• Published 27th Aug 2017
  • 2,318 Views, 105 Comments

The Blue Mage - Nebula Star

Gifted with extraordinary power, Apple Bloom must learn to control it and try not to lose herself in the process.

  • ...

Chapter 18: Out of Darkness

The Blue Mage
By Nebula Star

Chapter 18: Out of Darkness

The look in the filly’s eyes made things all too clear to Apple Bloom, and as time reversed around her, she knew exactly what she had to do. Those fillies’ clearly didn’t deserve to be imprisoned here, and so she stopped her spell just as they were all locked in the circles triggering the release to ensure that they would be freed.

“What is happening!?”

No matter what, she had to make sure that Trixie didn’t cast her spell.

“I think we triggered the release!”

“We did, but it’s alright!” Apple Bloom called out, but Trixie didn’t seem to hear.

“I told you this was a bad idea!”

“Trixie it’s alright!” Apple Bloom shouted, but at the same time realized that she may have to stop Trixie physically. Being locked in her own circle she couldn’t tackle the showmare again; but having spent enough time with Sweetie Belle, she knew of one other way to stop a unicorn from casting spells.

The prison was opened, the two figures, still obscured by the bright light behind them were lowered to the ground.

“NO! I won’t be responsible for unleashing an ancient evil!”

Apple Bloom acted quickly, conjuring a simple rod, she gave Trixie’s horn a solid hit, disrupting her magic. “Trixie stop!” She shouted, finally freed from the circle, she quickly stepped in front of the unicorn, and gestured toward the two alicorns as the light of the spell faded, letting them be seen clearly. “Look at them; they’re just fillies.”

Trixie looked, rubbing her horn, and saw the two alicorn fillies. “Oh…”

Apple Bloom nodded satisfied, then turned to the two fillies. They’d huddled together looking out at the three explorers nervously, though the older looked determined, clearly ready to fight. “It’s okay, we’re not going to hurt you.” Apple Bloom said gently.

“Who art thou?”

“Ah’m Apple Bloom,” she introduced, then gestured to her companions. “And this is Daring Do, and Trixie Lulamoon.”

The elder filly glanced between them, still clearly nervous. “I am Ania, and this is Adikia.” She gestured to the younger alicorn that she still held under her wing. “What happened; where are the others?”

“What others?”

“The others! Those who put us in here! Starswirl and his army!” She shouted angrily.

“They’re gone.” Apple Bloom told her in a soothing tone. “They’ve been gone for a very long time.”

She looked confused. “What does thou mean?”

“You’ve been down here a long time, kid.” Daring said, taking a step closer and laying down to seem less threatening.

“How long?”

She gave them a sad smile. “Probably somewhere around three thousand years.”

Ania stared back in shock, eyes wide.

“Three thousand years!?” Adikia gasped, her small voice sounding scared as she huddled under her sister’s wing.

“I’m afraid so.”

Apple Bloom stepped forward seeing the dismay and fear in their eyes. “The world has changed a lot since then. Ponies don’t hate alicorns like they did when you were put in here. Ah mean, there’s not many alicorns around because of what Starswirl and the others did; but the ones that are, are the princesses and are loved by the ponies of Equestria!”

“Equestria?” Ania questioned looking skeptical.

“Oh right, Equestria is where we are; it’s a nation where earth ponies, unicorns, pegasi and even alicorns live together in peace and harmony!” Apple Bloom told them enthusiastically. “It’s ruled by the four alicorn princesses, and everypony loves them!”

“Really?” Adikia asked softly.

Apple Bloom nodded, grinning. “Yep, Ah’m even good friends with one of the princesses: Princess Twilight Sparkle; she lives in mah home town, Ponyville!

“Alicorns aren’t hunted any longer?” Ania asked, still having a hard time believing it.

Apple Bloom shook her head. “Princess Celestia worked hard to change the way ponies thought of Alicorns. She and her sister, Princess Luna, they both grew up when ponies still thought all alicorns were evil, even though most had been gone for over a thousand years by then. They knew what it was like, growing up being hated; so they’ve worked hard to make sure nopony else ever has to experience that. Now, most ponies don’t even remember what the alicorns were like back then.”

Daring nodded. “That’s true. Very few ponies actually know that alicorns used to be feared and hated; and even the ones that do know, know that there’s no reason to hate somepony just because of what they are.”

