• Published 7th Aug 2017
  • 1,567 Views, 9 Comments

When Sunset Met Indigo - Tennis Match Fan

Sunset Shimmer trips and falls on Monday morning, landing her in Indigo Wreath's burly arms. What happens next will shock you.

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Shimmdigo OTP

Sunset Shimmer was having one of the worst days of her life. We're talking Transform-Into-A-Demon-And-Promptly-Be-Defeated-By-Magical-Horse-Girls kinda days. Top tier.

It was a Monday.

Sunset kept her eyes focused on her phone screen as she exited Sugarcube Corner. Her mouth clamped around her morning bagel, she pushed the door open- and tripped over a dog leash.

"Ow!" Sunset winced as she fell into a puddle. Her bagel bag fell into the road, utterly ruined by the dirty streetwater.

The dog to which the leash was attached barked. It scurried over to Sunset and licked her face.

"Normally I would be open to dog cuddles, but today is not the day," Sunset muttered, frustration edging into her tone.

"I'm so sorry!" apologized the dog-leash owner. Sunset looked up and came face to face with a classmate from school. He had grey skin and short, magenta hair that was untouched by the rain, in contrast to Sunset's sopping mop. He wore an ivy-green sweater and neatly-pressed pants.

"It's okay," Sunset replied, accepting the hand that he offered to her. She stood up and huddled under his red umbrella. "You're Indigo Wreath, right?"

"That's my name," Indigo confirmed. "I'm in AP World History with you."

"Ah, right." Sunset nodded profoundly. "I secretly emailed the Fashionista girls rather unflattering pictures of you freshman year and then promised you I'd get them to forget about those pictures in return for your vote."

Indigo's face went blank.

"Did I say that out loud?" Sunset winced. "Sorry. Even if you guys accept me now, I know it still hurts to bring up the past."

"Forget about it." Indigo waved his free hand, dismissing her worry. "That was before I found my passion for poetry, you know? I'm a changed man. Just like you." Indigo smiled.

Sunset countered with a smirk. "Right, because discovering a new hobby is definitely on par with transforming into a raging demon."

Indigo's smile morphed into a chuckle. "Hyperbole. Hey, would you like to share my umbrella? Considering we're going the same way, it only makes sense."

"Sure. I didn't bring an umbrella with me," Sunset said. "You don't happen to have any food with you, do you? My breakfast got soaked." She gestured to the soggy paper bag lying in the road.

"I've got dog food," Indigo answered seriously as they crossed the road. "Ladon here gets hungry on our before-school walks."

"Your dog's name is Ladon?" Sunset asked, staring at the blue dog dressed in an adorable rubber raincoat. "Wasn't Ladon a mythological dragon who was-"

"Slain by Heracolt?" Indigo finished. "Yep. I've named all my pets after Greek figures."

"From what Twilight has told me, dogs transform into dragons in Equestria," Sunset mused, her turquoise eyes unfocused while she thought. "So it makes sense that your dog has a dragon-related name."

"What?" Indigo asked.

"What?" Sunset blinked. "Sorry, I was just thinking. About dragons."

"You're pretty when you think," Indigo commented, staring straight ahead at the sidewalk.

Sunset was used to being hit on, but usually it was creeps on the streets, not random guys from history class. "Thanks. So, do you specialize in Greek mythology? Is that like your special talent?"

"Yeah. This is a laurel wreath." Indigo tugged on his sweater, showing off the golden laurel monogram. "I like writing poetry, but even better is analyzing old texts."

"Maybe you could help me in history, then." Sunset laughed. "I know the material, but reading long, boring documents is so boring to me. You seem like you enjoy it."

"Oh, I do!" Indigo replied eagerly. "Poetry more than historical documents, though. Poetry and stories contain more literary elements to be dissected, while treaties and historical papers have to be more direct and precise."

"Exactly." Sunset nodded along as he rambled. How his golden eyes sparkled. Sunset admired the passion in his voice. Only a complete and utter nerd would be so engrossed in analysis.

