• Published 26th Sep 2017
  • 11,223 Views, 368 Comments

Carry Me Home - PropMaster

Spike carries each of the most important ponies in his life home after a long day.

  • ...

Twilight Sparkle

Spike walked at a slow pace, his gait lumbering as he moved across the fields outside of Ponyville. Princess Twilight Sparkle sat perched between his shoulders, one hoof holding a book as she rode her friend. Her horn glowed with energy as she manipulated a quill and scroll with her telekinesis, jotting down notes, her voice murmuring more for her own benefit than Spike's as she maintained a rolling commentary on her current reading. Spike had trouble hearing her, her voice was so soft. In fact, he had trouble hearing much, these days, but that was okay—listening was an art that he had perfected over the years. He paused in his gait, yawning slowly, little wisps of smoke spiraling out of his nostrils. He was tired after hiking out to the new orchard of Sweet Apple Farms across town. The Apple family continued on, as always, and Spike smiled at the memory of friends long past. The newest generation supplanted the old, and time marched ever on. Spike, however, was always there to watch them, with Twilight by his side. He'd spent the afternoon telling tales of Many-Times-Great-Grandmother Applejack, and her work ethic and love for her family: qualities which persisted as her legacy. The Apples had been hospitable, as always, and had even managed to get together enough cider for Spike to enjoy a few delicious sips. The taste brought him back through the years, bringing a smile to his face and a tear to his eye. "Applejack would be proud," Spike mused to himself.

"Hm?" Twilight hummed, looking up from her reading at Spike.

Spike smiled at Twilight. "Nothing. Just an old dragon mulling over his thoughts."

Twilight smiled gently back, her voice taking on a motherly tone. "You're always welcome to share your thoughts, Spike. Your counsel is ever appreciated."

Spike chuckled. "You try too hard to sound like Princess Celestia these days, Twi."

Twilight blushed, her ears folding back. "You think so?" she asked, sounding more like her usual self.

"It's fine. Just don't forget to be your own pony sometimes, Twilight. After all these years, I'd think you'd appreciate that advice." Spike said, yawning again and slowly lying down to rest for a bit. His joints ached, but he bore it with dignity.

"After all this time, I still feel like the little unicorn that ascended, not the regal Princess that everypony sees me as. Acting like Celestia does give me confidence, even if it's borrowed," Twilight said, her wings flaring open a bit for balance as she held her position atop Spike as he laid down. She smiled, one hoof reaching up and gently stroking his neck. "Need a break?"

Spike smiled. "Yes. It's tough, sometimes. All this moving around, bustling from place to place. Our little ponies move so fast these days, it's hard to keep up."

Twilight giggled, patting Spike on the head as he peered down at her. "I love it when you say that. 'Our little ponies'. You've been such a good assistant, all these years, and your ownership of your role at my side has always made me so proud."

Spike laughed softly, curling in on himself. "I'm happy to be by your side, Twilight. Always." He yawned again. "So... tired. Gosh."

Twilight smiled, and watched her assistant as he lay his massive, regal head onto the grass. She settled in, content to be atop her best friend, her number one assistant, and family member. She felt secure, there: his shoulders had become a solid and fixed point in the flow of time... but that point had started to shift. She knew what was coming, and she accepted it. Spike often spoke to her of Rarity, lately, and her last words to him. "The good times are made all the sweeter by the sad ones," She whispered, running a hoof along one green ridge on Spike's back.

"Hm?" Spike murmured, one eye winking open to peer at her.

"Nothing. Rest, Spike, and dream of white unicorns," Twilight said, winking at him.

"Always," Spike mumbled, his eyes closing. His breathing evened out slowly. Twilight sat atop him for a long time, reading and observing her friend. Smoke spiraled up from his nostrils as he snored, and his body was warm beneath her. The smoke slowed as Spike's sleep deepened, his body relaxing.