“You are certain?” Ania asked still a little nervous. “Ponies will not fear us?”

“More than certain.” She smiled and climbed back to her hooves. “So what do you say we get you out of here, and you can see for yourself?”

“Yeah, and if we go to Ponyville, Ah could introduce you to Princess Twilight! Ah’m sure she’d be happy to find you a place to stay!” Apple Bloom told them.

The two fillies exchanged glances and quietly whispered to one another. Ania still looked a little worried, but Adikia looked hopeful as they spoke back and forth. Finally, Ania gave her little sister a nod, and Adikia smiled. “Alright, we will go with you.”

“Excellent. Let’s get out of this gloomy place then.” Daring said, turning and leading the way toward the exit.

“I wholeheartedly agree.” Trixie said; “Trixie has had enough of ancient ruins and deadly traps for the rest of her life.”

Daring rolled her eyes. “Yeah, so you know, girls; the ponies that made this place did install traps to keep ponies out; but we figured out the trick to getting through them, so we should be…”

“WATCH OUT!” She broke off as Ania gave a shout and a rune circle lit up on the wall just to the side of the hall they’d entered through. The next instant a section of the wall seemed to liquify and open up into an archway. At the same time there were a series of loud cracks and the walls of the hallway they’d entered through collapsed partially filling the tunnel with debris including several sets of broken blades.

When nothing more happened, Apple Bloom looked back to see Trixie on the floor with her hooves over her head, and Ania and Adikia clinging to one another inside a barrier, both their horns lit up sustaining it. “It’s okay, Ah think it’s over.”

Cautiously Daring moved toward the hall. “Looks like the trap self-destructed. Probably all of them.” She glanced back at the fillies. “It’s looking more and more like somepony wanted us to find you two.”

“What, why!?”

“Most likely to free you.” Daring said, turning her attention to the archway. As she approached it, she saw that it led to a short hall that then became a stairway. “Heh, looks like you were right Trixie, there was another way out. What’s this?” Just past the archway there was a small enclosure with a set of shelves filled with perfectly preserved scrolls. One on top was turned sideways so that the wax seal was clearly visible. Her eyes widened. “This is Starswirl’s emblem!”

“What!?” Trixie gasped.

Daring picked up the scroll, then looked over at the fillies. The arch had only opened when they’d drawn near. “Something tells me, this is for you.” She said, holding it out to them.

Ania eyed the scroll suspiciously then reluctantly took it and slowly unrolled it. She read the first part in silence her eyes widening at what was written. “It is meant for thee, I think… his hornwriting is not very good.”

Daring smirked. “Yeah, sounds like Starswirl.”

“I will try to read what it says.” She said, then slowly began to read.

To whomever may find this:

If all works as I hath planned, then thou hath freed the alicorn fillies Ania and Adikia. Know that their only crime was their parentage and chance of birth. This is not the case for most of their kind. With this missive I hath included records showing the locations of all the alicorn prisons, who they hold, as well as their crimes. It is my hope that they have all held until thy time. I ask that thee ensure it is so; and if thou can, finish what we could not.


“So it was Starswirl who wanted you found.” Daring said softly. “He must have been the one that made the seal that drew us here, and the traps…” she looked at the others. “One of each tribe. He wanted to make sure there was at least harmony between the tribes.”

“What does thou mean?” Ania asked softly.

“We didn’t come here together.” Apple Bloom explained. “There was an enchantment that drew us here. One that must have only recently activated.”

“… he really wanted us to be found?”

Daring smiled and nodded. “Yeah, sounds like he knew you would never be safe in your time. So, he took a chance that maybe you’d be able to live a happy life sometime in the future.” She stepped next to the fillies, smiling down at them. “And you know what? I think he was right.” She said and stretched a wing around them in a gentle embrace. “I think you’ll like it here in Equestria.”

They looked up at her and there was still worry there, but there was hope in their eyes as well. Daring gave them a slight squeeze then returned to the archway. “Trixie, you still have a traveling wagon?”

Trixie blinked. “Yes.”

“We should probably get these scrolls to Princess Twilight, but I don’t have a way to carry them all.” Daring told her.

“Yeah, Twilight will definitely want to see these.” Apple Bloom agreed.

“But Trixie was not planning on visiting Ponyville…”

“Well she’s going to.” Daring told her firmly. “This is too important.”

“No kiddin’, we’ve already had to deal with one of these alicorns escaping.” Apple Bloom said.

