• Published 9th Aug 2017
  • 19,784 Views, 160 Comments

You're washing your hair with WHAT!? - keroko

Sometimes the girls at CHS forget Sunset is a pony, so when Rarity finds a rather odd bottle of shampoo in Sunset's bathroom, the confusion is understandable.

  • ...

Rarity.exe has ceased functioning.

"Dibs on the top bed!" Pinkie cried as she scrambled up the stairs in Sunset's apartment leading to her loft bed.

It was friday at the end of the month, and the girls had decided to have another sleepover. "just for the fun of it" as Pinkie had put it. This time though, there was a bit more special to it. Because this would be their first sleepover at Sunset's place.

"Hah! Can't believe it took us this long to finally have a sleepover at your place, Sunset." Rainbow Dash crowed as she flopped onto the couch, her bag landing on the table in front of it.

"Well it's not the biggest or most luxurious place, so I figured it wouldn't make for much of a sleepover" Sunset replied.

"Sugarcube, if we can survive a sleepover in the disaster area Rainbow Dash calls a room, your place ain't going to give us much of a problem." Applejack remarked dryly.

Rainbow flipped up, indignation on her face. "Hey! My room is perfectly- uhm, organized! Yes! It's an organized mess." Rainbow nodded at her declaration and crossed her arms with an air of finality.

"It, uhm, it was rather cozy." Fluttershy piped up.

"See? Fluttershy agrees!"

"Darling, she called it cozy, not organized." Rarity countered as she put down her bag, opening it to fish out an only slightly smaller make-up purse. "Sunset, would you mind if I borrow your bathroom for a moment? I'm afraid the rain wasn't at all kind to my make-up."

"Not at all Rarity, take your time. Just give a yell if the water pipes start acting up."

"I'm sure that won't be a problem" the fashionista replied, moving to the bathroom and closing the door behind her.

"So are we all going to climb into that loft tonight or what?" Rainbow asked, drawing the girls' attention back to the group.

"I kinda lack a good railing for that" Sunset noted, pointing up to the single railing that separated the edge of the loft from a steep fall. "So while sleeping on the bed is fine, I really don't want to see what happens when some of our more excited sleepers roll on the floor in their sleeping bags and off the edge."

"Awww, bummer!" Pinkie cried, poking her head over the edge of the loft and looking down at the group. "It's reeeaaally cozy up here."

"We can make it cozy down here too, Pinkie." Sunset replied. "If anything, the lack of room means it's going to end up cozy no matter what we try."

"Eh, true." Pinkie shrugged, conceding the point, before dangling off the ledge of the loft and dropping down.

Sunset turned around to scold her elastic friend, but whatever scolding she was building on died on her lips as the bathroom door flew open and a rather distressed looking Rarity marched out.

"Rarity? Did the pipes give you trouble?" Sunset asked.

Rarity gave her friend a scrutinous look. "Oh no darling, the pipes are fine. Your skill at repairs certainly shows. However..." Rarity raised an eyebrow as her voice took on a tone of someone carefully choosing their words. "I did find a rather... peculiar item in your bathroom."

"Huh?" It was all Sunset could reply. She was unaware of keeping anything strange in her bathroom. "What are you talking about? I just keep normal bathroom supplies there."

Rarity chewed her lips as she carefully formed her next reply. "Well... Sunset, darling, could you tell me what this is then?" As she spoke, Rarity placed a large bottle with a blue and yellow label on the table.

Sunset blinked. She blinked twice. Then she raised her own eyebrow in confusion. "That's my shampoo. What of it?"

Obviously that wasn't the right answer, because suddenly she could feel the looks of everyone on her. "What? It's just shampoo."

"Uhm... Sunset?" Twilight began, adjusting her glasses as she took another look at the bottle just to make sure her eyes weren't playing tricks on her. "You do know that the bottle says 'mane 'n tail shampoo' right?"

Sunset tilted her head. "Yes?"

