• Published 15th Sep 2017
  • 2,057 Views, 71 Comments

Baby Hoity Toity in Manehatten - Foal Star

Hoity Toity is suddenly turned into a foal, and his collection of foal clothes went missing. Now he'll have to go to Manehatten and win a foal fashion show with the help of Rarity.

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Chapter 9: The Genie!

The next morning Sandy Padding was snuggled up and sleeping soundly, before he started whimpering. “Mama, Mama, hungwy.”

Applejack turned and cooed. “Aww, how are you?” The little foal (he wasn’t old enough to be understood by grown ponies) whimpered as Applejack scooped him into her hooves. He just instantly nuzzled her underbelly and the farm mare smirked. “Oh I think I know what you want,” She scooped him into her hooves, took out a bottle of formula, and plopped it into his mouth. He suckled gently as Applejack cooed. “There there, it’s alright,” He suckled for some time, turning to see the rest of the foals all sleeping soundly around Rarity. He a waved a hoof to them as Applejack explained. “Those are your friends. There’s Hoity Toity, Cannon Feather, Zecora, Pencil Pusher, and Bell Hopper.”

The foal’s eyes went wide as he thought. “All of these ponies turned into foals? It must be that hooded mare, it has to be!” He turned to Applejack, still suckling his bottle as she dawwed. “Oh, it’s okay don’t hurt yourself. I don’t think you’re older than a few months old,” He whimpered, still kicking about in her grasp. He then continued to suckle the formula until it was all gone. A clammy smell filled the air and Applejack giggled. “You probably didn’t even know you just made a mess in your diaper,” He just burped and spat it up. The farm pony eeped. “Oh dear, better clean that up!” She quickly wiped his mouth, and laid him down and started changing his diaper.

Sandy turned to see all the supplies Applejack had gotten for him, newborn sized diapers, formula for newborns, even some onesies and a pair of hoofie pajamas for him. “I can’t believe she would get all that, just for me. I owe this mare everything!

Applejack blushed, she could guess what Sandy was thinking. “Yeah, I had to get stuff for newborns, I knew I couldn’t just leave you. Luckily, a mare downstairs has a newborn foal too. She was glad to lend me some supplies for the time bein,” She finished the change, strapping him into a new diaper. He giggled, kicking about in his fresh padding. The mare tickled him. “Aww, you’re just adorable.”

Sandy squealed, giggling and wiggling about. Just then, Zecora came over to the bed and peered over at the newborn foal and whispered. “mama, can I talk to him now?”

Applejack chuckled looking over to see her curious daughter. “Yeah, sure, come down here, Zecora.”

Zecora crawled down from the be, plopped onto her padded rump, and waddled over to the foal and asked in foal babble. “Hey, Sandy Paddin’, how ya doin’?”

Sandy babbled back. “I doin’ otay, I just twyin’ to weawn how to be a foaw. Is wiewd”

Zecora giggled. “Wooks wike ya doin’ otay, ya even did a poopy in ya diapee. But we gots to know what's going on? Why is evewypony tuwnin’ into foaws?”

Sandy Padding whimpered, scrunching his padding with a hoof. “I sowie, bu this mawe in bwack showed up one day and asked if I wanted to take ova ta foaw mawket in fashion. I dun know much, but she was interested in a genie.”

Zecora gasped. “A genie?!”

Sandy nodded. “Yeah, a genie. Ya see, I gots a book about genies fwom my mommy a whiwe back, but I didn’ know how to find ta genie. Ten ta mawe in bwack asked about it and I wet hew find ta genie. Ten I got thwee wishes, my fiwst wish was I wanted to be supa wich, ten I wished I was famous, but I didn’ know what ewse to wish fow. But then the mawe in a bwack cwoak made a deaw with Hoity’s mommy and she wanted a speical wish.”

Zecora bounced in excitement and asked. “What was ta wish?! Wh did Hoity’s mommy wish fow with the mawe?!”

