• Published 21st Sep 2017
  • 7,302 Views, 135 Comments

Crystal Vanguard - Benkei Urahara

An accident has sent Gohan to Equestria around the same time as Princess Flurry Hearts birthday. The problem is that he has no idea what that accident was.

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Return to the Hippogriffs! Part 2 (Arc Closer)

The party reappeared on a rocky beach, several of them having to stop and vomit on the sand. Trunks wiped his mouth, taking the canteen offered to him. “Thanks.” He held it over his mouth, making sure his lips didn’t touch it before passing it to Rainbow, who was pulling herself off of Spike, who was wrapped around his wife and newborn son, Goku. They couldn’t find a good name, so Gohan suggested naming him after the boy’s father. They liked it. Rarity got to work trying to quiet the disturbed baby as he wailed.

“Kids got one helluva set of lungs.” Trunks said quietly before looking around. He didn’t know any of these women, other than Twilight, and he only knew her name. “Alright, since your princesses sent you all here, let’s go ahead and get a head count.”

Twilight gave a quick count, coming to a count of 13, the Elements, Flurry, Candence, who showed up when she felt the massive disturbance of magic, getting caught in the teleportation at the last second, Armor, Gohan, Spike, Trunks, and little Goku. “Everyone’s here.”

“Good, then we’ll go ahead and get introductions out of the way. My name is Trunks Briefs. I’m sure Gohan has already told you about who I am and where I’m from, so I won’t bore you with my life story.”

Everyone else introduced themselves as best they could with Goku screaming his head off. Trunks finally walked over when everyone else finished explaining, holding his arms out to Rarity. “Mind if I see him?” The parents were a bit apprehensive, but Gohan trusted him, so they decided to as well. Rarity gingerly held Goku out to the lavender haired boy who took him with practiced ease. Trunks than put the baby over his shoulder and pat his back a bit until the boy belched. “He was just gassy.” he said, handing the now giggling boy back to his father.

“How did you-”

“In my time, there are a lot of orphans and a lot of kids left with younger siblings. They needed someone to help teach them how to care for babies and my mom is only one person, so she taught me a bit and had me help her out.” He said, cutting Spike off while also making faces at Goku to make him smile and gurgle. He stood back up with a light frown, looking around. “Alright, we need to figure out what we need to do next.”

“We need to go to the Kingdom of The Hippogriffs.” Twilight said, walking over to Trunks.

The boy looked at her oddly. “How do you figure?”

“Where the ocean meets the sky. Celestia intentionally said that to make sure Diserex didn’t figure out immediately where we were going.” She said, still confusing the party. She turned to the Elements and Spike. “Remember when the Storm King attacked?” They nodded. “Well, what did we have to do to save Equestria then?”

“Oooh, Oooh, pick me, pick me!” Pinkie shouted sticking her arm in the air and waving it around.

“Uh, Miss Pinkie?” Trunks said, shocked when the party girl hopped up and ran over almost too fast for him to see. ‘How?!’

“We had to go find the Hippogriffs, but first we went to the this desert merchant town where we met Capper and thought he was a nice guy, but then he tried to sell us and at the last second helped us to escape then we met up with the sky pirates that were under the Storm Kings command, but then Rainbow sang a song and got them to go back to who they really were and they helped us to get away from Tempest again, then we found the Hippogriffs home, but they weren’t there, so we went underwater and found them there and-”

“PINKIE!!!” The young woman stopped and took a deep breath as Trunks just looked on, horrified.

“How did she do that without having to breathe?”

“Don’t ask.” Twilight said simply. “Anyway, like Pinkie said, we had to ask the Hippogriffs for help, but they had turned themselves into merpeople.”

“Where the ocean meets the sky.” Trunks parroted.

“Exactly. Some of the Hippogriffs remained in the ocean. They didn’t want to come out of the water. So, the people of the sky are still tied to the ocean.”

“Hmm… Well, if nothing else, it’s at least a lead. Alright, we need to get ready to-” His eyes widened and he turned to the east, towards Ponyville. ‘Piccolo…’

“Trunks?” Twilight asked worriedly. “What’s wrong?”

