• Member Since 20th Dec, 2013
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David Silver

You can get your own story written or push a current story for more updates at his Patreon!

Comments ( 1038 )

I look forward to more.

Oooh new Silver story. Can't wait

*finishes reading* Hehe. me likey so far.

I too fell for the self insert... Sounded fun in my head, and so you have Ian the light bringer

This takes place significantly before Luna's return.

Yeah, it's feel like it happened at least a hundred years before canon :).

Let's see where this goes.

Why do I imagine him telling Celestia some human dark humor like "we're all white on the inside" or "a Jew made germ-x because he had germanphobia"

Yup, she desperate if theyll hire just anyone these days.

Just hope he rmemebers how many lemons or potatoes it takes to recharge his phone, or its Very quickly going to end up a rather unintresting brick. Because Noone will beleive him enought to even bother dropping a scan spell on it. Maybe Celestia herself can handle macroscopic volumes of not just atomic level resolution, but subatomic resolution for the stressed gate fets?:trixieshiftright:

Roman roads are good enough, theres a couple of UK main roads that are basically just tarmaced over the surface in places. Its the geometry and multilayer compacted stone base that makes it resiliant, and the 10 fully kitted men wide with shoulders that makes them modern useable?

I have a feeling that he will become Twilight's science tutor. Need to see where this would go.

so this will update 1/month

only you could write a story like this plot idea well and at this point im just about impatient enough to throw money at you for this story specifically!

I love your works David Silver, but i hate how your writing skill somehow supercedes my miserly principles!

this story is 800+ years before Twilight exists.

The banishing of her sister is... still fresh in her mind, however long ago it was for the rest of us." She put a hoof over her chest. "Goodness, I only hear about it from my granddame.

Can anyone recall for me the lifespan or maturation rate for ponies in David Silver's Equestria?


Just hope he rmemebers how many lemons or potatoes it takes to recharge his phone, or its Very quickly going to end up a rather unintresting brick.

Google Says...
It Only Takes 110 Pounds of Potatoes to Charge a Smartphone

He'd be much better off with a portable Ac/Dc dynamo and connected bettery pack, or better yet, a portable folding solar panel.

Do you suppose you can point a solar panel indoors at Celestia and still get full insolation?

Because you know some very awful Ian's, and your brain is making a comparison connection through your sense of humor.

Are you the patron behind this story?


It aint the potatoes that supply the power, they just supply the corrosive juice, its teh amount and sequence of metal. the trick I was meaning was how many mpotatoes etc, or even Volta pile, that will generate the required Voltage, so that Twilight can measure it and replicate it, as the current then drawn is limited by the charger circuit within the phone.

I can only remember that a lead/lead oxide/sulphuric acid cell is 2 volts and delicate USB cant handle 6 volts instead of 5 volts, so you need a voltage divider or a silicon rectifier diode for the voltag drop. And a voltage divider you lose a lot more power than you use in charging and you have to know about the parralel, serial arrangement of resistors to try and stuck within load limits etc.

If you have a wind up torch with charger socket, or a solar power brick, then things are a lot easier, Twiligh has something not a phone to accidentally explode first. :twilightoops:

I see. So this story will explain how train, helicopter and indoor plumbing exist in Twilight time then.

Just for you, I made a new tier, the Cheering Pony. For $20/month, you can request an extra chapter on any currently ongoing story (this story would be valid). If you put in more on top of that $20, each $20 is another chapter/month.

guilty as charged

your gift of attention has given me many strong feelings. This is unconfortable.

Time for me to head to patreon then and figure out how to do the money thing

meanwhile you should mention that new tier in a blog post to your followers. Do it.

I'm intrigued. Please do continue, this beginning is rather novel and has potential :twilightsmile:

Clearly this guy isn't a believer in the Prime Directive! :twilightsmile:
But, in a world of magic, maybe Ian is just the thing to spark new ideas and progress. He won't make it as an entertainer, but as a bard? Hmmm...
Keep going! ;)

I have done this thing. Do you have a link to said Patreon?

