• Published 19th Aug 2017
  • 670 Views, 12 Comments

The Road To Toronto - Alden MacManx

Rapid Transit and family visit Ponytown once springtime allows them to. What they find is something completely unexpected.

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Chapter Three: A Dog and Pony Show

Early the next morning, too early for Artie’s tastes, a working party set out from Ponytown to YZ1, the first of the fulfillment centers west of Toronto. Serge drove the pickup, with Artie, Coppertop, Morgan, Greg and Soaring Heart. Per Artie’s request, Serge drove along the waterfront, to see what ships were in port. Fortunately, there was a plethora of ships to choose from. Filing it away for future reference, they proceeded to their destination.

Pulling into the parking lot, everyone noticed a faint plume of smoke coming out of the back of the building. Driving around, they found a pile of discarded goods of all types, and smoke coming out of a crude vent pipe.

“Looks like someone’s making a home here.” Serge said.

“Sure does.” Artie replied. Turning to the back, he said to his wife, “Love, do a quick aerial reconnaissance and let us know what you see, please.”

“Will do, love.” Soaring Heart said as she lifted off from the truck bed.

One of the loading dock doors slowly rose, to reveal a humanoid figure in the shadows. Everypony in the truck stared as the figure came out into the light, revealing what could best be described as a cross between a bulldog and a human, wearing boxer shorts, said bulldog standing on its back feet. The dog waved and called out. “No need to hide! C’mon over! You from Ponytown?”

Artie leaned out of the window. “How you know about Ponytown?” he hollered.

“Eighty-eight nine FM, that’s how!” the dog shouted back before jumping off the loading dock. “They got some great new music yesterday!”

“Yeah, and he brought it!” Morgan shouted before getting out of the bed of the pickup truck, Coppertop following.

“I think our course of action has been decided, gentleponies.” Artie muttered as he opened the door.

“Here is as good a place as any.” Serge said, shutting off the truck motor and setting the brakes before getting out.

Soaring Heart walked up to the bulldog, who easily stood over her and the others. “So, what’s your name, and how did you come to be here?” she asked pleasantly.

The bulldog looked down at the ponies before sitting on the parking lot. “My name was Andy Jacobs. Now, call me Bowser. I think it fits.” he said as he got comfortable. “I work here, or I did. I was working night shift on a Friday night, doing Problem Solve, when something happened. Next thing I know, it was dark, cold and nobody was around.”

“Where you put the fire?” Artie asked as he came up to join the party.

“At first, I built one in a cage by the loading dock, busting up pallets. That got me through until sun-up. With light, I started scavenging. Good thing the compactor was nearly empty. I bunged together an exhaust flue and I’m using that for heat. There’s enough stuff in here to keep me in beef jerky and water and juices for a while.” Bowser said. “It’s so GOOD to talk to someone again!”

“Believe me, we all know the feeling.” Artie said. “First of all, introductions. From Ponytown, we have Serge the pegasus, Greg the unicorn, and Morgan the earth pony. I’m Rapid Transit, from Alexandria, my wife Soaring Heart (she’s the pegasus) and our son Coppertop.

“I worked at Phoenix Seven when this went down. I was home, my father disappeared, so I went to Seven to camp out. Did that for over two months before I found out how to telegate between places. All I had to talk to was my cat and a dog pack.”

“What did you do at Phoenix Seven?” Bowser asked.

“Pack and sort, a little pick, and a full-time ambassador. How goes your scavenging?”

“I’ve done about a third of the building so far, as much as I can reach. I’ve been reluctant to climb the racks. Found some real neat jewelry.” Bowser said. “Got me plenty of food, water, and other things.”

“We were to come down here and see if there was anything worth scavenging to bring back to Ponytown. Maybe we can work out a means to swap stuff, trade what we want for what you want?” Morgan said.

“Yeah! Got any shiny gems? I’ll be willing to trade a lot for gems!” Bowser said excitedly.

“Why do you like gems so much?” Coppertop asked.

Bowser shrugged. “I just do. Shiny stuff is good, but gems are best. I’ll show you my collection, but don’t take anything!”

