• Member Since 10th Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Purple Patch


Comments ( 44 )

I really enjoyed it, I really loved Wagenroll apperence. Congratulations for your first mature story! I hope it goes well with the votes, the community isn't...speaking well to Mature stories in certain things

There came a holler from behind them as a rugged, dark-grey earth pony stallion with a short coal-black mane and piercing deep blue eyes strode out the shadows, dressed in similar armour to Gusty but ebony-black with navy accents.

“Tell me I’m not too late for a race.” he chuckled as Lulu’s face lit up with wonder.

“Midnight!” she exclaimed before bouncing over and hugging him by the muzzle tenderly.

So this is how Midnight Blade looked before "becoming" a bat pony, sounds like a good looking stallion. (Gave me a stupid idea for Blood in the sand:twilightsheepish:)

Well, it's not really 'Mature' by my choice but 'them's the breaks.':trixieshiftleft:
Glad you liked it.
Midnight's going to come into his element with his backstory revealed (I can finally get that on the forum after this)
What's the idea?

Luna would Show dinky and the siblings a Photo Album, one picture shows Midnight in his former Form and the kids Connect the dots

Sounds pretty good.
You can understand now, why Midnight was willing to go to war to bring Luna back to Equestria.
He'd known her since she was a foal and watched her grow up.
She was like a little sister to him and while Luna fell out with her own sister, she never did with him.

Sounds like a Deep Friendship. i Think it could be embarreing for him when Luna Shows it and the kids could ask him if he Misses his old Body sometimes

Well, you'll see his reaction to his 'new' one later.

This will be...revealing. I shall look forwards to it.

No real idea who was worshipped prior to the Alicorns, but that won't stop me wildly guessing! From what we saw in the Deeprisen Expedition, they were probably equiform, at least to some degree. They weren't benevolent, and seemed clearly outright malevolent, but I suspect they were more dark and bloody tyrant-gods, rather than incomprehensible cthuloid abominations.

Glad you like it so far.
I'm trying to get somewhere between the two.

Fair enough. It shall be interesting to see how it turns out.

Hey Patch, I like the story you have so far! :pinkiehappy: Especially that it features past Equestria. It's always a good treat. Keep up the good work!

Oh, I have read this, I seem to have forgotten, I can't wait for the next chapter. Interesting and nice cameo. Dvinius reminds me of the Grand Ruler's excuses. I love how you introduced the Warmonger very bold and quite self assured too.

So what did they worship before? I'm thinking before the powers of virtues came, they worship beings that demanded sacrifices to be made as the mortals' misery are their goal or they feed from their suffering while masquerading as divine good. Like what Silent Hill did it's like a parody of Abrahamic religions

Thanks Cherry.
Yeah, Dvinius's references should come as no surprise and I wanted to capture how it would really look from a meta stand-point simply by how obvious a self-insert Mary Sue the original character is. A ranting, impotent, paranoid narcissist willingly deluding himself with visions of glory and desperate to live out his power fantasies no matter what.
And the New Hycarionites are kind of the same. I slightly based it off the Thule Society of Nazi Germany.
New Hycarion is essentially a nation of self-deluded egomaniacs, a Kingdom of the Lotus-Eaters if you'll pardon how pretentious that sounds, devoting their state's resources into artificially recreating their dreams rather than actually pursuing them. They'll rattle off endless boasts and pretentions yet the only ones they're fooling in the end are themselves.
They can actually be quite frightening simply by how disturbed they are as individuals and you worry what they could do with real power.


This suddenly reminds me of the Indiana Jones plot for the heroes not just Silent Hill. I'm not going to ask for more, but I'd love to see more.

Great work, those flashbacks do sound scary. Knickerbocker, quite a funny name. About the...suggestive parts, 2 things.
1. Better watch what you're saying Patch., not that other ponies get you wrong and 2. If you're ever show Dinky and her new friends your work place...LOCK that thing away! Not that...you know

Maybe you should build in a classic line for Patch.

Me and my big mouth!

It's Fancypants' ancestor, remember? From Old Fences and Intriguing.
Kind of similar roles.
The device can only be worked by a group of scholars with advanced knowledge of operating such devices so its pretty much useless in anypony else's hooves.
Yeah, Patch just kind of yammers on. I have a similar unfortunate habit.

Ah, I see. The device, better watch out he doesn't activate it by accident and shows things they shouldn't see. And I have that habit too whn it comes to my favorite things.