He closed his eyes and steeled himself. “I don’t know how to say this, so I’ll just be outright. The moment we got here, I started monitoring the energies of the people we left back there to fight that Diserex guy. Your princesses and Piccolo. Just a few moments ago, Diserex’s energy increased exponentially. And then, Piccolo’s energy and the other two’s energies blinked out.” he said solemnly, the party’s eyes wide. Many of them had tears in their eyes, Twilight looking as though she’d woken from the worst nightmare of her life.

“What does that mean?” Rarity asked.

When Trunks stayed silent, Rainbow grit her teeth, stepping forward and grabbing him by his undershirt. “She asked you a question! What the hell are you talking about?!” Still, he was quiet. It earned him a hard slap from the freaking out woman. “Answer me! You can’t seriously be saying that bastard had the strength to kill all three of them!”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying.” Rainbow froze, slowly letting go of Trunks’ shirt. “From here on out, until we know otherwise, we’ll have to assume that Diserex killed your princesses and my friend. It hurts, I know. But we can’t let it drag us down. If that… thing was strong enough to kill them all together like that, it means he’s a threat to both our worlds.”

Flurry broke down, sobbing hard as Twilight clutched at her head, her mind collapsing bit by bit as she tried desperately to wrap her head around the fact that her teacher, the woman she had come to see as a second mother, was dead. The others in their group weren’t faring much better. Fluttershy sobbed into Applejack’s chest, the country girl only barely holding on as tears ran down her face. Rainbow was still frozen, Rarity and Spike held each other tight. Cadence was holding her bawling daughter, Armor wrapping his arms around them both and cradling them against him. Pinkie was trying to get through to Twilight who simply stood, hyperventilating.

“THAT’S ENOUGH!” Trunks bellowed, causing everyone to freeze and look at him. His face was drawn in a hard scowl and even though they’d never met the man, they could see how he resembled his father. “I wish I could give you time to grieve, time to mourn and catch up with everything that’s happened. But we don’t have the time or the luxury. We need to move. If Diserex finds us before we get to these Hippogriffs, their sacrifices will have been in vain. Do what you must, but don’t let your emotions drag you or others down. I understand that you’re all scared, but sitting here, crying and losing it will not do their memories the justice they deserve.” He didn’t like admitting it, but he’d gotten good at bringing a grieving group together when he needed to.

When he saw that he had their attentions, but that they were all absolutely drop dead tired, he sighed lightly. The young warrior reached into his pocket, pulling out his capsule box, popping the top on three and tossing them out. They exploded and in their places, two fridges and six tent bags sat on the ground. “I only have six tents, but I have enough food to keep us decently well fed for about a week. We’ll camp here for the night, but at first light, we’re moving out.” He started to unpack the tents, being joined by Armor, Rainbow, AJ, Pinkie, and Spike while the others set to checking the fridge for meals or going out a bit to collect firewood. Cadence just seemed to wander off, but she came back once the moon had started to rise, looking like she’d just gone through hell.

Trunks looked over to see Flurry still sitting by Gohan, the boy not making a move as she clutched his hand. It shocked him to see such devotion and love from a girl so young. He stood up after he finished pitching the tent, Spike putting a bedroll in it. He walked over to the two, waiting for Flurry to look at him. “Gohan will be all right. He’s the strongest person I know.”

She simply stared at him for a moment before looking back at Gohan. “We should move him to a tent so he’s not sitting out in the cold.” He said, kneeling down and picking the boy up. Flurry simply stared on before standing and going to her mother to ask if she needed help. Trunks watched the girl, his heart almost breaking at the empty look in her eyes. He’d seen that look before in the eyes of the people who lost their spouses and lovers. Even if Gohan wasn’t dead, she still felt as if she’d failed him and, in a lot of ways, that was just as bad.

He looked down at his friend. “You’ve found someone really amazing, Gohan. I hope you wake up soon. If not for you, then for her.” Trunks walked to the tent and laid the half saiyan down, covering him up.

