• Member Since 16th May, 2016
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago



It's the last day of winter and Sweetie Belle is all the glad for it. She's had enough of the cold and snow, but when Rarity goes out on a date, she asks Sunset Shimmer to watch Sweetie Belle.

As feelings rise and bloom, the snowy night brings about the greatest warmth two people can find with one another.


An entry for Oro's Sunset Shimmer Shipping Contest.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 35 )

Legit never seen this pairing. Looks interesting.

Apple Bloom is two words, btw :twilightsheepish:

If Rarity gets Sunset to watch Sweetie Belle, how old is Sweetie Belle supposed to be in this story? Because you don't get sitters for high schoolers.

It's an odd pairing for sure but... I like it. It's sweet, it's nice and it actually connects pretty well. I love that they don't just randomly love each other over nothing. They helped one another and that's how relationships should be. Bravisimo author. I look forward to more.

I never saw this ship coming.

Thanks, fixed! And thanks for the kind words. :twilightsmile:

Yeah, but I thought about how in the show at times Sweetie can get into a few messes and thought here Rarity might get a bit overprotective and would want someone to watch her. Even a high schooler needs someone to watch them if even if they are well meaning, but get into trouble easily. And here, Sweetie Belle is fifteen-sixteen in my mind.

Thank you so much! :raritystarry:

I'll take that as a compliment, as it was what I was going for. Thanks. :twilightsmile:

Have you SEEN what the Crusaders can do unsupervised?

Yes. It's still strange though. Babysitters are usually reserved for those 12 and under, not sophomores or juniors in high school. Without Sweetie's age being mentioned in the story, it's not hard to feel a little confused about how old she is. At least for me, anyway.

I may not mention the number in the story, but her age can be estimated from this passage:

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes; Rarity continued to treat her like a baby and thus had invited a babysitter to watch her. She was a sophomore - she could take care of herself. So what if she nearly burned down the house by breakfast three times in the past?

Welp, now I feel like an idiot. Whoops. Must have missed that part. :twilightsheepish:

Don't worry about it, it happens to the best of us. Sometimes little details escape us that we don't uncover no matter how many times we read until years later. :twilightsmile:

Thanks and so true!

Not bad. The confession was a little hackneyed, but the kissing afterwards reminded me so much of Toradora that I forgive you. Totes love this pairing.

Thank you so much! And thanks for the comment on how the confession went; now I know where to start improving. :twilightsmile:

“Oh, pff. Kch. Fff. Ts!” Rarity beamed. “You look fine, darling, I’ve seen worse.”

You actually put this into writing. Well color me impressed! Have a mango!

Thank you! :pinkiehappy:

SweetieSet? Interesting pair. A sequel to this would be awesome to see how their relationship grows. :heart:

Thank you for the compliment. :twilightsmile:

I don't have any plans for a sequel at the moment, but it is something I am willing to consider checking back up on once some things in my life settle down. I'm glad to know you're interested in seeing where they can go.

8554301 Cool. Have a follow then. :twilightsmile:

why did sweetie bell even need a baby sitter at her age? she is old enough to take care of her self that 1 plot point makes the entire story creepy

A Sweetie Bell alone in a house with a kitchen? For Hours!?
Have you met this girl? She can burn water, liquify toast and quite possibly outchaos Discord in a kitchen.

Rarity simply doesn't want to explain the results of that choice to her parents regarding, you know, the house burning down again. Best Unicorn to the rescue!

Author Interviewer

Who leaves a window open in winter?

This is ship I've never seen but i like it


“Y-yeah,” Sweetie Belle. “I just got too caught up in the song.”

I think you forgot to add ‘said’ before Sweetie Belle.

Thanks, fixed! :twilightsmile:

Also, why is Rarity okay with this? Sweetie is at best 14-15 here, and Sunset is pushing friggen thirty.

The reason is because, well, this story doesn't go with that theory about Sunset's mental age. While the Fall of Sunset Shimmer comic does allow a peek into her life before the first movie, it was made during a time when the comics weren't exactly canon. Who is to say Sunset really was as old as she appeared then?

In addition, the pony calendar is weird. Thirty moons have to pass for the mirror to open, yet we seem to go with that the mirror didn't open again until the first movie. Two and a half years should have passed, yet look at how old Twilight was in the comic compared with the show. Not to mention how the holidays and seasons always seem out of order compared with our calendar. The time makes no sense.

Besides, with Sunset in high school, that makes all shipping weird for her. Either her mental age is too high or her physical body is too young. We don't even know if pony years is exactly the same as human years. If, say, their years are shorter, then they would have a numerical age higher than us even if biologically we are the same age.

There's just too many unknown factors and red tape to justify anything. Sunset's age possibly being older due to the filly Twilight we saw in her backstory comic hasn't been shown in show and thus may not be canon. Heck, just because Twilight aged ten years in that time, doesn't mean Sunset did, as some stories have it be that the two dimensions are out of sync.

There are many stories which make good use of that as the canon for their stories, but this story doesn't use that theory. Here, Sunset is not a decade older mentally than everyone else. She is a high school girl who came from a pony dimension.

If I recall it's all covered in the story. Something about almost burning down the house three times before breakfast?

I swear, some people just want to give the world diabeetus

So good.... but there isn't more :fluttercry:

Thanks! Sorry about there not being more, but it really means a lot to me on how you liked it enough to want more. :pinkiehappy:

isn't there an age gap

They are both in high school, but I did make it so even then the gap was a little less. I mean, given how the girls have gone to summer and then back to school across the EG franchise, they may not have been seniors to begin with.

True, I live in Minnesota and if you leave a window open it freezes and you have to use a hair dryer to un-freeze it

“Unfortunately, with how specific and wild the magic is here, I don’t think I’d be able to make any,” Sunset said apologetically. Her face lit up a moment later as she added, “But I do still remember all of the notes.”

Take her to see them in Canterlot

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