“One escaped!?” Ania gasped.

Apple Bloom’s eyes widened. “Yes, but don’t worry; the princesses already took care of them,” she said quickly in a reassuring tone.

“But if they have encountered others from our time, will they not be suspicious of us?”

Daring snorted. “Of course not;” she said and gestured to the scroll still held in Ania’s magic. “You’ve got Starswirl vouching for you, and he hated alicorns. And besides, the princesses are some of the most understanding and forgiving ponies I’ve ever met.”

Apple Bloom nodded. “Yeah, you’ll see. Now come on. Trixie, do you think you can carry all these until we get to your wagon?”

“Of course Trixie can!” Trixie said, sounding offended that she even had to ask. A moment later all the remaining scrolls floated off the shelves in Trixie’s magic.

“Great, let’s go.”

“Trixie still didn’t agree to go to Ponyville.” The showmare objected weakly as Daring and Apple Bloom took the lead heading up the stairs toward the exit. But even she knew it was futile.


Applejack sighed looking over at Rekaj as they took a short break from the search. The Guard had set up a temporary staging area on the edge of Sweet Apple Acres, and it was as good of place as any to rest. Big Mac had already sat down to rest in the shade of one of the nearby trees, but Applejack couldn’t rest herself. “Any updates on Bloom?”

He shook his head. “She’s hardly done anything since that last time reversal spell.”

“Well, at least she’s not killin’ herself anymore.” Applejack said heavily.

“I really wish I could do more.”

“Ah know, Rekaj. Ah know you’re doing all you can, and that you’re worried about Bloom too. It’s just, she’s my little sister, you know?”

Rekaj nodded. “I understand.”

Applejack gave him a sad smile but before she could say more a familiar buzz rapidly approaching filled the air.

“Applejack, Rekage!” Scootaloo shouted as she skidded to a stop, Sweetie Belle jumping out of the wagon tied behind her scooter. “Did you find Apple Bloom yet!?”

With a sigh, Applejack shook her head.

Their faces fell at the news. “Is she still…?” Sweetie started, but couldn’t finish the question.

Rekaj put a hoof on Sweetie’s shoulder comfortingly. “No. Early this morning Apple Bloom stopped getting herself killed and started doing something else. I’m not sure what, but she’s mostly been using time manipulating spells since then, and in the last few hours, she’s hardly used any magic at all. I can’t begin to guess what she’s doing, but I’m hoping it’s a sign that she’ll be coming home soon.”


“I hope so.”

Sweetie frowned, thoughtfully. “So, what do you think she’s doing now?”

“I really don’t know. I can only guess what spells she’s casting based on how the draw on my magic feels. She’s cast a few time manipulating spells in the past few hours, but that’s about all I know.”

The fillies looked down in disappointment and Rekaj found himself wishing he had more to offer, when the bracelet Applejack was wearing gave a soft chime.

“Never goin’ to get used to that…” Applejack muttered as she tapped the gem. “Hello?”

“It’s Twilight, Applejack.”

“Ah figured as much, sugarcube. Yer the only one really usin’ these things.”

“I noticed.”

“You have some news for me?” Applejack asked hopefully.

“Yes… but I don’t think you’re going to like it.” Twilight said hesitantly.

Applejack glanced at Rekaj. She knew the dragon had copies of his pony form both at Twilight’s library and back at the farm, but surely he would tell her directly if he had news. “What do you mean.”

Twilight sighed audibly through the bracelet. “I’m having Feather call off the search for now.”


“They’re still going to patrol a perimeter around Ponyville watching for Apple Bloom, but without some way to narrow down the search, we just don’t have the resources to search half of Equestria.”

“But Twilight!”

“I know you’re worried, AJ. But there just isn’t anything we can do. We know Apple Bloom is alive, and we know she can’t be hurt physically, at least not permanently. But we also know that if she isn’t ready to come home, and doesn’t want to be found; then she won’t be found. This search has been futile from the start.”

“But Twilight; She’s mah sister! You can’t expect me to just wait around while she’s out there all alone!”

“I’m sorry, AJ. I’ve already given the order. And I’m asking Rekaj to make sure you and Big Mac don’t go off on your own. Please try to understand. I want Apple Bloom to come home almost as much as you do, but the search just isn’t working. If we had some idea where to look, it would be a different story, but with her able to fly and manipulate time, she could be almost anywhere in Equestria by now.”