A fire was built and it’s crackling was the only sound in the campsite as everyone at their modest meal of vegetable stew. It had been awhile since Trunks had seen so many people so down, so defeated. He made sure to thank Rarity and Cadence for the meal before letting everyone know he’d be taking the first shift for watch. He also informed them that he’d be teaching them all how to sense ki so they weren’t in the dark if him or Flurry weren’t on watch.

After a short talk about the plan for the next few days, Twilight using the stars to gain a bit of orientation, and getting all the food packed back up, They decided on who would sleep with who. Spike, Rarity, and little Goku were given the largest tent, Armor and Cadence next, then Rainbow and AJ, Pinkie and Fluttershy, Flurry and Gohan, and Twilight to her own tent. She was actually sharing it with Trunks, but as the saiyan didn’t plan on sleeping, she had her own space to herself.

The sound of the wind running over the shoreline and the waves lapping at the sandy beach was the only noise the young swordsman heard as he trained. Normally he wouldn’t be training while on watch as it would tire him out, but he had some things on his mind. Or, someone rather. Twilight. He knew that hollow, angry look in her eyes. He had the same look for a long time when he’d lost the Gohan of his time.

And then there was the rest of their party. These people have lost their friends, their home all in the span of a few hours. He had dealt with this exact situation with the Androids far too many times. Diserex had to be stopped or-

“Trunks?” The young man stopped mid-punch and looked to his side, seeing Twilight standing there, an arm wrapped around her midsection and her hand gripping her other arm. Her violet eyes shown with unshed tears, paired with the deep tear stains on her face. She wasn’t wearing makeup, luckily, so no run off. Trunks did admit, though, she did look pretty in the light of the fire.

He walked over to her, practically towering over her. She noticed, as well, that his jacket hid some amazing muscles. He looked almost like chiseled marble. “You should be resting, Princess. It won’t be long before we have to leave.”

“I could say the same for you.” She retorted, a bit more curtly than she had intended. Her eyes widened a bit once she realized the tone she had just used. “I-I’m sorry, it’s just-”

“Don’t worry. I understand. Better than you think.” He said, hoping to lighten her burden a bit.

The Princess of Friendship simply looked down at her feet. “Gohan told us that he was your master in your time. He also said… he died.” Trunks felt his heart clench a bit. “I never thought… I’d have any idea what that felt like. To lose someone… that you trusted, that you loved that much.” Tears began to fall to the sand as she gave a weak, mirthless laugh. “And now… I know just how weak, how powerless I am compared to what she had to face. It’s almost laughably ironic, that I, her self-proclaimed top student, would fall short when it mattered. I couldn’t even help the kids! I’m just a pathetic excuse for a princess! I couldn’t do anything to help her, or Luna, or even Piccolo! I just stood by and watched!”

Her tirade was brought to an end when Trunks flicked her forehead. She yelped and rubbed the sore spot, half-heartedly glaring at the boy. “Can you use a spell to see someone’s memories?” Twilight took a moment before nodding, remembering that Luna had taught her a simplified version of her Dream Walker spell. Downside was that it wouldn’t work if her target was asleep and didn’t consent to her entering their minds. Trunks took her hand and put it to the side of his head. “There’s something I want to show you.”

She looked at him oddly before closing her eyes and summoning her magic, activating the spell. Her horn glowed faintly and Trunks could feel something poking around in his mind. He closed his eyes and focused on the memories he wanted to show her. To show her she wasn’t alone in how she felt.

Twilight opened her eyes, looking around the corridor she was in. It was Trunks’ mind and every doorway lead to another memory. One of the doors opened for her, the princess hesitating a bit before walking in. She had to close her eyes at the brilliant flash of light that nearly blinded her. When she opened them, she felt a multitude of things. Security, happiness, a bit of physical pain, and the rush of adrenaline. She looked around and saw what looked like a younger Trunks flying over the ground at an older man.

