• Published 3rd Nov 2014
  • 2,634 Views, 82 Comments

Gothic - Wanderer D

The Magna Anima Nocte is THE musical event. And Octavia has been invited to play in it.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Winter Charm


Chapter 5: Winter Charm

By Wanderer D

The chariots made their way out of Ponyville slowly, wooden wheels scraping, bumping and occasionally sloshing on the snow-covered cobblestones before making it to the soft ground of the beaten earth path to the Everfree Forest. Octavia looked out the window at the ponies gathered outside, smiling when she saw Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Sweetie Belle waving at her and Sapphire Shores from the crowds.

It was surprising how sad she felt when the fact that she was leaving the small town finally dawned on her. Although her stay had been extremely short, Ponyville had warmed its way into her heart. It wasn’t just the peaceful ambience of it, or the quality food, or the quaint little buildings… those were a plus. It was the ponies there who had made the whole place truly magical. She had never expected such laughter or generosity to exist. There was a certain honesty to the ponies of Ponyville that the large cities that she had lived in lacked, and a kindness that extended to just about everypony she had met.

Was it truly such a big surprise that Celestia’s own apprentice would live here? That Luna herself loved to visit so much that the ponies of Ponyville felt like they knew her personally? Octavia smirked. She probably did know them personally if the way Pinkie Pie had mentioned her was any indication.

Soon her mind was on other matters, however. Even at the leisurely pace their guide was taking, the caravan had already rolled past Sweet Apple Acres and, although she couldn’t see it from their position, she could almost feel their approach to the Everfree.

“Aren’t you a little jumpy?” Francis asked, raising an eyebrow at Octavia.

She shook her head. “We’re going into the Everfree Forest, Francis,” she said in almost a whisper. “That’s where the last battle between Nightmare Moon and Princess Celestia took place a thousand years ago. It’s a place where magic runs wild and beasts roam…”

Sapphire Shores chuckled. “Don’t worry, darling, we have guards and a guide that strode out of the forest by himself. We know other ponies have crossed it on their own as well. We’ll be fine.”

Octavia settled back into her seat, shifting a little so her back was pressed firmly against the cushioned seat. She had a chill that wouldn’t subside even if the seat felt warm to her. Unbidden, nigh-forgotten flashes from her dreams came back to her, and she wrapped her forelegs around herself.

“Are you sure you’re not just jittery because of the competition?” Francis teased. “I would have thought you’d be used to this kind of pressure by now.”

Octavia snorted. “Of course I’m used to the pressure!” She shook her head, tossing her mane out of the way. “So what if this is an event that hasn’t been held since Luna was exiled? So what if I’m competing against international stars of all genres of music?” She glared at him, a small smirk of her own twitching at the edge of her mouth as his face slowly went pale. “I’m fine, but it seems like you just realized what’s going on.”

Sapphire Shores simply laughed, pushing Octavia’s shoulder playfully with her hoof. “Octavia,” she chided. “Stop teasing poor Francis, we’re all excited about this. Why, we should all have fun! Let me tell you about the first competition I was in, darling, it was about ten years ago in Manehattan...”

Sapphire Shore’s story had the desired effect of breaking the tension Octavia had felt. Even as they crossed into the Everfree itself and the open fields gave way to trees, the mood remained positive. Octavia kept glancing outside, no longer afraid, and tried to see if she could recognize any of the exotic flora and fauna outside of the window.

For all its weirdness and reputation, the Everfree seemed as calm as a walk in the park… if the park caretakers had allowed the underbrush to grow unchecked and uncontrolled. The forest’s canopy was thick enough that snow had not reached the ground other than in small patches, pooling oddly on vines and atop bushes. The trees themselves were thick and gnarled, with many crevices where small creatures would run into, either startled by or curious of the caravan trespassing into their territories.

Among the branches, owls and ravens gazed down on the chariots, their eyes mysterious and judgmental.

Octavia looked down, gazing amongst the brambles and colorful plants, and for a moment she could have sworn she saw a large, feline of some sort, like a lion, watching impassive and oddly calm as the group continued on their way to the center of its domain.

When the moonlight illuminated the forest around them, Octavia strained to look out the window, gazing at the moon’s fullness and warm light.

“Do you think Luna still tries to rise the moon every night?” Francis asked, gazing up at the orb as well.