But Sandy continued. “I dun know, she made the wish in secwet with Hoity’s mommy. She makes foaw cwothes on a mass scawe and she didn’t wan’ Hoity Toity to take ta foaw mawket. Tat cwazy cwoaked mawe tuwned me into a foaw becawse I faiwed to stop tat.”

“So did she twansform Hoity, and have someting to do with the wegession of me and the woyaw guawds?” Zecora asked.

Sandy shrugged and confessed. “I dun know, but she gottin’ good at wegwessin’ ponies with hew cwazy powew. Tat’s whewe my two modews came fwom.”

Zecora babbled. “When did she ask you about the genie though? And is she stiw in Manehattan?”

“I dun know if she was stiww in Manehattan.” Sandy confessed.

While this babble was going back and forth, Applejack was just looking on in awe at the foals. “Wow, that conversation lasted for some time.” She thought, then she bent down and asked Zecora. “So...what did you learn, Zecora?”

The little zebra looked up at her mom. “I tink ya showd wisten, we might have a foaw apocawypse coming.”

All the foals (as well as Rarity and Applejack) listened to what Zecora said with their mouths agape. Rarity whispered. “Oh my. It seems there’s more to this foal fashion show then I thought.”

Hoity nodded. “Yeah, and I tink my mama is invovewd fow suwe. She wives hewe in Manehattan, we gots to go see hew and find out if she knows mowe about this mawe!”

Applejack turned to Hoity with a questionable look and asked. “But how we gonna do that? From what I saw of your mom, she’s rude and mean...no offense.”

Hoity giggled. “None taken, she was kind of stwuct. Bu we gots to find hew, she has to be the one who knows this mysteiows mawe.”

Rarity sighed and whispered. “Hoity...I don’t know if this is a good idea. Your mother apparently didn’t want you to win the show. She’s bound to be furious now that you have.”

But Hoity giggled and explained. “Is otay, Wawity, I can handwe my mama. Jus keep an eye on Sandy and make suwe he behaves.”

“Don’t ya worry,” Applejack spoke up. “I’ll be keepin’ a good eye on little Sandy Paddin’ here. I’ll make sure he doesn’t get into trouble or tries to slip away.”

Cannon Feather came over and hugged Hoity tightly. “Ya be safe, I not gonna be theww to pwotect ya.”

Hoity hugged his best friend back as Rarity cooed. “I’ll go with you, darling. Your mother wouldn’t dare lay a hoof on you while I’m around.” She then placed Hoity onto her back and ran off to find the stroller.

A short time later, Rarity was now pushing Hoity in his stroller down the street, with him scrunching his diaper. Looking at the ground, he gulped as he whispered. “Wawity...if what Sandy said is twue and I gonna be a foaw fow awhiwe...is..is it otay tat ya wiww be my new mommy?”

Rarity paused, her heart pounding in her chest as she bent down and hugged him. “Oh darling, of course. I know it’s been a trial for both of us, but taking care of you has been a lot of fun and was very interesting, even if some parts I could live without. I’ve very much enjoyed our time together. I can see what Applejack and Princess Luna are talking about when they say having a foal changes you.”

Hoity nodded and nuzzled Rarity as he babbled. “Tanks, Wawity, I wove ya so much!”

Rarity kissed him on the forehead and cooed. “Okay, Hoity. Now that we’ve got that cleared up, are you ready to confront your old mother?” He nodded one more time, and Rarity sighed as she approached Sassy’s house, and knocked on the door. They waited until Sassy Fancy opened it and smiled on seeing Rarity with Hoity Toity. She cooed. “Hello you two, welcome! Please, do come in, how I’ve longed to see you both again!” They entered the house with the mare smiling at them. “It's so nice to see you, especially now that you’ve just become the biggest foal fashion stars in Equestria!”

Rarity waved a hoof. “Oh, it was nothing, darling,” Then she cleared her throat. “But actually, we came to talk business, seeing as now you own most of Hoity’s.”

Sassy nodded. “Right, well I don't mind you having the foal clothing departments.”

But Hoity blurted out. “We hewe to tawk about Sandy Padding, becawse we tawked to him and he said ya knows who tuwned me into a foaw.”