First advantage of being in the castle, baths, and laundry. Two, two advantages then.

all i can hear in my head is monty python

aye... the small joys of life, British humor, it stands strong thru the ages


You have to Look On The Bright Side Of Life.:trollestia:

8468880 *whistles*

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

Looks like our protagonist has quick wit and pretty composed toward unexpected situations. Need to read the next chapter to see how this story would go. So far, it is still an intriguing story plot.

Gotta get those scientists learning about microorganisms.

First, he has to invent microscope just to show those ponies what germs look like.

The Lightning Bringer

Speaking of which:

Hopefully, he knows not to use lead pipes

that's like, the original "ONE THING" learning moment that kickstarts any child engineer into growing up with "armchair society logistics technician" as their lifelong hobby.

Pretty sure he knows about it! :scootangel:

I know its just very important to not forget

Not gonna lie I was expecting him to mention the black death. If they ask where he came from he can just say most of his species was wiped out due to the black death and he survived because he was a doctor that discovered being sanitary mostly prevents it. Even though he isn't a doctor he is probably smarter than the current pony doctor's.

The big problem for sanitation in the cities was the population density verses the disposal speed from storage and leakage. That, and equine waste is toally different to human waste due to their far higher carbon content of vegetation food than the nitrogen containing meat based human food. One tourist information centre in Cardiff, Wales I beleive it was, used a simple pile of horse manure to compost down, and below it placed a water loop, that on being heated, flowed up the hill to the radiators in the building. Or underfloor heating depending if you knew about hypocaust and could put the piping down before the mosaics were placed. Then again, hypocaust also went up the hollow walls, improoving thermal insulation even when not active.

Get the stuff out of the city, great long drop sewer pipes, and around the othre side of the mountain, once wind directions have been agreed on, build the evapouration pans and compost heaps. Which is why they were called sewage farms, because the compost was spread on the crops to greatly fertilise them. If thers no enough room locally, thats what the railways are for. Finally, the nobility can actually be useful for fertilising the rest of Equestria, instead of keeping all the c:yay:p to themselves. :trollestia:

This is a very refreshing reading, i hope you continue this, it makes my day and now im very calm, the conversation in the bath was soothing, very well done :D.

Not neceseraly, the first time humans discovered microorganism, it was with lenses, with an spherical shape, so he could instruct in its construction.

Besides, they already have telescopes, so they clearly have the ability to make magnifying lenses.

This is in the past of Equestria, telescopes are not assumed.

Color me intrigued...


Once again I am intrigued by one of your stories. Good show!


That's twice in a row with that word. I can think of much worse words, so I accept your intrigue and hope to live up to it.

I love to see more chapters of this though I have one nitpick: How is there a plumber much less multiple plumbing companies to choose from before sewers are a thing? I mean, yeah, they existed to do aqueducts and such but I imagine they'd be a lot harder to find than, say, a blacksmith. Mentally, I'm just chalking this up to deus ex machina.

8540193 That pretty well sums up the problem I had with this chapter. This story seems to presume that Equestria is functioning at roughly the equivalent of Europe's (late) medieval period; if that's the case, plumbing should barely exist at all except perhaps as grooves in the street for wastewater to collect (covering those formed primitive sewers). References to plumbing as a profession, with pipes and hard hats of all things, shouldn't really exist yet.

Aqueducts, as you mentioned, might very well exist (along with other advancements), but that sounds like exactly the sort of thing that the minotaurs or other nations would have that Equestria doesn't (notwithstanding rare instances of undertaking a commission, a foreign ruler's gift, etc.).

At the risk of going too far off-topic, there are some great primers out there regarding what life was like in Western Europe during the late medieval period that seem almost essential for establishing the baseline that this story is working from.

Was Equestria behind some of its neighbors?

I would have to do something about that.


This story is very interesting. A story solely based upon Equestria's tech advancement and not it just being an afterthought like in a lot of popular HiE. Keep it up you have something special here!

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