Applejack wanted to object; but deep down, she knew Twilight was right. She’d seen enough of Apple Bloom’s abilities using Rekaj’s magic to know that Apple Bloom wouldn’t be found until she was ready to come home. “Alright, Twi; I understand.” She said finally, but couldn’t keep the disappointment out of her voice.

Tapping the gem to end the connection, she looked up at Rekaj. “Did you know about this?”

He sighed and nodded. “I heard them discussing it. But Twilight wanted to be the one to tell you.”

She frowned at that but had to agree she’d want to hear it from Twilight as well. “Well, Ah guess all we can do now is wait… I just hope she comes home soon.”


Despite how united the pony tribes were, it was still a rare sight to see a unicorn and pegasus mares walking side by side, pulling a small traveling wagon. Especially two mares as different as Daring Do and Trixie Lulamoon. But for Daring Do, what had to be the strangest part of the arrangement was that it wasn’t the first time it had happened.

“This is a lot more peaceful than last time.” She commented with a bit of a smirk.

Trixie groaned. “Don’t remind Trixie.”

“Just saying it’s nice not having to jump at every little sound because somepony pissed off one of the largest, and most intelligent I might add, diamond dog pack in Equestria.”

“You’re one to talk; Just how many nemeses do you have after your hide? And how about all the collateral damage your little adventures cause? Trixie’s sure nopony has ever been angry with you for all the damages.”

“Fair enough.” Daring conceded.

They walked in silence a few moments more until they heard laughter coming from the wagon. Trixie looked back and used her magic to open the window. “You three had better not be eating all of Trixie’s supplies!”

“Ah, come on, Trixie. Ah promised to replace everything, and get you a bushel of apples to boot.” Apple Bloom’s voice came from inside the wagon.

“Fine, just don’t make a mess of Trixie’s wagon!” Trixie called back and closed the window again.

“Still keeping up that whole great and powerful act, huh?” Daring asked.

“Tis not an act! Trixie is Great and Powerful!” Trixie objected, though not loudly enough to be heard inside the wagon.

“Sure, and that’s why you became a completely different pony during that fiasco down south.”

“Trixie doesn’t know what you’re talking about.”

Daring smiled. “Of course not. You know you’d probably be a bit more successful if you dropped the grandiose act and just let your magic speak for you. You pulled some impressive magic when we had to escape the diamond dog dens. I’ve only ever seen one other Unicorn do anything like it… Oh ponyfeathers, that was Princess Twilight. And I described her as just a unicorn in the book too!” Daring slapped a wing across her face as her hooves were occupied with walking.

Trixie snorted. “When Trixie last met her, she was ‘just’ a unicorn.”

“Yeah, well she was an alicorn when I met her, but I didn’t even notice. Heck, I didn’t even get any of their names except for Rainbow Dash. And Apple Bloom said she was a fan of the books too… I really hope she isn’t upset about it.”

Trixie snorted. “You think that’s bad; there’s a reason why Trixie wasn’t planning on going back to Ponyville. Last time Trixie went to there, she tried to take over and banish Twilight Sparkle from the town… She thinks Princess Twilight Sparkle will be more likely to be angry with her.”

“Heh, I guess you’ve got a point. But for Celestia’s sake, will you quit with the third person already? You never talked like that when we were running through the jungle.” Daring said with a roll of her eyes.

Trixie sighed. “Fine.”

Daring smiled at the small victory. “So was that the incident where you used the Alicorn Amulet?”

“Yes, it was… Not my finest moment.”

“What was it like?”

She frowned. “At first it was amazing; Trixie… I felt so powerful, and I was able to cast spells that I’d never been able to cast before! I was even able to best Twilight Sparkle. But then… things began to change. It wasn’t until a few days later that I realized just how much it affected me. I… I did some horrible things to the ponies of Ponyville. Especially Twilight’s friends.”

“So why’d you challenge her in the first place?”

Trixie sighed. “Because the first time I went to ponyville, there was an incident. I’d claimed in my show that I’d defeated an ursa major…”

Daring snorted. “Have you ever even seen one? It would take a battalion of unicorns to fight one off!”

“Well that’s the point! I’m supposed to be the ‘Great and Powerful Trixie!’”

“Yeah, but that’s just unrealistic.”

Trixie kicked a stone in the path. “I know that now, but back then I didn’t have any idea just how monstrous those things are. Anyway, a couple of colts took my stories seriously and went out to find an ursa so they could see me fight it off themselves.”