Sapphire Shores shook her head sadly. “I imagine she does, if she is aware at all of what’s happening,” she said, looking up from her own window. “She was unable to do so for so long, Rarity said it brought Luna incredible joy to be able to do so again. It must be tearing Princess Celestia apart to have to do it yet again.”

As if the mention of the two sister’s names had somehow summoned them, the distant sound of wolves howling reached the pony's ears, tearing their eyes down from the moon to look anxiously at the forest around them.

“There!” Francis shouted, pointing a hoof at something in the underbrush.

Octavia narrowed her eyes, trying to see what he had seen, and then almost jumped back in her seat when she saw large, canine-like shadows running alongside the chariots, their forms distorted and difficult to see in the gloom between the trees.

“Do you think they’re going to attack?” Sapphire Shores asked, the first hint of anxiousness tinting her voice.

“O-of course not!” Francis assured her, although it seemed to Octavia that he was trying to convince himself as well. “We’re too large a group, they wouldn’t attack us.”

The howling continued around them, and Octavia could only imagine how the guards, who were trudging outside the chariots, or the stallions pulling them, felt about their unexpected stalkers. The caravan, however, did not move any faster, indicating that either the guide was not afraid at all, or they guards felt they had everything under control.

The howling continued while the shadows followed their every move, eyes glowing amongst the darkness as they watched the group, before dashing alongside them once more, and although the threat of an attack seemed distant now, all of them stayed quiet, keeping an eye outside, trying to guess the intent behind those unusually smart eyes that would lock onto theirs from time to time.

It almost seemed to Octavia that she had not drawn breath at all when the caravan eventually made it out of the forest into a large valley. The wolves did not follow the chariots out, and their howling became distant once more as the wheels clanked again, when they moved from packed earth to wooden beams.

The view was impressive, if unnerving once again. The chariot was riding on top of a bridge spanning over a long and wide precipice. Even with the moon shining bright above them, she could not see the bottom of it, due to a thick, swirling fog obscuring it.

Octavia felt her imagination take over, and she could almost see a large form moving about in the mist, parting it and creating more swirls. She could have sworn, that for just a second, she had seen countless eyes staring at her from the cloudy bottom, yellow and red and hungry. But the moment passed when she blinked, and the eyes were gone once more.

The bridge gave way to a stone path, but instead of keeping the pace, the caravan slowed down and broke formation. The chariots moved around a large fountain, stopping at the entrance to a great garden, which opened up to where the Castle of the Two Sisters waited.

The moon’s light fell on the castle like silver rain, highlighting its tall spires and maze-like gardens. White and red roses grew around the fountain they had stopped at in full bloom, just in front of the main entrance, and Octavia took a moment to take it in… it was shaped like an alicorn—with the sun and moon orbiting it eternally—and cascaded crystal-like water that reflected the silver light, making any splash and mist formed by the water into glittering stars between the alicorn and heavenly orbs.

Their trip through the forest was almost forgotten as all ponies stepped out of the chariots and stared in wonder at the ancient castle and its grounds.

“It’s in far better condition than I had thought,” Prince Blueblood spoke softly, although in the calm night all of them were able to hear his words. “I had thought it mostly destroyed… the reports I read said that what remained was little more than a skeleton of its former glory.”

Vinyl grinned. “Well, it seems they were wrong! This is awesome!”

Blueblood frowned, but simply nodded.

More and more of the ponies started talking. A series of giggles accompanied some outburst from Sapphire Shore’s entourage, while Blueblood’s band had gathered together in a huddle and were taking a group picture.

“It certainly is something,” Francis said stepping up to Octavia, but focusing on the castle itself. “I wonder when they had time to renovate it?”

Octavia shook her head with a small smile. “I have no idea, but they did a splendid job.” Her eyes drifted around the ponies until they settled on Trixie, who was looking up at the castle with an inscrutable expression on her face. As if suddenly aware that she was being watched, she turned and looked at Octavia straight in the eyes.

Octavia shifted, and looked away, almost ashamed to feel so unnerved by the other mare’s gaze. But there was something in Trixie’s eyes beyond the wariness she had gotten used to ever since she had met her. There was a slight hollowness and even a hint of fear.

The wolves and creatures of the forest, almost forgotten, returned to her mind immediately and she looked over her shoulder at the forest behind them. There was no sign of the creatures in the small clearing before the bridge. Nothing moved or looked back at her, and the forest seemed to have descended into a sleepy calm while mist slowly rose and rolled from within the forest into the valley beyond the bridge.

