• Member Since 24th May, 2016
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


I love Milkyway


Twilight and her friends along with Princess Luna & Celestia are forced/asked to watch various classic Disney Films by a mysterious person/pony.

(This fic will use timestamps instead of the describing of scenes I previously did with this fic just so this fic is not taken down or forced to be taken off by the admins; Some characters may be added or brought in if either requested for a specific movie or the movie seems to correlate with them the most.)

(I will be using Disney+ for this fic since it is easier than digging through DVD's or BluRays).

Just been put up as one of the Top Stories on the main page; so happy : )

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 141 )

So you made the Great Walter "Walt" Disney into an Alicorn, in the words of Rainbow Dash......SO AWESOME!

:rainbowwild: "You got that right, I can't wait to see what happens next, please update soon."

ACK.............Rainbow don't go breaking the fourth wall, that's Pinkie's shtick.

:pinkiegasp: "Yeah Dashie don't go stealing my shtick."

Thank you so much, the idea appeared in my head while I writing up the description of him as a Pony.

I may update soon after I work on the next chapter for my Baron story.

This can either go really well, or really bad. As it stands I'll simply withhold my judgment until the first film is out, whenever that may be.


Sweet, also do you think you can have Walt Disney show them his two U.S. theme parks by chance, it would be cool to see their reaction to the Castle's in his theme parks.

Thanks for being honest, I will try my best though.

Maybe, but possibly after they have watched a few of his movies, like 5 or 6.

Not too shabby, certain things stand out a bit on the inexperienced side of things like Luna’s dialect being a bit butchered. Also you shouldn’t use parentheses “()” unless in speech, the things you encased here could flow naturally into the narrative.

But I doubt you’re trying to win awards here, and this is a story just for giggles~! In which case I’d like to suggest either Snow White, or Lion King for the first movie they watch. May as well start off with classics that are somewhat familiar in setting to Equestria itself so the ponies have some context to the human world. Plus you can make the strong argument that Lion King is in the top listings of the best Disney movies made so it makes a good strong first impression.

I look forward to your next chapter! And just because this isn’t a super serious fic doesn’t mean you can’t go all out while having fun!


Welcome Disney world everypony . 👏👏👏 I:heart: love it please continue your work .

Okay you have my attention now I wait for the next chapter need to read a few more to decide whether to upvote or down vote and continue reading this. And most of all I want to see the ponies reactions to Disney films.

Ah, a click batty title of something I like; Reaction Videos!!! Hope I get more out of this than I got from The Mane Six watch Deadliest Warrior.

I'm interested on seeing the reactions of ponies watching the Walt Disney Movies. :pinkiehappy:

I approve on this because my baby life was grown on Disney

So in my last comment I was liking the fic because of the title now I love because you included Walt Disney himself in it my feels were never dropped so low before now I need more:pinkiehappy:

If Lion King is the best, wouldn't it make more sense to see it later?

What do you mean Luna’s name was butchered, I just tried to do how she spoke in the show or at least in many of the stories in this site have written her down, please explain?

Well the way I see it they can be shown something average with very little context that ponies would understand, say... Well fuck it’s hard to call anything Disney average, but off the top of my head movies like Wall-E, Bolt, and so forth have a lot of elements that would confuse beings of a universe whose world revolves around magic over technology.

Now you see this is an idea I’ve toyed with a few times in my life. I made listenof movies the Mane 6 might enjoy. Things like Bambi, Snow White, and Lion King I know Fluttershy might like. Twilight would probably adore Beauty and the Beast, or Frozen. Rarity might enjoy Ratatouille, or Peter Pan. Pinkie would love movies like Toy Story. Applejack, and Rainbow would love any with a competition such as Turbo, or Cars (after they’ve seen movies that tell them what a car even is).

My point being I think everyone has their own opinions which I respect which is why I think Lion King is /one of/ the best, though folks may debate the #1 spot. I just feel like Given the way the Equestrian world is made a movie that focuses mainly on nature like Lion King or Bambi would be best so that nopony is left in the dark about any story elements, makes them more willing to see the other movies Walt is wanting them to see.

