• Published 26th Jul 2017
  • 15,154 Views, 1,061 Comments

Little Glimpses - Skijarama

An unusual dream graces Twilight's mind on the same day that Princess Celestia returns to Canterlot with a new, adopted daughter named Rainbow Dash.

  • ...

Awaited Awakening

“Congratulations, Twilight. I knew you could do it.” Celestia said as she stepped forth from the void of mist and stars the surrounded Twilight. She felt relieved, seeing her teacher appear before her in this strange place.

“Princess!” She called out while cantering into a warm and comforting embrace from the alicorn. “I don’t understand… what did I do?”

“You’ve done something today that has never been done before. Something even a great unicorn like Starswirl the Bearded was not able to do. Because he did not understand friendship like you do.” Celestia explained while materializing one of Starswirl’s ancient spellbooks in the air, the one which Twilight had completed what felt like only minutes ago.

“The lessons you have learned in Ponyville have taught you well…” Celestia said while trotting past Twilight, a proud smile on her face. She glanced back at the young unicorn and flared her wings out. “You have proven that you are ready, Twilight.”

“Ready? Ready for what…?”

The vision shattered, and Twilight found her mind once more pivoting and racing to another place, another time, dragging her powerless awareness along for the ride. “What is happening?” She asked for what felt like the millionth time.

A swirl of lavender feathers assaulted her eyes before she was viewing an entirely new scene. A tower in Canterlot castle, one of the most luxurious ones available, if she remembered correctly.

“These are the first royal duties Princess Celestia has given me! I can’t afford letting her down!” Twilight said in the middle of a small panic attack, kneeling down so she was right up in Spike’s face.

“And I’m sure you won't.” Came the motherly response from her right. Twilight turned along with Spike to see Princess Celestia herself standing in the doorway, looking as regal and majestic as ever.

“Your highness!” Spike gasped in alarm before dropping into a bow, Twilight swiftly following.

“No need for that now, Princess Twilight.” Celestia reassured gently.

Again, the vision shattered, a sharp throb working it’s way through Twilight’s mind. If nothing else, she was able to remember what she was seeing now. For what had felt like weeks she had been trapped in a mindless loop of seeing flashes, confusion swallowing her when they faded, and then frustration as the memory of what she had seen vanished alongside the flash.

Another scene came to her mind, this time of a small, boring village with all of it’s buildings facing a central street in two equal bars.

The front door to the house at the head of the village swung open, with a snow-white earth pony stallion gesturing for the six mares to follow him in.

“Be ready to fight! We dunno what’s gonna come through that door!” Rainbow whispered to the orange earth pony beside her, who in turn seemed only slightly nervous. The door ahead of them slowly swung open, before that lilac unicorn, Starlight, stepped through with a welcoming smile on her face.


The vision shattered once more before instantly re-aligning to a moment just a few seconds later.

“Forgive my bluntness, but I’m assuming it’s Princess Twilight Sparkle?”

The vision shattered one last time, and Twilight knew no more.

Twilight groaned slightly as awareness gradually returned to her. She felt cold, tired and stiff, and her mind was incredibly foggy. Slowly, she managed to open her eyes, only to slam them shut immediately after. The light around her felt impossibly bright, burning her eyes the moment they took it in.

“Wha… Twilight?” A voice asked, muffled and distant, echoing in Twilight’s head and making it ache.

“Uuuugh…” she groaned before opening her eyes just a sliver. Gradually, her eyesight adjusted to the illumination, showing that she was in one of Canterlot Castle’s private hospital sections. She glanced down and spotted numerous ponies standing around her, all looking at her with hopeful looks on their faces. Her mother, father, Shining Armor and Rainbow Dash. “Wha… what happened…?” she mumbled, her mind still quite out of it.

Rainbow turned around and bolted away almost instantly. Only a second later she came rocketing back, dragging a now very confused stallion in a doctor’s coat with her. “She’s awake!” Rainbow was saying over and over.

Finally, the doctor pried the excited pegasus off of his coat and rolled his eyes before meeting Twilight’s gaze. He approached slowly. “Twilight Sparkle, can you hear me?”

“Yeah…” Twilight replied drowsily before trying to sit up a bit. She winced when she realized just how many things were connected to her. “Can somepony tell me what’s going on?”

Everypony winced slightly, save for Rainbow Dash, who was the one to ultimately break the news. “You’ve been in a coma for, like, two months, Twilight.”

“Wha… wait, WHAT?!” Twilight tried to shriek in a panic, now working to sit up extra hard. “My lessons! I’m so far behind, Celestia is-”

“Celestia is going to hug the living daylights out of you when she finds out you’re awake, you silly thing,” Rainbow interrupted gently, putting a hoof to Twilight’s mouth to shut her up. “Like we’re all gonna do the moment doc here unplugs you from all of this medical stuff.”

Once Rainbow retracted her hoof from Twilight’s mouth, there was a long moment of silence before Night Light, Velvet and Shining Armor all strode forward to gently wrap Twilight into a large group hug. The doctor let them have their moment for several long seconds before clearing his throat. “Ahem. If you want her unplugged, I need to get close to her to do it.” he said pointedly.

“Ah, right. Sorry.” Night Light stepped back with everypony else apologetically. The doctor smiled understandingly before setting to work. He did numerous mundane tests to ensure that Twilight had full mental and physical cohesion before gradually unplugging her from the machines.