He had several scars on his face with short, black hair and equally dark eyes. He was wearing a very familiar gi. Twilight recognized it immediately. It was Gohan’s gi. But, that wasn’t even the most distinguishing attribute of the man. No, that was the fact that he was missing his left arm. Even so, the man almost danced around Trunks as the boy tried desperately to hit his teacher. His efforts were met with a swift knee to the gut and an overhand left that sent him rolling in the dust.

Twilight watched in awe as Trunks struggled to stand, looking up at his smiling master as said warrior extended a hand to him. He pulled himself up and smiled back. “You’re doing great, Trunks. Just a bit more and we’ll call it a day.”

“Okay. Thanks, Gohan.” The boy said, taking his stance.

‘So, that is Gohan. He looks… so different here. So much harder and colder. But…’ She smiled as Gohan knocked Trunks back to the ground, only to help him stand back up with a smile and a laugh, making sure to give his disciple advice on what he did wrong. “I guess some things don’t change, no matter the world you’re in.’

“Alright, Trunks. Last drill of the day.”

Trunks nodded, his face being drawn in a hard scowl. Twilight gasped as she felt a swelling of rage. The spell connected her to the target, making her feel what they did. Luckily, even as a kid, Trunks was tough, meaning she didn’t feel much pain from Gohan’s attacks, even if they both knew he was holding back. The younger saiyans aura sprang to life around him as he started charging his energy. “Come on, Trunks! You can do this! Focus on that pain, that anger you feel towards the Androids! Use it!” Trunks started to scream and his hair flashed gold for a moment before his energy plummeted, the boy falling to his knees and puking into the grass.

Gohan pat his students back as he calmed down. “Don’t worry about it. You’ll get there.” Twilight could feel the love Gohan had for the boy, looking at him almost like a son, the same look her dad gave her and Armor. A bit later the two were sitting on top of a massive rock formation in the wilderness, watching the clouds and talking. It was sweet to see it. It reminded her of… when she’d have tea with Celestia after a lesson. “You know, Trunks, you really are amazing. You’ve made so much progress in such a small amount of time. I can feel it, you’re close. You just need that final push.”

Trunks stayed quiet for a moment before speaking. “Hey, Gohan?” The warrior hummed. “You keep telling to use the pain of loss to fuel myself, but I can’t honestly think of anything I’ve lost. How do you do it?”

Gohan just gave a small smile in response. “Well, I think of two things. The first being the rage and pain at seeing my friends and the people I love being taken from me. Dad, Piccolo, Krillin, even your dad, Trunks. That pain fuels me. It builds up to a breaking point until it finally just erupts. Then, I remember that all of them left me here with a duty to protect our world. Our home. That memory helps me reign in the power. Turning Super Saiyan isn’t just about the rage, but about control as well. Keep that in mind, Trunks.”

Almost on cue, an explosion shook the ground and lit up the sky. The two stood and looked down at the city, more explosions erupting. “The Androids! We need to get down there and help!”

Gohan gave a mighty shout, his hair turning gold with his aura. “No, Trunks! You have to promise me you’ll stay here!”

“What?! You can’t expect me to let you go down there and fight them alone! Come on, I’m stronger than before!”

Gohan seemed torn for a moment before smiling at Trunks. “Alright, Trunks. We’ll do it your way.” He turned back to the city. “Let’s go give those bastards what they deserve.”

“Yeah!” Trunks exclaimed, about to lift off before everything went black.

Twilight was in shock. ‘What just happened?’

The world came back into view as Trunks groaned. He looked out to the city, jumping to his feet as horror ran through his blood like freezing cold water. “Oh, no.” He lifted off, flying down as fast as he could. He began searching for Gohan’s energy, but felt nothing. His panic and fear continued to rise as he flew over the city. Finally, he saw something that made his heart stop. Twilight covered her mouth as she felt her own heart breaking as the boy landed, walking slowly to the prone figure in the center of the crater, tears rolling down his face.

