green glasses falling down her nose slightly as she giggled in embarrassment and readjusted them before clearing her throat.

"H-hello. I'm sorry we're late. My name is Cirrus Shy, I'm Fluttershy and Zephyr Breeze's mother. My friends and my husband wanted me to come and be around other mothers to feel more...well, accepted. I suppose you can say." Cirrus whispered softly forcing Velvet to strain her ears at her words before laughing and with an honest smile, welcomed her as the Pegasus gave a polite bow and quickly shuffled inside before turning to look at the other three mares.

The other Pegasus strolled forward and gave a very military crisp salute to which Velvet didn't know how to respond to with a professional if a bit forced smile and cleared her throat.

"I apologize for my tardiness ma'am and will make certain that it does not happen again, my name is Stormy Flare, I am the divorced mother of the captain Spitfire of the Wonderbolts, ma'am and I was told by my companion Windy Whistles and Cirrus Shy to join them in being among others of a similar nature, I ask that you do not take our tardiness to heart ma'am as we will refrain from doing so in the future, may I ask your name so that we may acquaint ourselves, ma'am?" She barked in such a tone that it made the Earth Pony behind her jump and caused Velvet to frown, not really sure what to say on the matter but she was used to military protocol even if this was a bit, unorthodox.

"At ease, soldier. My name is Twilight Velvet, mother of Princess Twilight Sparkle and Prince Shining Armor, don't worry you girls are just in time. I would salute you myself but seeing as how I was never in the military, I don't want to disrespect you. Come on in, make yourself comfortable, Miss Flare." Velvet said in a warm and hospitable voice causing the Pegasus before to practically sigh in relief before she gave one final salute and with a more genuine smile, walked inside.

The Unicorn walked forward and smiled, sweat trailed down her forehead, she wore a pair of white pants and a black silk shirt, her purple mane nearly as big as Velvet's head and she gave up the sort of grin as though she was seeing her children for the first time in ages.

"Howdy there, sorry my friend and I are late, we couldn't keep up with Pinkie and Ellie here tripped, she's ok though. My name's Cookie Crumbles and this is my friend Elaina Mash, I am Rarity and Sweetie Belle's mother and Elaina here is Button Mash's and Gibson's mother, thank you for allowing us to have some fun with other mares like us, it's been quite some time since we've been part of a group." Cookie exclaimed excitedly as Elaina waved her hoof in greeting with a smile.

"It's not a problem at all, welcome. We have quite a rather large crowd of girls here tonight, please come in and make yourselves at home." Velvet spoke with a big smile as the two mares smiled back with a nod and trotted inside.

Velvet waited a few more minutes to see if anyone else would make it but to her disappointment the ten mares that came seem to be all that had bothered. Still, it warmed her heart to know that she had caught some attention as she sighed loudly then shut the door, and turned around to see the different mares talking to each other animedley before she cleared her throat and went to take a seat on the couch next to Celestia.

Pinkie Pie was sitting and drinking some punch in a plastic cup next to her as Spoiled Rich sat in the only plush chair and after a few beats the other girls followed suit along the plastic chairs.

Leaning over past Pinkie, Velvet asked Celestia if she would put away the remaining chairs.

She nodded and got up to do just that before Velvet turned to the nervous, uncomfortable and silent eyes looking at her as the mutters of a few voices quieted down as Velvet cleared her throat with an uneasy smile at the many ponies around her. Celestia came back and took her seat.

"Hello there and welcome, I thank you all for joining me, especially on such short notice. I'm positive this will be a fun and eventful night. If you don't already know, my name is Twilight Velvet and I'm the mother of Princess Twilight Sparkle and Prince Shining Armor, as well as wife to my husband, Night Light. For this first meeting I'd like it if all of us could please stand up and introduce ourselves, then we'll continue on from there and move on to other topics." Velvet asked in a happy and sincere tone before turning and nodding to Pinkie.

The mare in question quickly swallowed the remaining punch in her drink and set the cup on the wooden floor below before hopping off the couch and practically beamed at the audience before her as she took a deep breath and spoke.