“You’re body is going to be weaker than you’re used to, so take it slow and careful.” he advised once Twilight was finally free from the machines. She nodded slowly and inched her way out of the bed, already able to feel her muscles trying to give out on her. Velvet and Shining were there, thankfully, to make sure she made it to her hooves without a problem. Once she was standing, Rainbow made her approach once more.

Before anypony really knew what was happening, Twilight was once more wrapped up in an enormous group hug, just about everypony letting off some tears of joy and relief. Even Rainbow Dash, though she would forever deny it. The Doctor silently excused himself, leaving them to talk for the time being.

“Two months…” Twilight muttered a short time later, once the group hug broke apart. “What happened to do that?”

Rainbow sighed. “Remember that big flash we had in Cloudsdale?”

“Uh… yes?”

“That was what did it. I went out, too, though only for a few days according to Celestia,” Rainbow explained before smiling again. “You had us worried sick, Twilight.”

“Yeah,” Shining added in, leaning over to nuzzle his little sister affectionately. “We were starting to think you’d never wake up, little sis.”

Twilight returned the nuzzle gladly before looking around at the group surrounding her. She was remembering now the string of flashes she had had in rapid succession while she was out. All about her being…

“Twilight!” Came Princess Celestia’s voice as she alicorn rounded the divider, her expression one of hope and relief. Twilight looked up just in time for Celestia to slide to a stop before her, already lowered to be at her eye level. “He wasn’t kidding… you’re awake…”

Twilight nodded, looking into Celestia’s eyes for a moment.

You have proven you are ready…

Princess Twilight…

She looked away slightly, no longer able to meet Celestia’s gaze. “Yeah… I’m awake. I’m still confused, though. Rainbow said I was knocked out by that big flash in Cloudsdale, but they’ve never had an impact like that before.”

Celestia instantly noticed how Twilight couldn’t meet her gaze and lost her relieved smile to a look of concern. “...It’s a mystery to us all, I am afraid…” she said softly before rising to her full height. She then turned her gaze to Rainbow Dash, a deep-seeded look of unease and uncertainty lingering behind her eyes. Rainbow met her gaze and saw the look Celestia had.

For several moments, the room was quiet. Celestia sighed softly before taking a step back. “I… wish I could spend more time to catch up right now, my faithful student, but as it is, I fled from the throne room in the middle of court as soon as I heard you were awake. I can’t leave my subjects so abruptly like that, I hope you understand.”

“Yes, I understand,” Twilight nodded slightly, still not looking at the princess in the eye. “We’ll catch up later.”

Celestia looked between everypony present, gave a respectful bow of her head and then turned to vacate the area. Rainbow watched her go, her brow furrowing in thought. Gradually, Rainbow turned her gaze back to Twilight, who was now talking to her parents about things that had happened while she was out.

Without a word, Rainbow turned and cantered off to catch up with Celestia, leaving everypony present somewhat alarmed at her sudden disappearance when Shining turned to ask her a question, only to find that she was gone.

“You’re hiding things again.” Rainbow said simply when she was sure Celestia was in earshot. The alicorn came to a sudden stop before looking over her shoulder at Rainbow Dash.

“I beg your pardon?”

“Don’t give me that. I know when you’re hiding something. You’re a real chess master, but you always need time to think about how you want to play your next move,” Rainbow explained before coming to a stop directly in front of Celestia, looking her in the eye intensely. “You always try to excuse yourself from a situation if you don’t have your next move planned out. Like you tried to do in my room two months ago when I woke up.”

Celestia visibly wilted before looking away. “...It’s not like I want to hide things from the ponies I care about, Rainbow Dash.”

“Then stop hiding things from us!” Rainbow said in a raised voice, lifting into the air on her wings and positioning herself in front of Celestia’s face again. “You basically admitted that you’re keeping us in the dark. Why? Why can’t you trust us and let us in!?”

“Because it’s dangerous, Rainbow!” Celestia snapped back, her own voice rising somewhat in volume. “If too many ponies know, then everything will be at risk.”

“What are you hiding that could be that dangerous?!” Rainbow demanded, her forelegs being thrown wide open in agitation. “I find it hard to believe, frankly, that it’s as risky as you’re claiming it is! So spill it!”

“I CAN’T!” Celestia suddenly shouted, her volume suddenly magnifying to a point that the windows rattled from the vibrations. Rainbow instantly let herself drop to the ground and then took a few steps back. Celestia was hunched slightly, her wings spread wide and her eyes were snapped shut, like she was carrying an impossible weight on her shoulders. Finally, she took a deep breath and relaxed herself. “...The thousandth year.”

Rainbow tilted her head, confused. “Huh?”

“I will explain everything to you on the day of the thousandth year of the Summer Sun Celebration, no sooner and no later. Until then, I just can’t…”

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes slightly before a soft sigh escaped her, and she relented. “Okay… fine. I’m holding you to that.”

“...Thank you.” Celestia breathed out. Rainbow grimaced before inching forward until Celestia scooped her up into a loving embrace. “I’m sorry I yelled at you…”

“I get it. You’re under a lot of pressure by the looks of it,” Rainbow replied before leaning back to look her adoptive mother in the eyes. “Just don’t break your word here, okay? Thousandth year.”

Celestia nodded before hugging her daughter even tighter.

“Yes… the thousandth year…”

Author's Note:

And thus ends the

Unwaking Twilight Arc