• Published 28th Jan 2018
  • 5,801 Views, 364 Comments

Fallout: Equestria - War Does Change - tom117z

It has been nearly two hundred years since the megaspells rained fire down on the world, reducing it to a tainted wasteland. And ever since that day, the changelings have never been sighted in the wasteland...

  • ...

7 - Society

Chapter Seven: Society

“What’s up Wasteland? Who’s ready for some news?”

“This is DJ Pon-3, and that was Sweetie Belle, singing about that one great truth of the Wasteland: every pony has done something they regret. And now, my little ponies, it’s time for the news!”

That was DJ Pon-3, the mysterious DJ of Tenpony Tower. He was always on the radio talking about the good fight, and when not doing that he was giving news about the goings on of the Wasteland. Today was no different, and my PipBuck had an inbuilt radio that allowed me to tune in at any time.

He always seemed to have a soft spot for would-be heroes. And somepony had caught his attention…

“Now you ponies remember when I told you ‘bout those two ponies who crawled themselves out of Stable 2? Well, I’ve been gettin’ reports that one of those little ponies took out the raider nest in the heart of Ponyville and saved several pony captives -- including the beloved author of The Wasteland Survival Guide, Ditzy Doo!”


“Hey kid, thanks! From all of us! And now the weather: cloudy everywhere, with a chance of rain, gunfire and bloody dismemberment. Oh, and clouds. Always the clouds with our Enclave overlords sitting high and pretty. How about some sun once in a while, what do ya say? Oh, and one last thing, the other Stable Dweller was last seen out near Appleloosa. My prayers go out t’ that one. And that’s the truth of the matter. Now back to the music. Here’s Sapphire Shores singing how the sun can’t hide forever. From your lips to Celestia’s ears, Sapphire!”

Music began to play from my PipBuck, and I shut the radio down. Ditzy had mentioned something about going to the Ponyville area soon after I left New Appleoosa, but I had no idea she’d since been captured by those raiders. Still, at least the news was that she’d been rescued.

I suppose this ‘Stable Dweller’ couldn’t be all that bad.

“We live in an interesting time, do we not?” Stripe spoke up, the odd zebra trotting alongside me as we continued down one heat blasted street after the next. “A few more ponies, zebra or even griffons like his Stable Dweller and the world would be a brighter place.”

“Maybe. But do you think it’s the first hero the DJ has had his eye on?” I asked the mare, who seemed to wait for me to answer rather than respond herself. “Plenty. I owe her a Sparkle-Cola for saving Ditzy, but she’ll probably fade from view soon enough. Or die. Or crack; Stable ponies don’t know what they’re getting into.”

“For one who dabbles in heroics themselves, you are quite the pessimist.”

“You grew up in the Wasteland, same as me. Neither of us had the cushy life inside a stable or Tenpony Tower. Your family abandoned you for some genocidal cult, mine never gave a shit,” I replied sourly, furrowing my brow at her. “How can you not be?”

“How indeed…” Stripe mused, giving me a knowing smile. “Maybe it’s because for every raider group or foolish zebra living in the past, there is a sour and pessimistic scavenger that, despite their outlook, seeks to save people he does not know for a horrible fate with no reward in sight.”

Couldn’t this zebra understand that I just wanted to find this damned stable and collect my caps? It’s not like I set out to save the whole stupid Wasteland or anything. Sure, I stopped to help those other scavengers, and I already told her about Calamity and how it- Nope, I’m not getting back into that mess! This entire trip had already messed with my brain enough, and the last thing I needed was Stripe going on and on about heroes and fools!

“Your point?”

“You may fight yourself, but your heart shows true.”

“Are you going to talk about this the entire trip?”

Stripe sighed. “If you do not wish it, I will cease discussion on the matter. But, little pony, the matter will not cease within yourself.”

“Stripe,” I growled warningly.

“Very well. Though you should try smiling a little more, it better suits ponies than combat and war,” Stripe noted. “Leave that to the Achu and Roamani.”