"Hi there, my name's Pinkie Pie. I'm the Element of Laughter from Ponyville and adopted mother of my loveable Earth Pony filly, Screwball, and mate to Discord, you all should know who Discord is by now, right? Spirit of Disharmony and God of Chaos? Anyway I'm a baker at Sugarcube Corner, who works along side Mr and Mrs. Cake who I brought here tonight since she had two adorable foals of her own, Pumpkin and Pound Cake. I have three sisters, Maud, Marble and Limestone along with a mom and dad who work on a rock farm and I help protect Equestria from all sorts of meanie bad guys who want to destroy us or take over, either one can't be good right? Anyway, I hope to get to know all you lovely mares, even if I know some of you already and can't wait to have more of a blast in the future." Pinkie spoke in such a rapid fire, hyper active voice that it was a few seconds before any of the mares noticed she stopped talking.

"W-what?" Cirrus questioned quietly making Stormy Flare beside her shrug as Pinkie's smile slowly diminished until she rubbed her left forehoof with her right awkwardly and slowly crawled up to the couch to sit back down before turning to Celestia, begging with her eyes for her to go next, a cough was heard as Celestia had to struggle to keep from bursting out laughing before Cup Cake giggled and nearly every mare in the room started laughing hysterically.

They managed to calm down after a few minutes.

"I like you, Miss Pie." Windy Whistles spoke trying to catch her breath causing the mare to smile again before Celestia followed Pinkie Pie's example and stood on all four hooves on the floor with a practiced if not nervous grin.

"Hello, my name is Sunny Skies and I'm the mother of an Earth Pony colt named Flame Heart. We are from Vanhoover and I'm a single mother, I worked as a blacksmith near the edge of the city along with my sister, Milky Way-"

"Your tail's on fire." Pinkie commented, pointing suddenly with a hint of confusion at the small flame coming from the long strings of Celestia's tail and Peewee who chirped in greeting from his place on Celestia's seat.

"And my tail's on-" Celestia paused barely hearing Pinkie Pie's words before she spun her head around and shirked as many of the other mares screamed and attempted to aid the screaming Unicorn who was flailing around the house in horror.

Twilight Velvet could do nothing more then place her head in her hooves with a groan.

Things were already going so great, she could only guess what else would be in store for the night at this rate.

Author's Note:

Very, very special thanks to my author brother and editor of this chapter, Steadfast Hoof, it really means a lot to me brother. So yeah, this is the full gang, twelve mares in all meaning it will get crazy and more then wild for sure. I made absolutely sure to only have canon mothers, though you could argue that Pinkie, Derpy and Celestia don't count but I don't care, I like it this way.

I was going to add about two more like Pinkie's mother and Sunburst's mother but I don't care and don't want to have to go through even more ponies.

I take using canon characters (which they all are, trust me I did the research) very seriously unless I really have no choice but to use an OC, since the world of MLP is way, way to large to use OC's all the time, but that's just me.

Here you all are and hope you enjoyed it, I had fun writing this chapter.

Comments ( 9 )

Oh I am going to enjoy this.

There are worst ways to make a first impression. Honestly, a tail fire is just a conversation starter once it's all said and done. Waiting to see what comes next.

:rainbowlaugh: So very bucking true, glad you like it so far my friend.

Oh I'm loving this xD

I also Momlestia to Spike is best Celestia in my opinion (...now if only I can find a fic where Luna goes full badass Aunty mode....) plus I love how you've written Spike to be the loving son who has long since accepted his mothers over the top nature ^^

Can't wait to see what happens next!

P.S. PeeWee returns, HUZZAR!!!

I'm very glad you like this story. I have a lot of fun with it and need to write the next one today. Buck yeah I'd love to read that fic and Spike and Momlestia is what I write a lot of sometimes. I love having Peewee in any story with Spike in it I can.

Huh, why didn't this show up in my tracking list? Sorry it took so long to notice.

You're fine my brother. I need to update this anyway lol.

Wish for it to come back

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