Sassy gasped! “What?! You think I wanted to help turn you into a foal?!”

Hoity nodded and babbled. “Wew, maybe you didn’ want me to be a foaw. But ya did want my business. Which ya got anyways.”

“So, what are you going to do about it?” Sassy smirked. “You’re just a foal, who would believe you?”

But Rarity laughed and corrected. “Well, we can get Princess Celestia involved, and have her take you into custody for conspiring to take your own son’s business away.”

Sassy laughed at the threat and shouted. “Oh please! Princess Celestia can’t stop it, the genie’s power is irreversible!”

Hoity waddled over to his mom, and put his hooves on his hips in frustration. “So, ya tink is over?”

Sassy nodded and continued to smirk. “Oh yes it is. You don't have any proof I did anything, except for the word of a newborn.”

“We will find the proof, just you wait!” Rarity vowed. “You’re not bringing about a foal apocalypse on our watch!”

Hoity crossed his hooves and babbled. “Yeah, we gonna find ya pwoof and gonna make suwe ya neva tuwn anothew poow pony into a foaw again! I can’t beiweve ya’d do tis to me!”

“Good luck doing that!” Sassy snarled.

Hoity shouted back. “We gonna do it! And we gonna be ta ones who tuwn aw ta ponies ya twued into foaws, back to nowmaw!”

“Yeah, right.” Sassy remarked in a dismissive tone, rolling her eyes.

“Oh we will, just watch!” Rarity vowed. Then, changing the subject she asked. “Now, where is this genie you spoke of earlier?”

Hoity shouted and demanded. “Yeah, ya gonna show us whewe ta genie is wight now!”

Sassy laughed. “Make me!”

Rarity turned, a magical voice recorder was displayed in her hoof. “A little something Twilight told me how to use, just in case we were to catch the perpetrator of the foal pandemic,” The recorder disappeared when she lit up her horn. “So, how about you show us the genie, and I won’t have Twilight give the device to Princess Celestia?”

Hoity giggled, as he watched his old mother scowl in defeat. “Fine, I guess I don't have a choice.” She then waved a hoof and the two followed her to the back of the house, where she opened the door, revealing a blue, wavering spirit.

The creature was dragon like and floating in the blue mist as it crossed its claws over his chest. “What in Equestria are these two doing here?” It demanded.

Rarity, plucking up courage, explained. “We are here, because we heard you have been turning ponies into foals. Now change them back!”

But the genie only scoffed. “I'm not the one responsible, you must’ve heard it all wrong! That mare with the equal sign for a cutie mark is the one who’s been turning ponies into foals.”

Hoity gasped. “Wait, ya sayin my mommy isn't ta one doing tis?!”

The genie shook his head. “Sorry, little one, but your mom.is innocent. In fact she just kept me here and I gave her three wishes already. I’ve been waiting for the mare with the equal sign, she only made one wish.”

“Really, and what's that?” Rarity inquired, hoping for an answer.

The genie only laughed, “Sorry, I’m afraid it's against the rules to tell other ponies what the past masters wished for. Just as I’m not allowed to grant certain types of wishes, and that includes wishing for more wishes.”

Houty laughed. “Wew, ya gonna tew us anyway, because we gots to know whewe the pony is.”

But the genie shrugged. “Sorry. I may be a genie, but there are rules I can’t break. It’s how we genies work you know.”

Rarity eyed the genie as she asked. “Well, can we have wishes?”

The genie nodded, but quickly explained. “Of course, but I can't reverse wishes that have already been made.”

“What?! Seriously?!” Rarity exclaimed!

The genie blushed and threw his claws into the air. “Sorry, that's against the rules too. Unless the pony that makes the wish says they want to reverse the wish as well, and I don’t see that mare here, unless you mean to tell me you are the one with the equal sign.”

“Well… I’m not.” Rarity sighed in defeat, so much for undoing the foal pandemic.

Hoity, meanwhile, babbled to the genie. “So, wait...you know who wished fow me to tuwn into a foaw?”

The genie smirked. “Well, I can tell you that it wasn’t your mom. She just wished for more bits and other boring stuff.”

