• Member Since 6th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen Sunday


Don't read my stuff if you have a weak stomach or are easily bothered by traumatic genitalia damage. That's seriously all I've got in here!

Comments ( 91 )


This can only end well.

I only read this for you.

Fuck Otaku.

but no actual sex. 

Can I have some non-alcoholic beer while you're at it?

Okay, I get it, but why though?

Majin Syeekoh

“So, you’re saying it’s a reptile disfunction?”

Goddamn you.


I need a picture made of this


Because it is Enigma's fetish. And I was trying to be nice....
...I am not very good at being nice.

I'm pretty sure she would demand that they have wifi as well. :trollestia:

Some people do abhorrent things,
Like tear off tiny finches' wings
And love the pain their torture brings,
But they don't write like Pencil.

Yes, I could be the cruelest man
Who ever said he's Pencil's fan,
And do what only monsters can,
But still not write like Pencil.

For it is skill far more than luck,
Ensuring stories never suck
And make us all say 'what the fuck?',
And that skill is all Pencil's.

I hope Enigma's happy you've debased yourself for him in this way. Still, this story was brilliant :rainbowlaugh:

And congrats on getting a job, Enigma. Hope it all goes well for you :heart:

This is funny. Strange, but funny.


Sure. And here's some sugar-free candy and fat-free cheese, too.

I... can't not upvote this amazing piece of work.

There was a show called the knick... There was an amazing scene with ether...

This is the breast.

If the otuka recommends this, it has to be good. Also the feedback is very positive.

Only thing holding me back is the gore tag, could anyone give me a heads up explaining just how much the story elaborates on that? Thanks in advance :twilightsmile:

It's one scene, I don't even say the word blood.

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST that was fast...

You study her for a moment, wondering what kind of poor pathetic sap that probably lives with his mom in some southern California slum would find this dragon sexy.

Excuse me, I don't live "with" her. This basement is legally mine. I got a deed from her and everything.


"So, you're saying it's a reptile disfunction?"

oh my gods i hate you so much

God, everyone hates that joke....
This makes me moist.

So, you're saying it's a reptile disfunction?"

I'm so done :rainbowlaugh:

1. Degrade yourself by putting breasts on an anthropomorphic dragon's chest that lactates lava and gems.
2. Commit suicide with ether.

Hmm, I wonder which is better.

Just reading the title I can know it's for Enigma

Before I read this, what is the Gore tag for ?
And how bad does it get ?

It is one brief scene. I don't go into any real detail. I do not even say the word "blood." Just trying to do my due diligence by adding the tag.

Ok, I can see a ton of puns that can be inferred. Time to get started!
I'm not sure this is the breast idea.
Scratch that, tits a terrible idea.
I'm still going to milk this for all it's worth
Poor Ember just wanted to change her identitty.
Anon had one hell of a responsibiltitty to her.
He screwed up and all he had to do was make silicon valley.
Ember definitely wasn't an A in this fic.
But, I guess everything just went tits up.
I guess he could have made it a lot simpler if he just gave her a D.
Ta-ta for now.

Well done.

Alright then, gonna give this a whirl

(After reading edit )

You know i had the intention to quote some parts i found particulary funny, but after reading through the whole thing that would require me copy the entire fucking story into this comment. If it wasnt for the fact that there are many sleeping people in my vacinity and that i just got done pulling another all nighter ( kinda grew into a habit this week...) i would be crying tears now. Seriously, this sh*t was weird, random, but ridiciously funny. Though that might just be because this perfectly caters towards my kinda screwed up sense of humor:rainbowwild:.

But in all seriousness, good work, delightful read.

Most ponies have two so… perhaps three? Or would that be overdoing it. No, I think three is about right.

No one ever wants the super boob.

You should read her other story: Father Of The Centar-y :trollestia:

That name sounds like a terrible pun.... which means i'm game. Gonna read that. And basing her talent off of this story, im gonna enjoy it too.

Then again, if you were to say so i'd probably upvote a story from evictus since you're currently my favourite writer on this page ( if you have any plans on continuing third roomate or countryside hideaway that is....)

Yep, i totally just abused another author's commentsection and flattery to ask for updates on those storys.

You heard the kid, Enigma. Do it. Do it you fuck.

I'm hoping to. Just have to adjust to my working schedule first.

By the way... what the fuck it this. Why did you do this.
I love it.

That is exactly what I thought when I first read this story, and so I decided that your good turn in creating it probably deserved another.

Do or do not there is no .... hoping. Also the do not part is not an option. Have fun writing:scootangel:


Also i just got done reading father of the centaury. This story wasnt just a fluke i see, love your writing style.:twilightsmile:

This is easily one of the weirdest things I've ever read.

Nice work.

Seriously, what the fuck did I just read?

but no actual sex

There's a severe lack of Ember doing the sex on the site and you take the most promising title and premise and do anything but bend her over?

You're the breast of the worst.

It happened, and we're all collectively a little more entertained because it did happen. That's the mark of a good story. :moustache:

I saw "dragon tits" than i saw gore I'm like :trollestia:

You smile warmly at her, in your best I-am-totally-not-eating-excess-horse-meat-from-my-surgeries kind of way.

sweet jesus

so death is a reasonable solution

"So, you're saying it's a reptile disfunction?"

God fucking damn it Pencil :rainbowlaugh: Hahahahaha.


Good show Pencil, hehehe

considering the impossibility of what she wants death is probably the inevitability regardless of the outcome.

"Just a little penis."

For what it's worth, I'm impressed you're not conked out, as much wine as this probably took to produce, AP.

So thanks for that.

What... Did I... Just read...

Umm... It was well written, sooo, have a Like?

You smile warmly at her, in your best I-am-totally-not-eating-excess-horse-meat-from-my-surgeries kind of way.

“Of course, please do sit down.”

You gesture towards the chair across your desk from you, not at all wondering what dragon meat tastes like. 

...you know what that's actually brilliant.

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