• Published 16th Aug 2017
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The Rock in the Gulch - Tatsurou

Maud is raised by Church and Blue Team, in Blood Gulch and beyond.

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She's a Keeper

It didn't take Church long to get back to Blue Base with Maud clinging to his head, even going on foot. Distances just weren't that great in Blood Gulch when you had something to focus on. In Church's case, he was focusing on his balance and the pain from the crushed armor on his arm. The latter made it easy to focus on the former, because the last thing he wanted was to give Maud reason to cling tightly to his helmet.

Maud, for her part, stayed completely silent on the entire journey, the only sign she was even still there the occasional slight shift of weight from her turning her head to carefully examine their surroundings, and sometimes pointing something out about the rocky surroundings. "Caves," she indicated as she pointed to a plain looking part of the canyon walls.

"Really?" Church asked in surprise. "I didn't know there were caves here. Maybe Captain Flowers will approve some exploration."

"Flowers?" Maud asked curiously.

"My CO." Remembering he was talking to someone who didn't know military terminology, he added, "My commanding officer." Feeling Maud's silent confusion, he elaborated. "He's the one in charge at Blue Base. I do what he says."

"Ah," Maud allowed.

"You're...not very talkative, are you?" Church asked curiously.


"Ah, there you are Private!" Captain Flowers greeted as Church reached the base. "So that's the little pony you mentioned?"

"Yup," Church confirmed. "This is Maud. Maud, this is Captain Flowers."

"Flowers aren't rocks," Maud observed calmly.

"That they aren't!" Captain Flowers praised happily. "Such a smart little lady she is. Now, let's take a look at that ar-my god..."

Captain Flowers carefully examined the armor Church wore. While it looked like the standard armor simulation troopers wore, it was actually reinforced internally to give Church every bit of protection he could be given. He was important, after all, and it would be very bad if anything happened to him. The entire canyon was just here to protect and hide him. Captain Flowers had once worn a suit of armor very much like what Church was wearing now, and he knew just how strong it could be.

And here it was, crumpled like aluminum foil around Church's arm. It was like seeing someone punch a space ship and have the ship dent. Kinda like Texas, Flowers thought to himself. Maybe that's why she found him. He took another look at the filly. The grey, dull coloration... Kinda even looks like Texas as a pony...I think. Never saw her out of the armor...

"Captain?" Church asked worriedly. "Is...is it bad?"

Flowers returned to the moment. Plenty of time to woolgather and plan after he'd gotten things under control in the moment.

"Nothing to worry about, Church!" Captain Flowers offered expansively. "This armor's made to take a beating. It just took more from her than expected. It's a bit much for a repair kit, so I'll requisition a new one from Command...and maybe a suit of armor for the little lady, too."

"So...I have to keep her?" Church asked ruefully.

"That's an order, Private," Captain Flowers offered warmly. "She found her way to you for some reason, so this little lady is your responsibility from now on."

"Dad?" Maud asked, a slight tinge of hope to her voice.

Church gently lifted her off his head. "Yup," he allowed, his voice managing to be warm. "I guess you're my little pony, now."

Some time in the future, Michael J. Caboose pointed at Church and declared, "Ha! He said it!" for no apparent reason.

Back in the present, Captain Flowers was preparing to contact command when another soldier came in, this one in plain blue armor. "What's happening, Captain?" he asked, somehow curious and disinterested at the same time.

"There you are, Private First Class Tucker," Captain Flowers greeted warmly. "It looks like we've got a new resident here at Blue Base. Why don't you get to know her? Maud, this is Uncle Tucker. Tucker, this is Maud, Church's daughter. Have fun all of you."

Tucker looked at Maud for a time. "That's your kid?" he asked Church finally. "Who did you bang to have her? Though if you left her a little hoarse, bow-chika-bow-wow!"

"I just adopted her," Church growled irritably. "And could you please curb your crudity around her? She's a child!"

"And where do you think kids come from? Bow-chicka-bow-wow!" Tucker laughed at the joke no one else found funny. "Seriously Church, take that stick out of your a...fine, your butt. And stick it in a lady's! Bow-chicka-bow-wow!" Church growled in frustration.

Unnoticed to the pair, Maud had dropped lightly to the ground, hopped briefly on all four legs, then lifted up on her hind legs. Her fore-hooves hitting the floor with a cli-clop drew attention. "Three inches," she stated softly.

"Huh?" Tucker asked curiously. "Is that how long Church's 'stick' is? Bow-chicka-"

"That's the current clearance between my maximum jumping uppercut height and your 'stick'," Maud explained carefully. "Think about that."

Tucker blinked in surprise, then laughed dismissively. "Through this armor? Just how much damage do you think your go-"

Maud punched Tucker's ankle, shattering the metal.

"-OW MY GOD!" Tucker yelled out as he fell over, clutching at his ankle as he hit the ground. "Medic!"

"We don't have one of those Tucker!" Flowers offered warmly. "But I'm trained. Just as soon as I finish requisitioning a replacement for Church's arm armor that Maud crushed, I'll see about your ankle."

Church was grinning under his helmet. "Maud, you're going to fit right in..." She kinda reminds me of Tex, he thought to himself. Maybe I should tell her about her...maybe not. Tex probably would not be happy being saddled with the role of 'Mom', and I don't think Maud's that strong...yet...

Once he was sure he had privacy, Captain Flowers opened his comm link. "Captain Flowers to Command, over."

"Command here, this is Vic!" a voice responded almost immediately. "Go ahead, Flower-Power! What can I be doing for you today?"

Captain Flowers smiled softly. The AI controlling the computer network of Blood Gulch - and the liaison between the Gulch and the Freelancer Program - had gotten strange after he tripped over the power cord. Still, he found it much more personable this way. "I need to requisition a replacement part for Private Church's armor. The arm specifically."

"No problemo, dudorino!" VIC replied readily. "What happened, did he get it caught in a pencil sharpener?"

"Nope," Flowers responded. "Crushed by a tiny pony."

VIC let out a stuttering laugh. "You're pulling my leg, Captain! What sort of pony could be there in Blood Gulch? That place is D-E-double-D dead!"

"Check the feed," Flowers pointed out blandly. "You can see it rather easily."

"You mean that isn't an error in the footage?" VIC asked in surprise. "Then again, pretty consistent for an error. Want me to requisition some armor for her, too?"

"...not yet," Flowers allowed softly. "No need to bring this to anyone's attention unless it becomes necessary. I'm sure we can find a way to keep her safe in the meantime. Besides, her needing to be safe in the base gives me an excuse to take Church off patrols without looking like I'm unnecessarily shielding him."

"You're the boss-man, boss-man!" VIC agreed happily. "I'll just mark the damage in the report down as 'unexpected encounter with wildlife'...in that it was unexpected that there was wildlife! Catch you later, muchacho!"

With that done, Captain Flowers grabbed the med-kit and the repair-kit to go fix Tucker's ankle. Hopefully that wouldn't be too common an occurrence.

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