Soaring Heart smiled up at Bowser. “We don’t want to do that, Bowser. We would like to see what you have found, and maybe we can find you more in here.”

“Find me more shinies?”

“Why not? You did say there are places you can’t reach, right? We can help you look, and in return, bring you any we find, both here and elsewhere.”

Bowser smiled wide, a little drool escaping from his mouth. “Thank you, Soaring Heart! Let’s go looking!”

“Bowser, before we go looking about, please show us where you keep your stuff, so we all know not to go there. Greg and I will walk around, learning the place, and then we will do our searching for you.” Artie told the big dog-man cross.

“Okay! Come on! I’ll show you. Have to check the fireplace, too.” Bowser said eagerly, bounding up into the open loading dock door. When nobody followed, he looked back. “Oops… want help getting in?”

“Would not be a bad idea.” Morgan said with a sarcastic tone.

Bowser jumped back down and picked up the ponies one at a time, setting them inside, except for Serge and Soaring Heart, who flew in. “Sorry I forgot, friends. Sometimes I get all excited.” He said in apology.

“That’s all right, Bowser.” Soaring Heart said. “How long have you been alone?”

Bowser shrugged before he shut the loading bay door. “I’m not entirely sure. Maybe a month. There was snow here when I woke up, but it’s gone now.”

“That’s about right.” Morgan said. “The last of the snow melted a little more than two weeks ago. It’s a miracle you didn’t freeze here.”

“So, I got lucky in being able to start a fire fast enough to keep me warm through the night, and finding enough blankets to huddle under to sleep. Getting the flue in so I could turn the compactor into a furnace helped matters too.” Bowser explained as he led the ponies to the furnace area, where he had set up his humble abode.

“You sure like your gems, don’t you?” RT said as he beheld Bowser’s horde, which consisted of the cheap jewelry available in that warehouse.

“Yes, I do. It’s so pretty, especially in the light. Makes me feel good to see them when I’m done doing my chores.” Bowser said. “Can you help me find more?”

Serge spoke up. “I’m sure we can, Bowser. I know where I can get you lots of shiny gems, and some real gold and silver, too. We’re willing to trade what we have for stuff we want. Are you?”

“Yeah! Whatever I don’t need, you can take with you!” Bowser said eagerly.

“All right, den. Morgan, you and Greg look around the west end of the building, Coppertop and I will check the east end. Serge, you and Soaring Heart do aerial recon, seeing if you can get up and down the racking without too much trouble, as well as getting an overview of the building. Bowser, give us about an hour or so of looking about before we start searching, okay?” Artie declared, taking charge of the situation. After agreement from all hands, they split up to search, Serge a touch reluctantly. He only came along because a) he is the best driver of the pickup and b) Stormy asked him to. He and Morgan had talked some last night, Rich joining him. They all agreed that the visiting unicorn has talents, but he is also a real ass at times.

An hour or so later, the groups reassembled at the fireplace. “Okay, everyone. Let’s figure out what we can and can’t do.” Artie said. He looked at the pegasi. “Any trouble flying about?”

“No, no trouble flying up and down the aisles, but I doubt we can get anything of real substance down.” Soaring Heart reported, Serge nodding in agreement.

“I thought that would be so, but I hadda check it out personally. His attention then went to Greg and Morgan. “You two find anything useful?”

“Yes, we did. Cases and cases of canned vegetables, bottled water, and other foodstuffs we can use, along with some pallets of dehydrated foods.” Morgan reported. “Plus, some other goods we may find useful.”

“I found the same thing on my side. Bowser, any chance of making an order picker operational?” RT asked.

Bowser thought some before replying. “If we can get some charged, I can operate it. Thing is, I don’t know what it will take to run one. The chargers are not on house current.”

“Good point. Been years since I ran a PIT myself. Serge, any chance some of these PITs have any charge left in them?” Artie asked.

“I highly doubt it, R.T. Not after almost a year. Let me look over one of them, and I’ll see what can be done with them.”