Daring looked over at her sharply. “So you inspired a couple of colts to get themselves in trouble? What does that have to do with Twilight Sparkle?”

“Well those colts somehow managed to find an ursa and led it back to town.” Trixie all but growled.

“They actually found one!?”

She nodded. “I… well I knew I couldn’t really fight it off and at first I panicked and it crushed my old wagon. Then I tried a couple things to see if I could scare it off, but only succeeded at making it angry. And then Twilight Sparkle showed up.

“I still have a hard time believing what she did. She put it to sleep almost effortlessly, then levitated the ursa and an entire water tower at once, all the way back to its cave in the Everfree.”

“By Celestia… and she was just a unicorn then?”

Trixie nodded. “You can imagine my humiliation at being shown up. And then to make matters worse she tells everyone that it was just a baby, an Ursa Minor.”

“Ah, that’s a bit more believable. But still, wow!”

Trixie sighed. “After that, my reputation was ruined. Word traveled far and wide about what had happened. I ended up having to take odd jobs to make ends meet. Even worked on a rock farm for a season. Me, a Canterlot unicorn, working on a rock farm… All because of Twilight Sparkle.”

Daring glanced over at her hearing a little doubt in her voice. “Because of Twilight, huh? Sounds more like your own boasting was what was really to blame.”

She didn’t respond at first, walking for a few steps in silence. “I know,” she said, reluctantly. “It was just easier to blame Twilight. And… I guess, I was jealous.”

“Well I can definitely understand being jealous of that kind of talent; but still, you’ve got plenty of talent yourself. I tell ya, it’s too bad I wasn’t on any sort of quest at the time, cause that whole escape would have made a great addition to one of my books. Maybe I’ll write a book of side stories, all the little adventures I’ve had between the big ones.”

“You said you wouldn’t tell anypony,” Trixie objected.

“I’d change your name and description,” Daring told her dismissively. “Though I don’t see why you don’t want anypony to know about that. I mean, sure you messed up at first, but you more than made up for it later. Honestly, knowing my readers, they’d probably love you once they read the whole story.”

“Just keep me out of your books. I can earn my own fame.” Trixie said firmly.

“As you wish.”

A shadow passed over the road ahead, making them look up in time to see a pair of pegasus guards fly over.

“Huh, usually don’t see guards around here.” Daring commented.

“Well there is a princess in Ponyville now, and it’s not much further.”

“Guess that’s true.” She shrugged.

“Are you going to just walk into town? Won’t ponies recognize you?”

Daring smirked. “You’d be surprised how many ponies don’t recognize me without my gear. Even some of my biggest fans will just see another mustard yellow pegasus until I put on my hat. ‘Course it helps that almost everypony thinks I’m not real.”

“Yes, but aren’t there a few ponies in Ponyville that know you are real?”

“Guess that’s true, I’ll have to be sure not to let Rainbow Dash freak out in public.”

Trixie snorted, remembering the pegasus from the few times they’d met. “Good luck with that.”


Twilight yawned and stretched briefly before finally rolling out of her bed. After canceling the search for Apple Bloom, Feather had convinced her that she should at least get a couple hours of rest. She had reluctantly agreed.

Giving her wings a quick stretch and once over to make sure no feathers were badly out of place, she headed back down into the main floor.

“Feeling better?” Feather asked with a smile from the foot of the stairs.

“A bit.” Twilight said trying to suppress another yawn. “Any news.”

Feather frowned and shook her head.

Twilight sighed. “I hope Applejack isn’t too mad at me for canceling the search…”

“I think Rainbow and Spike both talked to her.” Feather assured her. “And Rainbow’s also been flying the perimeter around Ponyville with the guard.”

“That’s good, Rainbow doesn’t miss a thing when she flies.” Twilight said proudly.

“Wish more pegasi could say that.” Feather rolled her eyes. “Some don’t seem to notice anything unless it’s right in front of them.”

Twilight gave a smirk that turned into another yawn, knowing she used to fall into that category herself.

A knock at the door interrupted further conversation as Feather quickly crossed the room. “I’ve got it.” She said and opened the door just enough to look out and see who it was. Twilight heard someone speaking but couldn’t make out what was said, then Feather looked back at her. “Princess, you’ve got a visitor.”