It was Gohan, lying face down in the rainwater pooling around him. The boy knelt down and shook his master. “Gohan.” He cradled his master’s head in his arms, pulling him close. “Gohan! GOHAN!!!” He let the body of his best friend, the closest thing he’d ever had to a father, drop back to the ground as he screamed to the heavens, shaking violently. Blood began to run down his arms as his nails bit into the palms of his hands. He gave a final torrential scream, his aura exploding around him, his hair turning shock gold, his eyes turning to an almost emerald green. The newly realized Super Saiyan gave another scream of pain, the city shaking around him before his fists crashed to the ground, shattering the pavement in an almost ten foot radius around him.

Twilight broke the spell, panting heavily as tears ran down her face. She looked back into Trunks’ eyes. He understood. He really did. He knew that pain better than anyone, maybe even better than her. His face gave nothing away, but the look of pain in his eyes mirrored hers. She finally broke down, planting herself against his chest and sobbing into his shirt. He gingerly wrapped his arms around her, rubbing her back as he waited, letting her get all that pain out of her system.

He offhandedly noticed the sun beginning to rise in the distance, oddly noticing Cadence standing on a rock with her arms outstretched to the sky, Armor holding one of her hands, before gently picking Twilight up in his arms and walking her to their tent. She gave no notice that she was being carried outside of a surprised hiccup. As the sun rose over the camp site, the warrior slowly calmed the princess. The dawn had always been a source of comfort for her, but not today. The night had come and gone, but the dawn didn’t usher in the hope it normally did. The Elements, the saiyans, and the Princesses of Equestria had been beaten and now they only had the last words of her master to make things right. As she sobbed into Trunks arms, she prayed to the Creator that they could do just that.

Author's Note:

Here's Part 2 and the closer for the Introduction Arc. The next arc will start the party at the capital of the Hippogriffs, mostly cause every chapter I've made of them traveling just turned out terribly.

Comments ( 16 )

I've read all the chapters so far, but are Goku Jr's parents supposed to be a secret?

He's not really Goku jr. It's Rarity and Spikes son. They couldn't find a good name, so Gohan suggested his dads.

Great story can't wait for the next one

How'd you come up with Diserex's name?

I based it on the words Disorder and the Latin word for King, Rex. Diserex (DISOR-REX for pronunciation)

Hey, will be a epic moment like in the super movie where Goku and Vegeta used the Transcentdent God Kamehameha and the Super Galick Gun back to back except with Gohan and Trunks?:pinkiehappy: And since Gohan is recovering from a near fatal hit, won't his zenki boost kick in?

I haven't seen the movie, so no idea. Also, yes, but there's more going on than him just being knocked out.

Oh, you can see the scene at the end of the second trailer for the movie.

I've loved every word of it so far. Can't wait for the next chapter. Keep it up.

Can't wait for the next chapter!!!


He offhandedly noticed the sun beginning to rise in the distance, oddly noticing Cadence standing on a rock with her arms outstretched to the sky, Armor holding one of her hands, before gently picking Twilight up in his arms and walking her to their tent. She gave no notice that she was being carried outside of a surprised hiccup. As the sun rose over the camp site, the warrior slowly calmed the princess. The dawn had always been a source of comfort for her, but not today. The night had come and gone, but the dawn didn’t usher in the hope it normally did. The Elements, the saiyans, and the Princesses of Equestria had been beaten and now they only had the last words of her master to make things right. As she sobbed into Trunks arms, she prayed to the Creator that they could do just that.

By the looks of things Celestia gave Cadance some lessons on how to raise and set the sun and moon should something happen to her and her sister. Smart play Celestia.

So to anyone still watching this series, work has started again! After some family drama and a year spent in and out of the hospital, I am in a place where I can work again.

Will this story continue?

Good to hear there will be updates. Been a big fan of the story since chapter 1. And am I detecting a Trilight (Trunks x Twilight) ship? That sounds like it would be awesome

Hey, hate to be this guy but it's been about a year and a half sense you gave us any form of update and a little over 3 years sense you updated the story in general. I just want to know if the story is actually dead:fluttercry:

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