Wow, this was good Purple. I'm getting the Horus Heresy vibes, and a little bit of Sailor Moon from Laurelore, since she was the one who defeated Chaos. I can't wait to read more.

With all this meta, I keep imagining us friends in some room, behind the scenes having our own adventures, while your story happens.

Thanks Cherry. Glad it didn't disappoint. :pinkiehappy:

It was interesting indeed.

“Captain...” Midnight said quietly “That is no sunset.”

Star wars "That's no moon" reference? With the Vampony rule having his eyes on Midnight...better get cross, peg and garlic ready

Actually, its based off a line from The Edge Chronicles books I read as a child. I'd recommend them. They're rather like the Harry Potter books.
The cross is kind of swapped for the horseshoe in Equestria but we'll soon see.

I see. Midnight is better careful that those things won't be used against him after becoming a batpony, or better said he uses it and it backfires on him

Well, they only really affect vamponies, not batponies.
Vamponies become more dependent on blood-magic, so much so that counters to that magic, for which there are quite a few, become life-threatening.
Sacrifices of power.

Purple this was amazing, the battle sequence was exciting. I wish I could write like this, but all in all I can't wait for the next chapter. Oh, and that twist was good. I have to wonder though... nobody fact checks before come up with names for movies?

Thanks, Cherry.
Don't worry. If your studies are anything to go by, I don't stand a chance.
I'm on Wiktionary a lot for coming up with names. For MLP you need something that rolls off the tongue, something that sounds good both as two words and one word.


Oh no what I mean is, when Midnight Blade mentioned Balanitus' unlucky name meaning, it gave me a chuckle, then you commented it came from a lousy movie. I simply find it weird that nobody checks for name associations before they invent names. But thanks for the tips on pony naming Purple.

Ah right.
No, unfortunately he's named Slovak in the lousy movie (Though that can be interpreted at racist against Slovakians. More likely just because the actor's surname is Novak. 'Creativity? What's that?' :facehoof:)
The riff has to be seen to be believed.
Though a character in Jonathan Creek, a British Murder Mystery starring QI's Alan Davies, once had a character named Jerry Bellinitus and this unfortunate name is brought up by a very entertaining smarty-pants detective (Played by the late Rik Mayall).
But thanks anyway.

Nice chapter! Perhaps I can get a cameo in the next one as a member of the resistance against Divinus?

A good cause they have. Panzerfaust, if she had known what her name would mean on Earth. I guess Fletcher and Wolf can be proud of their ancestors and Midnight can be very honored to have them in his team.

On the other hoof, you surely know marrige was in the middle age. Hadn’t me surprised Fray’s and Wolf’s families would have them to get married after joining the Eternal Knights, much to their embarresment

'Iron Fist', loosely-translated. An ironic name as, while a lover of battle, she was never tyrannical in her rule.
It just sounded too cool not to miss.

Well, it wouldn't have been implausible. Though considering they were literally whole continents apart, it was unlikely.

Sure thing. PM me for any wishes or recommendations in terms of description, skills and personality.

Agreed. But I think Midnight had did the right choice, taking Fletcher and Wolf as team mates, given their families’ past, must be really an honor for them all back then.

Daring Do is two words. Also, you should link to Lost Reflections. Please respond to this comment?

Okay, thanks for the tip.

Sorry for taking so long to read this Purple, but I really like your prose, and dialogs, any tips for me Purple? You know when I watch a movie or read a book, I always get frustrated by how character's talk, they're conversations most of the time feels unnatural, I even see this in bestsellers; same goes with prose, it reads beautifully but the plot execution is of substandard quality.

You write really well Purple, consider making money on this as a side job. :D

I am honored to have guess stared in your fic. Take care as always Purple

Oh and I'm honored to have guess starred in this fic, take care Purple

Thanks so much Cherry. :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile::raritywink:
So happy you like it.
I do feel like dialogue is my strong-point.
Any recommendations for your guest-star, just let me know.

Why do you keep spelling Derpy Do with two o's?

Look, it’s just how I started writing it and it stuck.
Does it make a whole lot of difference?
She becomes Derpy Hooves when she’d marry Doctor Whooves but that’s still kind of in the air and she’s kept her maiden name.

Worth the wait, Great Work! i Wonder if gusty Never died, how See reacted to the Eternal knights and celestia's Son.

Well, Star-Swirl survived in the show...
Don't count it out of the question.

Okay. Though i Guess them Facing each other would't be easy for either of them. My thought of her...this is what i suspected, thus Midnight's reaction at the Gala

Maybe i find a way to recton it, like her being busy somewhere Else or something.

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