“I have no idea who they are, but whatever,” I deadpanned, resisting the urge to roll my eyes. “We should be close to Tenpony, just up another street or two.”

“Indeed, I have seen this place before,” Stripe confirmed, examining her surroundings cautiously. “My family travelled here once when I was a small child, seeking shelter at your tower. They turned us away for the crime of being zebra.”

Well, is it me or did the air just become a little awkward?

“Your family travelled around here lots?” I asked, eager to change the subject.

“We travelled far and wide around Equestria, as many of my ancestors have since the opening of our stable,” Stripe explained. “Our last journey took us near Hoofington. You know how that ended for us.”

“I avoid that place,” I responded.

“A wise choice, it consumes all who enter it.”

“So if your family came from a stable, does that mean they were on Equestria’s side during the war?”

“I do not believe my family were on anyone’s side, they just wished to be left in peace,” Stripe responded, her tone darkening just a smidge. “But it matters little now. Someone pressed a button and ended the old world, but who that person was I could not say. Some zebra would blame the evil of the stars, but it was the folly of mere mortals who brought our destruction.”

“Poetic,” I deadpanned. “But they were Equestrians? Your family, I mean.”

“Indeed. But as I said, it matters little now,” Stripe stated. “What we should discuss is what happens when we reach the tower.”

“They won’t let you in,” I noted, really hoping I didn’t strike a nerve in the zebra with the scarily good aim. “You might need to, uh… wait outside.”

“Yes, that seems likely,” Stripe replied, and much to my relief showing no annoyance. “But try not to delay for long, I wouldn’t wish to remain by the gates indefinitely.”

“I just need to speak to Cobalt and then get out, that’s it.”

“And who is this ‘Cobalt’? You never said.”

Now there was the million bit question. And to be honest, it wasn’t like I knew a damned thing about Cobalt either. It all seemed a little shady, and only Ditzy’s encouragement gave me any hope that this guy was legitimate. Then again, Ditzy had given no indication that she had ever even met the guy, just that he had been in contact about the stable.

And even more worrying, even if he was legitimate, what did he want in return?

Well, there was only one thing I could tell her…

“Not a fucking clue,” I answered honestly, and I couldn’t help but grin like an idiot at her double take.

“You… don’t even know the pony that supposedly has the one thing you need to enter this stable?” she questioned incredulously. “Not even a little?”

“Nope!” I answered with a light chuckle. “So there are good chances this all goes wrong before it even starts, so be on guard would you?”

She gave me a deadpan look. “I take it back, you are a fool.”

“You wanted to come along.”

“You talked me into it,” Stripe shot back, before huffing. “No matter. If I hear the screaming, I’ll know it was a trap.”

“Good to know you have my back,” I joked, patting the zebra on the shoulder. And really, what was the worst that could happen?

Don’t answer that.

Gunfire echoed all around us, the sound ricocheting off of the buildings but definitely originating from around the next corner.

How typical.

Stripe had already bolted on ahead as I mulled over the universe’s dramatic timing, and she slid into position at the corner of a building while withdrawing her rifle. I quickly ran to join her, and there my E.F.S. immediately lit up with bars both friendly and decidedly not friendly. Meanwhile, Stripe was already peering around the corner with one eye pressed up against her rifle’s scope.

“It appears a group of seven raiders have decided to strike out at the gate,” Stripe reported, though for the time being I didn’t peek around myself and instead just trusted her word. “The tower’s guards are returning fire. I fail to see what the fools hope to achieve in this attack.”

“Fun,” I answered for them. “They’re raiders, what do you expect?”


I snorted. “I suppose that’s six raiders now.”

“I don’t aim to miss,” Stripe replied, just as a bullet hit the concrete inches from her head.

Stripe pulled back, swearing quite loudly as she did. Had the raider been the sharpshooter she was, the zebra would have had a stump where her head used to be. And by the bullets flying past us as we sat behind the safety of the wall, I could guess that the raiders knew we were here now.

“Are you alright!?” I asked her urgently, giving the zebra a once over.

