• Published 18th Aug 2017
  • 570 Views, 55 Comments

Super Gypsy Lord Admiral Nyronus Shachza Shouldn't Write Shipfics, Volume II - Admiral Biscuit

Equestria, where the friendship is magic and the romance is probably also even more magical. Well, usually. Sometimes, not so much.

  • ...

King Sombra, Resurrected. Mrs. Cake. Slap, Slap, Kiss.

It was a day. This particular day was less than ideal. This was likely due to the large amount of ponies held in chains, each of them held together by thick links that brooked no argument as to their ability to escape. Thankfully, none the unicorns had the displeasure of losing their horns in violent accidents that resulted in less-than-accident screams and the loss of horns.

So Sombra is back. Oh, and he currently invades a random pony's abode that garnered his interest merely based on appearance. This pony shall not be named, so we'll use the code name Icing.

Well, Sombra decided that Icing was going to be his new mare of choice for the next paragraph while he acclimated himself to the rage-induced anger of figuring out why she dared look at the supreme re-animated overlord of all creatures in Equestria. It certainly shouldn't be happening while she was chained up at his hooves like the proper slut she was wanting to be. Neither was there anything coming about how he looked, having a regal yet terrifying presence based solely on his looks alone. Whatever could make this mare laugh in the face of such adversity?

Oh. Compensation. Right.

Well, at least a couple beatings would cure the mare of her rude mannerisms before he changed her mind with a close examination.

Comments ( 46 )

Love at first draft.


Shades of Neigh? No, good sir, that was Biscuit's object permanence story. This is merely post-con exhausted shenaniganry!

This as been a disturbing experience so far. It took a very dark turn pretty quick.
'cept where coffee is involved, the drakness of the coffee drain the darkness out of any scene.

This is site abuse. This should cause a tempban on each of the author's pulling this prank, at the very least. It doesn't matter if all of you wrote it, you can't post six copies (well, five at the moment) of the same story.

It's not the same story. That would be against the rules. Its the same story description and cover art, but every single chapter of all the fics is entirely different, unified only by theme.

This is still taking the site rules and trying to break them. This is manipulation, and the descriptions say that the story was co-written, and use the same chapter titles and base description.

Site abuse, and purposeful rule testing. This was not a good idea, and I will never read anything by you again.

So what you're saying is that it should be against the rules to write themed fics, or prompt fics? Or for two stories to have the same title?

Are you saying that prompt fics shouldn't have the prompt in the title?

I'm really not sure what's bothering you here. If you don't like the story, that's fine. That's your privilege. But to suggest that prompt fics and speedfics ought to be against site rules or that the people who write them should be banned is going too far, IMHO. Are you going to go after Sharktavia next? Or the writeoff group?

The Sharktavia stories, from my short perusing of the title in the search bar, all have distinct titles and descriptions to differentiate themselves from the others. Same thing with the write-off group. The only distinct difference in the titles and descriptions on these would be on Lord Legion's variation, which has an extra O in the name and a description where they seem to have screwed up the linking a bit.

This clearly isn't the same thing.

If the site staff cared about standards, there's a lot of less funny trolls they'd have to ban first.

Number 3 on genres not to be posted:
Stories written as an in-joke between a small group of people, with little relevance to anyone outside that group. Colloquially known as “circle-jerking.”

Plus, you're gathering attention by having identical story titles, art, short and long descriptions, and chapter titles. You are most DEFINITELY breaking the spirit of the site rules, and will probably end up forcing the admits to pen one covering this.

This is still taking the site rules and trying to break them. This is manipulation, and the descriptions say that the story was co-written, and use the same chapter titles and base description.

Site abuse, and purposeful rule testing. This was not a good idea, and I will never read anything by you again.

Are you an admin?


Okay, then. You have made your thoughts known. Others have responded in disagreement. Case closed. Move along.

Let's see... besides the authors, you're the third other person to chime in, making it two negative and one positive reaction to my thoughts. And, since I don't see your name on the admin list, you can't tell me to leave. I'm waiting to see what happens here. The case is most definitely not closed.

I never claimed to be one.

Have fun waiting.

Here's a rule they all broke.
You can't upvote your own goddamn story.

That's a rule?

There's a reason why you can't upvote the story you posted.

That must be new.