I can agree on most points there as I already guessed that movies to do with mostly animals or creatures of a more magical nature would appeal more to the Main 6 and the Princesses.

Lion King and Bambi will make those Ponies cry their eyes out at certain scenes.

Yeah, I get that. I'm just saying save some of the bigger movies like Lion King or Tangled for later. Personally I think Bambi, Jungle Book or Sleeping Beauty would be a good start.

You know I dont want to be an asshole but is it wise to make Walt Disney an Alicorn? I know pepole like to forget but he was a Nazi suporter at one time https://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2017/06/walt-the-quasi-nazi-the-fascist-history-of-disney.html

I know, I know all about those rumours and evidence given to credit that but I just had to make him one since he was the man who started it all with his wonderful films and imagination along with how he gathered so many creative artists, musicians and actors together to make something magical and almost unheard of when he first created and released his version of Snow White & The Seven Dwarves.

I at first planned to make him a simple Unicorn but then changed my mind and made him a Alicorn.

Fair enough, while I might not agree with his personal beliefs I will admit that the great works he created threw out his life and those great works his company continue's to do are worthy of high praise.

Don’t take it personal, I know how hard it is to get Shakespeare right. I was the only one in my literature class to be able to read it without a separate page to translate it.

It’s just for some reason people think you can fit the word “Thou” into almost any slot when forming a sentence when referring to someone else. And you can use it sometimes, but there’s far more words to consider. Example, observe the following sentences.

“Big sis you really need to lay off the cake unless you want to get a fat behind.”

“Dearest sister, thou shalt refrain from thy gluttonous love of cake lest thy hindquarters spill from the throne whenever thou sit sit upon it.”

It’s a minor nitpick, again I know how hard it is for people to get it right. I doubt even the show has it comepletely spot on. Luna has switched to a modern dialect as of late though so in the next chapter you could avoid such a hiccup by making a joke of somepony calling her on her dated speech.

How do you think Spike will take the scene of Maleficent in her dragon form for Sleeping Beauty?

I think he would be fascinated but scared at the power and image of Maleficent as a Dragon.

It’s funny because English was one of my best subjects in High School and one of the only classes I passed every time an exam or test came up.

Did not read much of Shakespeare’s work though, was more into Lewis Carol, Tolkien and other fantasy authors like that.

My sister was the one who loved Shakespeare and all that jazz.

I have only ever seen two Shakespeare Plays, Romeo and Juliet and Tempest.

If you want, I would love to have you help me with Luna’s lines for the next chapter of this when I have the Ponies continue their talk and get an explanation from Alicorn Disney.

Sooo how much Disney is this? Classic Disney only? Because I’d like to see fluttershy get a look at lilo and stitch.

We’ll see.

I plan to do some classic Disney Movies First then maybe move on to some others if I get enough demands or requests.

Might try and make a Poll out of it.

If you like then I’ll do what I can. If you’ll shoot me a private message with Luna’s lines in modern English I’ll translate them to old world speak for you. Or you could have Luna drop the old world speak like I suggested in a previous reply.

This is how old history beginning too many i can't choose one .

Just ignore that, don’t think about it and you should be fine.

I may start work on it either during the weekend or later next week so it should be out around the middle or late of November.

Glad you like it.

this should be good!

hey will they be watching a goofy movie.

I am undecided on that as I will just stick to the classic disney movies, you know Snow White, Cinderella and some of the Pixar movies for now.

But i digresz, i can't wait for more

ah snow white and the seven dwarfs an oldy but a goodie

I know, will be hard at first as this is my first movie react story I have written on this site so I may take cues from other authors who have done similar.

I have done a React to the Books story on Fanfiction though, it's a Harry Potter one and is one of the more popular stories I have made, the Author name it is under is 'magical fan18'.

i know that bambi was so sad that walt vowed to never make a movie to make children cry again

Yeah, Bambi and Dumbo are gonna be real tearjerkers for the Ponies and Spike when I get to them.

Yeah, that is the one that I am most anxious to write up about as I wanna do that scene and her reaction justice.

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