Twilight yawned again, and went to the door. Feather opened it for her, and stepped outside herself. Blinking a bit in the afternoon sun it took her a moment to make out the mustard yellow pegasus with a with a graytone mane. It took her a moment more to realize who it was without her hat. “Daring Do? What in Equestria are you doing here?”

Daring bowed. “There’s a couple things actually, princess.”

“No bowing, please.” Twilight said with a sigh.

“Uh, right.” Daring said straitening and seeming a little nervous. “Uh, first of all, I wanted to apologize for not recognizing you the last time we met, and uh for what I referred to you as in the book.…”

“‘Rainbow’s purple unicorn friend’ you mean?” Twilight asked with a bit of a smirk.

Daring winced. “Yeah…”

Twilight gave a dismissive wave. “Don’t worry about it. You do have your secret to worry about after all, it was probably enough of a risk including Rainbow. I’m actually surprised she hasn’t been approached by more fans asking her about how she got into the book.”

“I uh, actually didn’t know how famous Rainbow was when I included her.” Daring said rubbing the back of her neck. “I only just found that out recently. And that actually brings me to one of the other reasons we’re here. You see we were originally going to stop by the Apple family’s farm first, but Trixie couldn’t remember where it is and unfortunately Apple Bloom fell asleep before we reached Ponyville.”

Twilight blinked and looked past Daring, noticing the traveling wagon parked in front of the library and the unicorn mare trying to look unobtrusive standing next to it. Then the last part of what Daring said registered. “Apple Bloom!?” She shouted eyes wide. “Is she here!?”

“Twilight…?” Apple Bloom’s voice came from the wagon, and a moment later a drowsy looking yellow filly jumped down from the back. “Oh, hey, when did we get here?”

Twilight dashed forward and caught the filly up in a hug before she could say another word. “Apple Bloom! Everypony’s been so worried about you!”

Surprised at first, after a moment Apple Bloom returned the hug. Having imagined the princess’ embrace for comfort many times over the long night, she found it even more so now. “Ah’m sorry, Twilight. Ah had a lot I needed to work through…”

“I know. I heard what Sweetie Belle said… and Scootaloo told us what happened later.”

Apple Bloom tensed slightly being reminded of how everything had started. It seemed so long ago now, but it was just yesterday wasn’t it? Twilight noticed her reaction and sat back so she could look her in the eye while still holding her gently in her wings.

“You know they didn’t mean it, don’t you?”

Apple Bloom looked down. “Yeah, Ah know… It still hurts.”

“I know, but I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive them.”

Looking up again Apple Bloom gave a weak smile, but nodded.

Twilight smiled in return and Gave her another brief hug then got to her hooves. “So. How in Equestria did you end up with Daring Do and Trixie of all ponies?”

“That’s a bit of a story.”

“It’s actually one of the other reasons we’re here.” Daring Do put in. “I ran into her while exploring what turned out to be a purge era alicorn prison.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “You found one!?”

“Yeah, but that’s the thing; there was a strange magic drawing ponies to it. That’s how we all ended up there.”

Twilight looked at her confused. “Were they trying to escape?”

“That’s what I was worried about. Apple Bloom too. Really, I would have brought her back much sooner, but she was very insistent about finding out what it was.”

“Yeah, stubbornness runs in her family.” Twilight said giving Apple Bloom a smirk. She blushed but didn’t try to deny it.

Daring gave a small laugh. “Yep, I can tell. Anyway, it was probably fortunate for Trixie that she was, we ended up finding her stuck in one of the traps. She’d been drawn to the prison by the magic as well.”

“So was it the alicorn?” Twilight asked.

“No it wasn’t.” Apple Bloom answered. “There was this big seal built into the prison that was enchanted to draw ponies there.”

“Why would they want ponies to find it?”

“To free them, ‘cause they never deserved to be imprisoned in the first place.” Apple Bloom told her then turned back to Trixie’s wagon. “Girls, come on out and say hi!”

Twilight looked toward the wagon in time to see a filly with a unicorn horn, just a little older than Apple Bloom peer out at them. She hesitated, seeing Twilight, then jumped down out of the wagon, opening her wings briefly as she did. Then turned and helped a second, younger alicorn filly down as well.

Twilight put a hoof to her mouth. “Oh my… you two were imprisoned?” She asked sounding horrified at the thought.

The older of the two nodded.