"And what would you use mane and tail shampoo for?" Twilight pressed.

Her head still tilted, Sunset blinked in confusion. "To wash manes and tails?"

"So what do you use it for?"

Sunset blinked again and reached up to lift up one of her bangs and pointed at it.

"Wait a minute!" Applejack interrupted, raising both hands. "Are you sayin' you've been washing your hair with shampoo for horses?"

"Or ponies." Sunset interjected.

"Yeah, or ponies, but why in tarnation would you use a a shampoo... for... ponies..." Applejack trailed off as the proverbial lightbulb seemed to light up for the entire room at once.

Sunset on her part merely crossed her arms. "You guys all forgot I'm a magical pony from another world, didn't you?"

Rarity coughed. "Well, not so much the magical part. We do carry around these lovely reminders after all" she noted awkwardly as she fidgeted with the geode around her neck. "But I will admit that you being a pony might have... slipped a bit."

Rainbow Dash chuckled and threw an arm over Sunset's shoulder. "Though really Sunset, pony or not you use horse shampoo? What's next? Munching on grass?"

Sunset shrugged "Well not uncooked, no. And I do miss a good sunflower salad. But yeah, I use mane and tail shampoo. Heck, I even have the conditioner, how do you think I got this bounce in it?" she playfully tossed a few curls of her hair as she said so.

"So you're saying" Rarity carefully noted "that this actually works?"

Sunset nodded. "It does for me. It actually reminds me of a shampoo I used to favour when I studied in Canterlot Castle."

Rarity's eyes widened "A royal shampoo?"

"Yeah. Which is probably why I keep using it. Reminds me a bit of home." Sunset smiled wistfully for a moment.

"Do ponies wash their manes a lot?" Fluttershy piped up, leaning forward. Her shyness almost forgotten at the idea of adorable not-quite-animals and how they took care of themselves.

Sunset snorted. "Do they. Proper mane, coat and tail care is one of the most basic elements of Equestrian society. One of the most lucrative, too. Even the smallest of towns have their own spa, and every mare and stallion goes there at least once a week.

"Wait, the guys go to spa's?" Rainbow asked sceptically.

Sunset nodded. "Sure, there's only a very few ponies out there who'd consider a spa treatment 'uncool.' Most just enjoy the attention, and the results of a proper spa treatment speak for themselves. You'll feel more relaxed than a good weekend's sleep, your coat shines like a crystal robe and your mane and tail just feel lighter than air." Sunset sighed wistfully at the memory.

"Sound like someone could use a good spa treatment here in the human world." Rarity said teasingly.

Sunset sighed. "I would, but a good spa treatment here is freakishly expensive and I don't exactly have a ton of money to toss around on weekly excursions."

"Oh, pff, nonsense darling." Rarity scoffed, waving away Sunset's concern. "I would love to introduce you to our local spa. I know the girls there quite well and I'm sure we can come to some arrangement that could see you get a little bit of pampering in your life."

"That's... really generous of you Rarity, but I wouldn't want you to go out of your way just for me." Sunset said, fidgeting at the idea of taking advantage of her friend.

"Oh hush, I've been trying to convince Rainbow Dash for ages that there is nothing 'uncool' about visiting a spa. Hearing that our school's toughest girl considers them an essential part of her culture? Why, it'd be an insult not to get you to enjoy our establishment. They may not be exactly what you are used to, as they are built for humans rather than ponies -which remind me, you absolutely must tell me what a pony spa is like and how ours compares once we visit- but I'm sure you will adore it."

"Thanks Rarity" Sunset said, smiling at her generous friend. Then her smile turned into a grin, aimed directly at Rarity and the bottle she was holding. "You want to try it?"

Rarity's eyes flitted between the bottle of shampoo and Sunset's hair, the desire to want to try something labelled the equivalent of a royal shampoo warring with her knowledge it was designed for animals.

"I'll... think about it. Perhaps tomorrow in the morning" she concluded.