“Fine, just closer than I’d like,” she replied. “This is not the best position for this, I’ll need some cover fire if I am to continue.”

Oh great, why did that sound like I had just volunteered myself?

I sighed, slipping my pistol free from its holster. “Between those guards and myself, I think we can give you a clear shot or two.”

Stripe nodded, glancing back at the corner. A few bullets were still flying on by, though the raiders seemed to have mostly returned to trading fire with the Tenpony Tower security force. Still, I bet my useless cutie mark that they were still keeping half an eye out for a zebra sniper poking her head around. But looking across the street, I could see a tipped over wagon that would provide some prime cover. It was on the other side, and close to the fighting, but it could work.

“Alright,” I announced to stripe, ensuring I was loaded and ready. “I’ll make a run for it and see if I can pop a few of them on the way, and while they’re trying to dust me you can do your thing.”

“Understood. I will await the perfect moment.”

“Yeah, well try not to wait too long. I only have two healing potions left.”

“A good thing we are within reach of new supplies,” she said in response, and it was a point I was extremely grateful for. “Once they are gone, head straight inside. I will await your return.”

“Right. Celestia save me.”

I take in a deep breath, planting myself on all fours with my gun levitating nearby. I silently counted down in my head and then, during a lull in the gunfire, I raced on forwards!

First thing to note, the other six raiders were all still up and about while taking cover behind whatever they could near the old Four Stars tramline.

Second, the gates of Tenpony Tower were shut up tight while the security team took pot shots at the raiders from behind a gate the latter couldn’t hope to breach with the firepower they had.

Third, all of the above immediately saw me as I made the dash, and now six guns were all aiming towards me.

“Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck!” I yelled as I lifted my gun and fired blindly at the raiders while I dared not slow down for even a moment, I mean if I had I probably would have looked like a ponified wheel of cheese or something!

But as I fired I made sure to keep running directly ahead while keeping my head down, and none of the raiders had Stripe’s accuracy.


Speaking of the zebra.

I slid down behind the wagon, a few new nicks in my barding but nothing had actually penetrated it, thank Luna for that. And now they were being shot at from three separate positions the raiders were rethinking their plans. A couple of shots forced Stripe to return into cover, though after depositing a new clip into my pistol I leaned around the wagon and fired up the S.A.T.S. ability.

I targeted one of the raiders who was firing at Stripe and let loose on him. I was too far away to make the killing blow, though a bullet in the leg did make them easy pickings for the security forces to finish off.

Emboldened by this turn of events, the security force pressed the attack more readily as the raiders started to become panicked. They continued to fire back at all of us, but what had started off as a bit of target practice had quickly turned into all but certain death for them.

One of the raiders shouted something to their buddies, and the remaining four stopped their firing and retreated back into the Four Stars out of sight. Their bars disappeared from the E.F.S. and the security ponies gave the all clear.

How refreshing, raiders with a modicum of sense.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I looked back at Stripe as she peaked back around the corner and scanned the area with her rifle. Once she was content that the coast was clear, she gave me a nod before eerily slinking back into the shadows and away from view.

A little creepy, but I at least she was on my side.

I popped out from behind the wagon, walking down the streets towards the gate while making sure to holster my gun. The guards all looked towards me warily from behind it, seemingly looking around to see where my friend had gone. Only after they were sure that I was alone did the gate open with an ear-destroying screech.

The guards all pointed their weapons at me as they moved to completely encircle me, and from the cluster of ponies a particularly mean looking guard approached and gave me a rather shooty glare.

“Who the hell are you?” the stallion asked in a gruff tone. “And where’s your sniper buddy?”

“She’s not coming in, I won’t be here long,” I replied, trying my best not to start a fight with the tower. Honest! “I just need to resupply. That, and I’m looking for somepony. A pony called Cobalt?”

The stallion seemed to study me, and one of the other guards spoke up. “Chief Grim Star, weren’t we told to expect a visitor asking for that pony?”