Octavia let out a sigh of relief, turning back to the castle in time to see the double doors open, bathing the front yard in warm, golden light.

"Welcome all," a voice called out into the crisp air. "To the Castle of the Two Sisters."

Octavia and the others turned to face the pony that had spoken. She was a tall, slim unicorn with a snow-white coat that seemed to almost glow a faded blue in the moonlight. Her mane was braided into a complicated pattern of white and cyan which curled around her head and ended up in a stylized flower, in contrast with her tail which while remaining untouched, seemed to exude a certain class to it.

It was perhaps the way she carried herself in that deep red, fluffy cape with an intricate silver clasp right under her neck, which was identical in design to her cutie mark: a complicated six-pointed ice-crystal.

"My name is Winter Charm," she said, smiling gently at all of them. "And I will be your host for the duration of the Magna Anima Nocte."

"My Lady Charm," Blueblood stepped forward, bowing back slightly when she did for him. "How comes the Castle of the Two Sisters to be in such a good condition? It was my impression that after the battle between aunt- Princess Celestia and Nightmare Moon it had been wrecked into a shell of its former self."

"My lord," Winter Charm said. "While some of it was damaged, and the town around decimated, a few of us have over the centuries revitalized it and kept its spirit strong... this..." She moved her hoof to encompass the whole area, "...is the result of centuries of planning and effort."

"It's amazing!" Vinyl Scratch trotted over to the pair, a wide grin on her face. "Fantastic! I had no clue how great this was going to be!"

Blueblood looked slightly annoyed at Vinyl, but simply rolled his eyes.

"Now," Winter Charm said, still smiling. "If you would please follow the servants, you will be led to your rooms. Once you are ready and settled, please meet me in the Great Hall, I shall personally give you a tour of the castle."

Octavia was suddenly aware of a tall stallion in a dress suit and mask standing next to her and gasped in surprise taking several steps back. Many of the others exclaimed in surprise when they noticed other servants standing at attention in their midst.

"I-I'm sorry, sir," she stammered. "I didn't hear you approach."

The servant simply tilted his head, and with practiced efficiency took over her saddlebags, dresses, and cello, which he levitated carefully off the chariot. He took two steps forward, then looked back at her, waiting.

Octavia looked around, seeing the same treatment being given to everypony else... except for Trixie. She had waved away the servant and was making her way with her stage wagon into the courtyard.

Another servant was leading the guards in another direction while the empty chariots were being towed away in the same direction Trixie had gone.

With little else to do, she followed the servant into the Castle of the Two Sisters.

The anteroom was breathtaking, consisting for the most part of a wide, magnificent, ivory-white staircase made of marble with dark wood and inlaid gold hoofrails that split the room into two levels, with stairs leading to a lower level visible on both sides of the main staircase. It was illuminated by thousands of candles, hanging from chandeliers or being held aloft by pegasi statues, encasing the whole place a golden shine.

Octavia could barely keep her mouth from hanging open in awe, barely registering the gasps from the other guests. Slowly, she followed her guide up the stairs and to the left, walking into a long hall with deep purple rugs and banners representing the moon as decoration in between busts of ponies of all races.

A few she thought she recognized, like Queen Platinum or some distant relation of Prince Blueblood, but for the most part, the faces staring placidly and silently into the hall were completely unknown to her.

Eventually, after passing only a few doors and almost reaching the end of the corridor, where she could see the curved contour of one of the towers, the stallion stopped, pushing open a heavy wooden door and stepping aside, allowing Octavia to walk into her room.

It was bigger than her apartment.

A large desk made of some sort of dark wood, possibly rosewood, occupied the southwest corner, its top wide and already stacked with several sheets of paper, a few inkwells and quills for writing.

A huge bed rested centered against the northern wall, taking most of the space there between the ornate headpiece depicting two phoenixes, one silver one gold, flying around a moon made of either marble or real ivory. The bedposts curled up towards the ceiling, ending in four claws similar to those of a bird of prey, and were inlaid in gold and silver, while the base of the bed was also decorated with two gigantic wings, the tips of the feathers meeting in the middle.

It had more cushions than she had seen in a store, all wrapped in velvety materials. Two nightstands similarly decorated in the dual look of silver and gold book-ended the sides of the bed.