Sunset shrugged. "Whenever you want. Now how about dinner? I haven't got much in the way of a kitchen so are we going to microwave or out to eat?"

"Ooh! Ooh!" Pinkie piped up. "I know this great new place that opened up a few streets further!"

And with that, the group of friends went on with their sleepover. A small reminder that one of their dear friends was just a bit different from them fresh in their mind.

Comments ( 160 )

Very funny slice of life!

This is a really silly yet great story:ajsmug:
Yet this does make me wander......is Sunset a vegetarian?:unsuresweetie:

Thank you. :pinkiehappy:

Well if you believe the toys, she works at a sushi shop so I'm going to go with no.

My personal headcanon is that it differs from pony to pony, but with a tribal link. Earth ponies being mostly vegetarian due to their heritage as farmers, pegasi including fish in their diet as a remnant of the early pegasi being fishers since they need the fats to supplement their flying and unicorns enjoying exotic meat dishes as part of their noble culture (we did see a pony who loved working the grill in that restaurant episode after all).

I wander how the ponies would react to her returning technically being an omnivore?

Great Slice!:heart:
Makes sense.
Equestria in general should have an extensive fishing industry with its own aquaculture and mariculture.
From the newest map: they have a river that connects their east and west oceans - like the Panama Canal - from Horseshoe Bay to Las Pegasus and another river connecting it near the halfway point that runs north-to-south from a mountain near Our Town down through the Everfree to Appleloosa.

Cloudsdale travels between cities and it would make sense to travel above a river that leads from Las Peasus to Ponyville/Canterol and follow the coast from Horseshoe Bay upwards to Manehattan. If Our Town sends a request, they can follow the second river north from the Canal-equiv. and take the previous route in reverse forming a loop.

I actually use that shampoo myself, it's nice, though it can be hard to find at times.

As far as I know people who use Mane and Tail shampoo swear it's actually the best shampoo there is. And no I am not joking, people really use horse shampoo and swear it's fantastic for human hair too.

Yep, same here! It works wonders, although the first couple times I used it, it dried out my hair something fierce before it got used to it.

I liked how this story went after Rarity began to ask about the shampoo. It was nice to read Sunset remembering Equestria like that. Great work! I'd love to see more Slice of Life stories like this one.

I literally got an add for Fiebing's Horse Salon Shampoo after this story. Damn it, fimfiction! Stop whoring out our data to advertisers!

8354634 If they did, you would have to pay to access this site. Non-targeted ads dont make money on the internet. Not since like 1998. YOur data is the price you pay for free internet. Personally, I find that a fair cost. It's not like I actually buy anything they want me too :P

She isn't, horse meat isn't acceptable food in most countries, as for other meats there isn't any solid proof she eats them. Personally I suspect she is a vegetarian and eats the same kinds of foods that human flutter shy eats

My sister an I spotted it in the supermarket a few weeks ago and cracked a joke about it being Sunset's favourite brand. :pinkiehappy:

Been using Mane and Tale Shampoo for 10 years now. Surprisingly good stuff. Never made the connection, but looking at that screenshot, it DOES look like one of their bottles. Funny.

nice, could use a brush made from illegal whalebone though :pinkiehappy:

This is a very good one-shot.

She would be an omnivore, not a carnivore. Just saying.

They said Carnivore not Cannibal.

It would actually be Omnivore by the way. She does still eat fruits, vegetables, grains, etc.

Yes, now that you mention it I may have gone a bit overboard with the darlings. Oh well, note to self for the next work.

I love every single one of these little jokes and tidbits of detail in MLP.

Ok that was fantastic. Short, sweet and an enjoyable read mixed in with best pony Sunset makes for a great read.

This was a fun little one shot. Not gonna lie, I really want to try that shampoo. According to everyone here, it's awesome, so now I'm curious.