Stories written as an in-joke between a small group of people, with little relevance to anyone outside that group. Colloquially known as “circle-jerking.”

I wasn't aware that shipping was an in-joke.

Plus, you're gathering attention by having identical story titles, art, short and long descriptions, and chapter titles.

Again, I'm not sure that gathering attention is a violation of site rules. Nowhere in the rules that I've read does it prohibit gathering attention for your stories. It does prohibit spamming links to the stories in places other than groups where that's allowed . . . but I didn't do that. Heck, I didn't put my story in any groups on FimFiction.

You are most DEFINITELY breaking the spirit of the site rules, and will probably end up forcing the admits to pen one covering this.

Well, if they do decide to make a rule against it in the future, than I'll follow that rule. I hope that if they do, they either name it the Biscuit Rule, or make a reference to peaches.


Here's a rule they all broke.
You can't upvote your own goddamn story.

You can't use alt accounts for the purpose of upvoting or downvoting stories (your own or other people's). You can upvote (or downvote) your own story, if you want to--nothing in the rules prohibits it, and the site script does not block it. You can also upvote or downvote your own comments if you want to. At least that's my understanding of the rules.


Upvoting my own story just feels like cheating; that's why I don't do it. All of my votes (good and bad) were earned the old fashioned way!

Glad to hear you love it!

I mean, you guys could at least try to be original with how you title your lazy drunken ramblings. Not gonna claim it's against the rules, but you know, you could make the effort.

Are you referring to individual chapter titles, or the fic as a whole?

The fic as a whole.

Also, wow you sure do help your case in this comment section.


The fic as a whole.

Eh, 20 minutes per chapter, how good's it gonna be?

Also, wow you sure do help your case in this comment section.

Yeah, I was a bit tired and pissed off last night. Probably not the best time to have commented.

I find it's generally a good idea for people with a large number of followers to wait until they actually have full control of their brain before responding to criticism.

[insert snide comment about author of your choice who happens to very rarely respond to comments]

And really, I mostly complain about the similarity in title because, well, it makes organization a bitch. That, and it looks unappealing as all get out for a bunch of fics with exactly the same title and cover art. And I do mean exactly, not your half-baked example of Sharktavia.

Even the simple addition of a 'Part X' at the end of the title of the individual works, or maybe photoshopping the appropriate author's OC into a corner of the cover, would make it at the very least slightly more appealing to look at.

I definitely understand that it could be argued that you guys don't need to care, but people prefer it when you show up with all your clothes on instead of half-naked, even in your own house.

Meh. If people don't want to see me half naked, they shouldn't break into my house.

Darn it, how'd you even know I broke in?!

Fresh stains on the bed. Dude, gross.

I thought I hid them well enough among the older stains.

Bruh, I literally have a black light in my room you think I wouldn't notice the fresh glow? image.ibb.co/eFsiE5/IMG_4181.jpg

Yes this is part of the 10 x 10 music studio I live in.

That's actually really cool. How much use do you get from it? Is it migraine inducing?

It goes well with the cool spinning lights and disco ball and Christmas lights and stuff I have in there for parties, tripping, and just cool ass aesthetic. No migraines to report so far, but then I'm not like generally staring directly at it and I don't usually get migraines.

Controversy aside, this was a fun pile of insanity.

I've read three of these so far. Time to document the results:
My skull is now full of literary road apples, and I'm starting to like it. :derpytongue2:



. . .

. . .

I think I know what I'm reading next.

I'm back and...

. . .

. . .

I like it.


This as been a disturbing experience so far. It took a very dark turn pretty quick.
'cept where coffee is involved, the drakness of the coffee drain the darkness out of any scene.

It was actually a lot of fun to see what everyone came up with in the end.


Controversy aside, this was a fun pile of insanity.

Thank you!

I was happy with how it turned out, except for the controversy. A lot of different writing styles and writing skills all mashed together, and the fact that everyone hit the word count targets in only about eight minutes . . . that's not an easy feat. I'd love to see all the neigh-sayers try.


I've read three of these so far. Time to document the results:
My skull is now full of literary road apples, and I'm starting to like it. :derpytongue2:

I really should have put a road apples reference in.


I think I know what I'm reading next.

I'm back and...

. . .

. . .

I like it.

This was a fun project.


This was a fun project.

It looked fun. :heart:

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