“Twilight, this is Ania, and Adikia.” Apple Bloom introduced then turned to the two fillies. “And this is Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

“We are pleased to meet you.” Ania said respectfully, giving a small bow. Her sister imitated the gesture.

Twilight smiled and nodded. “I’m pleased to meet you as well. But why were you two imprisoned?”

Ania looked down, unsure how to answer. Seeing this Daring stepped in.

“We found a scroll written by Starswirl himself stating that these two were imprisoned simply for being alicorns. From what it said, we think he had them imprisoned in order to protect them. Because otherwise they would have just been killed. Then he rigged the prison so that it would draw ponies in to free them some time later when he hoped they would be safe.”

“I see.” Twilight said and gave them a sympathetic look. “You poor fillies, you must feel so lost.”

Ania nodded.

“Well don’t worry, you’re safe here in Equestria. You can stay here with me for now; we can worry about more permanent arrangements later.” Twilight told them with a reassuring smile, and gestured back toward the library. “Come on inside. Sounds like you could use a chance to relax.”

They looked up at her nervously, then glanced at Apple Bloom.

“Go on, Twilight’s great!”

Ania looked back and Twilight then nodded. “Thank you.”

Twilight smiled. “And you, Apple Bloom, we’d better tell your family you’re here.”

“Already done, Princess.” Feather said from back by the Library door. “I alerted the rest of the guard as well as the Apples as soon as I knew Apple Bloom was here. I expect they’ll be here soon.”

“Probably.” Twilight agreed. “Well why don’t you all come in and relax.”

“Actually, Princess. Is Rainbow Dash around?” Daring asked.

Twilight nodded. “She was helping the Apples and my guard search for Apple Bloom here.”

“In that case I’d rather not have her make a scene in the center of town. Don’t really want to be noticed, you know.”

“Oh right, your secret…” Twilight frowned. “Well if you head toward the Apple’s farm, you could probably catch them before they get to town.”

“That would probably work, but I don’t know the way.”

“Ah’ll show her.” Apple Bloom offered.

“You sure?” Twilight asked surprised.

“Yeah, Ah should apologize to Applejack and Big Mac for making them worry.”

Twilight looked at her a moment, concerned. “Okay, but so you know, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo might be with them as well.”

Apple Bloom’s smile faltered. “Yeah… Ah should probably give them a chance to apologize too, huh?”

“They do feel really bad about what they said.” Twilight assured her.

She hesitated a moment more, then nodded. “Well we should get going if we’re going to catch them outside of town.”

Twilight smiled and nodded. “Okay, I’ll see you later, Apple Bloom.” She looked up at Daring Do. “Stop by the Library before you leave, Daring. I’d like some more details about the prison these two were in.”

“Oh right, Trixie, the scrolls.”

Trixie nodded and silently levitated out the preserved scrolls they’d found.

Daring took one and offered it to the princess. “According to the note Starswirl left, these have the locations of all the alicorn prisons as well as details on who is imprisoned in each.”

Twilight looked at the scrolls in surprise. “I see…” She took them into her own magic. “Well, then definitely stop by later. If these do have information on the alicorn prisons, it would probably be in our best interest to check on them and make sure they’re still holding.”

Daring nodded. “I will,”

“Thou art not going to leave us here? Art thou?” A scared voice asked.

“I’ll be back soon;” she said, looking down at the alicorn fillies and reaching out her wing to ruffle Ania’s mane. “You’ll be safe here; so try to relax.”

“Yeah, we’ll be back soon. Besides, Twilight’s great.” Apple Bloom told them confidently. “But we need to hurry if we want to catch my family and all them, before they reach town.” She said and gave them a wave before turning to lead the way.

They nodded nervously, and with one last smile Daring turned to follow Apple Bloom. “Later then.” She said with a wave and together they headed back out of town.

Author's Note:

So I actually rewrote this chapter a couple times, not really changing what happened but trying to get the wording and flow better. That in addition to having two other stories in progress on the site and several more that aren't published yet, it took me a while to get this done. I really need to try and focus more. Trying to write half a dozen stories at once probably isn't the best idea.

Anyway, there's just one more chapter and then it will be on to the next story in the Alicorn Imperium Universe. Fortunately that chapter is already finished in rough draft so I'll probably post that in the next couple days. One of my other in-progress stories is also nearing completion and in fact, I've got the second last chapter of that one almost finished as well, so I'm going to be sure and finish that up before I start posting anything new.