• Member Since 13th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen Monday


I'm A Lay Back Brony Who loves The Show For What It Is And The Amazing Voice Acting,Story Line, And I Also Love Almost Everything About The Fandom I'm Also A Spilight,SpikeDash And FlutterSpike Fan


Spike was living a normal teenager life, but when Celestia has a vision of an old evil force returning to take over Equestria he must embark on a long journey of hard training to fight across Equestria to protect the ones he loves more than anything else.

All seems straight forward but all is not what it seems, Who is this shadow pony? How is spike being a dragon relate to all of this? And why is he blushing when he looks at Twilight?!

Okay....maybe things are more complicated than it seems.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 22 )

*Running and screaming excitedly* :yay: :yay: :yay: :moustache: :heart: :twilightblush:

I take it you enjoyed it? :yay: If so i am glad, and here is hoping being sleep deprived improves the quality of chapter 2.

I am also open to ideas for the story its self because while i have the main ideas and plans for the story it could always be added to and side plots do wonders for adding someone's idea

hopefully we'll get to see Spike being a hero?:pinkiehappy:
good story

Oh i can say for sure you will see Spike be a hero, but remember when people make their journey to becoming a hero they must decide whether to take the light or dark path, maybe Spike will be fighting his own inner demons to turn evil? Who knows, anything could happen. :duck: :twilightsmile: :moustache:

I'm not going to lie while I understand what your saying
my favorite type of hero is one who isn't afraid to be just as if not more viscous as their inner demons

I agree with what you're saying, if a hero isn't okay with acting vicious and maybe even down right evil at times they come off as too fairytale and seem to be rather one dimensional, Characters, especially heroes IMO should do whatever it takes to save the world or the ones they love, and that is most likely how i will write Spike in this story. Spike wants to defend and protect his friends they are basically family to him, and with Sombra coming back for revenge like how i planned in this story, it's clear spike will need to do dark maybe even unforgivable things just to save his friends and that's the price he is willing to pay.

And i think we all can agree that dragons are known to be very violent creatures and passing that up with this story really would just be a huge missed opportunity, i have even considered adding gore to this story just to have the freedom of being able to go into more detail about things in this story, however i feel like there are things that are stopping me from doing it like.

1: I most likely couldn't do a gory scene justice as i probably wouldn't be able to go into enough detail for people to see the picture i am trying to write.

2: I feel as if after a while the gore just becomes an almost toxic part of the story and i feel that often writers rely or lean on the gore so much nothing else is focused on, sure anyone can write a chapter about how x character tore x character to shreds but they don't think beyond that. Why did this character do that? what purpose does it serve? what emotion or reaction am i trying to provoke out of my readers by adding this gore? I feel like after a while my story would just be ruined by it.

Side note if i could just get an editor than i could put Chapter 2 up right now, if i can't get one soon then i will just upload it as is and take the hits for it. not that i would mind the criticism it's just that i have a Yu-gi-oh tournament tomorrow and i have already been up all night writing chapter 1 and 2 so i will need sleep at some point

PS sorry for the long reply i do ramble when i get to talking about my opinion on things like characters and stories, sorry!

And why is he blushing when he looks at Twilight?!

But... what about Rarity?

Damn Spike!:pinkiegasp: that was bucking awesome!:pinkiehappy:
I don't care if it was over kill, that beast messed with his friends and paid the price:pinkiecrazy:

Well currently spike isn't WITH Twilight but in a later chapter i will explore these feelings that spike is having and i will probably write it to where Spike will get the courage to confess fully to Rarity only to have her turn him down. Don't get me wrong i like Sparity just as much as the next guy, but Spilight has always been my favorite shipping, if anything i will maybe scrap the first idea and somehow turn it into a harem thing if that's truly what people want, maybe i will have Rarity turn Spike down only to grow feelings for him one day end with Spike being with both Twilight and Rarity. I guess it all depends what i want and what everyone else wants.

I'm glad you enjoyed it! :yay: i was worried while i was writing the scene with the beast because i felt like i really didn't know what to do when it came to a fight scene, if anything i was proud of how i wrote the ending of the fight because i sat there and thought of what i would think would be the best way to end this fight. overall as my first fight scene i think it was okay but i can always improve on it.

I'm loving this so far, but there are two things: 1. I thought Fluttershy could "tame" the wild beast like she did in the second episode, and 2. I think you meant to say "the manticore's screams of pain" (or "...agony") instead of "the screams of pleasing of the manticore"

I'm glad you are! And okay so 1: yeah she had tried to tame it but failed I should have like had fluttershy attempt to tame it and it clearly fail in the story but i didn't and that's something I need to learn to do. I need to have the characters act more like their character before I try anything else and I'm sorry i messed that up :( :/

2: yeah I meant to write pleading but it was a typo and amateur me let it slip through that's my bad, but even with using the word pleading you're probably right in saying agony or pain would have been better in the end anyways

yeah I think you did a great job on it, but I like anything with Spike showing off his draconic rage:pinkiecrazy:

First off that picture omg Crimson that picture omg (i don't know if you will get that reference and i probably messed it up.) Also yeah i feel like Spike has a lot of pent of anger from how he has been treated in the show (although he has been treated better recently even getting his only solo song which that makes me you know that happiest man) plus there is so much untapped dragon i want to say power? Energy? inside of him that basically will turn him into a badass, which ll of us Spike lovers are just dying to see!

yeah Spike was never the most well treated character in the show:applejackunsure:
which is one of the reasons why he's my favorite character:moustache:

I'm going to be ticked if the mane 6 are actually afraid of Spike?:ajbemused:
and really nopony at the hospital waiting for him? :facehoof:

Well would you expect for everypony to be okay with it just like that? They won't hate Spike but killing is a big deal in land in Equestria and the mane 6 have never experienced death like what Spike did before so it's more of like they have to figure out how they feel about the situation more than if they hate Spike or not.

Well they left him at the hospital and presumably stayed for a bit but again maybe they were still a bit afraid of him, i am sure they will come around at some point.

Though i do agree with you the mane 6 really should not be afraid of him HE SAVED FLUTTERSHY FOR CELESTIA SAKE! Spike should get his own parade!


why am i acting like that when i am the one who is writing the story, if i want a Spike parade THERE SHALL BE A SPIKE PARADE! I HAVE SPOKEN!

now you've got me curious: is he going to trained how to use his newly found powers, or is it going to be like the hulk? and is Ember going to be involved, or is this something she has no clue about... or is she not part of the story whatsoever?

Spike is going to train to learn how to fighy in combat by shinning and ember will teach him how to use his new found dragon powers.

Cant wait till the next chp

If you need an OC for this story, let me know via PM.

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