Hoity then shouted! “We gots to find tis mystwey mawe, and have hew wevwse ta wishes!”

Rarity nodded. “Precisely! And I think we're going to need Twilight’s help for this mystery. Come on, Hoity! Let’s get back to the hotel and plan our next move!”

As Rarity and Hoity took off, the genie shouted. “Wait, do you know if Discord is around?! If you see him, tell him I said hi!”

When Rarity and Hoity Toity got back to their hotel room they found that the foals were running all over the place, with Applejack trying to get them under control (there was no sign of Prim Headline). “Stop that! No, put that down! Pencil Pusher, you stop it right now!” She shouted.

Pencil Pusher and Bell Hopper both turned to Applejack, and sat down with a plop of their diapers. They giggled as Pencil Pusher asked. “Why, we havin’ so much fun pwaying supewheowes! We gonna fight Supew Toiwet!”

Applejack put her hooves on her hips. “I told ya two to stop this right now! Nopony’s fightin’ anythin, and you’re certainly not goin’ near the bathroom! I’m not about to have flushed foals to deal with!”

They both paused as Rarity came over and sighed. “Hey, Applejack, sorry for leaving you alone with a bunch of foals.”

The farm mare threw up a hoof and scratched her back. “It's alright, they weren't too bad up until just now. In fact, Sandy Paddin’ here’s been well behaved all this time," Just then, Sandy started bawling and Applejack came over to pick him up. “Oh, calm down, sugarcube. It's alright, Mommy’s got you.”

Rarity dawwed. “Aww, Applejack, that’s so sweet. I hope Zecora’s not jealous.”

But Hoity coughed. “Wawity, we gots to tew hew wha we found out.”

Rarity sighed. “Right, Hoity,” And she cleared her throat and explained. “Darling, we have some news about what turned these ponies into foals.”

Applejack turned with a smile. “You did?! That’s wonderful! So, was Sandy tellin’ the truth?”

Hoity nodded. “Yep, ta genie is weaw, and he actuawy gwant wishes!”

Applejack eyes went wide. “Well, I’ll be darned! So is he the one turnin’ ponies into foals?”

Rarity shook her head. “No, some other mare has. Why, I don’t know.”

“Well, why can't this genie just turn the foals back to adults?” Applejack demanded.

“He said someting about bweakin wues,” Hoity explained. “I didn't ink genies had ta fowwow wuws, at weast not in ta stowies my mommy used ta teww me.”

Applejack laughed. “Genies followin’ rules? Now that’s somethin’.”

Rarity laughed. “Yes, even I found it hilarious. But it seems we have to somehow convince the mare who wished for these ponies to turn into foals, to use her remaining wishes to change them back into adults.”

Applejack sighed. “Alright. Well, I think it's about time we get Twilight or Princess Celestia involved right…” She paused, as she turned to see Zecora grabbing a bottle of formula and dumping it into a random bowl. She shouted. “Zecora! What did I say about that?!”

“Sowwy, Mommy, just twyin’ to bwew a stwength potion, Supew Toiwet is too stwong to defeat othewise. And if ya faww into him, ya a gonnew.” Zecora explained.

Applejack sighed, taking the bowl (and the remnants of the formula) away, and she continued. “As I was sayin’, we need to get them involved NOW, so we can have that mare convince that genie to reverse his curse.”

Rarity nodded and replied. “Yes, that seems the best course of action. I even recorded Hoity’s mom, and she pretty much explained how..” But then she turned to see the foals running around with lamps and blankets, as she came over. “What did I tell you last night?! Lamps aren't toys!”

They dropped the lamp (which Rarity caught in her magic to keep it from breaking) and whimpered as Applejack picked them up. “Hey, it’s alright you two. Just please, no more of this superhero stuff, you’re gonna get hurt.”

Rarity sighed, as she suggested to Applejack. “Well, I think we should try to get the genies to turn them back before we do anything else. I don't think we can handle five foals.”

Applejack turned and sighed. “Yeah one foal was easy, but this is insane.”

