• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Friday

Impossible Numbers

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying, And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."


A certain filly suffers a sleepless night. She loves art. She loves beauty. She loves ponies not instantly laughing at her like they do her parents. But it's her first day of school tomorrow, and she has to decide what kind of pony she's going to be.

Contestant for THE BARCAST WRITING CONTEST #2: Make Rarity Not Garbage with Guest Judge: Monochromatic.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 8 )

I rather thought the idea Rarity's dad Magnum was an ex-guard and pro-hoof ball player worked well. Guard cause he's pony Magnum PI and hoofballer cause of his cutie mark. So former royal guard and pro athlete that lives humbly, he's going to have money and have retired early. That would explain how they go on so many vacations.

Some of Estee's latest stories, Rarity's father is retired hoofball player turned scout & that's why they travel so often. He's on the road scouting teams & his wife goes with them. They leave Sweetie with Rarity so she won't miss school.



Given that I had no concrete explanation or elaboration of that multiple-vacations observation (not even in the fic itself; it's a throwaway line), I am legitimately puzzled by the fact that this is getting so much focus in the comments. :applejackconfused: It's not that big a distraction, is it?

No, not really. But, up until S6 none of the Mane 6 (except Pinkie) had much about their parents shown (Rarity's had the most & that was just some cameos) & so there was a LOT of fan speculation.


At the risk of sounding sappy, if I had a comment like this every twenty four hours, I'd never be in want of satisfaction. This has completely made my day. Thank you very much! :raritystarry:

Heavens, I felt that.

My son started school last week, and I think most of my fears were visualised to some extent here, and quite potently too.

For what it's worth coming from an online stranger, I hope you and your son experienced no problems, at least not major ones. Much as the drama of a first day of term is good story material, it's no so fun to actually live through.

As for your reaction to my fic, I in all honesty had not expected that, though I at least appreciate where it comes from. My focus was mainly on different aspects of Rarity as a character, and showing her in her "first state" as a child just seemed the most fitting time in her life to draw that out i.e. when most people are in their most natural or uninhibited state. I also wanted the freedom of Rarity pre-Cutie Mark, and to capture how she'd likely respond when introduced to the world of reputation and social status as a blank slate with potential.

The school setting was the obvious choice by deduction, and then things took off from there.

Bit nervous, though. I have no idea whether to be pleased to have created such an effect, or worried over the implications of achieving it as a side effect.

Some lovely character introspection at play, which I now come to expect from your work,

In that case: For the love of Pete, don't ever read my earliest fics. :raritydespair:

For now, I fully intend to keep up the standard. This is encouraging feedback indeed! :twilightsmile:

and effective segueing with the references to the source material.

Thanks, though I will admit Rarity inspiring Applejack to visit Manehattan wasn't scheduled for the original draft. I spontaneously threw it in late as a way to better convey Sparkler's point at the end. It almost didn't feature at all.

The last scene was arresting for all the right reasons, and I liked and appreciated the realistic conclusion,

Thank you very much! I'm especially pleased that you singled this one out, as I went back-and-forth on that scene for a while.

even though I personally felt that it didn't completely sign off with the sense of closure I was hoping for.

Having reread that last scene, I think I've identified the main factor: it's the first substantial characterization of Sparkler in the fic, the first time we really get a feel for her inner world. As a side effect, it feels like something's just starting when it's really ending, which is a little awkward when she's one of the major players.

Alternatively, the ending is too obviously a setup for Rarity's actual generosity as we'd recognize it in the show. The introduction of gemstones, money-gathering (implying she'll soon be interested in moneymaking), and the concept of philanthropy feels like taking a next step when suddenly, poof! Ending.

As you can tell, I'm speculating. After rereading that part, though, I do at least get a feel for what you mean. Chalk it up to the contest's word limit?

Once again, many thanks for this wonderful comment. I'm glad you find my work so rewarding. :pinkiesmile:

Oh, this was lovely. Wee Rarity's an excellent viewpoint character, and her efforts to assert her own identity are adorably precocious - as well as poignant, considering what comes of her first friendship and the path to becoming a more conscientious pony that sets her on. Good tie-ins with canon as well. Applejack's motivation for going to Manehattan and how that tied in with Rarity's own character development were very well done.

Superb work. :twilightsmile:


Meaning no disrespect, but I think I'll dispense with my apologies to you from this point on. Not because I don't regret my negligence - I do regret it - but I figure you'll get pretty bored hearing me say "sorry" over and over.

I will not stop thanking you for the comments, though. They are utter treasures. :twilightsmile: Though I like Knitting Encouragement more than I do this one, I am glad you singled out Rarity's development here. I was trying to balance both her good sides and her bad sides, and not just because that was a contest requirement; it's honestly a big part of why I like her character so much. Applejack's Manehattan backstory tied in unexpectedly well, all things considered. (I did wonder if it was a bit ropey in its current form.)

Thanks again! :scootangel:

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