Twilight stood up after a while, the sun beginning to set behind her. She smiled, her eyes closing as she raised her wings and her horn lit up. For a few beautiful moments, her magic touched the universe, mingling with the magics of Celestia and Luna. The three alicorns' powers commingled, like gentle caresses and warm embraces from loved ones, and the sunset was shot through with beautiful streaks of color and light. Twilight made a symphony of colors, surrendering the day to the night, her own magic enhancing the work of the other alicorns. As Luna's moon rose up, Twilight stepped away, folding her wings and opening her eyes. She turned, regarding the dragon beside her, his form still, restful. She reached out with one hoof, stroking his nose. "Oh, Spike."

With a small smile, her horn lit with her violet aura, and she lifted the massive dragon in her magic, cradling him and placing him near her back, just as it had always been in the days so long ago, and she carried Spike home.

Comments ( 140 )

Incredible. This story in incredible.

Damn it man! WHY!!!!

There honestly are no words...

Like, normally I am very verbose person, but this... this just stills me to silence.

Bravo, Propmaster... bravo. :raritycry:

There are no breaks on the feels train.........:fluttercry:

...*Sniffle*... Tissue please.

After the poignant stab through the heart that was the last chapter, this was a beautiful ending for the story. Everything has changed, but so many things have also stayed the same, and in the end, it all comes back around. :twilightsmile:

A timely ending.

If I had one complaint it would be the use of the cliche 'last words' scene of you know who. Yes, endings are more impactful when they give conclusions and peace of mind for those left behind, but the earlier chapters bolstered the fact that time moves on whether we get what we want or not. Her ending seemed melodramatic in comparison to the other quiet ponderings of the others. Though, now that I think about it, it's probably what she would've wanted.

*Slowly Clapping*
That's all. I really have no words to offer.

Beautiful! See you in 100 years, Spike.:moustache::heart::twilightsmile:

Near masterpiece status



i respectfully disagree this isn't near masterpiece status, it is masterpiece status, this was epic, and very well written!

What a way to bring everything full circle, bravo. Beautiful story.

It's bracing to have to face your own mortality. As much as some of us love to live in the moment it's nice to have a reminder from time to time about how quickly it all goes by. Within hours we could finish this fic and from our perspective only a few hours have passed, here years, decades have passed and we see the fallout. How long would it take for us to remember our lives up to this point how many years condensed into a few precious moments. It all passes so slowly but also it's all gone so fast.
On the lighter side... this was cute.

So long you wonderful story. :twilightsmile:

This story plays like the Harp of Orpheus and could make the dead weep.

This was a amazing work you have made here. It truly was touching as you addressed each girl and made all their interactions so much more impactful than I ever imagine they would be.

I knew exactly what i was getting into but i still couldn't stop myself. Great story and great development of time. Now i'm gonna be sad for like a whole day.

Thank you SO MUCH for not actually having Spike die in this chapter, I don't think I could have taken it after the Rarity chapter. Such a sweet end of things, Twilight carrying little Spike like she always used to (plus it's an amazing show of her fully realized alicorn power). I like your additions about Twilight's new alicorn responsibilities, like adding twilight beauty to the sunset just for the sake of beauty.

Overall, fantastic story. A real tear-jerker full of honest emotion and real-life struggles and true friendship and love, without all of the obnoxious 'gritty' stuff that is so popular these days. Dunno if I could muster up the emotional fortitude to read it again, but it is going in my Favorites regardless. Thanks for sharing your wonderful story with us. =)

With a small smile, her horn lit with her violet aura, and she lifted the massive dragon in her magic, cradling him and placing him near her back, just as it had always been in the days so long ago, and she carried Spike home.


Well done, Props.

You took a small idea and gave it the utmost depth. You conveyed the joy of feeling the years pass with a somber undertone, the perfect way to evoke what Spike is feeling without outright saying them—one of the many hallmarks of a good writer. Every chapter is great in their own right, leaving the perfect holistic afterimage of this story, and having Twilight carry him home is the perfect way to end this tale.