“Sounds good to me. You work on that. Greg, you think you know the coordinate system here well enough to use the finder spell?”

Greg nodded. “I’m pretty sure I do. Numbers increase west to east, letters increase bottom to top, places in row increase south to north. What should we be going for?”

“Let’s see about some provisions that Bowser here will NOT like, and get them over to Ponytown. Did you find any wagons or carts you can use?”

“We did, and I have some rope to make a temp harness with.” Morgan said. “We’ll bring the full carts over to the door we came in.”

“Fine. I’ll look for some myself, and some stuff for Bowser’s collection. We gotta please the host, right?” Artie said with a smile.

“Got that right, love. What do you want me to do?” Soaring Heart asked.

“Keep Bowser company. Talk to him. I’m sure he’s lonely, and can use some companionship.” Artie told his wife.

“I would like that, Soaring Heart.” Bowser said.

“If you would like that, then I will see you get it, Bowser.” she said before looking at the others. “Well, what are you folk waiting for? Get to work!” The five ponies scattered.

Several hours later, the ponies and dog gathered at the loading dock door where they had come in at. The pickup truck’s bed was laden with goods Ponytown could use, mainly food and tools that Bowser had no use for. Bowser was happy that the ponies had not only found more food for him, but more jewelry and other trinkets he could add to his stash. With promises to return within a couple of days, the ponies headed back to Ponytown, Soaring Heart taking to the air, to allow for more room in the truck bed.

On the drive back to Ponytown, Soaring Heart noticed something moving southwest of their location, something that cast a noticeable shadow. Curious, she flew over to look. The shadow resolved into a lone pony hobbling down a road, head down, taking one slow step at a time, holding its left foreleg high. The pony is a pegasus, pale sky blue in color, with a dusty red mane and tail and white wings.

Soaring Heart landed about ten feet in front of the struggling pony. “Hello, what have we here?” she said quietly.

The strange pony looked up. At this distance, Soaring Heart could see the pony’s fur was matted and dirty, with dried blood evident in some places, one wing not sitting properly, and the left foreleg was visibly broken. Tear streaks were visible on the pegasus’ face. “You can’t be with Attila… none of the pegasi know how to fly yet.” the pony gasped.

“Attila? Who is he?”

“The gang lord that is aiming to take over Ponytown in a few days. Do you have water?”

“Not on me, but I can get some. Just hold on. Help will be coming. Now, let me call for help.” Soaring Heart said calmly, getting her phone out while looking around for street signs. Quickly, she nose-dialed Artie.

“What you need, lovely? See something interesting?”

“Artie, I’ve found an injured pegasus walking along Highway Six at the 407 junction. She’s got a broken leg, an injured wing, and she looks like she needs a few good meals. How soon can you get here?”

After a pause, where Artie and Serge had a discussion, “We can be there in just a few minutes. That’s not too far where we were. Hang in there, help is on the way!”

“We’ll be waiting, Artie. Don’t spare the horsepower!” Soaring Heart said before hanging up.

“Friends of yours?” the strange pegasus asked.

“Artie is my husband. Short for Rapid Transit. We were raiding an Amazon warehouse not too far from here. You’ve heard of Ponytown, yes? We’re visiting there.”

“From Alexandria? Attila treats us as slaves, those that do not join his gang, but he makes no secret of Ponytown and his desire to take it for his own. He lets everyone listen while we march and camp. I was Marian Hendley, a professor of mathematics at Wayne State University in Detroit.”

“I’m known as Soaring Heart, Marian. What I was is not what I am, so I took on a different name when I became a pony. How did you get so broken up?”

“Attila’s number-two, Samson, tried to take me yesterday evening. I said no. He didn’t accept no for an answer. We fought. He broke my foreleg, but I kicked him a good one where it hurt a lot, then a couple more times before getting out of there as fast as I could.”

“You’ll need to talk to Sudden Storm about this. AFTER you see our medic and have a decent dinner or two.”

“I’ll talk, all right, at length and in detail.” Marian said as the truck came into view down the highway from where they stood. “Only if you promise to show me how to use my wings to fly.”