“Yes, we were,” Grim Star, giving me a dismissive snort. “Take his ammo, standard procedure. Then close the fucking gate up, I don’t want raiders or some zombie walking in because you didn’t do your jobs.”

The Chief gave me one last glare, before turning his back on me and walking back into the tower. The security force moved in and confiscated all the ammo for my shotgun and pistol, promising to return them when I left, though leaving the guns themselves in my bags. I can’t say they were particularly gentle, though I had to count my blessings considering that the Chief seemed like he would have rather shot me and been done with it.

What an unpleasant pony.

“He’s clean,” one of the guards reported, sticking my ammo into the box and carrying them away to whatever safety deposit box they kept ponies’ ammunition in.

I was then all but forced inside, the gate being shut up behind me as the guards proceeded to return to whatever duties they had. Still, a ding from my PipBuck confirmed my arrival at Tenpony Tower and the objective marker was pointing directly at the front entrance. With little else to do, I trotted on forwards and pushed my way through the aged but still ornate looking doors of the pre-war hotel and ministry hub.

I had been here before, of course, but the sight of the tower’s entrance hall never ceased to amaze me.

Calming music was playing throughout the foyer, everything well lit and decorated with all sorts of fancy looking crap. Doors running along either side led to restaurants and shops selling all sorts of things from ammo to cheese. Well dressed ponies and decidedly less well-dressed visitors to the towers walked all around the interior, moving in and out of the various establishments with what was almost an ignorance as to the state of the outside world.

This was as far from the Wasteland as you could get nowadays, everything I wanted in a peaceful life. No shooting, no scrounging through the dirt. Just day by day living.

Too bad I wasn’t here to stay.

There was a reception desk at the far end sitting in front of the elevators and stairways that would take you up to the rest of the tower and the actual ministry hub itself. DJ Pon-3 was also up there somewhere, gushing over heroes and the good fight.

But I wasn’t here for any of that.

As I trotted up to the desk I saw that Chief Grim Star was lounging behind it, looking at a few pieces of paper with a bored expression on his face.

“Uh, Chief Grim Star?” I called out sheepishly, not having too much of a desire to further converse with the nasty Security Chief.

The Chief gave me that glare again. “You again? What is it?”

“Cobalt. Where can I find him?”

“We were just told to let you in, scav,” he replied. “He’ll find you. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have actual important things to do.”

“Yeah, right.”

I left him alone after that, looking around for anypony that might be trying to get my attention. Though nopony stood out, others only giving me the occasional glance before dismissing me as nothing of interest.

So, with nothing to do but wait, I decided that I may as well have a look around. The food was just as criminally priced as I remembered it being, so I skipped out on lunch. Instead, I made sure to check in on the local doctor and resupply on healing potions. I also had my ammo problem to take care off, purchasing a good selection of shotgun shells and 9mm rounds for my two respective guns. I couldn't take it, of course, but they added it to the ammo I'd get back on leaving the tower. I skipped the expensive speciality ammo for the time being, though I did barter off some of the random junk I had picked up as of late.

With my saddlebags full of goodies, I returned to the foyer where once again nopony was waiting for me. I was starting to get a little annoyed at the waiting, and increasingly suspicious of this Cobalt guy. The guards had been told to let me in, so this pony was definitely around and seemed to have some sway in the tower. And yet he had left me alone, not approaching me one as of yet.

With yet more time on my hooves, I just found myself a quiet back room where I was able to take off my barding and work out some of the damage the raiders had inflicted. The room was not as well lit as the rest of the tower, and a workbench was sitting in one corner while various tools were strewn all over the place. Not an often-traversed part of the tower, but perfect for my needs.

I set my PipBuck aside as I worked, the radio playing music to pass the time. I was experienced at such repairs, and the damage wasn’t all that serious, so it didn’t take too much time to work out the kinks. It was weird not to have my E.F.S. though, I had become accustomed to having those elements constantly in my vision. Still, when I was satisfied with my repair work I slipped my leather barding back on and latched the PipBuck back onto my right hoof. The E.F.S. rebooted itself and reappeared in my vision, almost instantly picking up the single green bar standing behind me.