Across from the door was a large cabinet, filled with bottles of all colors and sizes, and four large, cushioned sofas, settled around a long coffee table, and close enough to the already-lit hearth to provide comfortable warmth, yet not too close to prove too much. The hearth itself was big enough for a pony to fit inside if they had wanted to. It had a black iron curtain separating it from the rest of the room, and to the side, on a stylish iron base, several split logs were piled for easy access as well as tools to stroke the fire.

The wall had several tall windows framed with thick dark purple curtains, tied back by silk-like silver rope, granted an amazing view of the castle grounds, the forest, and a small source of light in the distance—like a single candle, flickering in the darkness—which could only be Ponyville.

She watched in silence, her mind still working on the details of the room, from the exquisite paintings on the southern and eastern walls, to the fact that she had her own bathroom which, at a glance, was big enough to serve as a regular bedroom, while the servant gently placed her cello case against the wall next to the desk, her saddlebags on top of the chair and then stepped into another room, or what she assumed was a walk-in closet, with her dresses flowing behind him. After a moment, he stepped towards the entrance, bowed, and left without a word, closed the door behind him.

Octavia stood quietly in the middle of the room, trying to make sense of things before she simply sat down there on the floor, her mind overwhelmed.

It had taken her some time to shake herself out of her stupor. This amount of luxury, as excessive and mind-boggling as it was, would be something she would have to get used to while the competition lasted.

For now, she had to make herself presentable. Forcing herself up, Octavia walked into the bathroom... and what a bathroom it was. She had plenty of space to walk from the entrance to the bathtub and shower, and several cabinets stuffed with fluffy towels were waiting invitingly for her.

But that would have to wait. Brushing her mane, she quickly made herself presentable before rushing out of the room and down the hall. At the other end, she could make out another pony emerging from their room and start walking in her direction.

"Octavia!" Vinyl Scratch called. "Did you see the rooms? Isn't that amazing?"

Octavia grinned a little shakily, glad that Vinyl was the first pony she encountered. Blueblood or Sapphire Shores would be used to these kinds of accommodations, after all, and she didn't want to embarrass herself by acting awestruck and completely out of her depth.

"Yes, they're quite something," she agreed.

"I know, right? I could barely fit my clothes in the closet," Vinyl sighed, pouting. "And no swimming pool in the bathroom? What were they thinking? At least the bed is big enough as long as I don't roll around too much."

Octavia had gone quiet and was watching Vinyl as if she had grown another head.

"Octavia?" Vinyl asked. "Octavia, are you okay?"


Vinyl grinned, patting Octavia's back nervously. "H-hey, filly, chill. I was joking! Seriously, I don't need a pool!"

Octavia glared at Vinyl Scratch.

"Eheh," Vinyl shrugged impishly. "I don't know what to say, Octavia, the room is huge."

Octavia let out a sigh and nodded, before motioning towards the stairs with her head. "I was wondering for a moment there. How can you be so comfortable? The rooms are... immense! The amount of bits that went just into my room alone is almost obscene," she whispered as they started taking each step down. "There's more room in there than in my whole apartment!"

Vinyl nodded sagely. "Yes, yes, you are impressed by the room, but Octavia, this is a small thing to worry about, think of where we are, and what we're taking part of!"

An event to take place once every five hundred years. Not held for over a thousand. In honor of the Night. In honor of Princess Luna.

Octavia took a deep breath and nodded. Her part in this was much bigger and worth more than anything in that room. If she could deal with that, she could deal with having such extravagant accommodations.

The pair made their way down the main staircase, and one of the servants, still wearing that simple, white mask, motioned down one of the side staircases, which they followed in glittering candlelight taking one stair at a time.

Finally, they reached the bottom of the side-staircase, which opened up into a long hall that extended either way, but their attention was drawn to a relatively short distance ahead, where wooden doors, carved to look like roses and thorns, had been opened wide to reveal a banquet hall, where several guests were already seated.

The room was massive, even being underground, the ceiling was high enough to be comfortable, and it extended into a large square with granite pillars every few meters. The room was lit by several large crystal chandeliers, shining with silvery-white light, not unlike that of a full moon. There were decorations of all sorts along the walls: full sets of armor, painting depicting ancient cities, the stars, the moon, winter in the forest... almost hidden in the far east corner was a set of small doors that swung in and out as servant after servant paraded out with a new platter of food, or in to get more.