“Once you can flap them, we will all help teach you.”

Artie and Greg lifted Marian into the bed of the truck, rearranging supplies to make her comfortable while Coppertop checked her out. Coppertop had been training with Dr. Oliver in Alexandria almost daily since arrival, and while he could not do much to help, he could check her over and figure out what needed to be looked at further. A quick conference between Artie, Soaring Heart and Serge led to the conclusion that they would be tunneling back to Ponytown, after Serge phoned ahead to let Sudden Storm and Karin know what was going on.

Artie fixed the intersection in his mind before gating to Ponytown, checking the path for the truck before gating back. He liked doing that when he was uncertain of the destination, especially when gating a vehicle through. He went back to the party, made sure everyone was ready, and opened a gate, telling Serge to drive through, that he would follow, which he did, galloping through to close the gate after Serge drove through the silver disc.

It got busy at Ponytown after they got back, both taking care of Marian and unloading the supplies from the truck. Soaring Heart and Serge briefed Sudden Storm and Swift Quill on their findings, Karin, Coppertop, Rich and Morgan tending to Marian, while the others helped unload and stow the supply run. Marian, between yelps and groans, told the story of how she Returned and got swept up in Attila’s gang sweep before starting the winter walk to Ponytown, through cold, snow and wind.

“It was horrible, walking through the snow and cold, with boot like things that came up our legs and heavy blankets over us all. When it got real windy, Attila, Nebulous Nimbus or Samson would put halters on all of us slaves and lead us in a line. Much as I hate Attila, I must say he is a dynamic, forceful leader. There were only two ways to leave slavery, death or joining his band. I’m the first successful escape, and I almost didn’t make it.”

“It was lucky that we had arrived and decided to check out that warehouse. When Mom called Dad to say she had found you, we were heading back here.” Coppertop explained.

“With a truckload of supplies.” Morgan added. “Feeling any better?”

“I can do with a good dinner, a drink or three to forget about the pain resetting my wing and leg caused, followed by about three weeks asleep, but I have to say I am feeling a lot better. Thank you all for treating me.” Marian said to her benefactors.

“Believe me when I say, ‘you’re welcome’, Marian.” Karin said from where she was resting, her pregnancy making it so she could not do all that was needed, but Coppertop, Rich and Morgan were her hooves in this case. “At least we didn’t have to call Doctor Oliver up from Alexandria.

“Let’s get you fed and rested before we continue the questioning, okay?”

“Just help me up, please. Now I can extend my leg without screaming.” Coppertop, with a little help from Morgan, got Marian up on her hooves and escorted her to the dining room, where Jenn had something warm and fresh waiting for her. After her dinner, she was escorted to a ‘guest room’ and told to get some sleep, which she did quickly. Coppertop told Vanna to stay with her, and to come and get him when she woke. The pit bull puppy gave a quiet yip and curled up at the foot of the mattress, watching Marian carefully.

At the group’s dinner, those involved reported on the day’s events to the rest of the Ponytown citizenry. The report of finding Bowser was met with joy, and a discussion broke out as to how to ‘repay’ him, for this and future hauls.

“Why not give him some of the stuff from the jewelry stores in the mall? It’s not like we have any use for it.” Swift Quill suggested.

“Not a bad idea, but, how much at a time? It seems like he does not want to leave the warehouse, or else he would have raided nearby jewelry stores already.” Sudden Storm said.

“I’ve been doing some reading on that.” Rhonda said from the foot of the table. “Some diamond dogs tend to be territorial, staying on one area that is theirs. Others like to wander, finding new goodies for their stash. Looks like Bowser is one of the territorial ones.”

“Well, he’s got a lot in there to be territorial about.” Artie said in a bit of a drawl. “We done barely started emptying the place out of useful stuff, and we have two more to search.”

“Not to mention we have another problem coming our way… Attila and his crew. Any ideas there?” Sudden Storm asked.

“They are coming straight down the 401 freeway. Maybe set up an ambush?” Serge suggested.