"Hah! Can't believe it took us this long to finally have a sleepover at your place, Sunset." Rainbow dash crowed as she flopped onto the couch, her bag landing on the table in front of it.

Rainbow Dash

I remember seeing shrimp in an episode with a party in Canterlot.

Short and Simple. An okay read.

This was nice. Does need a sequel with sunset taking the humans for a spa trip in ponyville, though :pinkiehappy:

Very nicely done! I love stories like this where they're just normal girls, except one of them happens to be "a magical pony from another world." Which, in the end, doesn't make them any less of friends.

"Wait, the guys go to spa's?" Rainbow asked sceptically.

Have you ever heard of a "Happy Ending" Dash?

"Wait, the guys go to spas?" Rainbow asked skeptically.

If human Bulk Biceps is anything like his pony counterpart, he works at one...

Believe it or not, some species of horse are actually obligate omnivores. There isn't enough food some times of year, so they'll trample and eat small mammals, like gophers and rabbits. While horses generally can't digest meat very well, they can and generally will eat it when offered, depending on the personal preferences of the horse in question.

Sunset on her part merely crossed her arms. "You guys all forgot I'm a magical pony from another world, didn't you?"

Puting this sentence on my list of "things I thought I would never read"

Suddenly, Fallout: Equestria makes more sense...

I really love the implication that Sunset still has a couple of her old pony mannerisms left in her, especially given how she has otherwise amazingly fully integrated herself in that world to the point where she acts pretty much just as human as the others, despite only being in that form for a few years.

Occasionally, the girls are reminded that the seventh member of their group is an alien who is only wearing a facsimile of the human form but whose instincts are that of a very different species on many level.s

There was a time I used that shampoo. Nowadays, I use something else, and I can't really say how it compared.

An adorable alien, mind you!

Rare Sentence collection time!

I find it incredibly fascinating just how well she has adapted herself otherwise though. From most of what we see, despite living most of her life as a pony she still acts just as human as the other girls, which I find very admirable of her.

Well, it looks like I’m not the only one around here that knows about how good mane and coat shampoo is

I would suggest that you end this fic by having Pinkie suggest that they raid Sunset's pantry, only to find bundles of hay and some alfalfa in the cupboards :raritywink:


Nice story. Find a minor typo you may want to fix.

 I really don't want to see what happens when some of our more exited sleepers roll on the floor in their sleeping bags and off the edge."


Too bad Sunset doesn't have a tail anymore, even when she ponies up. (She did as a demon though) But, her hair is like a mane. (Kinda funny the easter egg was in the same scene with that cute moment after her hair was messed up)



My mistake I was half asleep replying to it also no she is a herbavore and would only eat plants

it's noted that most horses can devour small birds without issue, they don't go out of there way too, but if one gets in the way well they eat they've been known to chomp it down too. opportunist omnivores i believe the term is

we have no way to know the burger fluttershy was eating in the first movie was a veggie burger or not. given the fact fluttershy didn't consider herself a member of the nature centered group, it's more then entirely possible she still eats meat.

that would make sense with unicorns magic being a presumably mental excersize, and healthy brain development is dependent on certain proteins only found in meat.

So, I knew just from the title exactly what brand of "product" Sunny had been using. It was, of horse, obvious.

Here's the thing, though: lots of people use it. It wasn't designed for working horses. It was designed for show horses and ponies. And their owners discovered it worked really well for them, too. Turns out, hair is largely... hair.

Lemme just say, as a guy with a rather long "mane" himself, I appreciate having something that works well, doesn't cost as much as those fancy schmancy froo froo things (since the horse directions say dump a bunch in a bucket, add water, and use a mop/brush, they expect ya to use a lot), and also doesn't reek to high heaven of flowers and baby's breath and guava and whatever else they're putting in things these days.


I never noticed that.

I'd bet good bits the company loved the free product placement.

Surprising fact:

Mane 'n Tail does exist. And it's a shampoo for both horses and humans.
It really helps with my oily as hell hair.

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