The thick, carved wooden table was already full of delicacies from all corners of Equestria: breads of all shapes and sizes, vibrantly multi-colored fruits and vegetables, bowls of different soups, cheeses and wines of all types extended from one end to the other in the middle of the whole table, interrupted only by the occasional candelabra casting light.

"Hey, there's Blueblood and Sapphire Shores," Vinyl whispered, her voice carrying a trace of awe despite her obvious attempt to seem nonchalant about what she was seeing. "Let's go sit with them."

Octavia nodded, feeling the soft carpet sink under her hooves slightly with each step. It was strange, just how aware of all her surroundings was, she supposed, but she had never seen something quite like it. Even Canterlot Castle seemed less... voluptuous.

A servant levitated a chair back, allowing Octavia to lean onto the comfortable, velvety cushion before she was helped in. Upon inspection, Octavia noticed that each seating place already had a set of exquisite porcelain plates with the edges decorated with a deep blue color—resembling passing comets and stars in an almost abstract way, created by continuous lines and empty spaces rather than directly drawing each item—assigned.

The silk napkin was tied in place with a silver pin, and the silverware was the purest white metallic luster she had ever encountered, each piece set with an engraved snowflake symbol, no doubt in reference to their host, the mysterious Winter Charm.

"Welcome, darlings!" Sapphire Shores said excitedly as more and more guests took their seats, including a flustered Francis, who sat down next to her. "Don't you simply adore the accommodations? And this banquet hall!"

Prince Blueblood snorted. "The accommodations were... acceptable," he declared, looking around with a decidedly calculating look. "And the castle is decorated well enough, I do wonder where they found the resources for it."

"And that," a new voice said, bringing everypony's attention to the head of the table, where Winter Charm stood, smiling pleasantly at all of them. "...is a very good question, my lord!"

Her eyes swept around the room, taking in the seated guests. "And I will answer it tonight, as it has always been my intention," she added. "But first, allow me to greet you once more to the Castle of the Two Sisters." She bowed at all of them. "Tonight is the first night that will change the rest of your lives," she said. "This is indeed a moment to be treasured as if it were your last, for this competition will not happen again within your lifetime! With the return of Princess Luna to Equestria, our... desire as denizens, lords, ladies and keepers of the castle and grounds grew and fed our imaginations to bring one of the greatest musical celebrations back to life as well!"

Her eyes were intense with the passion of their endeavor, holding each pony they locked with in place, as her velvet voice rose up again. "Awakened and with an objective, we funded this restoration through the riches of our old houses. Treasures buried in time and forgotten by the outside world were recovered, raised to build and bring back the former glory of the Lands of the Everfree and uplift the castle to its beauty of yore."

"These lands were also part of the Blueblood line," Prince Blueblood spoke up.

"Indeed, your grace," Winter Charm nodded. "But when the land split and the world was shrouded in darkness a thousand years ago, the Blueblood line was one of the few lucky enough to leave in time, carrying most of its riches, leaving only servants and land behind at the mercy of the Nightmare."

Blueblood half rose from his seat, eyes narrowed. "If you're implying we ran away like cowards..."

"Peace, my Lord," Winter Charm said calmly. "There was no implication intended... it was a horrific time for all, and we have carried the memories through the generations until we finally were able to bring what you all see around you back."

Winter Charm smiled as Blueblood slowly sit back. "And while I would love to tell you that the whole of the castle is in such pristine condition, I must warn you all that construction is still in place in the northwestern part of the castle and as such it is... currently unavailable for access. The rest of the premises are at your disposal, however."

Besides her, Octavia heard Blueblood grumble, but her attention remained on Winter Charm, who was taking a deep breath and had closed her eyes.

"The Magna Anima Nocte..." she began, once more claiming the attention at the table, "Was traditionally a month-long competition with guests from all over the world participating... however, with the decline of music in the last thousand years, we were able to gather only those you see here tonight, those few passionate and creative enough in their art to be able to claim a chance at this event."

She met Octavia's eyes for a moment, before her attention went to the other side to settle on Sapphire Shores and then on to others. "Thus, we will not take as long... the Magna Anima Nocte will be decided within six nights, including this one. Tomorrow, the open castle grounds are yours to do as you please. Servants will take care of all your needs. We have large rooms ready for you to practice if you so desire, or perhaps a stroll through our gardens is more to your liking... and tomorrow night, the first round will take place."