There's so much more to say, but you're other dedicated readers have only done so far more eloquently than I ever could. All I can say is this: you should be proud of yourself for writing this perfect little piece.

Seeing as how it's been quite a few years in the story, Twilight might be the same size as Celestia...and Spike maybe half the size. So technically speaking it is possible.

She is carrying him *near* her back - floating behind her.

I'm gonna kill you... This is... So very sad. GRAH! *Tries not to cry*

But, seriously. Kudos. It is a fantastic story.

Why must you do this to me :raritydespair:

the little windows into spikes life as time continues its relentless march are ... heart wrenching. but at the same time, they give a view into a part of the world that we did not have before.

i tip my crest feathers to you. well done. very well done.

its so... sad but yet so full of happy things at the same time. its wonderful

Time marches on at a relentless pace.

But did Spike die in the end, or just go into a 100-year nap, as some dragons do? Or was it even just a regular non-100-year nap?

Pinkie was the final final key and rarity was the spill way for all the feels. Good story, and now to cry for a minute.

Now let's have some fun times to cheer us up!!!!!

This is the sort of story I like to read no matter how I'm feeling cause I know I'll have that bittersweet feeling by the end.
Tears have been shed but I feel happier after finishing this. What are these feelings and why do I feel them?! :raritycry:

Quite a moving tale.

In the end, does it really matter which?

The message was clear that Spike's time was growing near one way or the other, and that he had lived a happy life alongside his oldest friend, the one friend who had had always lived on with him

I'm leaning towards an "I'm really, really old and will nap as often and as long as I want" nap.

How dare you, giving me feels. :raritydespair:
Great story. Thanks

I love your writing, but that is not clear, the phrasing currently hints that she lets go when setting him near her back, and considering previous chapters hinted that he could hardly fit his head into doorways, that means he is massive (and HUGE! with HUGE GUTS!:pinkiecrazy:) meaning that there is no way for him to be near Twilight's back without being equally near (and equally crushing, despite twilight's Ford Tough Alicorn Tough(tm) body frame:derpytongue2:) the rest of Twilight, meaning the carry-him-home bit just falls flat as nonsensicle and story breaking just as if you wrote "and then they rode west into the sunrise". :trixieshiftleft:

Please touch up that last paragraph to make Twilight's actions clearer. thank you for tolerating this criticism! :scootangel:

in that chapter, it starts with the description of a Celestia sized alicorn Twilight riding on Spike's shoulders comfortably enough to be reading and riding with enough room to be sitting down:

Spike walked at a slow pace, his gait lumbering as he moved across the fields outside of Ponyville. Princess Twilight Sparkle sat perched between his shoulders, one hoof holding a book as she rode her friend.

edit: i got downvoted for leaving words in capslock for emphasis, so they are gone now

It's not getting changed. Thanks for the suggestion. The end is quite unambiguous. If she had let go after picking him up and holding him near to her like a mother with a child, or a sister with a younger brother, I would have written that as happening, don't you think? :twilightsmile:

I'm very sorry to hear about your brother. Thank you very much for reading this; knowing I evoked these sorts of feelings and thoughts in people is truly incredible, and it means a lot to me for you to share that. The only thing I can offer is my empathy...

I have been losing my grandfather by degrees for many years, due to strokes and dementia, and this story is about that, in essence. A meditation on my experiences turned to fiction. I'm glad that my feelings on the subject ring true to others who have lived similar situations.

You nailed the bittersweet tone for this final chapter. What a wonderful little way to end this story.

There's a part of me that really likes--and perhaps even prefers--the way this story started out: almost as a series of vignettes, detailing touching but not necessarily dramatic interactions between Spike and his dear friends as they grew older. That said, you did an excellent job handling the escalation of the events and the story is far more emotionally impactful than it would have been as I had originally envisioned it.

Thank you for the story.

A beautiful way to end the story - for once, Spike was the old one, and he had Twilight caring for him. The circle of life never stops, and it brings as much sorrow as it does joy.

Wonderful work, loved every single chapter :heart:

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