"One of these days, I want to challenge myself to speak in iambic pentameter only," Indigo said. "It would be hard, but I'm sure I'm up to the challenge. Nolan and Sophisticata have already volunteered to keep me accountable."

"Sounds fun," Sunset answered. "Maybe I'll try speaking only in Ye Olde Equestrian for a day." At Indigo's confused expression, she hastily explained, "Pony-dimension language. I only studied it for a year at magical kindergarten; I'm surprised I even remember any of it after all this time."

"Maybe you could teach me," Indigo said. "I'll help you with analysis and you teach me a horse language that doesn't exist in this world."

"Sounds good," Sunset agreed, offering him a full grin. The rain was still pouring, and the day was going like utter crap so far, but it seemed to be turning around now that she was with Indigo.

"Black cat!" Indigo suddenly shouted, pulling Sunset to the side as a dark kitten scampered down the sidewalk.

"Superstitious much?" Sunset raised an eyebrow. "That cat looked perfectly normal."

"It's been a terrible day so far, it wouldn't hurt to be careful." Indigo reached down to stroke Ladon. "Plus, Ladon doesn't like cats much anyways."

"You have a good point there," Sunset admitted. Her phone buzzed in her hand. Sunset ignored it, engrossed in the moment. "Hey, don't you have to take him home? Most pets aren't allowed at school."

"My mom stops by on her way to work," Indigo replied readily. "After I walk Ladon to school, she picks him up an takes him with her."

"Interesting system," Sunset commented, admiring the uniqueness of the situation.

They continued walking, the rain dancing a steady rhythm across the umbrella. Soon, Canterlot High was in sight.

"I really don't want to go to school today," Sunset said, sighing dejectedly. "My hair and hoodie are soaked, I slept in, and I have Cranky Doodle first period."

"I don't want to go to school at all," Indigo said. "Who does? I could be home reading the Illiad right now."

They stopped walking. Sunset turned and stared up at Indigo. Despite wearing high heeled boots, Sunset still only came up to his neck. "Wanna skip?" she ventured. "After your mom comes and picks up your dog, we can go back to my place. There'll be no one there."

"Don't you have to hang out with your magic friends?" Indigo asked, his closed fist brushing against Sunset's hand. "Rarity and Twilight Sparkle and all them?"

"Oh, don't worry about them," Sunset replied. She looked down at her phone screen for the first time in a while; she had twenty missed messages from her friends. She added, "I'll just tell them I was sick."

"Alright, then. Your house it is." Indigo shifted the leash from one hand to the other. "Is this considered a date?"

"Do you want it to be a date?" Sunset raised an eyebrow.

"Only if you do," Indigo answered. Ladon barked excitedly as a car sped down the street.

Indigo held Sunset's hand as they walked back to her apartment. His linguistically-attuned mind was aware of the cliche of it all. The only thing that would make it worse is if I kiss her.

And that's what he did.

Author's Note:

The quality isn't top-notch, nor was it meant to be. This was a writing exercise for me and I also needed to get some Shimmdigo out to the world.

Comments ( 7 )

Indigo held Sunset's hand as they walked back to her apartment. His linguistically-attuned mind was aware of the cliche of it all. The only thing that would make it worse is if I kiss her.

And that's what he did.

And kissing turns to love. :trixieshiftright:

I can confirm this is 100% legit and this is a valid and healthy way of starting a new relationship.

Shimmerbass OTP :raritywink:

Oh yeah, the point was that they're rushing it. You know that cliche "meet someone in the rain and then immediately start a relationship with them"? Yeah, that's the one. :rainbowlaugh:

Exactly! :derpytongue2: Danged hormones.

This was very romantic. Sunset has found love. :heart:

Is Indigo Wreath related to Indigo Zap?

Nah m8. I wouldn't name both my children 'Indigo' anyways. :rainbowlaugh:

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