"And who, pray tell will be judging this competition?" Blueblood asked again. "While I have no doubt that you are well-educated in the arts, Lady Charm, I hope you have a more experienced selection of ponies qualified to pass judgment on our performances.

"The judge panel is comprised of ponies of extensive musical knowledge, masters of their art, and brought here from universities and opera houses, composers and teachers all them just as eager to find a champion for this millennial tradition as all of you are to participate in it," Winter Charm replied. "As is customary, they will not be mingling with the participants to ensure there are no unfortunate instances of... mixed intentions."

After a moment of silence, Winter Charm spoke up again. "And now, before the hour becomes too late, let us have dinner, please, help yourselves to as much as you want." She nodded to a small quartet of masked musicians that had filtered into the room unnoticed to begin playing. The music felt old, but it was relaxing and soon the ponies at the table were all talking animatedly to each other or filling up their plates with the enormous selection of food.

They all shared drinks and food, eating to their heart's content—Octavia hadn't realized just how hungry she was—before settling back into a more comfortable and relaxed atmosphere, sipping wine rather than filling their bellies.

"What do you think, Octavia?" Vinyl Scratch asked without preamble the moment she had finished the last fruit on her plate.

Despite herself, Octavia couldn't help but laugh. "About what exactly, Vinyl? The food? The castle? Our rooms? Winter Charm? The music? The competition?"

Vinyl grinned and sheepishly looked down. "The competition, I mean," she said after a moment. "I admit I am kinda nervous. With all of the talk of university professors and opera directors and composers it makes me wonder what a pony like myself has to offer... my music is nothing like classical, and it seems like this whole thing is still aimed at a traditional form rather than the newer expressions."

Blueblood snorted, leaning down just enough to look past Octavia at Vinyl Scratch. "Indeed. I do have to wonder what such a mare as yourself is doing here, with that noise you call music polluting this castle an—"

Octavia was forced to lean back as far as she could when Vinyl Scratch reached in front of her and—to her horror—interrupted Blueblood by batting him on the horn.

"Oh, hush you!" Vinyl giggled. "This is lady talk, Blues. You should engage in conversation with your ilk, like Francis over there. He's a guy too. Talk hoofball or something."

"H-hoofball!" Blueblood paled, rubbing his horn in annoyance. "I would never lower myself to enjoy the base entertainments of the plebeians!"

"Don't make me come over there and smack your horn again!" Vinyl threatened. "Shoo. Go talk to somepony else, Octavia and I are talking."

To Octavia's surprise, Blueblood did turn away and rather obviously forced a smile as he began talking to one of his bandmates.

"How do you do that?" she hissed.

"Do what?" Vinyl asked, eyebrow raised behind her sunglasses.

"Just... treat him like that!" Octavia muttered. "He's royalty!"

Vinyl grinned. "Are you sure that's all there is to it? Maybe you have a crush on our prince?"

Octavia felt herself flush and she looked over her shoulder at Blueblood before her gaze went to the front of the table before going back to Vinyl. "N-no!" she whispered. "I mean, he's certainly attractive and finding out he has had a classic musical education is certainly a plus but I'm definitely not—"

Vinyl chuckled, "Calm down, Octavia, I'm just joking."

Octavia shook her head. "You-I can't believe..." She took a deep breath and pouted. "None of my friends ever teased me like that!"

Vinyl grinned. "That's because they're boring or too busy cleaning their instruments."

Octavia rolled her eyes but smiled. She looked at the head of the table, where Winter Charm sat. "I do wonder," she finally said. "How we will all fare in this competition?" She turned to look at Francis, who was somewhat more comfortable in talking to Sapphire Shores, and over to Blueblood who was—against all odds—smiling a little at whatever Guitar Slash had just told him, and back to Vinyl. "We're all forming new friendships, but something like the Magna Anima Nocte is a very big deal to win, or lose. How will this affect that?"

Vinyl shrugged. "True friendships shouldn't be destroyed by winning or losing a competition."

Somehow her words warmed Octavia, and she would have replied in kind when Winter Charm spoke up again.

"My friends and honored guests," she said standing up. "The hour is late and we have a long day ahead of us to prepare for the first night celebrating music. If you would like to retire for the night, the servants have already made sure your rooms are warm and ready for you, and of course the rooms are ready to have visitors for more intimate conversations than a banquet table would allow."