I must admit, that made me freeze up for a moment.

I slowly turned myself around to face the pony I hadn’t heard come in, finding a deep blue stallion with a green mane, teal eyes and a cutie mark depicting some kind of arcane symbol.

“Bang, you’re dead,” he dryly deadpanned, studying me critically.

“I was a little distracted,” I admitted. “It’s not a problem out there, though.”

“You shouldn’t get distracted anywhere, even in here,” he cautioned. “It may seem like the old world out in the foyer, but the Wasteland isn’t as distant as you might think.”

“Right. And you are?”

“Cobalt,” he introduced, though I had suspected as much. “And you would be Scrap Heap. The scavenger looking for his fortune in a long-lost stable. We’ve been waiting for you.”

“We?” I asked as I narrowed my eyes, checking my E.F.S. constantly for any appearing red bars.

“I am here representing the Twilight Society,” he continued, not seeming at all as on edge as I was. “We run this tower. And likewise, we monitor the goings-on around it. When we heard that the famed Ditzy Doo had discovered the location of Stable 84 we got in contact and arranged this little… transaction.”

“The password?”

He nodded. “We’ve had it in the hub’s databanks for the past two hundred years, but never the location.”

“And why does the Twilight Society have an interest in this stable?”

“It’s Ministry of Arcane Sciences business. That is all you need to know.”

“All I need to know?” Was this guy serious? This had bad news written all over it… “You know what’s in there, don’t you? Tell me, what else was in the database of yours?”

“That’s our business, but you will be rewarded significantly should you assist us in this matter,” he said, before pointing at my right foreleg. “That PipBuck belonged to somebody of great importance to the MAS, and it’s something that should have been inside the stable when it closed. How it’s here is beyond us, but we want to know the answers.”

“And whatever ministry stuff went on inside?”

“Of course. The rest of it’s yours assuming its available to take. But anything related to the MAS is ours, that’s the deal.”

Great, so this also had weird ministry secrets involved. Something so great that the Twilight Society were wetting themselves in anticipation, and I had to wonder exactly what it was Cobalt knew that I didn’t. But still, I had come this far…

“Fine,” I replied begrudgingly. “Hoof over the password and I’ll find your damned stable.”

“No, the password remains in here,” he replied, tapping his head. “And I’ll be coming with you.”



“I’ll be coming with you,” he repeated. “The Twilight Society is sending me to represent our interests in this matter. Don’t worry, I won’t be a burden. I am fully trained in the basics of combat magic and shield spells.”

“Good for you,” I dryly snarked back, not much convinced that I wanted this guy looking over my shoulder. “And if I say no?”

“Then the password stays here,” he replied simply. “And you get nothing.”

“You won’t take the PipBuck by force?”

“We’re not barbarians, Mr Heap,” Cobalt replied, seemingly appalled. “We’d be willing to barter for it if you so wish, though the gains would be far less than that of a functioning stable. Or we could simply wait for the Equestrian Wasteland to spit you out so that we can claim the PipBuck from your bleached bones. Your choice.”

Damn, I suppose I didn’t have much of a choice if I wanted to continue this job, did I?

“Fine. If your Twilight Society is so eager, then feel free! Just try to keep your head down.”

“I’m sure I will manage,” he said in turn. “I will meet you by the front gates in ten. Be there.”

Without further comment, he just left me there, not at all thrilled at my latest travelling companion. Still, at least everything seemed to be legitimate thus far. Though the MAS connection was… worrying, and I didn’t like going into this blind while Cobalt held all the information.

Perhaps Stripe and I could grill him about it on the way there?

But I was done with this tower and its supreme overlords for a while, so I immediately exited the room and walked back out of the front door. The guards opened the gate and let me go, returning my ammunition as promised. With the ammo for my pistol and shotgun back in their rightful places, I trotted out towards the entrance of Four Stars and waited there.