Rarity picked up Sandy and cooed. “Alright, darling. How about we all go back to the genie and see how we can convince him to reverse his magic.”

Back at Sassy Fancy’s house, the genie laughed upon seeing the two mares with six foals all gazing at him with wonder in their eyes.

Zecora squealed. “Ya a genie?! Genies aw weaw?!”

The genie came over to Zecora and managed to ruffle the little zebra’s mane. “Yes I am, little cutie. And what's your name?”

The zebra bounced up and down in excitement. “My name is Zecowa!”

He laughed. “Oh, Zecora, what a wonderful name. I’m mostly called Genie, but I like to go as Mr. Wish.”

Rarity scoffed. “Okay, Mr. Wish. Can you help us with this problem?”

Pencil Pusher nodded and pleaded. “Yeah, I dun wanna be a foaw anymowe! I gots a job!”

Bell Hopper nodded too. “Yeah, we gots wives, so we can’t be foaws again. Especiawwy when we not potty twained.”

The genie dawwed upon seeing their faces. “Oh, stop with the puppy eyes. I told you I can't break the rules!”

Then Applejack asked. “Well, seein’ that the mare who wished that these ponies turn to foals, did it without their permission, don't ya think it's right that they be allowed to turn back to normal.?’

The genie sighed, grumbling. “Fine,” He then snapped his claws and the Manehattan foals turned back into adults (Sandy became a stallion again as well). The genie sighed again. “Alright. Well time for the zebra, and Hoity and that royal guard." He then was going to snap his fingers, before Hoity shouted. “Wait!”

Hoity waddled over to Rarity and babbled to her. “Waiwty, I...I wanted to ask bu was scawed.”

Rarity kneeled down and cooed. “What is it, sweetie?”

Hoity asked with a blush. “Can...can I be ya foaw, even if that means ya gotta change my diapees and potty twain me?”

Rarity dawwed. “I… wouldn't mind being your mom. I’ve truly grown fond of having you in my care. Just don’t go getting flushed down anymore toilets." She hugged Hoity close as the genie dawwed. “How sweet,” He then turned to Zecora. “What about you?”

Zecora blushed. “I...tink I wanna stay as a foaw. I wove Abbwejackie, and I weawned so much just bein a foaw. Besides, I making a ton of fwiends.”

Applejack hugged Zecora and nuzzled her. “Hey, I wouldn't mind carin’ for ya. You’re family now.” Zecora nodded and hugged Applejack back.

The genie turned to Cannon Feather next. “And how about you?”

Cannon Feather blushed. “Well...I hewp whiwe bein a foaw again, so awe my otha guawds. We wana syay as toddwas. And Hoity and I gwew up togethew, I wanna do it again.”

The genie nodded and replied. “Well then, I guess that's it. I'll see you all later, maybe. I broke the rules, so it could be sometime before I’m allowed to come back.”

As the genie started to fade away, Rarity turned and asked. “Wait, darling! What about the mare with the equal sign for her cutie mark, who is she? Can you at least tell us that?”

The genie sighed. “Well, I guess it’s not technically breaking the rules to mention one of my previous masters. Her name is Starlight Glimmer, and she wished that she had the power to transform ponies into foals. I can’t reverse that wish even if I wanted to. And now I have to go, farewell!” He then disappeared as Sandy sighed, turning to hoity. “Hoity, I'm sorry for stealing your foal line and getting you tied up in this. I only wanted you out of the way, not regressed.”

Hoity smiled at Sandy and babbled. “Is otay, ya got youw punishment and ya my fwiend now. Pwus, I fine bein in diapees again. Tis time I got a bettew mommy!” He the waddled over to Sandy and hugged him. Sandy hugged Hoity back, and then he strode off.

Bell Hopper and Pencil Pusher both departed a moment later, while Applejack turned to Rarity and commented. “I think it's time we left, and told Twilight about what we saw.”

Rarity nodded and replied. “Yes, we need to get going, darling. Good thing I gave Prim Headline my regards the night before, it was a pleasure working with her.” The two then ran off with the foals on their backs.