"Well, that's a dismissal if I have heard any," Vinyl grinned. "Your room or mine, filly?"

Octavia pondered. "Yours, but I can't stay in too late, I must attempt to work on my newest piece. Perhaps some tea and snacks while we talk music?"

"It sounds divine, darling!" Sapphire Shores said, dragging Francis with her. "Do show us the way!"

Vinyl chuckled. "The more the merrier, I always say!" She looked over the others. "Hey, Blue, you want to join us?"

Blueblood raised an eyebrow, but shook his head. "I'm afraid that while I appreciate the invitation to 'hang out', I must decline." He looked at his band. "We need to discuss practice for tomorrow, after all and I must look into my history books."

With a bow, Blueblood headed out, followed by Guitar Slash and his other band members.

Sapphire Shores blinked. "Well, it seems I completely underestimated our dear prince. I didn't think he had it in him."

Vinyl however was frowning. "He doesn't." She shook her head and the smile was back in place. "In any case! We have an after-party to attend!"

She trotted off, Sapphire Shores and Francis following, but Octavia stopped at the doors, suddenly remembering something. Her eyes scanned the room, sure that other than Blueblood and his band, nopony else had left before her own little group. But she hadn't been mistaken.

'I wonder where Trixie was all night?'

Comments ( 20 )

Calling it: Vamp ponies & Trixie = Helsing

This is indeed a moment to be treasured as if it were your last,

That's totally not ominous at all. Nope. No implications or double meanings here.:trollestia:

Octavia x Blueblood = new OTP

I'm looking forward to seeing what happens, but have a question: will you put links to what songs each performer will be using, or do you have something else in mind?


only happen once every hundred years.

You said before every 500 years, so...

Lets go seat with them.

Think you mean sit.

Otherwise this is already looking like a great story, keep it up!

Wanderer D

5854941 got them, thanks!
5854682 It depends, since not all the melodies they will play actually exist!

Excellent chapter. Blueblood makes me laugh every time I read his dialogue, and Winter Charm is delightfully mysterious. Keep up the great work, D!

Well you sure know how to build atmosphere

Well this will certainly become interesting as it progresses.
Enjoy this night as if it was your last? Totally not ominous.
Can't wait for more :twilightsmile:

Gotta agree with Slip, Blueblood (and Vinyl) steal the show, hilarious characters. So grumpy and so irresponsible.

Totally loving the story so far. Enough hints to tug at the edges of our curiosity, but not enough to cement anything into certainty. Your characters are well defined and interesting, and Trixie of all ponies having the inside track? Delightfully unexpected. She's given them enough warnings, so it's on their own heads going forward.
Can hardly wait to see what you have in store. :pinkiehappy:

I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop and for things to get freaky.

Hmmm...either Winter Charm is indeed Trixie (maybe. JUUUUUST maybe) or Trixie's a mere red herring. Either way, I can't wait for the next chapter! :pinkiehappy:

And the plot thickens. I love how you keep everything grandeur and at the same time mysterious. Interesting role you have given Trixie. Though I doubt she really is the correct persona to use for cannon wise. I think Zecora might have been a better choice for being so Mysterious. But then again not much is known about the real Trixie. We only have seen mostly her stage persona "The great and Powerful Trixie." and Corrupted Alicorn Amulet Trixie. :applejackunsure:

But that kinda makes Trixie a blank slate if you look at her like that and she could indeed full fill the mysterious mare role. :twilightsmile:


I can just imagine Blueblood singing this little ditty with enough skill to drop the jaws of everyone in the room, just to mess with their expectations of him. Also hey, "no one is sleeping", perfectly themed. :D

Also, here's a piece i think would fit perfectly for Octavia to play at this festival of the night.

I picture her in a flowing black dress of velvet that seems to somehow capture and reflect the faint pinpricks of light from the stars, enraptured by the moment, giving herself utterly to the song, a single tear running down her cheek at its crescendo.

Just got to say, even if this is pre-The Best Night Ever Blueblood, he still seems like a pretty decent person. Wanderer D, I think you may have a tendency of writing him better than most other writers do.

You're killing me with the wait! Moar. :-)

Surprised you never actually got around to finish this it's one of the better octavia fics out there and like most of them uncompleted.

Aww poop, all caught up, now i have to wait for more. Good story so far!

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