My E.F.S. showed that the raiders were long gone, though a green bar did facilitate the arrival of my slightly more trustworthy travelling companion.

“All is well?” Stripe asked as she sat down beside me. “You seem… tense.”

“Well, Cobalt does have the password,” I informed her. “But he and the leaders of the tower want him to come along, and this stable has some weird ministry business attached to it they’re refusing to divulge.”

“And you’re sure they know what it is themselves?”

“Oh, they know alright. And they want whatever the Ministry of Arcane Sciences were doing in there.”

Stripe frowned, clearly as troubled as I was about it. “The ministries were Equestria’s centre during the war, and almost every innovation came from them. I can only imagine the kind of power that Twilight Sparkle poked and prodded in her labs. Anything related to the ministries must be held with caution.”

“What do you think it is?”

“I couldn’t begin to guess,” Stripe replied with a shake of her head. “But this is the organisation that created some of the very weapons that ended the old world. I would fear the foolish ponies who had access to that kind of power in today’s one.”

“So… what do we do?”

“You tell me. You did accept their offer, did you not?”

“Well, yeah. But I have no idea what we’re getting ourselves into.”

“We know little, so we should simply watch for the time being,” she advised, though worry was clear on her face. “Whoever runs that tower, I do not trust them.”

OK, this was giving me a headache. I just wanted my caps, and now it was feeling like I was being dragged into some kind of Equus shattering conspiracy.

“We’ll be careful,” I assured her, watching as a certain blue stallion exited the tower with full saddlebags and distressingly little barding covering his hide.

Cobalt approached us, looking warily at the zebra to my side. He stopped wordlessly in front of us, looking between us in confusion.

“What did I miss in the last ten minutes?”

I couldn’t help but sigh. “Cobalt, Stripe. Stripe, Cobalt. She’s helping us find the stable.”

“I’m sure she is…” Cobalt was eyeing her in the same way we were eyeing him.

“I will ensure this little journey ends best for everyone in this land,” Stripe professed. “I hope you can say the same, little pony.”

“If the Twilight Society benefits, Equestria benefits,” Cobalt replied. “Are we ready to get underway?”

My PipBuck beeped, and my objective marker updated itself. The objective to find and speak to Cobalt was greyed out, leaving just the marker for Stable 84 itself.

“My PipBuck thinks so,” I noted, looking towards the marker only I could see. “Let’s go.”

I started off down the street, Cobalt falling into step beside me while Stripe elected to lag behind just a little, likely to ensure that our new ‘friend’ didn’t shoot us in the back.

But I now had everything I needed, and next up was Stable 84 itself.

I brought up my PipBuck as we went, switching over to the radio and turning on DJ Pon-3. Bright and cheerful music sung by Sapphire Shores filled the tomb around us, and I listened to the tunes echo off the broken husks as we continued to walk.

“That was Sweetie Belle with ‘Let it go’. Just giving us all a reminder that sometimes, when things are at their worst, it’s best to just forgive and forget. This is DJ Pon-3 with a shout-out to all my listeners back east around the Hoof. I know some of you feel like you don’t get as many headlines out there, but it’s a great big old Wasteland. So this news is just for you, Hoofington. Turns out the road between Manehattan and the Hoof is just a little safer now thanks to a pair of ponies fresh from a stable. You’re gonna love this… looks like the Hoof has just a little more Security than a few days ago. That’s right, she’s got it displayed loud and proud. She’s already carved up the raiders from Withers all the way to Megamart, and she doesn’t look like she’s going to be stopping any time soon. So here’s a big thank you from DJ Pon-3 to the Security Mare. Looking forward to seeing what law and order you bring down next.”

One hero after the next, it seemed. I had to wonder what such a hero as the Stable Dweller or Security would do right now, walking in the night through the ruins of an ancient city while chasing the ghosts of the past.

But I wasn’t the Stable Dweller. I wasn’t the Security Mare. And everything to come…

That was all on me.

Footnote: Level 6

New Perk: For Science! - Your companion has given you an extra point to your intelligence.