“Let me get eyes on them, and I can telegate a bomb in their midst.” Artie chipped in with.

“Somehow, I don’t think sweet reason will work with them.” Swift Quill put in. “He wants to lord over this place.”

“I would suggest an all-out assault, but none of us are real fighters.” Jeff said. “Plus, at least one has firearms.”

“Maybe I can make it rain on their parade, with added lightning.” Sudden Storm mused.

Soaring Heart stood up. “PONIES!” she shouted, cutting through the babble. When all quieted, she went on. “I suggest we contact someone who knows a little bit more about fighting than we do. I know some ponies in Alexandria who would be willing to help, if we but let them know.”

“True Sight and some of hers, Mom?” Coppertop asked.

“Yes, and Alex as well. Remember they may know we are here, but they do not know we know they are there. Artie, after dinner, we are going to call Alex and let her know we will be coming back for discussions. Sudden Storm, would you like to come along for the initial meeting?”

“You better believe it, Soaring Heart! Nopony is going to take Ponytown away from us!” Sudden Storm declared, to the cheers of the Ponytown residents.

That evening, Rapid Transit, Soaring Heart and Sudden Storm telegated to Alexandria for talks with Alex. An hour later, they were back in Ponytown, with Alex, True Sight, Adrian and Oliver in tow. Oliver did examinations on both Marian and Karin, while Alex, Adrian and True Sight sat down with most of the rest of Ponytown, the only ones excluded being Rhonda, Coppertop, Randy and Tammy. Discussions went on late into the night about Attila and his oncoming ‘horde’, and what to do about it, Oliver reporting in about the physical state of Marian. Talks adjourned late, to resume the next day, when Marian woke up. “We know what we know now,” Alex said before leaving, “but we need to know more about Attila and his gang. When Marian awakens, we will talk with her to learn what we can about them.”

“Once we find out all we can know, then we can devise an attack plan. It seems to me that nothing short of physical force will dissuade him from an attack.” True Sight added.

“I don’t like fighting, but here he will not give us any choice. So, if he wants a fight, we’ll give him one. On OUR terms, not his.” Sudden Storm said.

“And our terms will not be pleasant… to them.” Artie said before opening the telegate back to Alexandria.

“Artie… only what is needed, not what is wanted. You missed what happened before. I am not going to have a repeat.” Alex admonished before walking through the gate.

“Yes, Chief.” Artie said before collapsing the telegate.

Milton, Ontario, the next morning…

Attila walked down the line of his gang, examining the wagons and carts hitched to the slaves and lower ranking members. He himself wore large saddlebags, with Nebulous Nimbus and Tinker carrying smaller ones. “Our destination today is Dixie Road at the very least, Dixon Road will be best.

“We are very close to our destination, Ponytown. They have no idea we are here, and we are not going to give them any opportunity to find out. We will hit them and hit them hard, letting them know they have no choice but to accept me as their leader.” the black earth pony said to his troops. “It will be good to have fresh forage and electricity at our command again.”

“Also, it will be good to stop moving so I can do some serious work, boss.” Tinker, a pink and green unicorn with a cutie mark of a soldering iron. “I hate leaving things half done.”

“You have been very good for me, Tinker. Your efforts will not go unrewarded.” Attila told his aide, who brightened visibly at the praise. He usually did, Tinker being very close to being an idiot savant, but a useful one.

“Samson will have to ride a cart today, but should be walking tomorrow, and will be ready for the fight, Attila.” Nebulous Nimbus reported.

“Good to hear. Even better that you were wrong about his injuries.”

“Amen to that, Attila. Head wounds do bleed freely. That threw me when I first saw him, and he did not recover consciousness until later than I had hoped. You can talk to him on the way.”

“So I shall do, Nebulous.” Attila said quietly before raising his voice. “Let’s roll!”

The wagon train of assorted carts and one large half-pickup wagon, pulled by the two remaining slaves, started moving northeastward on Highway 401, at a slow, measured pace. Attila did not feel a need to rush, not with his goal so close to him.

Author's Note:

Here comes trouble, on the slow plod...